
Abyss Monster

"Ajax..." Allen repeated "Nice to meet you" He said offering Ajax his hand, Ajax shaking it.

Did Allen knew who Ajax was? In truth, he was quite aware of him or rather than the actual him, his future self as Childe, the 11th and youngest Harbinger. In the Genshin Impact game, Allen didn't have him as a playable character, but due to the wiki, he was aware of some of his story.

'So he is the one that would become the new Tartaglia?' Allen thought seeing Ajax 'It's truly a wonder that someone so weak reached that level.'

"Do you remember how you arrived here?" Allen asked.

"I'm from Morepesok. I wanted to go on an adventure so I took my father's sword and went to the forest" Ajax explained "I don't know how, but a rift opened from the ground just under me and I fell from it. When I was aware, I was already here."

'Not very useful to escape' Allen thought 'But better stay with him for now.'

"You must be quite surprised, let's rest for a moment. Then we will try to a way to return." Allen advised, Ajax nodding at him.

"I am from Snezhnaya City and I suppose that just like you, I was having a walk outside and fell over this place..." Allen started talking about himself, mostly telling half-lies and never telling his implications with the Fatui, trying to calm him and gain his trust, that for the results was quite effective.

Ajax started opening a little and talking about himself. How he was the third son of an adventure, about his older and younger siblings, about his parents...

"My father was quite the respected adventurer. Whenever we go ice fishing, he always tells me about his adventures. That's why I wanted to be like him, having adventures and seeing the world" Ajax explained excitedly "But I don't like this place, I want to return home."

"Don't worry, I'm sure that we will leave safely" Allen smiled "I'm sure that this would be your time to explain an adventure." Ajax nodded "Let's start going, staying here doing nothing won't take us anywhere."

Both stood up and started walking without any concrete direction, unlike before, under them it could be appreciated a type of dark ground, so the chances of falling again were lower. Allen cheered for Ajax while following him.

'He is completely useless. If were to go to Snezhnaya City, he won't be able to cross even the first wall' Allen couldn't help to wonder as he looked at Ajax's soft steps and stumbling body 'But in the game, it is said that he was weak like this when he was younger. He only changed after falling to the Abyss.'

'So it should be probably now' Allen looked at his surrounding darkness with wonder 'In this place, there is an opportunity for a weak normal child to become strong enough to become a Harbinger in a few years, so rather than searching for an unknow escape, it's better to try to take this opportunity.'

"Mm!" Suddenly, Ajax groaned, his steps faltering while he put his hands over his head.

"Are you okay, Ajax?" Allen asked.

"My head! It hurts!" Ajax groaned as he felt to his knees.

"Ajax!" Allen leaned over Ajax, looking at his face which was becoming paler. Ajax's body couldn't stop trembling and Allen could see how the brightness of his eyes was quickly disappearing 'What the fuck is happening?'

"Grrrr!" Allen quickly turned around, seeing a growling monster approaching them. Allen drew his sword as he attentively looked at the unknown monster.

It has the form of a wolf but was formed with pieces that floated with an unknown power. It was mostly black and gray in color with shining pale blue eyes and mane.

Allen couldn't recognize such a monster or anything similar, neither from this life or the game, but it was clear that it was bad news and if it was the one that made Ajax in that state, it only make it more dangerous.

"AHHHHH!" Ajax shouted loudly in pain. Allen looked at him with the back of his vision, still keeping control of the wold as Ajax's hair slowly became white, swallowing the ginger from it.

However, suddenly the wolf disappeared, appearing just next to Allen and swinging its sharp claws at him.

'Sword shield!' Due to lowering his attention due to Ajax's condition and not expecting the sudden teletransportation, Allen was caught unguard, forcing him to summon his first constellation. However, nothing happened, not cryo was formed around Allen, the wolf's claw unhindering coming towards him.

'Fuck!' Allen jumped backward to avoid the attack, but due to that error, he couldn't completely avoid the attack, the wolf's claw gracing his left shoulder.

Allen withstood the pain, slashing at the wolf causing a shallow wound, however, when he was about to continue the attack, the wolf disappeared again, this time appearing at his back.

"Like I will fall for the same!" Allen turned over the left, avoiding the claw attack while counterattacking slashing at the wolf's arm, cutting it.

"GRRRRRRR!" The wolf growled in pain as he teleported away from Allen, the arm left behind, disappearing inside the darkness.

"AAAAAAH!" Ajax's shouts didn't stop, his body started convulsing, his hair becoming full white while some dark patches started appearing over his skin as color of his eyes disappeared.

"Txt!" Allen clicked his tongue as he lifted his sword. It was a bad situation. Ajax was in a bad state, but that wasn't important as Allen didn't expect anything from him. The problem was himself, he was unable to use his Vision, this one having lost its colors and becoming transparent.

'This should be what Scaramouche was trying to warm. In the deeps of the Abyss, Visions can't be used'

But the worst was the wolf's wound of his left shoulder. What seemed to be a shallow cut that wouldn't cause much of a problem when fighting, it took a turn for the worse. The area seemed to have been infected, the area around it quickly turning black, oozing a black smoke while it was slowly propagating, making, for now, unable to move his left hand.

'Fuck. It has some kind of poison, it's quite strong. If only I wasn't caught unguarded' Allen cursed, but he knew that it was useless to lament the past.

"A!" Allen charged toward the wolf, starting a barrage of slashes without carrying for his stamina and strength as he needed to finish it quickly before it was too late. Luckily, the wolf itself while it was kind of tricky, it wasn't so strong, its movements and teleports were easy to read and to counterattack.

Allen was quickly damaging it, the wounds on its body increasing while it was unable to touch him.

'If I'm lucky enough, killing it would make this state of corrosion disappear. If not...' Allen shook his head, there was no path for the if not as that would mean his end as he would be unable to leave this place in such a state.

"Grrr!" The wolf slashed at him again. This time Allen didn't avoid it completely, he let him slash over his left blacked arm, approaching him to create a perfect opening.

"It's the end" Just as Allen was about to slash at it, his eyes went wide and decided otherwise, jumping to left and creating distance.

*PAM!* Just in the place where he stood, a new monster crashed over the wolf, slamming him to the ground and making it unable to move.

This new monster was completely black and quite similar to the wolf, but it has a more human-like appearance, walking over two legs and with strong arms, rather than a wolf, it could be a werewolf.

The new werewolf started dismembering the wolf while completely devouring each of the pale blue parts of the wolf.

"Auuuuuuu" Finishing, the werewolf howled with strength, one of his black eyes, becoming a little bluish. Then, he turned towards Allen.

'This one is truly dangerous' Allen was aware, the new monster was quite strong. Even only physically, it should be difficult to kill it when he was in a perfect state and with his arm like that and without Vision...

"GRRRR!" The werewolf kicked the ground, dashing towards Allen and slashing him with its claws.

*Clank* Allen blocked the attack but the werewolf was too strong, his sword leaving his hands, leaving completely open to the werewolf's next attack, its left claws approaching him.

Allen could only wait for the worse, however, the attack never came.

"What are kids doing here?" Between Allen and the werewolf, a woman appeared. She was tall and slender with white bleached hair styled into braid that reached her hips and dark blue eyes. She could be quite the beauty, but her face was half covered, her left side all covered by a black mask with some red lines that didn't hide her eye.

She was wearing a short black skirt, with black leggins covering her legs and a black sleeveless shirt, with what it seemed a metal gauntlet with the form of claws over his right hand which with only two fingers she held the werewolf's claws, making it unable to move.

"And how did you reach here, little dog" The woman lifted two fingers of his left hand, a black energy forming over them, forming a knife around them.

*Swiff* With those two fingers, she slashed downwards to the werewolf, cutting its body in two, each half completely disappearing shorty.

'Ajax, Abyss, an alone woman...' Allen didn't know exactly who she was, but he knew a name.

"You are really in a bad shape." The woman turned over Allen, taking his right arm.

"You are..." Allen tried to talk but just as the woman touch his left blacked arm, he felt his consciousness fall. His eyes closing as he looked at her dark blue eyes and Primogen-shaped pupils.

