
Chapter 23

"You sure you'd be fine with Jayden?" Lauren asked her Dad while they are walking to the front door of her penthouse. Dowon was in his hand and he chuckled

"Of course Sweetie, Leslie will be here in twenty minutes" Lauren hummed

"Okay if you say so. I should be going. Bye buddy, Dada and I will see you later alright?" She kissed his son's head and Dowon's cheek. She got down from the elevator and William was instantly there waiting for her.

"Mrs. Kim! It's finally so nice to see you" Yang said kissing Lauren on the cheeks while the CEO smiled "Finally, after two years! So, you came here to see your wife and I guess check out the new models?"

"Yes, it's been two years. I'm gonna see my wife first and we'll check out the models and I'll talk to you later. May I know where Jihye is?" The CEO inquired looking around the building and smiling at all the staff and employees.

"She's in the recording studio, It's on the twelve floors" Lauren thanked the Man and she bowed for respect as she left. The elevator ding meaning she reached the floor. She walk a bit and she instantly saw Megan coming inside the recording room.

"Megan" The Aussie accent instantly looked in her direction and she grinned "Lauren!" The Blonde ran to her and instantly hugged her "You here to see Jihye?"

"I do, where is she?" Laurene grinned

"Come, I'll take you to her. She's currently with Yujin and Ara in the recording studio. They are dancing" Lauren hummed and Megan open the window from the recording studio. Lauren instantly saw her wife writing lyrics, her back was facing her and she instantly felt eyes were on her.

The tall girl...Ara. Ara was just looking at her probably mesmerized by her outfit today and her face of course. She was wearing a Celine business outfit and her heels that wereebboughther lovely wife. Lauren waved to her and the Thai girl smiled wildly, her heart is skipping a beat.

Lauren instantly hugs Jihye from behind. The dancer jumped in her seat but instantly relaxed when she familiarized the scent and touch "Honey, you're already here" The dancer said kissing the top of her head. It wasn't enough for Lauren so she kissed her wife on the lips. Jihye smiled at the kiss and gestured for herr to sit on her lap.

"Yeah, I am. You busy?" The CEO asked unzipping and zipping her wife's jacket and brushing her fingertips to her body.

"Not at all, you're here. I also just finished writing and doing my part. Where's Jayden?" Jihye heard a click of a camera and she instantly saw Yujin taking a picture of them and Megan was grinning from ear to ear while Ara is trying to focus on writing.

"Jayden is with Dad and Mommy. I was supposed to bring him in here but paparazzi might arrive when we get out of the company"

"That's fine. We'll have dinner later" Lauren smiled and peck her wife as Jihye hugged her tightly.

"You guys are disgustingly cute," Yujin said while Lauren was laughing with Megan and Jihye. Ara was just smiling at them but she was dying inside.

"I told you to hit on that girl already in the coffee shop, you weren't listening and you're seriously shying around" Megan muttered while they look at the married couple listening, Jihye was brushing her wife's side and kissing her neck.

"Who wouldn't be shying around she was obliged than me" Yujin rolled her eyes

"But you like younger girls better, you tried to flirt with a college student last year and, you guys dated for six months" Jihye smirked

"Oh, Jeez. Don't remind me what happened back there. It was toast nighnightmaree dancers laugh while Lauren was left confused "But you know honestly speaking I feel envious to the three of you, Jihye has a perfect wife and a son, Megan has Suzy, Ara has her ideal wife, and baby. And here I am just standing without someone to hold on to" Yujin was pretending to be hurt so they were just laughing at her.

"Why don't you try to date my secretary in finance the cial building. She's a Korean and she's three years younger than you if you don't mind" Lauren said while Jihye was agreeing

"Really? What's with her?" Yujin asked in amuse

"Uh, she's the height of" Lauren was looking around "well, she's 152.4 centimeters like my sister Daeun but her body is something else and she has a beautiful face. A lot of workers are trying to hit on her but she told me she was into girls and she wanted an older one" Lauren requested drinking Jihye's coffee "and plans a hardworking girl. She mentioned to me that all her family members were successful"

Yujin's eyes lit up "What's her name?"

"Well, I think it's better if we set you both a date. How's that sound?" Jihye said and Lauren lean into her burying her face in her wife's chest leaving soft kisses. The girls are uy weren't disgusted by it and they found it cute but except for one girl that she was really mad and jealous about it.

"Why?" The Blonde girl rolled her eyes

"To get to know you better of course duh. It's better if you already met her personally than chat online. We'll be right by your side. A lot of blinks are waiting for you to have a lover already and they are e male and female dancers but I think it's a bet you should have one who's not an idol" Yujin furrowed her brows

"Why is that?" Her gaze fell on Ara who's currently looking at the married couple whispering sweet nothings to each other and giving each other a peck while she was also looking at Jihye's hands rubbing her wife's thighs and giggling their face inch closer. She knew Ara too well, she knew something was wrong and that look is building up jealousy and something that she likes and wanted to get it.

"Well, you want a relationship to be in private because you don't want someone will interrupt you both and both your faces in the media. A non-celebrity person may be maybe ill be secretive since Dispatch wouldn't know where you were going home to or think that you have someone else cause you have a bunch of reasons reason reasons likes your new house and the fans will believe you. Once you date an idol person well too sad your life wouldn't be private at all" Megan uttered while eating some sandwich

"Make sense" Yujin looked at the married couple and they were smiling at her "When is the date?" She grinned while Lauren and Jihye shake their heads.

"Jihye and I will be in the company later, I'll mention it to her. Then if she says yes, I say update you and you also need to think where to take her" Lauren winked while Yujin nodded agreeing. The dancer asked more about the girl since she was very curious, they also talk about the song and the models that they encountered in the building. The lovey-dovey was still there. Megan realized that Ara was so quiet and she was looking at the married couple differently.

Ara, on the other hand, was already gripping her pen whenever she sees her member leaving wet kisses and hickeys on the CEO's neck, her fist is turning white whenever they kiss for one or two minutes and Lauren was enjoying it. She wanted to rush to her and tell her to stop because her jealousy was building up already but she can't and she has no rights because Lauren was deeply in love with Jihye but she couldn't stop herself. She still wanted her whatever it takes.

Lauren and Jihye were currently reading the news in dispatch, the CEO was smiling from ear to ear whenever she sees some pictures whenever Jihye's hand was in her waist, holding hands with her and giving her a kiss Kissinger headed. She really couldn't believe that their date in Paris was exposed she scrolled through the internet and something caught her attention.


Lauren Jeung and Jihye Jeung was seen in public with their baby. They were happily shopping in the mall together with her two step-siblings. Aren't-siblings

Lauren widened her eyes and Jihye was busy helping Megan with the music that they made. She scrolled more thinking that Jayden's face was seen but she sighed in relief when Jayden's face wasn't seen at all. She was thanking her bodyguards in her mind because they were surrounding at them surroundingcture was Jihye was covering his face. After all, he was playing with him.


Well, too bad we didn't even get the chance to see their first baby.

I was eg that I will finally see Jayden's face.

I didn't even think the face but I was was so zeddedded Jayden's things. You could tell that it was all expensive. Jeez, Jihye and Lauren pls adopt me.

Lauren laugh at the last comment and Jihye heard her. She asked what she was and she showed her the comments that instantly laughed with her Lauren decided to reply to the comment and even tease her that she should fly to Korea and give her something instead of adopting her.

After two hours of staying in the entertainment, Lauren and Jihye left since they are gonna be checking all the models in the original company.

Meanwhile, Yujin and Megan were currently in the trainee bedroom. They wanted to rest because they had a sleepless night. Megan was back facing her and Yujin was looking at the ceiling. She really couldn't forget Ara's gaze at the married couple a while ago.

'Maybe there is something wrong cutter with herself

"Yujin, is there something wrong?" The Blonde girl asked while slowly turning around and looking at her. The Raven girl looked at her and gulped.

"I thought you were asleep?" The Blonde girl shakes her head, Yujin sigh "A while ago...I saw something that I don't want"

The blonde girl furrowed her brows "What do you mean? Did you like saw a ghost?"

"No. Ara"

"Wait..you not. edit too?" Megan said sitting up so is Yujin. The Blonde Girl has a wide eye while looking at Yujin

"Yes.. her gaze was different when she was looking at the married couple. You know that look that she didn't like and she didn't want? Or she's jealous and wanted to get it?" The Aussie nodded "She's looking at Jihye and Lauren in that gaze which is I knew something was wrong"

"I noticed it too. Jihye has a dick and so she is. They can't be together so for sure...."

"Lauren," they said in unison, gulping. They quickly went outside making their way into the lobby.

Lauren into Jihye was talking with the models and interviewing about the survival show and how the mentors handle them when it was off and on camera. The models said their honest answers, Lauren was thanking God because they handle them pretty well and they treat them nicely and accurately.

"them Mrs. Jeung!" The secretary from the financial business said excitedly while Lauren gave her a kiss on the cheeks "You're already here! When did you arrive?" She asked pulling out the hug

"Two days. By the way, you already know her but I wanted you to meet her again" Jihye chuckled snaking her hands to her wife's waist "She's my wife Jihye Jeung"

Ivy amusedly took her hands for a handshake "It was so finally nice meeting you! Lauren was telling me about you and Jayden. You both look good together" Lauren blushed

"Well, we should because she's mine" Ivy shook her head and smiled

"So...you know her members slash friends right?" Ivy nodded and the three of them walk slowly making their way into the chair. Jihye's hand into still in the small of her back and pulled out the chair for her.

"I do know her members. You know they are very famous here in Korea" Lauren and Jihye smiled and nodded "Why is that?"

"I uh, Yujin is single and I was wondering if you like to go on a date with her. Uh, you're her type and.." Jihye looked at her wife asking for help

"Well.. it was kind of my idea to set you up on a date. You were telling me about your ideal type and Jihye suits it. We were wondering if you like it?" Ivy shook her head while smiling while her heart is beating mad already. She has a huge crush on that

"Well, who am I to say no? When is it and where?" She asked playing with her fingers while looking at the married couple from ear to ear

"If you're free on Thursday and Jisoo will be the one who decides on where will you both decide date" Jihye utter looking at her wife, feeling happy that maybe someday soon she'll be Yujin's spouse.

"Thursday it is then" Lauren and Jihye grinned, they needed to talk to her because also need to talk about the financial things going on in the company and Jihye was theron one to help her. Lauren also toured Jihye to the secret places of the company and the gold that she was hiding. She said it will be Jayden's soon and Jihye was so happy about it.

It was already seven in the evening and Lauren was typing something on her laptop. She was fixing all the reports and papers that the employees passed and sometimes giving theme to to to to m again if it was themed to be changed. She warden's room, he was sound asleep beside her. Jihye was in an emergency meeting with her family's company online.

Lauren gazed at the entranceway of Jayden's door. She instantly felt chills when she saw the familiar figure again walk past in the hallways. She didn't mind it at first but after three minutes she saw it again. She looked at her son's sleeping figure and she might be guessing that he is sound asleep and in a deep sleep. So, she put her laptop at the nightstand and exited at Jayden's door. She saw her father again at the kitchen leaning on the kitchen island.

"Daddy" Lauron mumbled and looked at her Dad while she was walking slowly. Gulping, she was scared.

"Lauren" The CEO froze in her spot, she heard her father's voice, and just then he opened his arms and, Lauren didn't waste time going in it. She instantly did so enjoying the moment.

"Are you here to say goodbye?" Lauren asked while her head was rested on her Dad's shoulder while Ben sighs "Is there something wrong?" Her beautiful daughter asked curiously and worriedly.

"Princess, I'm so sorry if you were dreaming about me. I felt your sadness when you were so problematic about your family but I'm trying to protect you" Lauren pulled out the hug and looked at her Dad straight in the eyes. By just looking at it she knew something was wrong.

"Isn't that the last one? Liam? He's the Warning right?" Ben shook his head and cup her daughter shook.

"Baby, I'm so sorry to say this. But, there's something going on and something is gonna happen bad. One is for you and One is for...I clearly can't see it but you just had to protect yourself and your family" Lauren's heart sank in her chest. She doesn't know how to react.

"Daddy..." Lauren mumbled hugging her Dad again, Ben sighs and kiss his daughter's head rubbing her back.

"Princess, I'm here to protect the three of you as long as I can. I'm here to say some warning. This is my kind of mission to protect you when I finished all this I can completely vanish. For now, I need to do this for you, my daughter. My daughter-in-law and my grandson" Lauren just nodded completely doesn't know what to say.

"Please do, I badly need it" Ben nodded and kisses her daughter's head. They stayed there for thirty minutes. She was just there thankful that Jihye isn't coming down yet. Ben wanted to see his grandson so Laurene took him to his son's room.

The CEO couldn't believe her Dad was here, he was here, It is gonna be a long time but all she needs was just his protection so this would be finished, done, or nothing to worry about. Even though Ben is just like a finished parent person and was a soul already, he couldn't touch everything but she was still thankful that he is here.

"He looks like Jihye," Ben said smiling while rubbing his back. Lauren smiled while folding all Jayden's clothes.

"When he was still an infant and until 26 weeks old a lot of people are saying that he looks like you but when he was already growing he was looking like Jihye" Ben smiled and looked at her daughter

"If only I can carry him" Ben mumbled while kissing his Grandson's head "You know, I have a lot of plans if I'm still alive and I knew you and Jihye have read it already" Lauren chuckled and sat beside her Dad

"Well, I'm already working on it. Jihye and I are planning to have more kids in the future, I don't want Jayden to be alone and be like me. I don't want him to be lonely shortly" Ben nodded and smiled shortly on her daughter's cheek. He was already planning to show his self to Jihye to tell all the problems. So, she let Lauren sleep beside his son while looking at them he was thinking that Lauren was such a loving mother, he's praising his self because Lauren grs a kind and loving person.

Once he knew Lauren is completely asleep. She went outside in her daughter's and wife shared room. She peeked through the door seeing Jihye was already saying goodbye to her parents and the employees. He saw her sighing in relief and he could tell that she was thankful because it was finished.

The Man decided to open the door wondering if Jihye will notice him because she was busy looking at some reports and papers. Ben stood there looking at her and he could tell that she loves her wife so much. Her working ta consists of Lauren's picture and one picture of Jayden.

Jihye was already stretching her arms and wanting to look for her wife so she could cuddle with her. Once she looked at them in front of her she jumped seeing Ben stand.

"Jesus, you scared me" Jihye mumbled and put her hand to her chest "Are you here to say goodbye?"

"No, I'm here to say that you need to protect your wife from Danger, harassment and rape" Jihye widened her eyes and hit her head wanting to know if this is a drhitnot but to her surprise, it wasn't.

"What do you mean? Is there someone trying to harass her?" Jihye asked sitting at the table

"Jihye...I'm sorry to say this but I'm not trying to break your member's life, fame, and profile. But Ara"

"What's with her?" Jihye instantly asked

"She has a secret admiration towards your wife and I knew she has dark plans," Ben said looking at her

"How could you say so?" The dancer doesn't know if she should believe him or not but by just the tone of his voice, it seems like he was so serious.

"You just had t,o follow all of this. Protect your wife, never leave her side and protect her. I don't know what will happen to me even though I'm Dead I don't want my daughter to be in trouble, I don't want her to be hurt and I know you don't want that too because you love her. Protect her from Ara even though that person has a wife and kids already" Ben said in a Warning tone.

"H-how? D-do y-you--" Jihye was cut off when she heard a loud knock on the door. The idol looked at Ben and the Man nodded. Jihye instantly makes his way to the front door while Ben is followinmakesom behind. She opened the door to see Megan and Yujin standing in the doorway with worried faces on their face. She instantly let them in and they couldn't see Ben but he was sitting across them from the living room. Jihye sat in the chair and put down the water.

"It's late. What are you guys doing here?" The dancer asked looking at her two best friends who are currently panting "Did you guys run best friends to tell you something. About Ara" Jihye's heart instantly pumped in her chest while she looked at Ben and he nodded. Jihye stood up and went to her son's room seeing her wife and son sound asleep she closed the door and went back to her friends who's already drinking some water.

"What's with her?" Jihye asked looking at Ben and back to Yujin and Megan

"A while ago...when Lauren visited the company and you were both being a lovey-dovey in front of us. Ara's gaze was in the two of you" Megan inserted the flash drive to the flatscreen tv and instantly clicked flash drive footage.

Jihye watched it closely and so is Ben. Yujin zoomed Ara's face and pause it "We've known Ara for almost six years now and we know all her looks whenever she's judging someone, wanting something and someone, we know the look of her jealousy and that look" Megan pointed out "Is something that you always notice whenever she likes something and gets jealous"

Jihye looked at the clip slowly and gulps she looked at Ben was elbowing her nodding beside her "What are you saying?"

"She has something for Lauren, she likes Lauren, she's willing to do everything just to get Lauren from you and even...breed her" Jihye's eyes darkened. Her hands are slowly turning into a grip.

"How could you say so?" Jihye asked in a dark tone looking at her two members finally realizing that maybe Ben was saying the truth.

"One of the crew dancers saw it.st finished having a practice with Daeun's members and she saw Ara talking on a phone with someone. She was just supposed to slide it off when she heard Lauren's name falling from her lips" Yujin showed her the video. Instead of saying it. It's disgusting for her.

Jihye was listening to it closbably her hand was gripping again when she heard the word kids and breed. Ara does look like a fuck girl in a picture but now that she saw this video everything was true and she growled when she saw her bit her lip and touch her crotch when Lauren's name was falling from her touch stopped the video and gave it to Yujin. She was already mad, she hates it. She certainly does.

"I should do something. We need to tell this Jieun as soon as possible. I don't want my wife to be in able and be raped by one of our friends. We have a Son and she fucking love by just me"

"We uh, Jieun is not in the country loves the moment. She was in Canada because they have an emergency meeting and problems in their company. We tried to Direct Message her a while ago but she wasn't replying at all" Jihye groaned "Jihye, to finish all this we have to confront Ara. You need to protect your wife"

Jihye looked at Ben who's currently sitting on the single couch and he was already nodding at her but his hands were also in a fist way. She knew she was mad. While on the owner's hand Yujin was looking at Jihye probably confused about who in the world she's gazing at and nodding.

"Uh, Jihye. About not to interrupt the moment but who are you looking at that side?" Yujin asked while Megan came back from the kitchen with two sandwiches in her hands. Jihye looked at her members and sighs she just couldn't believe what's happening right now. I have to hire more guards for my wife, my ass wouldn't stay still if Ara was around. I think it is necessary to have a reunion at the right time, not this time. I don't want Ara to be with my wife" Jihye, mumbled while looking at her two members.

"How about the fans? We promised them" Jihye sighs

"Maybe, we can explain everything to them. Dispatch just announced Jieun's pregnancy and even revealed the picture. Maybe we could use that as a reason" Megan advised while biting the sandwich.

"Maybe they will get mad, advised we promised"

"Jihye, the only thing that was important right now is your wife's safety from Ara. Think of it, she is our member and we trusted her. We thought she's so in love with Jieun, in her wedding she was so excited because she was marrying her ex but I think this happened because Ara always visits you both after your marriage and even before you leave to stay in the US and Los Angeles"

"What about Ara?" Lauren asked rubbing her eyes. Megan and Yujin were frozen in their sport while Ben was just looking at her frozen in his spot while Jihye was already convulsing inside "Hon? Is everything okay?"

'I'll get you to this Ara' Jihye mumbled  'I trusted you

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