
Chapter Four: New lessons,New Adventures

The next morning Roger, Jeffery, and Izuku were walking to school together when they were stopped by a mob of paparazzi outside of the gate "Excuse me sir, Are you a student at u.a high school, Are you aware of the assault that the villains launched on the school even though they promised us that the school is secure in every way shape and form.!" The reporter yelled as jeffery used his quirk and made himself,roger and izuku float above the press, "Hold on what was she talking about guys,i don't remember that ever happening" Jeff says as they land back onto the ground, the two boys look at each other then look back at jeffery as they begin to explain why he doesn't remember that happening "It happened while you were still in a coma,it was a month after the accident and some pros were showing the students the new training facility when maddix noticed something was off and ran to a high point only to see a black portal with hordes of villains coming out of it" izuku says while looking at jeffery, "when the pros noticed they went to try and stop them from advancing any further, Aizawa was able to hold most of them off until a light blue haired,raggedy looking man came out of the portal and started fighting him, Aizawa was able to hold him off but when he couldn't keep his eyes open his arm started to slowly decay. After aizawa broke away the blue haired guy summoned a tall dark thing with a bird beak with razor sharp teeth and the body of 6 bodybuilders and it started to grab and slam aizawa around until all might came and started fighting it off for a while until he launched it into the sky" izuku said as roger motioned at him to stop talking, jeffery's face was one of pure shock and rage, not towards his friends but towards the villains that did this to everyone while he was still out of action. The bell rings as the three of them are late to class for the first time. As the three walk in the class they are greeted with the sounds of a fight. "I can't fucking belive you did that,you cheated on you self centerd prick" jirou screamed at denki the jeffery being confused at the fact that denki and jirou were dating asked roger what was going on " While you were still in a coma, Deki and Jirou finally tied the knot and started dating. But as of recently everyone found out that he cheated on her. We don't really know with who but i could care less" Roger said as izuku walked over to try and calm the situation down a bit " Please calm down guy,if aizawa walks in and hears all of us screaming like he'll punish us all so let's calm down" izuku said as the class started to settle down a bit. Just then Aizawa walked in as he was standing outside of the door the entire time. "Okay class,the first to explain what in god's name happened, gets 1000 extra points on their next test   ," said Aizawa. Everybody went silent after. Roger couldn't hold it in much longer and said, "Denki cheated on Jirou." Everyone sighed in relief. Roger then added, "Speaking of which, why Denki?" "I thought this one girl was cute, so I got her number, and then Jirou found our texts yesterday," said Denki. "Gosh man, I should've said Yes to Roger than you," said Jirou. Everyone was surprised when Jirou said Roger's name. "Is everyone good?" asked Roger. "Yeah. Remember when you asked me to be your girlfriend?" asked Jirou. "Yeah. Why?" asked Roger. "Well now that I'm single would you like to go out" jirou asked as she looked back at denki's face "Yeah,about that,I appreciate the offer but i don't like being the rebound,but i have a friend who is in need of a girlfriend" Roger said as he looked back at jeffery  who was trying to keep denki away from the class "hey guys calm down, i know my boy denki has a perfectly reasonable explanation for this,right denki" jeffery asked as he was hoping he did, "She was cuter and was great in all the right places where jirou wasn't" deki said as jirou overheard this. "OH REALLY" jirou yelled as she was preparing to use her quirk on him in anger "you SO deserve this ,you heartbreaking bastard" jirou said as she launched a sound blast at him,jeffery standing in front of him took the full brunt of the blast "Crap baskets, that hurt like hell,man you are strong" he said as he stood up from the blast of sound "and my ears are ringing great" he thought to himself as jirou ran over to him "Oh my gosh i'm so sorry i meant to hit denki i forgot you were in the way" she said as aizawa tells her to take him to the nurse and then her and denki should settle this in the principal's office. Jirou and denki both nod in shame as roger offers to escort them there, as jirou is taking jeffery to the nurse she has the same thought of getting back at denki for what he did but a little less violently this time as she asks jeffery a question "hey jeff,by any chance are you seeing someone right now" as she holds onto him a tightly "not at the moment,i've been single for a while,why do you ask" jeffery asks jirou as she then goes onto say "great,when we get to the nurses office i'll give you my number,pick me up at 8:00 tomorrow" jeffery startled for many reasons runs into the door of the nurses office "sss,ahhh,i deserved that one" he says as he walks into the nurses office. Jirou then takes jefferys phone as she put her number and address into it as she then walks with roger to the office as her and denki were suspended for fighting
