

"That rock can control monsters?" Allen looked over the floating rock.

"Rather than controlling, it would be more correct to say it as influencing over them, being able to attract them and signal attacking points" Dottore explained as he read some papers "It is formed by condensation of Abyss power and a special type of blood..." Dottore said reading some papers "Interesting" Dottore smiled "It seems that our next movement is decided."

"What are you trying to do?" Allen asked warily.

"Let's see if we have the same thoughts..." Dottore looked over Allen "The special blood is from Ursa the Drake who was known to have some ability to control Hilichurls. But us being in this place has nothing to do with our main reason in Mondstadt. Our missions are to increase the Fatui's influence over Mondstadt and to take care of someone who is in possession of a Delusion not under our control, the head of the Dawn Winery, Crepus Ragnvindr."

"For take care, do we need to kill him?" Allen asked.

"Not necessary, if the Tsaritsa wanted his death, he would be a cold corpse now. We need to give him a lesson in trying to go against us." Dottore explained "Knowing all of this, what would you do Allen?" He asked not really expecting much from him.

"Knowing your interests..." Allen made a thoughtful face before turning over the floating rock "We should experiment with its uses and usefulness, using it against Crepus, summoning monsters against him."

"There's also a concrete way to even summon Ursa" Dottore informed.

"Much better, we can use it to summon Ursa against Crepus while 'discreetly' making it seems like our work but without leaving any proof to actually point at us." Allen told "This way we'll teach him a lesson, completing our mission and we will learn more about Ursa's strength that it would be good for the second part."

"After such an unexpected attack, the terror and hate towards Ursa would grow and that will be the time to complete our other mission. Killing Ursa and forcing Mondstadt into a debt towards us." Allen explained.

"Of course, before anything, we will need to see Crepus and Ursa's strength as depending on them and their actions, our plans may vary."

"Maybe Kagome has her own reasons" Dottore grinned "We have thought exactly the same thing!"

It was a coincidence that Allen and Dottore thought the same? Of course not. Allen knew exactly what would Dottore do because it was related to canon of the game. Not really the game, but the manga about it, the seventh chapter talking about Crepus and Ursa.

'So that's the reason behind Ursa attacking Crepus. It was Dottore's plan in the end' Allen thought 'As expected.'

"But you forgot the most important. I'll take Ursa's body. It will be incredibly good material, I'm sure of it." Dottore laughed

'As expected, his own interests are always over the actual mission. That's how is he known, always putting his obsessions first, making it quite dangerous.'

Dottore took out the rock and turned around "Let's start moving!" Dottore threw something behind and flames spurred, burning the library completely "There's nothing more useful here."


Dottore and Allen stood over a near cliff and looked down at a passing caravan surrounded by some guards.

"As we expected, they are here, away from Mondstadt and anyone capable of defending them" Allen looked over at the driver, a young man with fiery red hair 'He should be Diluc. He should be still one of the Knight of Favonius.'

"Let's start" Dottore took out a mechanical insect with the winter flower drawn on it. Inside the insect, there was the red-black rock, but this time refined, making it seem like a gemstone. The robot flew over the caravan, stealthily lying on it without anyone knowing it. "Be prepared for the unexpected."


"GRRRRRRRRR!" A western dragon landed in front of them. It was purple in color with two big horns and wide wings, with all its body exuding an ominous aura.

"Ursa the Drake."

The guards quickly reacted, covering the caravan and trying to protect it, however, they were no match for it, being slaughtered by it without being able to pose any defense.

After taking care of the guards in a few seconds, the drake put Diluc as his objective. Diluc was unable to take out his weapon in time and was pushed away, crashing to the ground.

"Aren't you going to react?" Dottore asked Allen "You didn't even blink at their death."

"Why should I?" Allen stated seeing the dead guards "Rather them having useful deaths that we risking against Ursa." That caused Dottore to laugh.

The drake approached Diluc, preparing to finish him off, but just as he was about to tear him apart, some black chains shot from inside the caravan, gripping Ursa's claws and immobilizing them.

From the caravan, a man with red hair and a beard who looked very similar to Diluc stepped forward.

'Crepus' Allen looked at the man leaving the caravan.

Ursa tensed seeing the man and started backing.

Crepus swung his left hand which was covered with a glove with a red gemstone forming a strange aria around it, invoking more chains made of black fire that shot towards Ursa, blocking its escape.

"That's?!" Allen's eyes went wide as she looked at Crepus using his Delusion, about the feeling given by it. Allen touched her Delusion over her hair and could feel it pulsing, reacting with Crepus's one.

'This did not happen with Ajax. So it means...' "Dottore." Allen demanded but Dottore simply answered with a big grin. 'As expected.'

Ursa was unable to escape so he chose to attack with his free arm, targeting the weaker one, Diluc. That forced Crepus to move, jumping in front of Diluc and releasing Ursa, using the chains for his defense.

Ursa's claw was able to hit Crepus, pushing him away and injuring it, leaving him vulnerable. But rather than taking advantage of him to kill, Ursa decided to fall back, flying away and escaping to the distance.

"Buag!" Crepus vomited blood and fell to the ground, Diluc taking him over his hands trying to find his injuries.

"So it's his end" Dottore said looking at Crepus whose eyes were losing their light "That's what happens when you go against it and stop."

Crepus had some wounds, but none were fatal, nevertheless, he was dying now in the arms of his son. Crepus said some last words to Diluc and passed the glove to him before he closed his eyes dead, the cause was clear for Allen, his Delusion.

"What is the meaning of this?" Allen demanded Dottore.

"A Possibility" Dottore grinned "Let's go, we have finished here."


Some days passed and the funeral of Crepus was done, every one of Mondstadt crying for his death.

Everything went as in the manga, the actual truth being covert, telling that one of the Favonius Knights was the one to defeat Ursa and forcing it to escape, but unfortunately not soon enough to save Crepus.

That caused Diluc to resign his position as the cavalry captain of the Knights of Favonius and after some fight with his adopted brother, Kaeya, he left Mondstadt all alone and in secret.

For their part, Allen had been seeing it all from afar, not risking being discovered nor acting to change it as in the end, they were simply unfamiliar people.

Once Diluc left Mondstadt, Dottore informed that their mission was finished, that there was no need to follow him as that will be for others, and invoked Allen to meet him alone.

Over an abandoned area in the region of Mondstadt, Allen and Dottore stood facing each other.

"He has started to move again, so we have finished that side. Now for the other..." Dottore looked over Allen "Coleen, are you able to win against Ursa?" Dottore took out one black-red gemstone, the same kind that they used some days before when they invoked Ursa to fight Crepus.

Allen remembered Ursa's strength of that day "It was certainly strong, but if the strength that it showed that day was all of it, I could deal with it. It might take some time, but I doubt that I will lose as he flew rather than attack so I doubt that it has anything hidden."

"Now, I will rephrase. Are you able to kill Ursa?" Dottore asked again confounding Allen.

"Coleen, take out your Delusion." Dottore commanded. Allen looked warily at him and took her Delusion while being alert of Dottore, returning to his male self.

"Do you know why Ursa has been able to live over 1000 years while causing havoc, all of it without being killed?" Dottore activated the rock that started pulsing.

"Grrrrr!" Ursa appeared over the horizon, flying towards them.

"It's not for its strength, as there had been far stronger captains than it in the Knights of Favonius. It's because of its intelligence and cowardice" the Dottore explained.

*PAM!* Ursa landed in front of Allen and Dottore who held the stone that pulsed madly, the glow of it increasing.

Allen tensed as he draw his sword, preparing to defend 'Without the Delusion, I really doubt that I can kill it!'

"It has enough intelligent to detect the strength of others" Dottore stepped forward over Ursa "And enough cowardice to not fight even when there's only a low probability of being injured. That's why he had survived all these years. Avoiding the strong and only fighting the weak. That's why to kill it, you need to be weak." Dottore lifted the stone, causing Ursa to become mad.

"GRRRRRRR!" Ursa launched towards Dottore and bit him, chewing him while he didn't put any resistance before swallowing him all without no trace behind other than Dottore's blood.

"What the...!" Allen was shocked seeing this 'Has it killed Dottore like that?' However, he suddenly felt something with his Delusion, becoming hotter inside his pocket.

"Ghhhh!" Ursa shouted in pain, its face turned red as lumps started appearing all over its body, in the end, it fell to the ground and started convulsing madly before stopping at all, its cloudy eyes and lack of heartbeat being the proof of its death.

"So it went well" Allen turned quickly behind him, seeing Dottore smiling greedily at Ursa's corpse as he walked toward it.

"Let's say that we both killed it" Dottore said as he started investigating the corpse, his smile incredibly big.

"With this, my mission has ended, I've prepared the terrain and excuse for you at Mondstadt, now it's your job." He turned over Allen "Obtain Barbatos' Gnosis."
