

Lin's five days had come to an end. And throughout the remaining time, she was simply more and more surprised with the three.

Currently, Gideon and Victoria sat down cross legged and we're meditating, while Lisk was busy digesting its food. This would have been normal if not for the hundreds of thousands of tiny wind blades that constantly slashed at their bodies and blood spilled everywhere. Yet they seemed to be oblivious of their own situation.

In truth, they couldn't become numb to the pain as each time they were healed, they seemed to have their pain receptors renewed, so all the pain was fresh each time. But now, they had adjusted their mental states so they could ignore the pain without much issue.

The wind blades stopped their assault and this time, although they were still injured quite horribly, they weren't on the verge of death, in fact, they were able to move.

The green light covered their bodies and they were once again returned to their peak condition. Upon sensing this, the three of them quietly opened their eyes.

"Hey, how's it going." The familiar boisterous voice of Baal entered their ears and in the next moment, he appeared right next to Lin who had her usual aloof expression.

"I trust that they were up to your expectations?" Baal asked and Lin nodded, but she was screaming in her mind.

'Up to?!? They exceeded it by a large margin, had it not been for their initial actions then I would have said that they were perfect!' Her mind raged, but she didn't show it.

"That's great, well, let's get going you two, I see that you strength had already becoming stronger than what your suits could handle. Not that they exist anymore anyway." Baal said pointing at the duos naked bodies causing them to blush.

And so without much more talking, Gideon put Lisk back into his inventory before they were wrapped up by purple flames from Baal, and the next thing they knew, their world blurred.

While they travelled, Gideon brought out some clothes for himself and Victoria to wear before they began to refine their astral cores.

They both noticed that the surface of their astral cores which although spherical, were quite rough, like unpolished diamonds, but as they meditated more and more, they noticed that although slow, their surfaces became smoother. Moreover, the more they got refined, the greater their effect. They speculated that at some point, they would be able to have a near infinite amount of astral energy if they refined their cores to a certain degree.

"We're here." Baal's voice made them end their meditation and they were brought back to the familiar field with the large castle.

'Damn, so it's already been 25 days.' Gideon thought with some amazement as it felt just like yesterday when they arrived at this world.

"So, will we continue the usual training?" Victoria asked Wonder if they had suits that could even suppress Gideon's gold rank strength.

"No, as you probably noticed, your other training sessions had stages, this one is no different. Follow me." Baal said with an unreadable expression causing the siblings to look at one another before following the muscular demon.

They entered the huge castle, and anytime they passed by a servant or guard, they would bow deeply before going back to their duties.

Baal led them to an staircase that led to an underground chamber which had a quite a number of demons wearing white lab coats, they looked like scientists.

"Your majesty." The dozen demons all bowed upon seeing their king.

"Is the gravity chamber ready?" Baal asked while gesturing towards the large black cube in the center of the chamber.

"Yes you majesty." A demon which looked to be the leader answered respectfully and Baal nodded before turning towards the duo.

"You training will continue in the gravity chamber. As the name implies, you will train under very high gravity, moreover, the room will also suppress your strength to half. This time, you'll be improving your reflexes." Baal explained and the two siblings nodded before looking at the huge cube. Its surface was a metallic black and each side was 100 square meters, so it was very large.

The two siblings walked towards the cube and the moment they reached it, an opening big enough for the two of them appeared and they walked inside silently.

Surprisingly, the inside was pure white and there were a few hundred small orbs that line the walls and ceiling of the chamber. The duo in awe of this technology.

"Are you two ready?" Baal's voice sounded inside the chamber bringing them out of their stupor and they nodded.

"Great, begin." The moment Baal finished, the duo immediately felt their strength drain an in the next moment, they were at half power, and immediately after that, an overbearing weight slammed onto their bodies causing their backs to bend, with Victoria being worse off. The gravity was increased by 10 times.

It took them a few minutes, but they eventually got accustomed to the gravity and could somewhat move around normally.

And in the instant they adapted, two of the orbs glowed red and then two red beams shot towards Victoria and Gideon.

Gideon bent his back while Victoria sidestepped and the red beams hit the ground and disappeared. But before they could relax, two more red beams fired again and the siblings dodged once again.

Time passed and the intensity of the beams increased, and now the siblings were constantly dodging and moving around, and with their suppressed strength, they soon began to tire.

They were both slicked in sweat and their muscles started to ache. But it was also then that Teran's teachings rang in their minds.

Keep you energy consumption to the absolute minimum, do not expend more than you have to.

Upon recalling this, they immediately changed up the way they dodged and moved.

Now, they kept their movement to the bare minimum and only moved just enough so that the beams didn't hit them, causing the beams to miss by a hair's breadth. They also didn't run around as much and only moved when multiple beams headed towards them. And by relying on their instincts, they began to last much longer than they would've had they continued to dodge the previous way they had.

But despite this, the beams fired more and more, and there was no particular pattern either making it impossible to predict where the next beam would hit, and eventually, they reached their breaking points.


The two of them were struck at the same time. Gideon on the arm and Victoria on the back. But immediately after, the beams stopped firing.

Gideon got on on knee while Victoria sat on the floor as they panted heavily.

"You two did great." Baal's voice filled with praise sounded and the restriction and gravity receded causing the duo's strength to return, but they were still fatigued mentally.

The door opened and Baal walked inside and unceremoniously carried the two over his shoulders even though they could walk.

"You two managed to last for such a long time despite doing this for the first time. You guys lasted exact 1 hour. I guess Teran's training was effective." Baal commented as he carried the two to their rooms.

"If you guys keep improving like this, then you'll probably be stronger than us before the 8 years are even up." Baal muttered and chuckled to himself.

"Truly a pair of little monsters.
