

The group continued to move around and played numerous games, from target games to strength games to reaction time and so on.

They continued to go around when they suddenly saw a commotion. Curious, they went over and saw a crowd gathered around two people wearing VR headsets inside what looked like two cockpits for spaceships. There was also a screen that displayed what looked like two spaceships battling each other.

One was black while another was blue, and from the looks to things, the blue one was getting destroyed.

"Player 2 wins!" A voice came from the machine as the blue ship was pierced through by a beam from the black ship before exploding.

A large number of people in the crowd exclaimed in amazement as the two players removed their helmets.

One of them was a female cat girl with black hair, ears and tail while the other person was a shark person with fins on his body.
