
It's Me, DIO!

Midway upon the journey of our life, I found myself thrust upon a bitch ass body. Long gone was my glorious hell beast form, and instead I now inhabited pale, tender, weak manflesh. As much as the previous host of this form would rail against the injustice of the comparison and shout the praises of his superior being from any rooftop or promontory, to a being such as me humans, angels, devils, they are all just meat waiting their turn at my table.

But that was then and this is now.

Rather than wallow in regret at my losses, I instead took stock of the situation and counted my blessings. After all, it isn't every day that a thought based being born of the union of Berserker Heracles's stone sword and The God Emperor of Krogan Kind's plated head lands himself in a body capable of surviving possession.

I send up a brief prayer to myself for all my brothers who died as an unexplained aneurysm.

The gesture brought my long delicate soft hands into view and made me want to puke on them. My hands should be like sledgehammers on the end of my wrists, bulging with muscles, hardened in a temple of iron, and with knuckles built up by turning boulders into pebbles. Don't even get me started on my effeminate and slender wrists.

Sweet baby Christmas Jesus, deliver me from this soyboy pussy body.

I bore the strain of my prayer like a boss as my devil physiology punished me for calling upon the son of God, and I welcomed it. Pain is what this body needs and pain is what I would bring it.

I don't always hurt myself, but when I do, you can be sure the gains were excellent.

You may be asking yourself dear reader, 'God Emperor of Krogan Kind Grax, whose body do you now inhabit?'

And the answer is: Diodora Astaroth of High School DXD scrub tier villain fame.

And I am right at the start of Canon.

This means I have already betrayed the Devil government and joined the Chaos Brigade and Old Satan Faction, I have already filled my peerage with former Holy Maidens I have mind fucked into submission meaning I can't just yoink up all the OP peerage options, and I don't have much time before shit hits the fan.

If I was the kind that was afraid of things, I might be sweating.

But lets not forget who the fuck I am. I am the God Emperor of Krogan Kind, the master of Math, Magic, Science, and Technology of multiple universes, and I eat people. And don't sleep on the fact that I am the master of several magic systems in a world where the rules of magic are softer than baby shit.

Most people start out their transmigration bitching about how unfair and scary Highschool DXD is. I just feel sorry for these people, because Papa Grax is going to hit the gym and when he gets out, it's time for people to get bent over.


As I looked on at the mentally manipulated and completely subservient nuns of Diodora's filled out peerage I felt a general disappointment. These nameless scrubs mostly get killed off by Team DXD, and I am stuck with them. Evil Pieces don't get refunded upon death, and I am not going to take the time figuring out how to extract them on my own. I am sure my older relative, Ajuka, already knows how to do so with the general bullshit in regards to his character and powers, but I know for a fact that getting him involved would not only accomplish nothing for me, but also expose the borderline treachery involved in their acquisition.

I can see it now, 'Hey bro, let's just not talk about how I risked national security to nail some hot church girl ass.'

To be honest. I don't blame the guy, as mother fuckers in glass houses should snort blow.

Or not throw stones.

It's one or the other and neither really matters to me as I'd risk a war to carve into a smokeshow cake. Hell, the war would just be a bonus.

Fuck. I really might be an Old Satan at heart. Hans, are we the baddies?

I guess I am trying to say that Gabriel is a hole that is a major goal for me.

Anyway, I am stuck with these simpering cock sleeves and unless they want me to start using them for my Devil Astarte experiments they are going to need to power up. Fortunately for them I am pretty much Chiron level when it comes to training people and they listen to me without question. A good combo for staying out of my lab.

"Clarise," and of course my queen's name is Clarise, "Can you smell it… in the air, all around us?"

"The incense, my lord?" Clarise timidly responded.

"Why yes, my dear." I grinned, "I wanted to get the smell of C list villain out of the place. And that is what we are, a C list villain and his harem of losers."

The collective women I just insulted gathered a combined zero resistance to my disrespect, and I am down for that. Last thing I need is a bunch of nameless near OCs talking back to me.

"It is time to change that." I smiled with Diodora's some how closed but can still see anime eyes, "Clarise, be a dear and call up a renovation team. I want this place ready for what I have planned by tomorrow morning."

"Right away, sir." Clarise bowed her head and left.

"As for the rest of you." I glared at them, "This cock isn't going to suck itself.


As I directed the renovation team to gut my mansion and turn it into a spartan barracks and training ground, I slowly worked on an internal task of enormous importance to me. Absorbing the Snake of Ophis that Diodora allowed into his being upon joining the Chaos Brigade. The Snake would allow repeated temporary power ups, allowing a rather talentless and untrained Diodora to pull off victories over his far more prepared peers. Normally Diodora would be fucked trying to actually siphon off the power in the snake, but after my visit to Fate my Attribute is Absorption, so I am the perfect guy to pull the power out of a hax boost item and make it my own.

It's a slow process, something I couldn't accomplish in battle or in the wild, but if someone is kind enough to just give me a contained source of power all bottled up like an Ophis Snake or an Evil King Piece, well… me gusta.

The next day found my peerage and I in the basement of my estate in the magical firing range I put together with the build team. Basic idea is to build a space with lots of room out of hard to damage materials and then lace it all with magical wards that absorb released magic and use it to power the lights in my home, the hot water, the kitchen, and all the other little odds and ends that need juice.

"Okay everyone. Strip down." I smiled as I tore my clothes off and threw them on the ground, "Make a pile."

The women of my peerage complied and they were a comely lot for sure. And not a toned muscle between them.

There was a little gasp from them when I lit all the clothes on fire.

"We will get the right to wear clothes again when we aren't such a pathetic pack of losers." I told them, "Losers have no rights. Losers have nothing. Losers are nothing. I will elevate myself from this state as fast as I can. Anyone left behind will suffer. So do try to keep up."

The first part of a day's training for us was to come down to the firing range and shoot off our magical devil energy in offensive attacks as fast as possible. Once this was accomplished we all felt empty and drained. Devils use devil energy to power our bodies subconsciously and with the aid of things like the Rook and Knight Pieces of the Peerage set. As such we can lift incredible loads even with our slender pussy boy bodies.

So if someone wants to build their body effectively they need to first deplete the devil energy then work on the body. In that weakened state we endured our strength and conditioning routine and as the body restores its magical reserves we go into combat drills. Unarmed and armed combat routines focused on meat and potatoes effective combat. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu grappling, muay thai kickboxing, spear and shield primary combat, hand axe secondary, and knife work as a final option. I trained them to effectively use each weapon set in melee combat but also thrown. We would then move on to teamwork drills before one final session in the firing range before bed time.

It was a brutal body and magic overloading routine and even with five meals a day and adequate sleep it took a special kind of crazy to drive a twelve hour a day training schedule, especially one as structured and well thought out as mine, but the women in Diodora's peerage were very dedicated to not disappointing me, and I refused to be a girly boy thing any longer than necessary.

Fortunately newbie gains are a thing and Diodora has some of the best genetics around on top of being from an innately more powerful race. I was also juicing out of my goddamn mind.

I have studied biology, anatomy, and alchemy across enough universes to have whipped up a potent performance enhancing stack overnight for my little devil body. It was honestly child's play compared to my forays into super soldier production.

I was essentially in a pre devil super soldier cycle with a comprehensive diet and training, causing me to nearly double my body mass during the period of uninterrupted training between my transmigration and the world reminding me it exists. I stood a head and shoulders over where I started and my physique increase in both shoulder width and chest depth considerably with minor growth in my hips indicating my original body type.

The growth in my neck and jawline paired with a drop in voice octave meant I hardly seemed the same person to my cousin's eyes when he came to my training ground during our rolling session.

"I must say this was not the reason I expected when your mother asked me to retrieve you for the Rating Game you are currently missing against the Agares heiress." Ajuka Beelzebub looked at me with his green slicked back hair and lazy sleepy eyes that we shared.

The wrestling ceased when he spoke up but I shouted at them, "Did I order you to stop?"

"No, sir!" they replied and resumed.

"I am very impressed by the results I am seeing." Ajuka smirked.

"Please, like you haven't come up with a dozen ways to make even better gains than what I have accomplished here." I countered and barked a correction at two of my pawns.

"Indeed I have, but I hadn't heard that you had taken up an interest in the scholarly arts. You were always more of an explorer." He chuckled, "I am; however, quite interested in the very noticeable rise in power you have undergone. Bodies are one thing, but taking shortcuts in the accumulation of devil energy will always harm you in the long term."

"I have heard rumors of an invention of yours that massively increases a devil's power, and yet your family has not seen the benefit of such a thing." I glared at him, "How stingy, cuz."

"Now where did you hear such a baseless rumor?" Ajuka glared right back.

"From no one with good intentions for me in their heart." I replied, "But we all must tiptoe through the tulips with our enemies these days."

"So we must, little cuz." Ajuka responded.

"Keep in mind that I would love some deus ex power up anytime you want to throw some crumbs down to the little people. I know how much it would pain your miserly hands to part with anything interesting, but think of the children, Ajuka." I smirked at him.

"I do think of the children Dora, and how annoying they are to talk to. Now suit up and prepare to battle the Agares girl." He commanded me.

"Can't. Burnt all the clothes." I told him.

"Then you will just have to fight the girl in the nude." Ajuka grinned.

I looked at the man, then smiled, "Bro. I don't think I have ever been more proud of you."

I took hold of my cock and gave it a few helicopter twirls, "One look at this piece of meat and poor Seekvaira will be too mesmerized to fight back. No wonder they call you the smartest Satan."

Alrighty. This was the opening chapter in the DXD fanfic I plan to mainline after I finish with Ultimate Krogan. Had to get the idea down before it slipped away and I will probobly add this to the once a week update column so I don't loose the thread.

As always send me your power stones, reviews, and donate at

ko - fi . com / jmanm

to support the story and get bonus chapters worked on.

JManMcreators' thoughts