
Time Pass

"So you finally returned. Everything's good? How was your trip to the Abyss, Allen?" Pantalone asked as Allen interrupted in his office.

Just after leaving the Abyss, Allen had searched a little for Ajax in the surroundings to not vail, but knowing that with his strength he wouldn't be in any danger, he let it go, deciding to directly return to the capital, using his position as a Fatui to directly come to Pantalone.

"What were you really trying sending me into the Abyss?" Allen inquired glaring at him.

"So it seems that you had discovered the true nature of the Abyss" Pantalone deducted seeing Allen's expression "I found yourself a little too soft and I wanted to temper your mind a little inside its outer layers, nothing too drastic. However..." Pantalone interlaced his fingers in a thinking position "It seems that it didn't work how I thought. If something, I'll say that you even have softened a little more. Allen, who have you met in there?"

"What makes you think that I met someone?" Allen lifted and eyebrow.

"So it was Skirk" Pantalone hummed, breaking Allen's poker face.


"I have a high evaluation of you, Allen, but you won't be able to survive the inner part of the Abyss alone and would have ended up devoured by it" Pantalone explained "Skirk would be the only one capable of completely protecting from the inner Abyss before sending you to the outer layers. But I am quite surprised at how little it has affected you. It seems that your soul is stronger that what I thought for your Elemental Mastery."

'He is quite knowledgeable of the Abyss, but even he doesn't know about my anomaly. Better keep it a secret from him'

"What do you know about Skirk?" Allen asked curious to learn what she was for the Fatui.

"Nothing much" Pantalone shook his head "She is called the Guardian of the Abyss and while she is not our ally, she is neither our enemy. By the Tsaritsa's order, Skirk is someone who we have to ignore. So rather than being aggressive against her, an amicable approach is the best as while she prefers to work alone, she can be cooperated with."

"As I expected" Allen nodded 'The Fatui also work killing the Abyss monsters, so her actions shouldn't be considered anything against them. Moreover, having someone so strong as an enemy should be avoided if not necessary.'

"Allen, how much time have you passed there?" Pantalone asked curiously.

"A month" Allen lied. But what he had told, Skirk didn't feel like someone who would teach anyone. So if he truly wanted to avoid exposing more secrets, it would be better to lie about the time there as he knew, the time inside and outside wasn't lineal. "And how much time has passed here? I learned that is not the same."

"A month..." Pantalone looked directly at Allen "You have really seized that time. You have really grown stronger..." Pantalone glared for a moment "...and taller as if 9 months have passed" He hummed "I'm not quite good with fight and all, but my eyes are the best when it comes to detecting errors and the age of either people and objects."

'So asking about it was another test' Allen sighed internally. "So what?"

"Nothing. If you do not want to tell, you can keep it to yourself. I am not very interested in the Abyss, but for your own good better keep it secret from Dottore and Pulcinella" Pantalone advised "But 9 months... Quite the coincidence as also 9 months has passed here. I suppose that your luck is neither good nor bad."

"So 9 months also passed here..." Allen said thoughtfully "So the purge is near..."

"Yes, there are still two months left for it" Pantalone nodded "Are you ready for it?"

"I don't know, but I'm more prepared than before" Allen answered truthfully, knowing his increase in strength 'It won't still be enough to win, but I should be able to win something from this opportunity.'

"Good" Pantalone nodded "Now that we are closer to the date. I'll tell you the secret behind it. You know about the rules of the walls' guardian test, no?"

"Of course, as everyone" Allen nodded "The guardians are banned to kill and if you win against the guardian to can pass and if you kill him, you need to keep that position until you are able to reach a greater one."

"Precisely. The Purge is exactly the same, the same rules with only two exemptions" Pantalone explained "One, the direct use of Delusions is banned, but Visions are okay so you shouldn't be worried about it."

'If Delusions are banned that would only benefit the challenger as every Harbinger has one.' Allen thought 'Tomoki's strength should have been quite lower without it. While I'm not still at that level, maybe the opportunity is greater than what I first thought.'

"And the second difference is that the only way to win is by killing the guardian." Pantalone stated.

"So that's why is called Purge. The weak die and is replaced by the strong, the winner taking the guardian's position, becoming one of the Eleven Harbingers" Allen realized "That would mean that every 4 years there would be people trying to kill them while they can't."

"Yes. This way let the challenge the opportunity to grow stronger and put pressure over the Harbingers also forcing them to become stronger if the want to keep breathing." Pantalone explained "Allen, once you become a Harbinger there's no escape. Some Fatui traitors has hidden away good enough to not be discovered, but never a Harbinger had escaped with his life. Once you are one, the only way to stop being is..."

"Death" Allen stated.

"Everything comes with a price." Pantalone nodded "Harbingers have power and influence as they have danger and secrets, you should think if it is worthy. Allen, are you still decided to become one?"

"Yes" Allen answered without doubt "I won't change my decision at this point for something like that." 'For Ellen and for myself. I want to become strong, strong to know the secrets of this world.'

'Moreover, there's also another escape' Allen thought 'reaching a greater position. Meaning winning against the one over them, the Tsaritsa.'

"Prepare during this time and choose wisely your oponent," Pantalone advised.

"Can you tell me something about the other Harbingers?" Allen asked.

"Their strength and powers are restricted information, so I cannot tell you" Pantalone answered "However, I'll give you some advice. Don't challenge the four first seats, most of them are incapable of dying and you should also avoid Capitano."

"Capitano..." Allen whispered 'He is the actual 10th rank, so he should be the less senior of all and possibly the easiest one.

"Take my advice or ignore it, is up to you." Pantalone said before pointing the door "You can go now."

Allen was about to leave, before he turned around "One last thing. Do you know about someone called Ajax? Has something with his name been found recently?"

"Ajax..." Pantalone repeated "Yes, I know him. Why are you asking about him?" Pantalone asked curiously.

"Curiosity, do you know where he is exactly now?" Allen asked.

"No, but if you are curious about him. He will be at the capital in two months."

"Thanks" Allen turned around leaving 'Two months? How he knows him? What's the meaning of this? There's no way for him to participate in the Purge, no?
