
Rescue 2

"Seems a fair price to me." Words that oozed authority echoed in Aldrich's ear. "I, Emrys Du Lac, grant you my vote to be Sentinel, as will all others representing the Alterhuman Agency today."

Emrys nodded as he stood tall with his hands clasped behind his back. In spite of the chaos all around him, he remained utterly calm, his eyes of pure, solid black staring right at Aldrich with a fierce focus, much like the gaze of a hawk.

Around him, A ranker heroes dealt with bots, destroying them or shielding against their blasts.

"Hmph. My Serpents are more than capable enough of protecting me through the Judicata's self-destruction." Jin Woo's voice spoke to Aldrich now. "And I hoped to create a fine partnership with you. But I suppose this is interesting in its own right. I will go ahead and cast my vote for you. All my partnered companies will as well."
