
Chapter 20

"JIHYE! DOHYUN! DAEUN! WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON? " Lauren said in relief, she was already nervous coming downstairs and this is what she saw. The CEO facepalm herself so is her friends.

She saw her wife playing with the two younger ones. The kitchen was a mess. Jihye was playing tug of war with Dohyun and Daeun and everything fell. They were using a blanket for it.

The three troublemakers stopped playing when they saw the CEO so stressed and face-palming herself they knew they had to clean this up and she don't want them to give her a headache.

"Why is this place a mess? Why are you playing tug of the way in the kitchen!? For God Sake! We have a freaking huge backyard outside our house!" Lauren said in disbelief, they could see the disappointment in her eyes while the three gulp.

"U-uh, s-sorry. We were playing tug of war. W-we kinda want to see how Jihye Unnie is strong by playing tug of war" Daeun said nervously

"But why in the world you all decided to play inside the house? And Jihye aren't you suppose to be in the meeting?" Lauren's friends went to the fridge to get some water while Lauren was crossing her arms waiting for their answer

"Noona, it was our fault. Noona's meeting finished early and we saw what happened yesterday at the Celine store" Dohyun showed it and Lauren sighed "We got curious how strong Noona is so we decided to play tug of war if we win she will treat us to lunch for today but if she wins we will treat her lunch for today and we didn't even think that we have a huge backyard" Daeun and Jihye looked down while Dohyun scratch the back of her head

Lauren puts her hands on her forehead while her friends are eating some sandwiches in Kitchen Island. The CEO realized that in the past few months of Daeun and Dohyun was staying here Jihye's true colors were already showing...she's a real trouble maker whenever she's around her two siblings.

The living room was always a mess whenever Jihye and Dohyun plays video games sometimes Lauren is coming home they are playing tag all around the house while Jayden is sleeping, sometimes messing around the kitchen trying to cook dinner by themselves, or either way, trying to surprise the CEO but it was all failed the kitchen was always a mess.

Lauren even called Jihye's members if she was really like that according to the girls well..she may be quiet in the media and some videos but she was a trouble maker in close doors especially with them and with the close one she knows. She's like a high school student wherein the teacher will just kick her out of the room because she's making a mess and being the loudest girl she is.

"O-okay fine. Whoever wins in this game be sure just clean the kitchen" Lauren said going upstairs while her friends followed.

Jihye sat on the floor while Dohyun lean his self in the kitchen Island while Daeun sat on the stairs "What should we do now? Unnie is mad we could see it in her eyes" The younger idol said looking at their sister-in-law.

"We can't just leave the kitchen just to buy lunch and treat each other. She'll be more disappointed and mad she will never let us come inside this place again" Dohyun pouted

Jihye wanted to make it up to her wife, she look so stressed when she came down and worried. She felt guilty knowing her wife is so tired of thinking too much about work "No, we're not going out. Let's clean this then we'll make it up to her. I have an idea already" The younger one nodded and they started cleaning the kitchen.

Lauren huffed and sat on the chair putting her hands on her forehead leaning her back while her friends looked at her probably wondering how in the world she handles the grown-up people.

"So...this is what you're also dealing with whenever you come back from your meeting? Work? Conference?" Elle asked while Lauren looked at her friends waiting for her answer.

"Obviously, yes. If you can just review all the CCTV footage you will surely be stressed about how messy the house is. Everything was falling apart" Lauren sighs and drank her tea

"Well, that's new. I never knew that Jihye could be this playful uh. I'm kinda scared when Jayden grows up. I mean he's a boy and you know their attitude is different than girls" Gia the doctor said Lauren knew she was saying the truth knowing she also handles kids because her older sister has her own family already.

"I just hope Jayden isn't a trouble maker I will surely have a headache more" Lauren mumbled trying to forget all the things that happened for today. She just talks to her friends and their plans when she comes back to Korea.

Jihye came back after two hours, she went to the flower shop to buy some flowers and chocolates for her wife. This is how she always makes it up to her by buying her favorite flower and sometimes taking her out for dinner and buying some things for the mini garden that they have in their mini garden.

Jihye came inside the house quietly while the younger ones were trying to make it up to her by giving them the hugs that for sure it makes Lauren annoyed since they were making some cute faces. Jihye shook her head and went upstairs and was named by Jayden awake in the crib.

"Guys, stop you both are squeezing me," Lauren said while breathing heavily she was being squeezed by the siblings. Their cheeks were stuck to Lauren and their arms were locked their sister's arms

"Not until you forgive us, and.."

"O-okay, I forgive you both" she was trying to push them but they were strong they are not pulling out and just staying in their original position

"How can we be so sure? Your tone is still disappointed" Dohyun mumbled hugging her sister more tightly. They are not just doing this for her forgiveness.

Lauren sighs and hugs them tightly "I forgive you both, just please don't do it again. You know someday soon when Jayden grows up maybe he'll be like Jihye. You guys can play but please not inside the house okay? The maids were also having a hard time cleaning because the house is so big"

The two younger ones nodded their head while their head was in her sister's neck. Lauren rubbed their back and lean her back on the couch "We're sorry" They said in unison. Lauren smiled, she played with Dohyun's hair while she rubbed her sister's back, she likes doing it since it eases her sister's body whenever she's stressed and tensed.

"Everything is okay now. You don't have to worry just please don't make this disaster again okay?" Lauren mumbled resting her chin on Dohyun's head

The younger ones didn't just do this because of her forgiveness but they also did this because they knew what was happening to their sister. Jihye told them everything a while ago and Daeun saw everything that happened last night she watched through the window. She even listened to her sister and Gia's conversation which saddens her, her sister looks so frightened, she will never forget her sobs and the begging tone that she gave to her Dad. She wanted to hug her right away but she decided to slide it off knowing Gia was around and was there to comfort her.

"You will be okay Unnie" Daeun mumbled but Lauren manage to hear it, she doesn't know but she found comfort in it since they were her siblings.

"Thank you. I will be okay because you both are safe and here with me" Lauren kissed their heads

"We know what's happening Noona" Lauren looked at them and gulped, she didn't want her siblings to know what was happening right now. She doesn't want them to be frightened and be scared of all their surroundings because they knew they were already part of the family. Lauren also confirmed that one of her biggest companies was already named Dohyun and Daeun's. "I've been dreaming about Uncle Ben for almost a week now and he was telling something but everything was mute I couldn't hear anything"

"You did?" Lauren looked at him and he nodded "since when? Are you okay? Are you feeling something different?" She asked desperately.

Dohyun doesn't want to scare her most especially he was mouthing Lauren's name and he knew it was a warning for her not about business but her life. Dohyun looked at her sister worriedly and she nodded.

"Uncle Ben was mentioning your name nonstop, I didn't know what was the other sentences but I'm hearing your name. It was a Warning I know this isn't about the company but it was all about your life" Lauren was speechless while Daeun gripped her hands.

"It's okay, at least I know it was not the two of you, Mommy and Dowon most especially Jayden and  Jihye it's okay if I will be the one as long as you guys are safe" Lauren hugged her siblings tightly while they melt in it.

For sure they already had plans of protecting her no matter what, everything wasn't sure for now, they still don't have the assurance of who is it but they knew something will happen. They are just hoping that Ben isn't trying to take Lauren with him. They talked about this with their Mom if a dead person appeared in your dreams and they ing to find a way to bring you with them.

The younger ones are hoping that this wouldn't happen, they have attached to their sister already and loved her so much. They will do everything just to protect her.

After one hour of staying in the living room, she went upstairs to rest. It was eight in the evening and the CEO realized that Jihye wasn't around. She was already walking in the hallways and called out for her "J?" Lauren shouts but no one is answering. She saw their shared room slightly open and the lights were off she got confused so she slowly went inside.

"Hon? Are you here?" She asked opening the lights but her breath hitched when she saw the flowers in their shared bedroom. She went close and Jayden was sleeping in the middle of the bed. It was her favorite flower. Tulips and the chocolate that she has been finding the Wonka Bar that she has been begging Jihye to buy if she sees one.

The CEO shook her head and there was a note attached to it.

"Open for a surprise Honey" Lauren mumbled and opened it.

She grinned when she saw the golden ticket that for sure was all in the chocolate. But her breath hitched and her heart is melting when she saw the picture of Jihye pouting saying she was sorry. Lauren shake her head and put it down trying to find her.

She opened the bathroom door and saw her wife waiting for the water to be full in the tub, Lauren just hugged her from behind and kissed her shoulders.

"You forgive me?" Jihye asked kissing her wife's cheeks. Lauren hummed and press soft kisses on her wife's neck "I'm so sorry baby. I know everything stresses you out right now but you just have to remember that even though I'm a trouble maker and a playful one I will forever consider your feelings. It was just your siblings are begging me to play with them and I know they were bored"

"I know, everything is okay now. You don't have to worry at least you cleaned the kitchen and that was enough for me nothing else. Just please, sometimes use your brain if you're planning to play that kind of game again because it will be chaos when you are with my siblings they are also playful" Jihye giggled and bopped her nose.

"I will" Jihye mumbled and peck her lips as she closed the faucet "I prepared some lukewarm bath for you. It may help you release your headache and stress"

"Thank you but you should be with me too," Lauren said while unbuttoning Jihye's sleeves

"But this was intended for baby baths" Jihye pouted while Lauren chuckled

"I don't care, dip with me it'll be more relaxing," Lauren said unzipping the zipper in the side of her dress. She also took some bath bombs and threw them in the water. They always use this whenever they had a long day. Jihye went in first and Lauren sat between her legs resting her back at Jihye's front. She sigh in relief when she felt Jihye's hands making their way to her waist rubbing it up and down motion and kissing her shoulder.

"How's the meeting? Why did it end early?" The CEO asked looking at her while Jihye nuzzled her face in her wife's neck kissing the side of it and even leaving her some marks and the girl was sighing.

"It was fine, nothing surprising and important more on like saying their problems doing the paperwork that I assigned to them but I gave them some advice and time to finish everything by next week" Lauren hummed and rub her wife's thigh. She loves doing it because it was so smooth and even sleeps on it sometimes.

"I see, you have work tomorrow or you'll be staying here?" Lauren doesn't want to leave Jihye for work sometimes. She missed her so much as always

"Do you want me to? I can work online so I can stay with you and Jayden. I know how much you want my attention sometimes and I'm happy to give it to you. You're not gonna work in the office I believe?"

"I'm not. If you can work here online tomorrow I want you to stay. I can't be alone with Jayden just yet I still need you and your comfort" Lauren said sleepily Jihye smiled and kissed her wife's cheeks

"Okay, Darling. I'll stay" Lauren just hummed probably going to sleep. She likes sleeping in Jihye's arms as always while Jihye was feeling so complete and loved everything her wife is sleeping in her arms or her chest, most especially her son is with them sleeping. She has a lot of pictures of her wife and son sleeping in the bed and on the couch that's the reason why Jihye wanted to go home early just to her favorite people in the world. She loves her family, she loves her life and she's enjoying it. She will not end this.


Days, Weeks, Months have passed. Everything was going well, Lauren and Jihye's love was getting stronger and their love for each other it gets better and better. They became more attached to each other and protected each other, especially their son Jayden.

He was already eleven months old and he can already stand up but still can't walk he was already crawling on the floor sometimes Jihye and Lauren were having a hard time putting him down because the floor was wood. They can't let their son be hurt most especially Jihye has been overly protective of him she will surely be mad if he got hurt and her wife.

Lauren was currently packing the clothes that they needed to bring to Korea. Even though they are leaving in Paris after three months she wants everything to be settled and packed a bit. She was just packing the party dresses that for sure she will be needing in Korea.

Jayden was playing in the bed while Lei was beside her guarding him at the side of the bed. Dohyhun and Daeun left already since they had a lot of things o do. Daeun will have a comeback song solo to be exact their group was already famous most especially some of their fans read the news that Daeun is Lauren's step-sister. Everything was out in the news five months ago because of Leslie.

She has been televised when she had another drama and she needed to tell all about her lifestyle for today and she decided to talk about her kids and Husband that's when Daeun's group become famous because of her. While Dohyun needed to go back because of his university he gained a lot of friends and again because of Lauren.

But Dohyun didn't give a shit on them knowing all they want was Lauren's attention and number which for sure Jihye will be upset by it. Dohyun just sticks with his own and sometimes he contacts friends from Daegu. Lauren even met him through video call and she knew he was kind and treat Dohyun like a brother and best friend.

"Lauren! Ugh, I can't forget her" Gabbie said coming into the bedroom.

"Gabbie, how many times do I have to tell you? Everything takes time whenever you are moving on from someone you love. Don't force yourself, I know it hurts but you have to deal with it" Lauren said putting down the luggage and carrying Jayden to sit in her lap he was just playing with his toys

"I know but Lauren it's been like ten weeks and I can't ever forget her, I tried drinking, crying it all out. You know how much I love her and I'm trying my best to forget her, I tried having an affair with someone but it was still not enough. I still think of her and everything wasn't working"

Lauren sighs and Jihye came out of the bathroom with her tight shirt and sweats. She was drying her hair while looking at Gabbie. Lauren looked at her and Jihye sighs. They became close with Jihye and her friends because they were always having beers at night, Jihye's friends were also staying here and coming back to Korea with the married couple.

Gabbie and his girlfriend broke up because she was an actress and a model. She has been doing some PR stunts that for sure Gabbie was getting mad by it already, he still couldn't believe that her girlfriend wasn't outing their relationship to the public even though they were already engaged she was still doing her PR stunts that for sure she was enjoying since she gets to date with richer guys and handsome one.

Gabbie broke up with her and call off the wedding, she wanted him back but Gabbie was strong enough not to talk to her since her friends and Jihye's friends are telling him that she doesn't deserve that kind of treatment and he deserve to be shown in the whole world. Lauren was also there for him since Gabbie was his very best friend. She was mad at his girlfriend.

"Just take your time at everything Gabs. Moving on is hard but you have to remember that when you successfully move on everything will be better, you will be happier than ever and you know we're very confused why in the world you're having a hard time forgetting her and you were the one who broke up with her you should be happy because you're not in that relationship in the world. Let her beg for you to come back and ask for your forgiveness until she gets tired and realized all her mistakes" Jihye said while Lauren nodded

"I know but you know we are also together for more than seven then I just throw it because of that PR STUNTS"

"Gabbie, we all know that every one of us can say no. We have the right to say that if we don't like it right? We had our own decisions to make and that was her decision of saying yes to the PR stunts because she doesn't want you to show to the whole world because she chose money over the person who's truly in love with her. You deserve to be loved and cared for you have to remember that" Lauren said playing with her baby and Jihye sitting beside them

Gabbie knew that her friends were saying the truth and he can't deny that he also wanted to have a family like his friends. Elle already has a baby, Mai has a lover already and Gia just got engaged three weeks ago and now Lauren is already married has a son that for sure will be a grown-up soon she even has a perfect spouse. All he wants is someone will love him.

"You just have to remember that they are a lot of people here in the world and someday soon that person will be yours and finally have a future with you. You deserve someone who makes you feel special and that's what you need in your life to make everything perfect" Lauren said while Gabbie sigh and nodded just then Ara came into the room and smiled at Lauren as the CEO smiled back.

"Oh no! Are you sad again? Come Megan and I are already drinking" Ara said not even waiting for Gabbie's answer but pulling her downstairs leaving Jihye and Lauren confused.

"Oh Honey, are they drinking at this time? It's just one in the afternoon" Lauren said putting Jayden down beside Jihye and looking at the window they are drinking for sure Jieun will be mad again.

"You know that drunk girls" Jihye chuckled and stretch her arms out for her wife to hold and pull her on top of her which Lauren instantly giggled. Jayden was too busy watching the television since Jihye opened it in the movie toy story. He loves it. Lauren rests her head on her wife's chest and sighs as she looks at her son who's laying down watching the movie while Jihye is playing with his hair using her other hand playing with her wife's hair "Hey Honey?"

"Yes?" Lauren said lifting her shirt so she can draw circles to her stomach.

"Do you perhaps want to follow Jayden?" Lauren furrowed her brows and looked at her wife confusedly telling her that she didn't get the question, Jihye chuckled "I mean you know giving Jayden a sibling"

Lauren formed an 'O' to her mouth. Jihye has been thinking of this most especially since Jayden is growing up through Lauren and she was making love every night since Jayden was already sleeping in his room.

"I don't know, how about you? How many kids do you like?" Lauren asked

"Four. It's settled I like four kids" Lauren chuckled knowing what the reason was

"Okay four, I'll give you four. But you know I wanted Jayden to grow up a bit more maybe when he turned three? Can you wait? I know you can because we..." Lauren lean closer to her wife's ear and said "we make love at night and for sure we won't miss one tonight" Lauren smirked and Jihye's eyes widened but felt hot.

"Let's not talk about it our son is here" Lauren chuckled "For sure I won't miss it. I will wait because that was all your decision and I'm all about you my love"  Jihye said kissing her wife's cheeks and forehead

"Thank you! Mommy has also been asking that now that Jayden is growing up" Jihye chuckled

"They like babies huh?"

"You know them, they won't shut up about it but it's very heartwarming to know that they have been waiting. I love it" Lauren mumbled lifting her head on her wife's chest and putting the milk handing it to Jayden and she went back laying in her wife's chest.

"Jayden is getting chubby" Jihye said but Jayden instantly threw the toy on her face causing Lauren to giggle "Baby, I'm kidding and that hurts" Jihye pouted

"Oh no, Jayden will surely be mad at you when he grows up don't even say that in front of his face," Lauren said, she already know that Jayden got the attitude from her she was throwing some soft things at someone whenever someone says she's getting fat but it was in a teasing tone and they were just playing jokes.

"I should not be honest sometimes whenever I want to say something regarding his features because he was really like you" Lauren shook her head and played with his son's hair. His hair was like Dohyun's it was soft.

"Jayden is attached to the both of us I'm kinda worried whenever we have a business trip now that he doesn't want to be with someone else"

"I know but we can leave them to my parents or yours but we can also bring us with him if it is allowed," Jihye said rubbing her wife's back

"But he's more attached to you he clings to you a lot and he usually clings to me whenever he's sleepy and wanted my attention. He'll be a Daddy's boy she even like his Grandpa Dowon and Grandpa Jiyong's presence, Aren't you baby?" Lauren cooed while Jayden gave them the beautiful eyes that Lauren likes.

"Our son is handsome because of you and Ben. He got all your features except for the eyes" Lauren smiled Jihye wasn't lying though, Jayden got the features of her and her Dad.

Speaking of Ben well he was still appearing in Lauren's dream but not that much anymore. He will just usually give her a cold stare which Lauren was very scared by it but she was hoping that this won't turn bad since she doesn't want to think of something else right now she has a lot of work to do and things to finish and to busy taking care of her wife and son.

"So, I guess Jihye already talks about the upcoming comeback dances when you go back to Korea?" Leslie asked Lauren sitting in the gazebo. They paid for a visit since they wanted to see them. Lauren was looking at her wife playing with Jayden while Dowon was holding him.

"Yes, kinda surprising but I understand since she also missed her fans," Lauren said while drinking her coffee

"Are you planning to show Jayden in the media? They will also have a concert and Jihye wanted to tag you along with her knowing she's not used to you being around" Lauren hummed

"No, we won't be showing Jayden in the media because he is still young. We're keeping it private for now. I don't want Jayden to be involved with something just yet now that we're very protective of him" Lauren heard Jayden babbling

"That's right, if you're planning to go with Jihye we'll look Jayden for you" Lauren smiled and thanked her Mom still looking at Jayden and Jihye giggling.

Jihye and Dowon were talking while Jihye handed Jayden to the maid because he wanted some milk. They were talking about the new property that they sell three weeks ago. They were talking peacefully until they heard the sound of the footsteps in the bushes.

"You heard that?" Dowon asked while Jihye nodded

"Hey dickhead, over here!" Jihye turned around seeing Liam pointing a gun at her

Jihye instantly raised both of her hands and shook in fear "L-Liam, w-we can t-talk about this" Jihye said lowly while Jihye's bodyguard was already pointing the gun at Liam they were three of them.

"Talk about what?! You fucking sued our company completely and my career fucking fell. I was out of the entertainment all because of you and your fucking slut wife! And this is what you deserve!" Liam clicks the gun and...

"LIAM! WAIT!" Lauren said running but a tear instantly fell when she saw who got shot.


Hello! I'm so sorry if I didn't post yesterday. I was out with my family I hope you'll understand! Thank you!

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