

"It's a real sword!" Ayaka exclaimed having always trained with wooden ones.

"That's how far your resolution goes?" Allen mocked.

"But I can hurt you and you never wielded a sword!"

"That I never used one while you practice, it didn't mean anything. I had my own reasons to never take a sword. You don't need to worry about me. The contrary, you will be the one being hurt if not prepared!" Allen swung his sword at Ayaka.

Seeing the sword reaching her, Ayaka didn't doubt.

*Clank!* She clenched the sword, swiftly drawing it and clashing with Allen.

"Too weak!" Allen put strength onto his sword, pushing it forward.

"Ah!" Ayaka was thrown 1 meter away and tried to quickly regain her footing but Allen quickly reacted slashing her horizontally.

*Clank!* Ayaka was able to block it with her sword, however, due to her poor posture, she wasn't able to keep the hold over the sword which flew away.

"Weak" Allen twirled his body hitting Ayaka's belly with the sole of his right foot.

"Hah!" Ayaka's body flew away, thrown away from her room, landing to the outside yard.

Ayaka slowly stood up and looked with surprise at Allen.

*Paf!* Allen threw her sword, piercing just next to her.

"Is this the extent of your resolution?"

"No!" Ayaka took the sword again, clenching it and preparing a drawing posture "I'll show it to you."

She really didn't have talent with the swords, but she had put all her effort to make up for it.

She was far from having mastered the Kamisato Art but with her effort, she was able to perform one technique, her strongest attack. Three quick slashes while charging that blend into one.

It wasn't perfect and she would overexert herself with it, most possibly not being able to do it again without resting before, but she had confidence in finishing this battle with it.

"Swift and precise. That's the Kamisato Art!" Ayaka stepped forward swinging her sword decidedly. "Kabuki!"

*Clank* *Clank!* *Clank!* Ayaka's eyes went wide with shock, her technique was blocked.

But what shocked her most was how easy it has been. Allen seemed to have completely grasped the technique, blocking it with the perfect move, a simple swing of his sword was enough as if he had faced it countless times before.

"Such a trick" Allen sighed "It lacks speed and accuracy, lacking the true essence of the attack, creating an immense opening very easily exploitable. This is a simple waste of stamina."

'This technique is quick and difficult to parry, but it takes time and momentum to prepare, plus the burden on your body... It's not a good technique for me now' Allen sheathed his sword and stepped forward 'But!' Allen's eyes became sharp 'It has its use!'

'Reducing the slashes, applying Tomoki's drawing technique, improving its precision and posture'

"Kabuki!" "Clank!" "Clank!" Allen drew his sword creating two beautiful arcs that clashed with Ayaka's sword that went flying again, throwing her to the ground.

Ayaka slowly lifted her face towards Allen, awe and terror reflected in them. "How can it be?" Seeing Allen's technique, Ayaka could sense that while it was different than her own, it contain the same essence.

'Could Allen learn it just seeing me?' No, it went over it. Allen took the technique as his own, changing and fusing with another in mere seconds. But that was merely the tip, what he had done was more extraordinary.

Ayaka had seen the true Kamisato Art at its best being used by her mother and Ayaka was far from that level, but Allen's essence was more similar to her mother than her, closer to perfection. So it meant that he was able to improve her art in a mere moment or he had previously learned and was hiding it. Both options are incredible, the first making him a monster and the second showing that the secrets of her clan had been revealed.

"Don't think too much about it" Allen stopped her thoughts "I simply devoured your technique. That's my talent!"

Allen pointed his sword at the shocked Ayaka "Did you finish?"

"Ahhh!" Ayaka's eyes became fierce, she quickly took the sword again, jumping towards Allen.



"Ayato" Tomoki entered Ayato's office finding him alone and busy while doing some paperwork "We need to talk abou-"

"I already know why are you here, Tomoki" Ayato said seriously as he stopped his paperwork. "You are trying to convince me of abandoning my position as the Yashiro Commission head Clan."

"Yes" Tomoki nodded "I know how capable are you, but you are too young. Your support is too small. If this continues, the other clans would act. Not only you, but even little Ayaka would also be in danger."

"There is still time, hide for some years, slowly grow stronger and if then you want, try to recover the position," Tomoki explained.

"Do you really think that someone that ran and hide away deserves this position? You are not good at lying, you are too sincere for that" Ayato smiled lightly "I know that running now would be the end."

"You should think about, the consequences. There are far more important things than power and prestige" Tomoki tried to persuade.

"Thanks, friend" Ayato nodded and put his hand over his pocket, taking out a dark blue gem and putting it on the table.

"A Vision" Tomoki quickly realized what the gem was, and Hydro Vision.

"The last day of my father, he called me to talk. He had a solemn expression, but couldn't hide the concern in his eyes and he talked not about the clan, but about myself" Ayato explained "How my training was going, if I had eaten enough for dinner, how my swordsmanship was progressing."

"With my answers, he nodded with a satisfied smile, but his eyes were dark as if he was hiding something, trying to say it. Finally, he said before I left."

"Ayato... Remember, no matter what happens to the Kamisato Clan in the future, you are our eldest son, Ayaka's elder brother... A successor the Kamisato Clan is proud to have."

"I knew it was the time to take charge. That his time was about to finish and this was his last strength" Ayato turned towards Tomoki with a decided look "I would take the burden and become the pillar of the clan. I will protect Ayaka with my life and use any means necessary to accomplish it."

"This Vision appeared just as I returned to my room as if recognizing my resolution," Ayato said resolutely "Tomoki, I will face the world, no matter how dangerous is it."

"Hah!" Tomoki sighed in defeat "It seems that I really can't convince you" He said scratching his head "Do you have any plan against the Mia Clan? They seemed to be ready to make their move."

"I don't have it yet." Ayato explained "I'll need to think about it. Do you have any idea?"

"You know that I'm not good at that, but someone is already preparing for it."

*Clank!* *Clank!* Suddenly swords clashes were heard from outside.

"Who is fighting inside the State? It's an attack?" Ayato stood up confused with a serious look in his eyes.

"That sound..." Tomoki said thoughtfully before smiling "Speaking of the devil."

Both young men left the room, following the sound of battle finding Ayaka and Allen fighting. Fighting wouldn't be totally correct, it was more of a beating by Allen who targeted Ayaka while teasing and laughing trying to make her surrender.

Ayaka's state was bad, her clothes dirty and little wounds all over her body with her hands having the worst part, blood surging from the wounds as she tried to keep holding the sword.

"What in the world is happening?!" Ayato shouted horrified seeing his sister state "Why nobody is stopping it?!" He shouted at the servants angrily.

"T-tomoki-sama had already warned about it and miss's life is not in danger." One scared servant explained.

Ayato glanced with fury at Tomoki, but quickly returned to his sister, drawing his sword at his hips "I'll stop him myself!"

"Wait a moment!" Tomoki appeared in front of Ayato, blocking his way.

"Don't try to stop me!" Ayato swung his sword at Tomoki, of course with the back of it, not wanting to really cut him, however, those thoughts were completely useless.

Seeing the sword approaching him, Tomoki stepped forward, tilting his body to the left side, Ayato's sword barely gracing him as he extended his right hand, clenching Ayato's right hand.

*Pang!* Tomoki twisted Ayato's arm as he lifted it over his back, forcing him to let go the sword and push his face over the ground.

"Now stay quiet and look. See your sister's resolution" Tomoki kept Ayato immobilized, forcing him to see the fight while grudging.

"But really, Allen" Tomoki sighed seeing the fight "Why do you only copy the worst of me? You are overexerting."

Seeing Allen, Tomoki was very clear what he was doing. He was perfectly copying his style at their first meeting. Targeting the sword, making her want to let it go, but once it left her hands, attack her body with light pushes.

It was a mocking battle only to laugh at the rival and disparage her, making her hate the sword. Would little Ayaka's resolution strong enough or would she abandon the sword? That was the question.


*Clank* Both swords clashed again, and again Ayaka was sent flying showing how her efforts were useless against Allen who was able to grasp every of Ayaka's moves, completely controlling the flow.

However this time seemed the last, Ayaka was unable to stand up, her legs having given up. The pain in her hands make it difficult to even crawl on the ground.

"Have you finished?" Allen asked "Give up already."

Ayaka didn't answer, she crawled over the sword and pierced on the ground, using it as a support to stand up. Then, barely being able to keep up standing, she sheathed her sword and positioned to a quick draw, closing her eyes as she concentrated.

"This had gone too long. Let's finish it" Allen lifted his sword, preparing for a final breaking attack. "I will make you surrender."

'I'm not talented? It doesn't matter! I won't give up, I'll go against my talent and give it my all!'

Just as Allen stepped forward, Ayaka's eyes shot open. They were sharp and clear with an unmovable determination to never give up.

"I WON'T SURRENDER!" Ayaka's eyes shined brightly and as it following their glow, the ground surrounding Ayaka started glowing, forming a snowflake image

"That's?!" Allen shouted in shock as he jumped backward just as from the ground ice bloomed, a torrent of cold air shooting up from it.

Allen was barely able to avoid the torrent and his gaze was fixed next to Ayaka where a pale blue gemstone floated around her, a Cryo Vision.

However, averting his eyes from Ayaka proved to be a wrong move as Ayaka didn't stop, she stepped forward, her hand over the sword as this one glowed with a beautiful aura.

'Master your blade, and seize victory in a single motion too perfect to be parried' Over Ayaka's mind her mother's word resounded.

"KABUKI!" Ayaka drew her sword, unleashing a fury of sword ki towards Allen, creating a net of cuts that seemed impossible to stop.

Seeing the attack and Ayaka's resolution and conviction, Allen couldn't help to smile. He knew that forcing her wasn't the best option. If he wanted for Ayaka to give up and hide away, there were better ways to do it as attacking her culpability and playing with her feelings when they were at her lowest, being quite easy after the funeral.

However, Allen didn't want to do it, he wanted to cheer Ayaka and give her an opportunity to fight, to follow her own dream no matter how dangerous was. Of course, for it, she needed to show how decided she was, no half-hearted answer was enough.

With that attack, even far more than obtaining a Vision, a recognition of gods, she showed how strong and ready she was, she deserved to fight for her own future.

"Niwa Style: Flowing!" Allen lifted his sword and as if it flowed like water, started tracing each of Ayaka's slashes, redirecting and altering them, forcing them to his own flow, accomplishing an opening over the net of attack just with his form, each slash only gracing him.

Seeing her attack being overtaken, Ayaka wasn't sad. She had put in all her effort, even going over her best. A little smile bloomed from her, seeing the results of her efforts.

"I approached you, mum" Ayaka whispered before passing out and started falling to the ground, but Allen quickly shot up, catching her body between his arms and smiling at her "Good job. You worked hard."


Ayaka opened her eyes and found herself on her bed.

"How are you, Ayaka?" Ayato was next to her and asked worriedly.

"Brother" Ayaka said weakly, her body still painful "I'm fine. Where's Allen?"

"I'm here" Allen said a little embarrassed as he stepped forward from a corner of the room next to Tomoki. All his movements being followed by Ayato's furious gaze. "Sorry, Ayaka. I shouldn't have done it."

"There's no need to say sorry" Ayaka shook her head "I didn't know at first, but thinking about it now, I'm sure that you were doing it for me. You were only thinking about my security and worrying for me. Thanks, Allen."

"So, I've been read" Allen scratched his neck embarrassed.

"Did I pass?" Ayaka asked.

"With flying colors" Allen smiled "I can't really stop you."

"Yes, you can't" Ayaka smiled proudly "Now, what will we do? We are still in danger." Ayaka asked worriedly.

Allen smiled confidently "Don't worry. I have a plan."
