
Finishing Plans

"Checkmate" Kokomi declared with a little disappointed voice "As you said, it seems that we reached that point."

"Yes. I can no longer win against you, Kokomi" Allen nodded "You have already learned most from me and as I said, you are clearly superior."

"It's a strange sensation. For once now that I know that you will leave Inazuma shortly, I'm happy for having been able to win against you, but on another side, I lost one of my favorite pastimes. Thinking of new strategies to face you was very entertaining, but now I can win with so many tactics that it has lost its purpose."

"I see..." Allen nodded "I can really understand it. Sometimes the travel is more enjoyable than the destination itself. However, I think that I will still be able to keep you amused."

"What are you thinking about?" Kokomi asked curious.

"Are you aware why I can't no longer win against you in chess?" Allen asked.

"Because of my more analytic mind and processive progress, being able to see further than you." Kokomi answered.

"That's one of the reasons, but another important one is that chess is a too simple game." Allen answered.

"Too simple?" Kokomi said confused.

"Yes. Perfect pieces that perfectly follow your orders, predetermined moves without room of fail... Once you learn and if you are good enough, there's no emotion at all." Allen explained "In the end, it's not so different from a tic tac toe game. That's why I prepared a more interesting game for us." Allen smiled.

"What are you thinking Allen?" Kokomi asked with suspicious, already knowing about that type of no-good smile.

"A bigger board with more complex pieces. A war over Inazuma" Allen revealed.

"You are crazy" Kokomi glared at him "I won't start something like a war for my own amusement."

"Yes, I am aware of it" Allen nodded "But let me ask you, why are you putting so much effort into your duties as a Divine Priestess? Wasn't your dream to be a military advisor?"

"It was" Kokomi looked down "And even now I would prefer to be, but there are more important things that our dreams."

"You are right" Allen nodded "Everyone has a line that can't cross, something that can't be abandoned." Allen remembered his decision to return to Snezhnaya "What's yours Kokomi?"

"I must protect Watatsumi Island and the people in it." Kokomi stated with strength.

"Yes" Allen smiled "And it's precisely for that reason that you will participate in that war. Your own beliefs, wanting to protect and respect Watatsumi Island, would force you." Allen took out some papers from inside his robes and put them on her desk.

"What are these?" Kokomi glared at him and the papers.

"These are my plans for the future" Allen declared "I don't mind if you don't want to follow them, but read and learn from them. When the time comes, you will know how to use them."

"I won't follow plans that lead over a massacre" Kokomi said.

"You here have my ideas. Show me that you can do better. Surprise me" Allen stood up and started leaving the cave "Until next time, Kokomi."

Kokomi made a difficult face, not really knowing how to answer at everything. Allen always surprising with his movements and ideas, but remembering all their time together, her most interesting movements, she finished smiling brightly "See you soon, Allen."

Leaving the island with his boat, Allen turned one last time towards it "Watatsumi Island done. Now to the next."


In a meeting room at the Tenshukaku, three men sat around a round table. These three were the most influential people of the nation only lower than the Raiden Shogun, they were the Three Commissioners.

Kujou Takayuki from the Tenryou Commission, Hiiragi Shinsuke from the Kanjou Commission and Kamisato Ayato from the Yashiro Commission.

They were reunited for their periodic meeting to talk about the situation of Inazuma or to process some new matter directly to the Shogun, needing the acceptance of two of them before being presented to her.

After the usual pleasantries and matters, Takayuki finally started his move "I desire to present a new decree" He gave the other two papers explaining about it and the bases "to start a Vision Hunt followed by a Sakoku Decree."

"Are you crazy!" Ayato stood up with fury "Not only do you want to shut down the borders, but you even want to take the people's Visions!"

"You disappoint me, Kamisato Commissioner" Takayuki shook his head "As the one in charge of the cultural representations of Inazuma, I thought that you more than anyone would understand. Our Shogun-sama's ideal is Eternity. Can't you see how our customs are being tainted by outsiders, we can let it continue, or our own people will be lost it."

"But this is too extreme! We will damage all the hard work that we have made with the other nations, we will break everything, forcing people inside and even breaking families." Ayato defended.

"It's a low price to pay for the Shogun-sama's ideal." Takayuki answered "The same with the Visions. They have become a great focus of chaos all over Inazuma, the army and police receiving most damage from it, creating people overconfident that think that they are even over human regulations, equalising gods. We can't tolerate such blasphemy!"

"Visions are part of ourselves, the recognition of our efforts." Ayato exposed "People won't accept it. There will be revolts! It might even end in a Civil War."

"That's why the army will be make in charge, we will make sure to stop any revolt and apply the new decree." Takayuki said.

"You only want more power for yourself and you do not mind putting thousands of people in danger for it" Ayato accused.

"My only concern is to accomplish our Shogun-sama's ideals" Takayuki answered.

Ayato didn't know why Kujou put this decree now, but he knew that Takayuki had already made his decision and he won't change it without matter how he reasoned it, so he opted for the other way "Commissioner Hiiragi could you help me with it. These decrees are certainly madness."

"I must disagree, Commissioner Kamisato" Shinsuke said reading the papers "I think that it is a good plan and it should be applied."

Ayato's eyes went wide "Are you aware of the consequences of closing the nation? How much it could impart in the commerce and money?" Ayato knew how Shinsuke was, a merchant more interested for money than honor, there was no way that he could accept it.

"You offend me, Kamisato" Shinsuke shook his head "We must think about the nation and following the Shogun-sama's ideals should come first over the money."

'Ideals over money? You?!' Ayato thought.

On the other hand, Shinsuke smiled inwardly, remembering a conversation two weeks ago.


Hiiragi Shinsuke was doing some accountings in his office when suddenly, a masked Fatuus with a blue uniform appeared in it that of course was Allen

"Good night, lord Hiiragi-sama" Allen bowed.

Hiiragi glared with distrust "What the Fatui want with me?"

"I am well aware of your multiple commercial deals with the Fatui, so there is no need to hide it" Allen said while showing an emblem that Shinsuke quickly recognized.

"So you came from Pantalone... What does he want now?"

"I am here to offer a new business opportunity" Allen gave him some papers that Shinsuke carefully read.

"Closing the country, a Sakoku Decree?"

"Exactly and the Hiiragi Clan will be in control of the borders, controlling the limited entries and making it easy to take out the competition." Allen explained.

"For whom have you taken me for?" Shinsuke said with anger "Even if I am able to obtain all the control that would limit the market, lowering our possible benefits. I am not here to be a big fish in a little pond. And if I were to elevate too much the prices in that situation all the anger of the people will go against me."

"Yes, you are right" Allen nodded and gave him another new paper "But what would you say if I added another route? A secret commercial route that won't be discovered."

Shinsuke quickly took the new papers, eagerly reading it "You are able to pass Watatsumi Island?"

"I have my contacts" Allen smiled.

"With this, the flow of products would be able to be kept to a certain margin and I would obtain the complete monopoly of Inazuma's production. Plus being all done in secret, the anger won't focus on. I can have full control" Shinsuke started whispering for himself, his eyes shining with greed.

"I see that you like the idea." Allen said cutting his thoughts "The decree will be voted on your next meeting, you only need to vote in favor. Do we have a deal?" He said offering his hand.

"We have a deal" Shinsuke shook his hand.

"Perfect. Have a good night lord Hiiragi-sama" Allen said before leaving.

'This type of greedy merchant are so easy to deal' Allen thought as he left, looking at the emblem 'It was also so easy thanks to Pantalone's backing, having his veracity. If not, it would have been far harder to convince and I really needed his vote as I don't think anything will convince Ayato to accept it unless I blackmailed him with Ayaka's life, something that I don't really want to do. Anyway with this, the Commissions are done.'


"With two votes and favor and one against, it is decided" Takayuki declared "The decrees are accepted and I would personally expose to the Shogun-sama." He said recovering his papers and preparing to leave.

"It would take some time until the implantation, you should start preparing accordingly" Takayuki advised "And there is no need to say that this must be kept as secret until then" he said glaring at Ayato "We do not want to declare anyone as traitors." He said before leaving.

'I don't understand' Ayato put a worried face, looking at Takayuki and Shinsuke leaving the room 'What are they truly planning? What they will truly win.'


"Tomo, Allen. Thanks for everything" Kazuha bowed towards them.

"What did I say about bowing?" Tomoki said with a light smile.

"I think that this occasion is important enough, Tomo" Kazuha answered.

"Are you sure of your decision, Kazuha?" Tomoki asked worriedly "Your father just died, you can pass sometime here if you want."

"I have already decided. I will travel all around and experience freedom." Kazuha said decidely.

"If you have already made up your mind, I can no longer say otherwise" Tomoki sighed and made a smile "Sorry for having lied to you and never taught you blacksmithing."

"There's no need" Kazuha shook his head "Father explained everything to me. You were only following his last wishes. I can't really thank you enough for everything that you taught me."

"With his death and the debts, the Kaedehara Clan has finally perished..." Kazuha said with melancholy "I feel bad for my ancestors, but I certainly fell a huge pressure leaving me. I can now understand my father's desire for me to live my own life."

"Do you have something in mind to go?" Allen asked.

"No" Kazuha shook his head and looked over the horizon "The wind will guide me."

'He still doesn't have a Vision as in the game, but that phrase it really suit him' Allen thought 'He really has changed from the first time. He had become strong.'

"Before you go, here's something for you" Allen said giving him a letter "I'll also going to travel in a little more than a month. Open it when I'm no longer in Inazuma."

What was in the letter? It was Allen's recommendation to leave Inazuma this year. It would take still some time to be effective, but if his plans were effective, Inazuma would be closed down shortly, so it would be better if he is away from Inazuma by them, especially if as in canon he obtains a Vision during his travel.

Kazuha looked at the letter and nodded, keeping inside his clothes "Yes, your travel for strength. Knowing you, I'm sure that you will reach higher than anyone. You might even one day surpass the strongest sword art, the Musou no Hitotachi. Not that you should try to face it as it would mean to receive divine punishment from the Shogun-sama." He said laughing.

"Who knows what the future awaits?"

"Bye, Kazuha" "Bye, Allen" Both clapped with a punch.

"Bye, Tomo" Kazuha turned towards Tomoki who caught him into a hug.

"Bye, Kazuha. Remember that you can always come here if you need. We are family." Tomoki said.

"Yes!" Kazuha nodded and broke the hug, his eyes were with some tears. He took up his things and left saying goodbye, his gaze fixed over the horizon.
