
Chapter 16

"Honey, just relax your baby will come out soon," Leslie said while holding her daughter's hand she was already having her baby soon.

She was already struggling for the past few hours.

"How soon?" Lauren said panting while gripping her Mom's hand, Jihye was already calling the doctor "Mommy this is so hard, I don't think I can't survive in this" Leslie was looking at her daughter sadly, it is certainly visible to her face that she was already struggling and in pain.

"I'm sorry sweetie, but I promise you the pain will fade away soon" Just then the doctor and Jihye just came into the room

"This is it, push Lauren" The doctor encouraged while Jihye went to her wife's side

"You can do it, Honey" Lauren was already shouting in pain while Jihye is already trying to soothe her seeing her wife in pain is different

"GET HIM OUT OF ME!" Lauren shouted and then they heard the cries of the baby and the CEO instantly lay her down and sigh in relief panting.

Jihye cut the umbilical cord with tears in her eyes when finally Lauren looked at her little one as the nurse put him down on Laurene's chest. Jihye came close to them and kiss the top of her wife's head.

"You did so well Honey. I love you so much" Jihye said kissing her wife's forehead. Laurene was already looking at her.

Jayden was so silent but she was looking at Jihye with wide eyes and holding Jihye's pinky "He's looking at you" Lauren whispered while Jihye was tearing up, she couldn't believe that her Son was already in the world and she finally meets him.

"Hi, their buddy look at you. You're so cute, you have a cute little nose, tiny fingers, and ears. You just look like your Mom" Jihye mumbled kissing the top of his head

"No, he's a mix of us Honey," Lauren said while wiping Jihye's cheeks. The doctor took the baby to clean him up first while they promised that they will bring him back, later on, Jihye already sent the video to Ara, then the video was taken by her Mom she wanted to save this on her memory.

Lauren was already in her room resting deeply while Jihye was just in her hands replaying the video. The door opened revealing Leslie and Chaerin, Jihye stood up and kiss their cheek. Leslie went to Lauren kiss the top of her head.

"Now, where is the little one?" Dowon asked coming inside the room together with Jiyong. Dowon instantly gave a kiss to Lauren ever since then they become close ever since then.

"The nurse will bring him later when he needs some milk from Lauren," Jihye said intertwining her hands with her wife. The media doesn't know that Lauren will be having her baby today but in the past few months, they were in the media because a lot of paparazzi are following them anywhere, talking about how big Lauren's tummy is and how they were doing.

Jihye was doing live on Instagram sometimes asking how they were doing and telling them that she was doing alright and been busy taking care of her wife. The fans wanted sometimes to see Lauren and Jihye is happy to oblige even showing the baby bump sometimes. Her fans love her even her wife and her soon-to-be baby. Their fans also asked if they have plans to show the baby to the world but Jihye told them that they will not show Jayden in the media just yet because she wanted to have a bit of privacy with them and Jayden was too young.

The company was being managed well by Jihye and the help of Megan while the survival show is going to an end in three months, for sure Lauren will have time to evaluate but if she can't her Mom and Chaerin will surely do it.

Lauren was slowly opening her eyes and groaning in pain, everything hurts at the moment and she will surely not move from her bed at times.

"Hi, there honey" Jihye mumbled kissing the hands of her wife "How are you feeling? Is everything okay?" She asked in a worried tone

"Everything hurts Hon, I don't know if I can move that much. Where's Jayden?" She asked curiously while looking at Jihye

"You did so well Sweetie," Leslie said combing Lauren's hair and the CEO smiled melting in the touch of her Mom's fingers

"Where's Dowon?" Lauren implored, Leslie's heart-melting she knew how Lauren get so clingy to Ben whenever this thing happen, whenever she's in pain or not feeling good. This also happens often to Jihye and the dancer never leaves her side. Leslie gestured Dowon to come closer.

"Hi there, I'm here," Dowon said while Jihye stood up to have their secrecy

"Hi," Lauren said closing her eyes gripping Dowon's hands. The Man knows what this implies she was hurting and he sighs knowing everything is hard for her right now "Hey if something is hurting we can call the doctor to check okay?"

"This is normal, I researched everything" Dowon nodded and just comb the CEO's hair. They soothe Lauren for a good thirty while Jihye was taking some pictures and Chahee and Beom Suk decided to join and ask if everything was okay.

Just then, one of the nurses opened the door. Jihye and Lauren's eyes lit up when the baby was being carried by the nurse "This cute little bean wanted to have some milk" The nurse said

"Come here cutie" Lauren mumbled she was sitting up with the help of Jihye as soon as the CEO was comfortable the nurse slowly put Jayden in her arms and Lauren cooed. He was so charming just like her wife, Jihye was holding her son's tiny hands she just couldn't believe he's here, he's breathing and he's healthy. Lauren slowly took out her breast and aligned it to his son's mouth which he instantly took it. Lauren groaned in pain "Does it hurt?"

"Yes, Mrs. Jeung. It's normal but it will ease the pain in the next few weeks. We will just come back if he needs to be back in the incubator" The married couple nodded as the nurse left.

"I can't believe he's here" Jihye muttered looking at him lovingly but also trying not to tear up again "You did such a good job, thank you so much for carrying him"

Lauren smiled and wipe her wife's tear "You're always welcome, he deserves to be in the world and needs to be taken care of by us. He's our son, our very first baby my love"

"I know and I promise you I will keep you both safe and sound and I will be the best parent ever"

"You don't have to say that because you were a good wife to me and I know you will also be a good parent. I know you so well Jihye, I know you wouldn't change your attitude you will stay the same ever since you married me. I already found the reason why I got so lucky marrying you" Lauren said and gestured to Jihye to sit beside her on the mattress Jihye oblige and the CEO made a space for Jihye to sit and be under the cover also. Jihye slowly sat down and snake her hands-on Lauren's waist as the Gorgeous girl rested her head on her wife's shoulder Jayden was still drinking some milk.

"I got so lucky marrying you because you gave Jayden to my life, our life. It's not how you took care of me and showed me your real intentions but you fulfilled my dreams and wishes in life that you will never hurt me and leave me, you gave the baby that I have been dreaming and now we're already starting our family" Lauren said looking at her wife straight in the eyes. Jihye kissed her wife's cheek and rub her cheeks

"because my fantasy is not just marrying you and being with you but having a kid and family with you is one of my greatest dreams this will never change, we're already starting and I'm ready for more my love. I will forever love you and take care of you and our son because I love you both so much" Jihye said happily while looking at her wife she got so lucky having them in her life.

"I will look forward to that" Lauren mumbled and peck Jihye's lip. Just then, Jayden stopped drinking some milk from the CEO's breast so Lauren slowly put it back in her hospital gown and she realized that Jayden was awake and looking at Jihye "You wanna hold him?" Lauren asked Jihye nodded happily

Lauren slowly put him into her arms and Jihye held him properly not wanting to drop him. He was so fragile and soft for now "He's so small and she has your lips" Lauren chuckled

"I like his eyes though, he got it from you and I'm thankful for it because I'm truly in love with your eyes"

"It's because I'm Charming" Jihye mumbled while Lauren chuckled and kissed her cheeks "You are certainly my charming wife and now we have our charming baby boy" Lauren happily said and the idol kissed her wife's head

"I love you," Jihye looked into her eyes "And I love you more," Lauren said holding her son's hand. They lean their back in the bed wanting to cherish everything, they wanted to coo at their soon.

After two hours, their parents came since they just bought some food and gifts for the baby. They melted at the sight, Jayden was sleeping in the idol's chest Jihye holding him softly at the back for sure protectively while Laurene was comfortingly sleeping beside her wife her head on her shoulder and her arms wrap around on her her her Jihye's tummy. Beom Suk and Dowon took a picture of them, this is the very first family picture that they need to be printed out and hung in their house, and save to their memories together with their very first child.

"Oh my God, He's such a cutie," An old voice said coming out from Lauren's laptop speakers. The CEO chuckled and sat in her swirling chair

"I know Grandma M, he's really cute"

"If Ben was just here for sure he will be happy to bring him here in the house. I wanted to be on your delivery day but your Grandpa has important things to do in the house" Grandma M said. It has been two weeks now, Jayden and Lauren were already home.

"I know, we will visit Daddy's grave soon together with Jayden if he gets bigger but Jihye promised you that we will drop by at your place when we came back to Los Angeles" Lauren bounced Jayden

"That girl is something else" Lauren smiled "Where is she by the way?"

"She's with Mommy and her Mom buying some diapers and things that they will cook for dinner" Grand M hummed

"How's Jihye? Is she helping you take care of that cutie pie?"

"If you're only here Grandma, she never leaves us and always works in our room just to look after me and Jayden. She has been doing everything for us and she will be the one waking up in the middle of the night just to stop Jayden from crying, I wanted to do it sometimes but she was insisting because she wants me to have a rest since I have been taking care of him every morning" That's right, Jihye was the one taking care of him every night. It's not that she was showing off from Lauren but she wanted to do it because she was seeing the exhaustion in her wife's face besides she also deserves to take care of him. He's her first baby and promises to herself that she will give everything to both of them especially the care and the attention.

"Well, your Dad and Leslie did make the right decision. I'm proud of her by the means. Your Grandpa and I have been deciding and thinking something" Grandma took out some paper

"What is it?" Lauren asked curiously slowly putting Jayden in her chest and leaning her back at the comfortable swirling chair. Lei and Liz were on the floor while Kuma was under the table sleeping on Lauren's feet.

"Your Grandpa and I are getting older day by day, you know we can't manage the company already even though I have a president and manager I will never trust them for it especially since this is our greatest company" Lauren hummed curiosity getting to her nerves Grandma M and Grandpa P is already seventy - five years old, Lauren was surprised they can still work at that age "You understand how much Grandpa P adores and likes Jihye for you and he has been thinking of this ever since you got pregnant and sure that you will grow old with her" Lauren hummed "Well, he wanted Jihye and you to manage our company. You both will be the CEO. You know this is your company already from the start. We heritage it for you and your soon to be a partner in life which is Jihye"

Laurene was blinking, she doesn't know what to say especially think how in the world would they manage a lot of companies. It was surely really in their plans to share some business and pass the wealth of the old Waltons to the Jeungs since Laurene's wife is Jihye, they trusted them and they had known them for almost a decade and surely everything will continue since they are already starting to have a family.

"Grandma this is too much. Don't you want Uncle Ron to manage your company? He's your favorite Grandson after all" Lauren asked still bouncing Jayden. Ron Gudecelli is the son of Grandma M's sister and he is a businessman. Lauren is close to him too but she doesn't like him because all his friends like her.

"No, you're the original Walton in here Lauren. Just take this, It's our early gift for you and Jihye and that little cutie pie, I will send this contract to Suzy and you need to sign it and also Jihye alright? And I have to go bye sweetie" Lauren doesn't have the chance to say something else because Grandma M just ended the call causing Lauren to groan. She was really happy because the company will be hers but she doesn't know how well they manage it.

After two hours, Jihye finally arrived together with the two Mom's "Hey Honey" the dancer kissed her wife's cheek and her son's forehead "Hi their buddy" she said cutely while Lauren shake her head while smiling she loves seeing her wife interacting with their son although she's seeing it every night her parents are here and they adored them both so much.

Lauren went to the kitchen where Leslie and Chahee were. They are already chopping some vegetables "Hey Sweetie, how was your talk with Grandma M?"

"Well, she found Jayden cute and she was proud of Jennie even Grandpa P but something came up that I was shocked to it" Lauren muttered seasoning the rib eye steak since it was Jihye's favorite to eat for dinner with a side of salad

"What is it?" Chahee asked curiously they were very close and Chahee is like her daughter

"Well, she wanted to pass the company to us and Jihye. We will be the CEO" Lauren said in disbelief "Aren't you happy about it?" Leslie asked putting the frying pan on the stove for Lauren "It's a big opportunity"

"Well it is a big opportunity but I don't know how will I manage the company because we have a ton of business and someday soon Jihye will be managing their own company, I can't handle a huge company and especially it was official and in the greatest company all over the nation." Lauren place the steak in the frying pan and made the salad

"Hon, you do know that it was really for you. You know how much Granpa P wants it for you to manage. They surely trust you and Jihye you just have to take the opportunity"

"I gladly want to take it but I don't know how will I be able to manage everything now that we have Jayden in our lives," Lauren said turning the steak

"You know that we have a lot of trusted people in our company they can manage it for you but all the sales will go straight to your company that you were working with. For sure Jennie will be happy to manage that because she has been wanting to work on that company" Lauren looked at Chahee smiling at her asking her if everything was true "It's certainly true, it's also her way to finally be close to you and finally be your girlfriend my daughter is whipped when it comes to you" Lauren blushed and Leslie chuckled

"Just sign the contract Sweetie and just let Jihye manage it because she seems like she likes it"

Lauren sigh she doesn't know if Jihye will like it or not because they already have Jayden in her life and she doesn't want to stress her out too much but she has to because that was her grandmother and grandfather's wish she just hopes that Jihye will not deny all of this even though she likes it.

Lauren came out from the kitchen seeing Jihye putting Jayden down in his crib she smiled and put down the steak and came close to them. She hugged Jihye from behind and kissed her neck while Jihye smiled.

"Dinner is ready?" She asked curiously

"Yes, you manage Jayden to fall back asleep how'd you do that in a ton of minutes?" Jihye chuckled, Lauren could tell even though Jayden is still a month old and they can already tell how stubborn he is already when it comes to sleeping.

"Just sing him a song and bounce him" Jihye turned around so she could hug her wife fully, Lauren sigh and rested her head on her wife's chest "What did you talk about to our moms? You sound so stressed when you were talking" Jihye asked swaying their bodies.

Lauren hugged Jihye tightly and pull herself looking at her deep in the eyes "I have a talk with Grandma M a while ago it was all about their company and you know I don't know if you will like it" Lauren muttered

"What is it," Jihye asked curiously

"Grandma M and Grandma P wants us to manage their company, I'm worried maybe you wouldn't like it because you have a ton of work already, you are doing a lot and it might give you more stress, it might frustrate--" Jihye chuckled and cut off her wife pecking her lips

"Baby, remember what we talk about in your company? You said whatever your parents or relatives will give you we should take care of it and what is yours is mine. Granpa P already talk about it to me, I tried to deny it but he wants me to. I can't say no to it my love, knowing Granpa P trusts me" Lauren sighs "We will work on this together alright? We can do this. We are a team" Jihye said smiling at her wife Lauren's heart is fluttering she is lucky to have her wife.

"I love you, Jihye"

"I love you to my Honey" Jihye mumbled before giving her wife a kiss for comfort and assurance. They ate dinner, they were talking about the company already and the plans when they come back to Korea. They will always need some backup because now that Jayden is in the world for sure it will be hard for them to hide him in the cameras.

Jihye was currently sitting in the office chair, she was fixing some reports and papers that were passed by the employees in their firm. Lauren and Jayden were already sleeping in the bed. Jihye decided to move her working desk in their shared bedroom wanting to look after them while working. She doesn't want them to be away.

Jihye was currently typing something on her laptop when she received an email from an Anonymous person, she got curious and opened it. She instantly smiled that Anonymous person was the staff at the company at YG, they were congratulating her and even post on Instagram that picture was Jayden's hand and hers. Jihye replied and thank them nonstop. Just then, Jayden started crying and Jihye instantly stood up and slowly took him in her arms.

"You hungry buddy?" She asked curiously getting the bottle of milk, they went into the guest room wanting her wife to sleep peacefully. Jihye rocks the baby and started feeding him. She was looking at him lovingly. Jayden has milky and soft skin that he surely got for both of them. He has a pointy nose like Lauren and he even gets it from his Grandfather.

Jihye swayed him and hummed to a song. She knew it's been a week but she will never get tired of doing this because this is her son that she will forever cherish and take care of. For sure, they will be the complete family and happy family soon. She wanted to grant all the wishes that Lauren wants and she's willing to do it for her.

"Buddy, when you reach three years old we will come back to my hometown. We will surprise Mommy to her dream house alright?" Jihye said softly while swaying his body and rocking Jayden "I started working on it when we got married and I wanted to surprise her. You should help me okay?" Jihye babbled "You do know I love your Mommy so much and I will do everything for her and then you came, I will surely protect you both and build more memories that house will be ours forever home. How's that sound?" Jihye likes talking to her son in this way, she will never get tired of it.

"I should always remind it of you so you could remember it when you grow up. You promise me not to tell anything to mommy yet" Jihye mumbled kissing her son's forehead "Gosh Buddy, I can't believe I'm a parent now, My Mom and I are so happy that you finally came out and you get to see the world already. You don't know how many people are waiting for you, they are waiting for you and want your picture already" Jihye chuckled, it is indeed true a lot of blinks are begging Jennie to take a picture of Jayden since they were certainly curious who he looks like more "you know since your Mom and I are in the media, I wonder if you would like that? Do you want to be like me? An idol? I don't want you to be an idol though, I don't want you to feel the hardness that I went through when I was still a trainee. Hmm, how about are you gonna have my talents? That would be cool"

Jihye is like talking to the wind since no one is answering her.

"You will look better if you became a businessman like your grandpa and Mommy. We want you to manage the business and your soon the siblings" Jihye heard Jayden whimper and smiled to his sleep, Jihye instantly smiled "You like that sound, Buddy? Yes, we're gonna give you a sibling soon. Mommy doesn't want you to be alone since Mommy is the only child. She wants to have three to four kids so they can also help you to manage our company" then again Jayden smiled to his sleep causing Jihye to chuckle

"Aren't you the cutest? I love you so much, Buddy" Jihye said kissing her baby's forehead

Lauren just came in the room finding Jennie, her heart instantly melted seeing Jennie having a bond with her son.

'My Two Favorite Charmers'

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