
Chapter 7: Tensions

~Tatsumi POV~


Today is my turn in cleaning the home for today while it's Sayo and Ieyasu's turn to hunt down the Danger Beast for the day. While I'm stuck here doing the house cleaning whenever we take our turns cleaning our home.

Our home is a two-story home we created collecting the materials for them but at the same time, the village people make it very comfortable for us to live while we collect materials for them.

Hell, I managed to give the cores to the Chieftain as well as some fur coat pelts to him as a gift and to use them to sell to the merchants. But I still kept some for the chat members since I think Ruby and the rest would appreciate some armor.

Most likely Saeko once her world gets invaded with zombies and then these things will become lifesavers against those undead bastards. Try biting your way out of this one you undead sickos let's see how long they last.

I wonder if Hinata would like these as defenses as well.

I may not be a fashionista or a clothes maker but maybe she can do something with the Marg Panther Cubs pelts into her ninja ware.


Cleaning the dishes of my home I have to wonder how different everything truly is to the canon with me being the main character. I had to work my butt off to get where I am now even food poisoning myself eating Danger Beast meat hoping to get their abilities.

How would I rate myself in the anime worlds like what is above average perhaps in others or just even average in others? At least that's how high I give an opinion of myself that I rate but still how do I reach Esdeath level soon?


[Ding! LittleRed and SwordBae are online!]


So only Ruby and Saeko are available currently then means Hinata must be busy with something else then. Must be either training her abilities or is too busy with Ninja politics about her clan slavery.

But relaxing I began to talk with the two as I talked happily to them getting into character for them.

LittleRed: Hello there Tatsumi and Saeko how are you today.

Swordbae: Hello again Ruby and Tatsumi it's a pleasure as always.

EsdeathBitch: Yeah, yeah, Ruby and Saeko nice to see you again.

LittleRed: Hey Tatsumi are you doing chores? I overheard Hinata saying that you have friends so do you live all together or separately?

EsdeathBitch: All together actually since we pay rent-free. The only real concern is hunting food for our village while they do have people for that we happen to bring more along with my friends. We owe them that much for taking care of us at least.

SwordBae: Yeah, I remember you talking about that before. So how exactly are you helping your home village exactly I mean other than your plans to become the General or get into the high status of power?

EsdeathBitch: Sure, I don't mind explaining but there isn't much to be explained though other than that we usually hunt and sell Danger Beast for parts and their cores as they are valuable for us to use.

As I finished saying that to them it seems to have confused them on what I meant. Looks like I might need to explain this to them a bit more of how we work using Danger Beast.

While I was explaining the two about what the uses of Danger Beast are used for, I made sure of what they can be used for without telling them of the Teigu's as Saeko would realize my mistake.

By mistake, the original Tatsumi didn't know about the Teigu's until he was forcibly joined into Night Raid or faced a quick death from them. I won't make the same mistakes as him in the manga and anime.

Playing smart is what makes people stay alive in the game called life. But still getting Ruby abilities of Aura and Semblances would be too good of again to let it waste away.

However, I severely underestimated the little red riding hood of her attitude of trusting people but from what I recall she should be gullible but hasn't once spoken about [Aura] at all. She didn't mention much about her family background other than she has a father and sister looking after her with the mention of uncle Qrow.

At least Ruby isn't as gullible as she seems to be.

Maybe if we were forced into a dangerous situation would make her choice. Even Ruby's good guy nature can't help but give us [Aura] if the situation calls for it. Although I do wonder why she hasn't spoken much about it.

She even went as far as explaining what Grimm was to us is there a reason behind it or something that wasn't mentioned in the show RWBY?

At least I'll keep that knowledge when it's needed but if the situation forces us into an extremely dangerous quest then I'll talk about my knowledge. I'm fortunate that in this world that we have manga as I can use it as a fallback plan if they question my knowledge of the world were going to.

Even though I'm starting to become friends with them it seems to at least me we are keeping things to ourselves as to not reveal much.

Anyway, back to the current situation at hand I made my way to where I kept the pelts from the Marg Panther Cubs inside my closet seeing I was the only one around at this time. That and the girls are asking for it as I brought it to them along with some cores I saved up.

EsdeathBitch: Here you go ladies this here are the state-of-the-art Danger Beast Class 4 Marg Panther Cubs pelts skinned by yours truly. These pelts have a hard-like property of rocks here even though they are soft.

LittleRed: Oh, those pelts look nice but is it true that they have properties of rocks though? And also, how big were these cubs I mean they were just babies.

SwordBae: Tell me how exactly you killed them? Was it quick and painless?

EsdeathBitch: Brutal and mocking them as necessary as possible as they die a slow and painful death.

Now that got their attention as Ruby looked at me in shock as I said that with a smile on my face while Saeko looked at me with surprise as it shook them.

And I wasn't kidding either what I said was the truth.

Before they could reply though I made my case as I spoke to them in a serious tone.

EsdeathBitch: Before you two argue let me remind you that I live in a world where people being killed is practically common. And my master taught us we can't always be nice to our enemies especially Danger Beast as they hate us to the bone to kill the same with Ruby with the Grimm. I mocked and enjoyed good fun.

LittleRed: That may be so but how you say it is…

EsdeathBitch: Cruel. Inhumane. Downright sadistic even. Then yeah, I'm just about those things but those Danger Beast are no jokes even the lowest and weakest ones are dangerous to humans living here as a freaking Marg Panther Cub is about the size of a one-story house.

SwordBae: Wait you said a cub is the size of a one-story home than what about an adult version of those panthers?

Looks like Ruby stopped about her speech and pride saying what's right and wrong how I treat my enemies when she realized how dangerous those little kitties are.

Those things are practically death traps because of their size and fur that makes it hard to kill normally. Although it does take a few rounds of bullets to pierce the skin of its fur that takes time to do it and those cubs aren't exactly going to be waiting around to be killed.

Plus make sure to compare them to the Grimm in Ruby's eyes will make her realize that she treats them the same as I treat Danger Beast. While there are similarities between the two the differences lie in Danger Beast being alive and Grimm aren't but useless as well as unresourceful.

Although giving Ruby that doubt of treating these Danger Beast as living creatures to be cared for is out of the question I return to our conversations.

EsdeathBitch: Yeah, the adult size of those is about two-house stories high but an old one is said to be twice that big. Although I haven't seen it in my life, I can't be sure to let those cubs live if they were close to my home. It was either them or my home as you can see what I chose instead.

LittleRed: Oh… I understand sorry but did you have to kill them as you said though?

EsdeathBitch: Sorry Ruby but no. I needed an outlet to release my frustration and need to be violent. It helps out living in this world a bit honestly if Saeko explained to me how the Empire works I can't help but feel frustrated out of mind. If I let pent up, I was bound to explode at some point at least this was I won't be a ticking emotional time bomb. Not like last time…

SwordBae: Wait like last time?

Sighing at this I knew this part was going to come out soon and honestly, I don't want to explain how I snapped when I was 10 years old killing off an entire raid in a blind rage after witnessing my master's death.

Adding the fact of my personal past life and being in the situation of Akame ga Kill I was really lucky I didn't snap sooner at some point other than 10 years later.

But them seeing how I was rather reluctant they were about to say if I didn't want to. Honestly, though I wouldn't mind someone listening to my story even I have my faults.

So with that, I explained to them in detail what happened through the text logs but made keep certain terms to myself as I go into great detail about the events. As well as justifying how I view my enemies along with my personality change along with the traumatic event.

They were eating it up although it's technically true. Saeko's expression seems to be more of interest towards me while Ruby looked at me with pity. Good.

Using pity also has its uses but Saeko seems to be interested in me but the look of jealously is definitely in her eyes. Guessing that she can't vent out her dark side like I can in this world is bound to blow up soon or not.

When the zombie outbreak happens though I can't help but pity the undead meeting possibly Esdeath counterpart being Saeko unlocking her true self. If only this were a persona game would it be an awesome turn of events for Saeko?

But alas it seems after listening to my story we only talked a little bit before the two left me alone with my thoughts. Still, while it was depressing, I hope I made an impression of the two when the time comes.

When the first quest goes down, I need Saeko to embrace her true darkest personality for her to live and Ruby to realize how evil humans can be as well as be willing to kill. I won't force them it's just they have to evolve from this state there in or die.

There is no in-between I learned that the hard way.


Cheering myself from that depressing funk I got to the downstairs room to the closet as I open the door revealing some cleaning supplies as I spoke happily, "Alright Tatsumi enough of that depressing crap! I need to start cleaning this place up!"

No time like the present to become mister clean.
