
Chapter 33: Leaving to the West

~Tatsumi POV~

Waking up bright and early at what I believe to be six in the morning seeing that it's still a bit dark I took my time to leave this place as soon as possible.

I even made sure I wasn't robbed from Leone and checked that I still have [Lionel] around my waist as I began to get going already. I already paid the landlord for a day of sleep for the night and already packed my stuff.

Going out of my room I began to walk down the stairs as I place my room key at the desk and began to leave the place.

Opening the door to the pathway of the stone floor road I see it was clear in the openings as I began to walk out of my way wearing my mask changed into different clothing to make sure I don't draw too much attention.

Leaving my way I see a group of patrolling Empire grunts as I make my way to avoid them but frankly, the greed in their eyes shined as I sensed their intent.

While making way one of them grabbed me from the shoulder as that person began to speak as if he had power over me, "Hold it! You sir are under arrest for stealing a weapon from the armory district! Now hand –"

Not taking his crap and not wanting to have some problems it's best that they were to just be gone.


Snapping my finger by command the [Big Leaguer] activated as all the orbs sprang around me as the [Rot Orb] began to make contact with the guard touching me as immediately activated by its effect.

The armor surrounding the guard began to erode at a rapid paste as all the other guards had their eyes widen in panic seeing the effects of [Big Leaguer] as it began to get close to his skin began to erode.


Before they even get the chance to call for backup or even blow their whistles for assistance I used a burst of [Conqueror Haki] to force them all to be knocked out… along with some nearby people.

Yeah, not my greatest of moments right now but for now though getting rid of the bodies is a must as they have seen me.

Using the [Big Leaguer] [Rot Orb] on all the guards then proceed to use [Flame Orb] that incinerates the remains of the bodies and armor into ashes soon.

Seeing that they are gone best to leave as the gate is close. Time to go.


Running at full speeds away from the Central Western gate and into the forest, I find myself in while not causing a big ruckus in the process.

I didn't need anyone to investigate further about what happened to the guards as I would rather keep my identity hidden for the time being. Using [Big Leaguer] while I have the mask on is a lot easier for me to use.

Now then opening up the map I see myself to be in the right direction of where Tensui Village is, but it will take a few days to reach. Shame I can't have a faster ride there even with my speed using [Aura].

But according to the map, it seems to me that I'm inside the place called the Gyoan where it's the lake on the outskirts of the Capital. Then I'm still in the central region of the Empire better to get…



Dodging a volley of arrows coming in my direction I managed to back away as my [Observation Haki] kicked in allowing me to dodge the attack just now. That was way too close for my comfort to avoid.

But who has the balls…

Looking at the group hiding on the top of trees I see the auras of at least eight people as I checked them with observation. Bandits would be the kind of people that would attack and if my knowledge is correct then that means the bandits that the Jaegers kill off in the future would still be building their base in progress…

Hearing from one of them I can hear them shout at me as they ready another volley of arrows as he spoke, "Damn it! Men fire once more once that fool is down, I bet he'll pay a nice price as a slave to any noble. Ready to be used as a fuck toy or torture toy. Men FRIE!!!"



Kicking the [Storm Orb] to their direction as one of their arrows hit it released as the names suggest a storm in a form of a whirlwind as the damage caused by it was soon rebounding the arrows back the bandits.

The expression and feelings were all of panic and fear from seeing the destruction firsthand. Damn Champ wasted such a good weapon like this he should've used this more often.

Ignoring that thought for now I see that the bandits fell to the ground as they groan in pained as I ready myself in fighting position. As I did few of them got ready their swords as they brandish them out.

The [Big Leaguer] then surround me again from behind as they floated above besides me at the same time as one of the bandits realized who they are facing, "Wait… oh shit! That guy has a Teigu boss I don't think we can win this. Like seriously that is a powerful weapon shouldn't we run boss?"

Then their boss responds to his grunt by chopping his head off as the others looked at him in fear as his eyes are filled with greed as he spoke, "Fuck this our big win boys!! If we sell that Teigu will be fucking rich!! COME ON AND CHARGE!!"

I can't help but feel like that grunt should've been the boss instead of this fool.

I mean he addressed something that is clearly above them and he was the grunt that pointed it out?

Damn, why is it always the real smart ones to die off too quickly real shame honestly…



Throwing the [Lighting Orb] at the remaining seven bandits alive they were all hit by a bolt of actual lighting stunning a few of them and the others were burnt alive from the lighting itself because that was an actual lightning bolt.

Blinking at this as the electric lightning bolt then traveled to the bandit's metal swords like a lightning rod continuously shocking them till they were all but done as they were stunned on the spot.

As the [Lighting Orb] returned to my hand I couldn't help but ask how I even won against Champ using [Lionel] hell much less survive honestly. These orbs are too OP if I use [Lighting Orb] on one guy wearing armor who is suddenly struck by lighting and travels at you.

Then there was the [Storm Orb] literally made to disorder or brutally toss your enemy around using whirlwind alone. Then there is the [Rot Orb] that can erode anything it touches even metal to human skin.

Don't even mention the [Flame Orb] uses blue fire the hottest the natural fire can produce. The [Ice Orb] captures anyone with ice or makes them cold to freeze.

Lastly, there is the [Explosion Orb] that does what the name describes makes things go boom and maybe repeatedly since there isn't a limit to how much it can explode.

And I had [Lionel] and few martial arts skills on my back and how did win against the user that had the [Big Leaguer]?

Shaking my head I won't get my answer since Champ was just a bad user for his Teigu and not using it effectively.

Clapping my hands and shaking them together I grinned at the sight of some down bandits as I began to work my looting of these poor fools. This is compensation for trying to attack me now time to rob you blind and take your lives.

Walking out of the way of the forest as it took some time for me to adjust to the fact that bandits have been coming after me ever since I was inside the Western Region of the Empire of Gyoan.

At least I hope I don't have to face another one too soon as I pretty much ensure the number of dead bodies I left in my wake. I seriously lost count of the number after 67 of them when they relentlessly come after me.

Then they finally get wise enough to know that they finally stopped coming after me once they saw a large number of dead bodies and the sad thing is, I couldn't loot all of them since I couldn't hold their coins anymore.

As I finally got free from that damn bandit-infested lake, I finally found myself at a village here, and looking at the map it seems to be a small settlement where multiple people from different races collide to share one's knowledge.

So in short, a trade for information but not Tensui Village as that's certain…

But the smell however kind of reminds me of chemicals in my previous life for science experiments in labs. How odd why would there be smells of chemicals in the air?

At least the smell is not deadly but for now though I think it's time I rest in that village for the day to get a better understanding of what's going on exactly.

~Third POV~

As Tatsumi was busy going into an alchemy-related village a certain man with a scar across his face viewed the carnage of the corpses of bandits as he smiled gleefully at the sight.

This person is Syura the prime minister son of Honest.

Syura is a bulky young man with tan skin, green eyes, and white hair, he has a noticeable X-shaped scar on his face and a crown-like headgear similar to his father's. He wore a white, skintight shirt that revealed his stomach and white pants.

Syura happens to be returning to the Empire after he visits Tensui Village as soon as he has gotten enough information to create his unique fighting style as he walked back to his home country instead of using [Shambhala].

[Shambhala] is a Teigu capable of spatial manipulation. Its user is granted the ability to teleport people and objects over large distances, using markers placed at the target of the teleportation. [Shambhala] is unable to teleport objects in rapid succession.

A period of time must pass before it can be used again, to teleport immediately after using the ability once. [Shambhala] requires a lot of energy to use, requiring the user to rest before using it again.

Because of not wasting his energy he saw the scale of dead bandit corpses in the area as he laughs at the sight as he talks to himself, "Hahaha!! Now this right here is funny and here I thought the bandits here would be building up their bases but they were the ones to die instead!! Ha!"

Laughing at this Syura noticed that some of the bodies have been looted from them as well as signs of unique damages as he saw them making his observation, "Interesting… ice, burn marks, lighting stun skin, mangled by the strong force, body parts exploded, and even eroded flesh…"

A sinister grin soon flashed over his face as he then gets the idea he wanted to get behind as he talked to himself as if he had a great idea, "I know what to do now hehe… I must recruit this Teigu user of Chaos Throw: Big Leaguer! It's one of the 24 lost Teigu's that the Empire lost and now found its user! I must have this person join under me as my secret police force Wild Hunt!"

Clapping his hands together as if smiling like an idiot as he glances at the footprints in the area he then reviews the steps as it leads to a village as he grins happily at this, "I must get talented people under me for my Wild Hunt to exist. And last I recalled a famous Alchemist is living in this village I wonder if she would consider joining my cause? Hahaha!"
