
Chapter 29: Hunting Begins

~Tatsumi POV~

After thinking for a few days while getting used to my new halberd and [Big Leaguer] I finally decided to track down on Syura. While missing an opportunity to ambush the Elite Seven getting a surefire method to escape would be more ideal.

And the only way I know how to get one is through Syura Teigu as that will guarantee an escape through any situation.

Now the main issue though is how to find him as currently, Syura is finding potential members for his cause so the only way is to use the Chat Group or just wait and standby with one of the future members of Wild Hunt.

Using the Group Chat I had enough points to get the whereabouts where Syura was at and currently though his somewhere in the Western Region but that's about it but then again though Central if I have a good chance to the Western Region of the Empire.

Although I think I may know why but it's maybe because he's trying to perfect his fighting style from what I recall of my knowledge about him.

Syura was also extremely proficient in hand-to-hand combat, having demonstrated to be an extremely strong martial art master. According to Budo, Syura incorporated numerous different martial arts of various countries into his fighting style.

Then the only place to get such info would be in the Western Region of the Empire since, at this time in Tensui Village, that village has been trading with foreign nations, which led to the Prime Minister ordering the execution of all its inhabitants. It was carried out by Kurome and a group of assassins.

But since that hasn't happened since the Elite Seven are around then it's safe to conclude that it's still standing and the Group Chat info about his whereabouts, but he could easily leave at a moment's notice.

I should hit up the Barmaid again to see if there is any info about the Western Region.




Hearing a roar of a Danger Beast I took a glance as I saw the ground erupted a Giant Centipede and Earth Dragon coming out from the ground. Let's see if they are worth some practice…


Using my [Conqueror Haki] on the two they stumble back but were more than enough to resist the pressure of the attack as I grin at this. These two are more worthy to fight than the rest I've seen.

Since Oda has stated that anyone who is knocked out by [Conqueror Haki] is essentially not worth fighting the user directly as I use it literally on any Danger Beast I happen to find upon as they are stronger than the bandits I meet.

Twirling around my Halberd I motioned my hand at the two to come at me as I talked expressing a grin, "Oh come on now. Don't tell me a little bug and lizard is backing off here just because I scared them off?"


I see that they took offense to that.


They began to go on the ground to try and ambush me as they bury down as I relied upon my [Observation Haki] to search for their auras and their intents. Sensing the very ground shaking beneath my feet I can tell where they are going to attack following their auras…

Waiting for the chance I saw one of them going up…




The Giant Centipede was the first to come out as it tried to bite me off with its fangs but jumping up in the air I stabbed straight into its eyes as I can't damage the exoskeleton using the tip of my halberd. I don't want to make a dent in it.

But piercing through its eye going straight to the brain I was being dangled around as the giant bug was twirling me around as I held on strong keeping myself in place as to not let go. Since I was close I began to use [Hasshoken] as my forearm began to accelerate as I went in for a [Mach Punch] at it. Adding for good measure [Armament Haki] to damage it through.




Landing a serious blow to the head I saw the fist print on its exoskeleton head as the eyes of it splat out as I landed down from that one hit. Good, that's one Class 1 Danger Beast down and another to go.

Observing the ground once more I see that the Earth Dragon aura doesn't want to go up as I narrow my eyes at it as I spoke out, "Great so this guy has brains to not come up to attack. At least it's smart compared to others. But I'm not wasting a free chance to strike back."

Using the [Hasshoken] once more along with my hand-coated with [Armamnet Haki] I began to move towards the right spot where the Earth Dragon is and primed the right position…



Slamming on the ground hard and sending the shockwave to the ground I launched the attack at the Earth Dragon and forced the ground with pure power up in the air. Twirling my halberd around I began to put both my hands on the handle as I began to strike.

Going for the multiple stabs strikes into its underbelly since the outer scales of the Danger Beast are hard. But to each other animals, they each have their weaknesses since everyone has to have one weakness.





The multiple strike wounds of the beast were made apparent as there are holes in each of them as they are bleeding out of him. Still though using a spear is something I'm somewhat uncomfortable with.

Still, though I wasn't perfect using my swordsmanship at the beginning when I first held a blade the same with my martial arts. I guess I have to relearn this spearmanship by scratch to better understand using this weapon to its finest. Or I could get a master spearman to teach me the ropes.

Either way, I still need a better grasp of my halberd.

Using my [Construct] to create a knife made out of aura I began to get close to the dead Danger Beasts in front of me as I began to harvest them as I spoke, "Still though I should at least get some reward for this. Now then time to collect from this and get some info before leaving for the Western Region of the Empire."

Time to collect on some goods.

As soon as I transferred the Earth Dragon core and Giant Centipede exoskeleton to the Merchant Guilds, I went straight away to the black market to get some info about the Western Region as the Barmaid smiled at me again as I paid her the usual as she asked me in a respectful tone, "Well, well ain't it my favorite customer. Now, what kind of info do you want this time kid about the Empire?"

Nodding my head, I began to reply to what I wanted from her with a calm and casual voice to her but somewhat friendly, "Actually I happen to need some news about the Western Region of the Empire. Any late news or anything else relevant in the area would be nice."

She agrees as she began to order someone for some papers as that person soon brought back a report of what happens in the Western Region as she told me in advance, "Now these paper reports about a few days ago so it might not be accurate to what's happening but this all I have don't mind if its old new kid?"

I could only nod at that as I can't disagree with her since getting news around the Empire is hard enough as it is without someone trying to kill you. Plus, it's hard to even get accurate info if the news is too late but what can I do about it.

I already wasted some from the Group Chat but from the way it's going it could take a while before that info becomes useless.

Still, I agreed and listen to what she said about the place and also recommended I visit the Tensui Village as it's the biggest place for people from different nations. She even went in to describe that you could find some items that are not originated from the Empire in books of different languages.

From what she describes the place it's like a swap meet to exchange anything in that village so long as it's valuable to the customers but most of all it's likely to get what anyone needs straight to the point in the black market.

Damn now that sounds like a place, I should visit first from hearing the info from her. But there was an auction a few days ago that was a big hit in the Tensui Village with weapons from everywhere near this side of the continent of the Empire.

Still, what caught my attention was that there were even some weapons specifically made on the Wakoku nations as its being traded. Those guys have advanced blacksmithing that created the Teigu's here.

As our deal was about to end, she then grew concerned as she sighs out loud as she responds to me with little concern as she asked, "Sigh…. Say kid you better be careful from now on. Take this as thanks for the goods sweetie but from the grapevines of your victory against the serial entertainment, killer people are looking for you for that Teigu in your hands. The orb type one as some is planning to ambush you or kill you to take it."


Looks like I made her like me enough to show some concern thanks for the info Barmaid and as thanks, I smiled and gave her extra for the tip, "Thanks for the info lady. Take the extra tip Barmaid and thanks for your good service."

With that I left the area as it seems like staying in the Eastern Region is no longer good for me.

But that lady needs to be a better liar as I can sense she lied to me using [Observation Haki] but she was useful to me in the end. At least I can show my thanks for that but now it's time to leave…

Finally, at a far distance away from the Eastern Region of Romari Town I can see a group of people from that town come close to me with their weapons at the ready as they talked, "Oh lookie here boys! We have the brat that has the Teigu. Now then masked freak just leave all your belongings and you get to live."

Great I guess the Barmaid was right about people coming after me…


Using my [Conqueror Haki] at them simply using the intimidation most of the small flies soon fell as some of the stronger-willed ones were staggering a bit as this brought out a smile on my face.

The people that are standing up at least tell me they are worth the effort to fight as they stepped back as I began to twirl around my halberd as I spoke, "So then you guys are the ones left standing. That alone means you are worth my time. But remember this you guys were the ones asking for this."


With that, I began to fight back my attackers. This will be certainly a great way to train my [Observation Haki] and [Armament Haki] on these guys.

Now it's time to head to Central then to the Western Regions of the Empire.
