
Chapter 29: Chaos and Trickster God


"Is that an ear?" I squint, staring down at the pink fleshy piece tucked inside a rag in Rob's hand. Or a mouse? Hard to tell with all the blood and the darkness in solitary confinement. Rob's hand sticks forward through the small window in the metal door of my cell, giving me a better look.

"Did you want their finger or dick instead? It's doable," Rob eagerly offers, his voice low, body curling forward as he glances quickly over his shoulder at the guard down the hall.

Rob's my second and I trust him. When he sets his mind on doing a job, he gets it done. Not like the two fuckwits in my cell. They touched what wasn't theirs... they touched my girl, Shaye. And well, they have no idea what is coming for them when I get out.

"There's one ear, but two assholes," I hiss.
