
Blackwater Allegiance


Z watched as 'Mr. Vane' - whatever his real name was, she did not particularly care - left the Wanyudo.

"What do you think of him, Z?" said Knife.

"Sharp eyes." Z narrowed her own eyes, remembering Vane's stare that mirrored hers almost perfectly. Eyes weary of the world around them, and yet always aware, always alert.

Those were the eyes of someone whose vigilance was born from suffering and loss.

"True, he did remind me of you somehow, but now that you mention it, it's all in the eyes," said Knife. "He could even pass for your son or something."

"Son, is it?" Z shrugged. "Your imagination is running a little too wild, Knife. Take Fork and Spoon and get some rest. I need some alone time. In the meanwhile, tell my riders to give me status reports on their projects."

"Got it, boss," said Knife, and he waved his hand, motioning the other two bodyguards - Spoon and Fork - to follow him out of the meeting room.
