

編輯: Henyee Translations

Scarlet Calamity?!

A trace of fear subconsciously flashed across the Wood Emperor's eyes when he heard this. Then, he said in surprise, "Senior you are here for the Scarlet Calamity?"

His uncontrollable ecstasy even made him nervous when he spoke.

Mu Lingyun, who was standing at the side, was stunned. She had never seen her father with such an expression.

And the Scarlet Calamity…

Was this the reason why her Father had been frowning and worried recently?

"I guess so." Cui Heng nodded slightly and smiled. "I'm investigating the exact source of this Scarlet Calamity to see if it's possible to completely contain it."

"Completely contain it?!" The Wood Emperor's eyes widened as he looked at Cui Heng in disbelief. He said with a trembling voice, "Senior, you actually want to do such a shocking deed. May I ask if Senior is from an ancient sect or Immortal Dao Sect?"
