
Hammerhead Meeting

"Hm." Aarav rubbed the bridge of his nose in temporary thought. "Yeah, sure, that works. I've mapped out the assistant's path whenever she gets her monthly day off. Shouldn't be hard to have an agent on hand there, posing as some random."

"Let's not risk anything, shall we?" Aldrich raised his hand in the air, and it glowed green as he cast his newly upgrade [Create Undead] spell. Beforehand, he had [Create Greater Undead] which let him draw undead from the 1st and 2nd rings.

Now, he could cast [Create High Undead], letting him draw undead from the 3rd ring which encompassed levels 40 - 60.

He summoned specifically a [Mistknife], the evolution of the [Skeleton Assassin].

Instead of a skeleton forming from green particles, a formal magic circle appeared on the ground, glowing green and rotating with sigils shaped like scratches.
