
At the Pier

"Hgh!" Allen groaned as he opened his eyes, a piercing pain crossing them. Nevertheless, he kept them seeing a wooden ceiling.

"You finally woke up!" Allen turned his face, seeing Kazuha with a relieved look "I was worried quite worried, you had slept over 5 days."

Allen stood his upper body and looked at his surroundings, remembering what happened 'I forced too much my mind. We should be still staying at the Alcor.'

"I think that we were going towards Liyue, how far we are? And did anything happen during the voyage after the storm?" Allen asked as he stood up and losing his footing, being stopped to fall by Kazuha.

"You should be more careful." Kazuha said "It was quite the calm travel and we are about to reach the Harbor that's precisely why I came to see your state before arriving."

"I see..." Allen could feel his body all sore, but it should be normal taking into account not moving for 5 days 'The worst is the pain in the eyes but at least, I skipped the travel.'

"Allen" Kazuha called in a low and serious voice "Sorry!" He lowered his head "I did something stupid, chasing in the middle of the soldiers, making an act of defiance against the Shogun, all for nothing and forcing you to save me, putting us both in danger. I apologize for everything! When I saw Tomo disappearing, I couldn't control mys-"

"IDIOT!" *Pang* Allen punched Kazuha in his face, throwing him to the floor.

"Wha-!?" Kazuha wore a shocked expression as he caressed her pained cheek, but quickly realized it "I deserve it."

"Kazuha, do you know why I hit you now?" Allen asked.

"Because I make an idiocy, putting us in danger."

"You are half right" Allen answered "You were truly an idiot. Tomoki took you as his disciple and taught you how to live. Throwing your life like this, how would he feel about it? That's the worst insult to his death. So think before acting and don't uselessly go throwing away that life that Tomoki wanted you to cheer."

"Yes" Kazuha made a downcast expression, thinking about it.

"That's why you don't need to apologize with me, but with Tomoki and yourself" Allen gave Kazuha his hand "My intromission was my own decision. I could have easily decided to ignore you, but I decided otherwise, it's my own fault."

"But, if I hadn't done it, you shouldn't have been in danger." Kazuha didn't dare to look at his eyes.

"Kazuha" Allen took Kazuha's head, forcing him to look at his eyes "You were truly and idiot and I also was one, I don't know what I will be feeling if things had gone truly wrong, but now I don't blame you, I'm even a little thankful."

"Thankful? How could you be?" Kazuha asked confused.

"I also saw Tomoki's death. I saw him fighting with the Shogun putting his life in it and I did nothing, feeling myself completely powerless" Allen explained "Did you know how I felt when I saw his death? Furious and frustrated. Furious at the Shogun who killed him, furious at Tomoki who risked his life and frustrated at me who did nothing. If I had left like that I would have needed to swallow that fury and frustration that would have tormented me for a long time."

"However, helping you, doing my all against the Shogun's forces have helped with it." Allen said "I really couldn't do anything, but I did my all. With this, I think that I would be able to pass Tomoki's death, going further to my own path."

Allen turned to Kazuha "It might seem too short, knowing that he had just died, but thanks to you, I was idiot enough to truly accept his passing" Allen offered again his hand "So there's no need to apologize to me."

"Thanks" Kazuha made a light smile as he took Allen's hand, standing up again.

"So the sleeping beauty finally decided to wake up" Beidou entered the room "Prepare to leave, we are already docking." She said before returning outside.

"Great" Allen said while doing some light stretches "I really want to move my body."

As he left the cabin, the sunlight forced him to cover his eyes, feeling a penetrating pain, followed by a shout.

"Yelan, what the meaning of this!" Beidou shouted angrily. Just as they arrived at the pier and docked the ship, they found themselves surrounded by a group of Millelith leaded by Yelan who blocked their pass.

"Beidou is nothing personal. We have received news about the closing of Inazuma and the lightning storm surrounding it" Yelan informed "We are aware that you come from there, so we want to discover everything from it. The possible motives and your involved in it" She said glaring at the traces of lightning over the ship, her gaze stopping also for some seconds at Allen and Kazuha, especially over Allen.

"If you fully cooperate, it will be short" Yelan stated, but seeing the forces surrounding her, it seemed a quite forced cooperation.

"It's not Yelan?!" Just as the Millelith soldier prepared to escort everyone, a masked man entered the dock, direct to them while followed by guards.

"Aleksei" Yelan glared at him, not trying to hide her dislike "Why are you here?" She looked at him and the guards "And so good accompanied?"

"I heard some news of a ship coming from Inazuma and I wanted to see it." Aleksai said and turned back over his guards "But seeing that today was such a good day, I decided to take my men with me for some sunbathing. It's not that your same reason, Yelan?" Aleksei hummed turning over the Millelith "But I can't really fathom why did you decide to have the walk for this place, bothering these competent people just after they arrived from an exhausting travel."

"This is an official Millelith's matter. It's none of your business, Aleksei" Yelan stated, stepping forward to Aleksei. 'He must already be aware of the closing of Inazuma, but better not say anything and risk some information.'

"If it's an official matter, I can't really interpose" Aleksei shrugged his shoulders and turned around, but as his gaze fell over the ship, he stopped his step "It's not my friend Allen?!" Aleksei turned over Allen "Long time not seeing you!" Aleksei shouted cheerfully.

"Aleksei" Allen's eyes showed shock. It was a surprise seeing him, but it was even more of him directly showing and more likely forging a relationship between both.

Yelan glared angrily at Allen before returning to Aleksei "I'm sure that you will be able to have a good long chat with your friend, but first he'll need to answer some questions. All the ship is detained under Tianshu's orders."

'You are bringing strong names, eh? Dog?' Aleksei laughed for himself, but didn't even broke his contact with Allen "Are you fine, Allen?" Aleksei said with a tone full of worry.

"What are you trying to do?!" Yelan glared at Aleksei.

"How can you be so inhuman, Yelan?" Aleksei said offended "Are you so blind by Tianshu's orders that you don't see his state" Aleksei signaled Allen "That trembling legs, the red eyes... He is not clear in a good condition. Who is the medic of the ship?!" Aleksei requested.

One of the men of the Alcor stepped forward "That should be me."

"What happened to Allen?" Aleksei asked worriedly.

"He had overexerted physically and mentally when he reached the ship and even forcing more in it, that caused a complex downfall of his immune system and was bed driven for a week." The medic explained "His state is completely normal and with a good diet and rest, he will recover completely shortly."

"You have listened to the medic" Yelan stated "He is in good condit-" "Sorry to interrupt you Yelan, but while I don't doubt the so-called medical knowledge of the medic of mercenaries like pirates like them, I will be more relieved if a true doctor checks him." Aleksei explained clearly looking down at Beidou's group.

"If that's it, w-" Yelan tried to talk but was again quickly shut down by Aleksei "I am sure that you will be kind enough to provide some good doctors, but I am worried about Allen's stress in his possible state. But you don't need to worry, I will take him with his personal doctor from our motherland that casually is here at the Harbor these days."

Yelan was about to open her mouth again.

"Or are you saying that this so-called detention is more important than the health of my good friend" Aleksei said surprised "Have they done some crime?"

"No" Yelan clenched her hands and finally closed her mouth. She really couldn't refute him any longer. Yelan was sure that Aleksei had come fully prepared and this was all his play. If only it wasn't Aleksei, she would be able to use her influence, but in these moments, in the Harbor Aleksei was the most important man after the Liyue Qixing and even they had to act warry around him. In the end, Yelan truly lacked any proof to force it. "You can take him. We can wait until his good condition is verified."

"Thanks, Yelan" Aleksei said with a truthful tone "I'm sure that Allen would be delighted to talk with you once he has completely recovered."

"Yes, thanks for your cooperation and sorry for the troubles" Yelan said clenching her teeth.

"Go" Aleksei ordered his guards who quickly took Allen from the ship. Kazuha tried to stop them, but was convinced by Allen to let them be, being brought next to Aleksei.

"Bye, till next time" Aleksei said good bye, his group leaving and reaching his hotel, reaching Aleksei's private room and leaving Aleksei and Allen alone.

Finally being left to move alone, Allen glared angrily at Aleksei "WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING!?"
