
Chapter 354: Different Families

F͇a͇m͇i͇l͇i͇a͇s͇ ͇D͇i͇f͇e͇r͇e͇n͇t͇e͇s͇

Kenji couldn't believe what he had heard, literally this answer and what happened recently with Lys left him more than lost. Everything he had planned to do when they finally trusted everything, everything he was about to do to help these girls get back to being happy. He was truly afraid of it, since in many occasions the victim still feels affection, love or affection for her abuser. It was something very common among cases like the ones Kenji had to deal with, many do not report or testify against their abuser for fear that something will happen to them, they were even threatened with their lives. But it was not only fear, those people who were once happy, cling strongly to the past and believe that they can return to those days of happiness, that the person they love the most is still hidden and believe they can help him, they are able to endure all the abuses because after all, everything has a purpose. The unconditional love that these people had is something that if you are ignorant and indifferent, you don't care, but if you know the meaning of not wanting to abandon someone you love, you are capable of everything for that person, even if it leads to your own destruction.

『(I have seen many cases of couples who are abused by their loved ones, there was the evidence, there was everything to do justice, but at the moment of acting they always regretted or said that they would solve the problem themselves...Are all these people sick in the head? I understand that you love someone and you are capable of doing everything...I understand...I would be able to endure everything for my family and my son but...it doesn't make sense if the person I love doesn't feel the same for me...don't you think it's unfair that when you give love, you only receive mistreatment?...What kind of sick love is that...what kind of family is that...since I became a policeman I have understood that this world...is really incomprehensible...』).

Kenji was with his hands not knowing what to do with them, same with his legs and also not knowing what expression to put on. What was all this he was feeling, insecurity? internal conflict? what was it? If he didn't agree on something it was because he didn't know what to choose at this moment, when he heard Lys say that she wants to have a happy family again, that she would strive for it, it really made the officer happy, it could be one of the best options, but at the same time he rejects it because if he doesn't change at all, everything will remain the same with the mistreatment and abuse as always, and the one who could have avoided it would be Kenji himself.

『But Lys...you must know it yourself...although I would like it to be like this with all the problems, you can't just force it to happen, you have no future near your mother anymore, the best thing is to get away from her, don't think it just for you or because someone encouraged you to do it, think about what matters to you, do you really think this is the best thing for your little sister?....』

『Haven't you been listening officer Kenchin? My cute little sister Yushi and I have talked it over well days before, in order to be a happy family again, we need my mother in all this, without her it would be meaningless, for every family the mother is a key piece, I...we decided to fight for our happiness, I love my family very much』

....Kenji could not do anything with that answer, right now he is having an internal conflict about if he is doing right Lys or if he should give her the opposite, he wants to support her, he wants to tell her that he will give her time to see if things work out but I repeat...and what if nothing changes and even things get worse, the opportunity that he was giving them would be the same one who would be abandoning them for a dream that would be a miracle. ...But...even in all the cases that he has seen, he knows that in some cases that miracle happened that abusers ended up repenting and decided to change to be able to be well with themselves and with those they love, there are rehabilitation and psychological programs to help, he knows of cases that ended well, of people that with pure effort and love they reached that end but....

『(What...what should I do at this moment...I...why do I feel more insecure than before...I was not like that...I was more about making quick decisions and without hesitation for a fair ending for everyone...that is the example I decided to follow from Tomeo but...now I don't feel the same...there is something here since I came...I feel too weird)』

What Kenji was doubting and even his expression changed, it was too weird what was happening, he even started to be afraid. He was breaking out in a cold sweat at the situation, but was it really that bad because of the answer Lys said? No... here was something strange, it was the first time he acted this way and he didn't even know what was happening. But before he could make a decision someone would start patting him on the head, one and two, slowly and gently. Kenji didn't understand that when he looked to his side it was Yushi who was doing it. It was as if it was her way of encouraging or reassuring him, though awkwardly it was her movement.

『My father from what I heard from my mother, likes to caress people's heads, there were few times he did it to me, and when I felt his hand on my head, I...of the times when I also didn't know what to do...I felt really happy and calm, he's feeling better already?』

I couldn't believe how the situation had come to this form, that as a child in a moment of confusion I was the one who was reassuring her. The way she was doing it was not caresses as one is used to, it would be better a few palm taps to the head. Seeing her as she tried to help him this seemed to calm him down better and to think things through, he went back to see Lys where she commented that also in the moments when she got out of control, receiving the father's pats made her feel better.

『Although sometimes they were too strong, sometimes too soft, but every time he noticed me, it really made me want him even more and more *smiles*』

That comment again made him understand the situation more, maybe Lys suffers from that thing that many couples come to have, you know, that fetish that no matter what anything comes from that person, they are still going to want it. Lys is one of the few people who are able to resist and even love both the good and the bad. But here again comes Kenji's question, did that feeling come out of nowhere? because that's how he feels, since the last time he visited her, it's as if she was asking for help, that's how he understood it, but now... she really seems determined to be truly happy, as she says, to be truly happy.

『Ah, surely you thought I was one of those weirdos who likes to be treated badly, no no no no nothing like that, only that in my first years of life, I did not receive the affection I expected or the life I would have liked to have, he did not listen to me, he did not pay attention to me or even look at me...everything that came out of who was by my side were orders...he had a very big purpose, and that he was so careful about it, I also liked it a lot....yo.... I really ended up liking that attitude, but thanks to the fact that I knew another figure to be attached to, although he was equally hard, it was also fun and funny to tease him, his reactions and everything about him, the affection he had trouble expressing, when he was weak and affectionate was what I liked most about him, I think that no matter where he is or who he is at this moment, the only person who deserves to be the father of my family is him, and the one I met here, the one who left and I know he will come back. ...is the one who has everything I truly love』.

Again Lys was telling something that we can not understand perfectly. Kenji thought that again he was making a metaphor to his family, where the abuser was the mother, although she was hard, all the effort and dedication she made ended up forging Lys, and in her counterpart, that loving and weak part must refer to Sakia Asa. Just as Kenji supposed at the beginning, a child is the reflection of the parents and they end up transmitting how they will be in life. 

『Although here if I end up contradicting myself, in the end I think that if I like the rudeness as well as being affectionate with me, after all who does not like to receive love from his family? When our father returns, I want to feel again the love he will give me, I want to see what he has become, will he have improved? will he have gotten worse? it doesn't matter, whatever it is I will end up appreciating him a lot, Yushi's father has to return at any cost*smile*』.

It was a fact, Kenji understood that Lys wants the whole family back, the father, the mother, and the 2 daughters. That all with the affection they know how to express to each other, that would be the kind of happy family they would be, a unique one that no one will be able to repeat in the world. But she also understood something very clearly that even her little sister understood perfectly and was not afraid to tell Lys.

『My sister really is M』

『(M? M for Masochistic, right?)』

『M? I'm not M, the one who is M is the one, the...the...ay! What's the name of that crazy one? You know the one that's like half human and ....Ahhhh!!!! The pendeja that one who married the first pendejo she saw, first pendejo? jijijijiji although if the truth be told he's a real pendejo, wait, doesn't that apply the same for me?』

Lys was pointing at herself and as usual no one knows what she said, even for Yushi what she just said she had no idea what she was referring to. Kenji to this sat back down because of how tiring all this has been, but the good thing for him is that it seems that what Yushi did, that calmed him down so he can have a cooler mind when he sees who he is really looking forward to seeing. And as if it was timely the situation, from what was comfortable the atmosphere, quickly Kenji felt a presence that was with them.

『Mother, if you went down』

Lys happily commented upon seeing her mother that she did make it down to the living room. Quickly the eldest daughter went to talk to her mother, the words she was saying was that she is willing to do everything and that she will strive to have a happy family, and that among her plans she needs her help from her.

While Kenji to this was confused for some reason, the woman who was with Lys is Tsuji Chiyo, to simply see her was also emaciated somehow, she looked equally tired and with an expression of misfortune in her being. This also didn't feel weird to him, there were similar cases with bullies, but every time he looked at it, it was like he felt something weird happen in every word Lys blurted out.

『With that she is his mother (she looks very different from the picture Asa showed me previously)』

『She's my mother?』

Kenji didn't understand what Yushi meant by this, the little girl commented as she also looked at how her older sister was trying to get along with her mother. To this Kenji felt confused and asked her that how that lady is not going to be her mother since she said it as if she was preguntam but Yushi kept looking closely and kept repeating the same thing again.

『Always since I was little even though she is supposed to be my mother, I never managed to see it that way, since I met her, I felt like an obligatory bond towards her, something like that can't be considered my real family, it's not like when I saw my father for the first time that I knew she was my family, but with that woman, I didn't feel anything like that, I even came to think that Tsuji Chiyo is not my mother』.

This left Officer Kenji confused, but not that he was not right, since when he was with Sakai Asa, he himself confessed to him that Yushi was a child adopted by the family. This may also have been a trigger for the moment? Kenji cannot solve this alone with the information he has, even though he has literally everything, always when it comes to Lys or Yushi it is like they talk about something else, even facts that no one has seen or even happened. But Kenji had a fixed question to this to say to the younger sister.

『So Yushi, who is that person with whom you knew at a glance was your family』.

At what he said, the younger sister turned to look at the officer in a way that did not take her eyes off him. The officer to this was frightened by the answer she was going to tell him, what will come out of her mouth? That her father is Sakai Asa? That his dad is someone else? That...what was Yushi going to say at this point. Where at last Yushi spoke without any fear confessing something to the officer that he didn't understand at all.

『We already mentioned it before, according to my mother, that person is my father』.


Ahhh!!!! Kenji wanted to scream at this moment, he didn't understand at all what was going on here, because right now from what he was calm before, right now he feels like he is losing his mind again, like they already said it before? at what moment they mentioned a name or referred to the person they are talking about. Have they already met him? Have they already been together? Why do they talk all the time as if it had already happened or if it had really happened, why don't they say it clearly, do they do this on purpose or is there something behind it? But even though Kenji is confused, he feels that they are telling him for real everything he heard, nothing was a lie. 

『(What is this...this shouldn't be like this...this difference...)』

The officer couldn't cope with everything he had to process, for some reason from what came clear before with a fixed target, now that he kept spending time with these girls, it's like now his target literally is another one, he can't with so much information all at once that he can't figure out by himself. He needs to get back on his feet, get back to what he came for, he needs something clear to do the right thing for this family and stop being so different from the others. He doesn't know which family they are even referring to, this one or another, but he already wants Kenji for once, an action that will make him get his feet back on the ground.


A loud bang was heard in the middle of the room, when he turned to look what was happening, Tsuji Chiyo was trying to beat Lys, he would quickly intervene to stop the woman from abusing a minor. But surprisingly that woman even if they want to break her, the strength she had was much more than what officer Kenji expected.

『(This woman is very strong even though she looks emaciated...Besides what is this that I feel from her...the hatred that was disappearing is coming back...)』

Quickly Tsuji Chiyo seeing that she was bending her, quickly turned to look angrily at Kenji, he was frightened by that look, this was enough to lower his strength a little, where the lady took the opportunity to hit him in the stomach, quickly Kenji could not do anything and when he tried to pull himself together, he realized that he was directing a head against his face.

Pom!!!! Kenji couldn't before this that he fell to the ground touching his face, and when that happened, it was like that the anger that he was having, little by little was increasing more and more. Quickly Tsuji Chiyo would pass now since no one was interrupting, she would pass to strike many times against Lys, who was not putting up any resistance to this.

『You...How dare you ask me that!!!! You don't know how much I've suffered because of you!!!! you don't know when I've had to leave you behind!!!!! Since you were little you asked for a happy family!!!! Do you think you were the only one who wanted to have a peaceful life? !!!! EVERYTHING!!! ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING!!!! IT'S BECAUSE OF YOU YOU DAMN CHILD!!!!』

He kept hitting Lys with total anger while no one seemed to stop him, quickly Yushi would try to go to denter his mother where quickly the mother was much faster, and extending her arm managed to give a strong punch in the face to Yushi who was thrown to the ground, while the angry mother emphasized.

『Don't you dare help her!!!!! You too are just as rotten as this disgusting thing!!!! Why...why....Because you if you can have a normal life while I can't....THIS IS UNJUST!!!!』-『You took away my happiness!!!! You took away the love I had!!!! You turned me into this monster that I never wanted!!!! You took away the family I wanted with all my heart!!!! YOU GUYS ARE WRONG AND YOU NEED A LESSON RIGHT NOW!!!!! I'M YOUR MOTHER RIGHT NOW SO I'M DOING THIS FOR EVERYONE'S SAKE!!!! I CAN'T LET THEM GET AWAY WITH THIS DAMN GIRLS FROM HELL!!!!』

『Mother...stop it...it hurts so much...』


『I only asked for one thing from the beginning...to have a happy family...and you haven't agreed for a long time.....』

『SHUT UP!!!! AS IF YOU DIDN'T KNOW!!!! I DON'T KNOW WHEN!!! I DON'T KNOW WHERE OR WHEN!!!! BUT THAT BLACK THING...it hasn't stopped being by my side...I was supposed to be happy with my daughters, but since that thing came, EVERYTHING!!!! ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING WENT DOWN THE DRAIN!!!!! RETURN ME!!!! GIVE ME BACK MY FAMILY!!! NOW!!!!!!』

Chiyo was beating the crap out of Lys she just couldn't even defend herself from her mother's blows, she only had her words but that wouldn't be enough to stop this unbridled woman. Yushi also who received the blow could do little in this situation, she wanted to get up again but Chiyo quickly looked at her and angrily told her.

『Stay there, don't come near me you damn murderer, because that's what your mother turned you into, isn't it Yushi? I made a mistake for what I did, I know you didn't want to be one, but when I'm done with Lys, I'll teach you a lesson too *smiles*』-『First of all, if I was going to be born a monster, I would have killed you when you were a baby, and this goes for both of you !!!! Let me be the one to correct you both!!!!!』-『That's an order Yushi, stand still until it's your turn』

When Yushi heard this, she quickly gave up the strength she had to defend her little sister, she was quickly left with nothing, what she had just heard from her mother, ended up hurting her a lot. Yushi fell to her knees to the ground where she again remembered again how she really was, a murderer who ended the lives of many people, a bath of blood ran down her feet, Yushi would go on to cry inconsolably as she said.

『But this is what you wanted mother...I just...wanted to make you happy....』


Lys couldn't do anything about this, her mother kept hitting her hard in the face with intentions of not stopping until she ended her life. But at that moment of receiving blows she could feel that something was getting wet in her fist. She was glad thinking it was blood, but it quickly changed to a huge annoyance, Lys was crying and her face was totally more haggard than before, and she had only one thing to say to Chiyo.

『Don't call my Yushi a monster...she's my miracle』.

With the little strength she had, Lys used it to cheer up her little sister, she would turn to look at her and gave her a smile, who Yushi would want to cry even more when she received it. This was seen by Chiyo who, as if her anger had no control, was gritting her teeth as never before, she really did not like that before all that she had gone through and done for her daughters, they were still not defeated. She would go on to scream to finally give a strong blow to Lys's head, but at that moment Kenji had quickly appeared who pulled himself together to help them.

『That blow he gave me on the head, it did me quite good』-『I won't let family abuse happen in front of me!!!!』

Quickly Kenji would grab Chiyo from behind and as if he had no control or signs that he was going to restrain himself with a woman. He would quickly put her in a headlock sending her crashing to the ground. Chiyo could not withstand this attack where it seems that finally all her tantrum at her daughters action stopped. At the end Kenji felt calmer now with a cool head, commenting to himself that this for sure Tomeo would have done in his place, but Lys could only say one thing.

『It took Kenchin a long time, but...Chiyo...I will never give up...』

Minutes had passed and the situation in the Tsuji family's home had dropped tremendously. Mother Chiyo was opening her eyes and when she realized the first thing she saw was how Kenji was treating Lys' wounds, Yushi was also with the first aid kit helping his sister. Seeing this scene when she no more woke up, again made her want to break her teeth and throw herself like an animal not to stop with her massacre, but....

『¿? Ropes?』

She was tied up so that she can't do anything, when Kenji found out that she woke up, he was impressed that just as Lys said, they need the ropes to hold her so that she can't do anything. Chiyo was struggling to break the ropes but no matter how hard she tried, it was impossible for her. Seeing how she was struggling like an animal, this only made Kenji sad and he would go on to comment that.

『This isn't her mother, is it?』

『No, the Chiyo from before, she was a really loving woman』.

『I get it (I wonder what had to have happened, for this woman to become a being filled with hatred for her family...)』

She was still fighting against the rope to be free and to be able to teach her daughter a lesson, Kenji wanted to know more about that lady, what made her become what she is. So he approached her to talk to her, Chiyo quickly told him to free her so that she could continue to end the evil in the house.

『My daughters!!! Those girls!!!! They need correction now!!!』

『And why do you want them corrected in the first place? They what did they do to deserve this treatment?』

『Eh? Well because they need someone to correct them, if only you had seen what they have done since they were very little you would be scared! They are the problem of it all!!!! They act normal but I know what they really are! !!!! They are a danger to the whole world!!!!! Believe me officer!!!!! I am not crazy!!! I just want to do the right thing which is to correct them both!!!!! I want my girls back!!!! I am their mother!!! I want the best for them!!!』

She was really out of her mind, that's the first thing Kenji could deduce when he heard her. Lys upon hearing what her mother said, she would go on to become sad and try to give him the counter, telling him that she is the one who gave birth to him, that she is his mother, that she loves her very much.

『I didn't give birth to you, I gave birth to my real child!!!! Give her back to me!!!please...give her back to me...I know you're in there somewhere, struggling to come back...my loving, gentle little girl...who always told me mom with a smile...』-『You're just an aberration』

『Mother...what you remember is when I was still a baby...why now that I've grown up under your care...you reject me completely...』

『Bebe? ah baby...my little baby that I gave birth to myself...always with a smile and affectionate with me...but when she started to grow up my little girl became more and more of a monster that in the end ended up being you, give me back my little baby!!!!』

Chiyo was truly refusing to accept her daughter Lys, she was hopelessly crazy. But quickly Kenji would intervene to this, and even yell loudly in her face.

『How can you reject the daughter you yourself raised!!!! Seeing that she wasn't what you wanted you started treating her badly!!!!! Tell me if I'm wrong!!!! I'm sure that's why you also had Yushi!!!! To see if she could meet your expectations!!!! But both of them not being what you wanted, you decided to mistreat them and treat them as a monster !!!! And not only that!!! You blamed your husband for being at fault for having had both girls!!!!! He sure was happy to have his daughters!!!!! He was satisfied!!!! They didn't care that they were perfect or that you met the personal requirements !!!! He was going to love them anyway!!!! But you!!! What was going through your mind at that moment, what did you expect them to be your daughters!!!! What was their mistake for you to treat them that way!!!!』

Kenji could no longer stand having this woman in front of him, she was getting more personal instead of calm and serious about her work. At this shouting Lys was telling him not to yell too much to his mother that it would scare her much more, but Kenji was just waiting for this woman to tell him an answer.

『I just wanted my girls to be normal like everyone else...I wanted with all my strength a happy and even perfect family...just like you said...I know my husband didn't care that it was us, he was going to love us anyway, I... I really appreciated what he did...but...I couldn't help it...as they were growing up I knew it wasn't normal what they were doing...my husband didn't take it seriously but I...I couldn't ignore what was happening and when I least imagined it, everything had already distorted...』

Chiyo was telling what according to her had happened, as she listened she was remembering what Asa told Kenji that time, according to the version of the father of the family, it was that something also began to change as the years progressed, that he saw a strange behavior in his daughters but this did not interest him much and he took it as something good. But for Chiyo it was totally different, seeing an infant who did not behave as he should, he quickly decided to correct them in his own way.

『I personally took them to take a lesson, the basement that we normally keep all our old stuff in, I remodeled it to look like a little learning room. When Lys was a baby he was too weird, he could solve puzzles that for his age must be difficult, he moved his mouth and babbled like he was talking.... as he got older he seemed to know more than he appeared to. And when we had Yushi it was even more different, I know it was me who raised her...but...I remember that Lys asked us to have a little sister, a daughter...I would like to say that I was her mother figure but...I know it is not like that...Yushi looks more like Lys than me who was supposed to raise her...don't you think it is strange that a 5 year old girl is the one who takes care and protects an infant? She was playing the role of a mother instead of me...』-『And when I realized, those little babies that they were at the beginning, whom I raised with so much effort, affection and love, did not seem to be my daughters...they had created their own family apart excluding me.... do you know how I felt at that moment? I felt worn out, useless, what did I do wrong as a mother? what did I fail to do? Why my own family is growing and changing without me?...I could not with that suffering that I do not know when, but a black mass appeared next to me and when I least saw it, those lessons that were given in the basement ended up becoming abuses against their family, they were not my daughters, I could no longer see them like that, under the influence of that thing that made me take the worst version that even I do not know me, they learned to kill people, Yushi is the most promising because her mother wanted it that way. ...I...I must correct my mistake.... I also want to get my family back...』

『Just like with your husband, seeing that the 3 of you were one family, you decided for yourself to forcibly change them where you can fit in too, but in the process you did what a mother should never do, use brute force as a teaching』-『But to all this there is something I don't understand, what is this thing you are referring to』.

What Chiyo was talking to him about according to from her perspective, Kenji now understands, if you put both testimonies together they fit perfectly. Sakai Asa was always clear on the issue and left no gaps to which the issue can go, that someone was changing in the family if it existed and now with Chiyo's confession she was causing all of this. What bothered the officer now was why she did all this, just because her daughters were different from the other girls she took such actions, just because her family did not abide by what a normal family is, she did not like that. What Chiyo was looking for was a simple family, with simple growth and simple life, but she surely didn't expect her daughters to end up being what in the world they end up being called, geniuses.

『If my children from an early age show signs of being more capable than they are, for me as a parent, I would be proud of them』.

Kenji said this while looking at the sisters who were still treating each other's wounds. It was like words addressed to them and even congratulated them for being more capable than they are. Kenji would turn to look at Chiyo who was waiting for the answer as to what that thing was that he kept referring to, but Chiyo couldn't say for sure because she didn't know.

『I don't know...just when I'm not feeling well or I feel like I can't take it anymore...that thing becomes more present...it's like a black mass that is next to me...it has no physical shape or anything...it's similar to like ash falling or ascending to the sky.... Ever since that thing appeared next to me, it has been telling me to do what I have to do, in that moment of anger...even in that moment...it was telling me to hit it...I eventually finally understood what those ashes are...it is my true self wanting me to do the right thing...』

Chiyo was no longer fighting against the ropes, even after this exchange of words, it seemed that all her strength was going. She even looked more tired and pale than before, this was even noticed by Kenji that since a moment ago the anger he felt from this lady, was slowly disappearing. He could draw his own conclusions with this, this lady really has mental problems but he is not completely lost, he knows that it is wrong and that everything she did was a mistake, the upbringing and thinking that these girls are a danger just because they are geniuses at such a young age, all of it he took as wrong, but that measure reminded him of something, when he went to check Asa's room, he found a crucifix.

『Excuse me for asking, but are you religious?』

『No...I am not religious...but my family was and since I was a little girl I was implanted with such ideas....』

Kenji could perhaps with that question know more about the subject, it came to his mind as he remembered that in the past when someone was not normal, the measures taken with that person were extremely radical. Tsuji Chiyo is not religious but it seems that her family raised her with those thoughts, it may sound bad but now she understands why the sudden fear of what is not normal in her world. At that time when she was going to propose something to Mrs. Chiyo, Lys seems like she ended up recovering and wanted another chance with her mother, she called Kenji to step aside as now she wants to be in front of her mother.

『I want to try one more time』.

Kenji to this accepted since there is no problem at all, Chiyo is tied up plus she no longer has the strength for a next battle. Lys stood in front of Chiyo and when he wanted to take her hand, the lady quickly pushed him aside even if it meant moving her whole body because of the rope. Lys tried to smile to calm the situation.

『Mother, I think I understand now the reason why you reject us, it's all because of me, isn't it? If I had acted like a normal child from the beginning and not asked for so many things...surely you would be the happiest mother of all right now...』-『I'm sorry for not taking you into consideration and just doing whatever I please at that time...I'm really sorry...』

『What's with the apologies...really when it comes to me you make my blood boil...』-『If you had been my usual girl this wouldn't have happened...』

『It hurts that you don't recognize me as your daughter, Chiyo, with how hard I tried to have a happy family...I didn't expect to get to this point in my life...Mother I already decided, no, since long before that I also wanted a real happy family, dad,mom and daughter, all together. Yushi and I are willing and we will strive to have that ending, daddy I know he always loved us, he will come back...I know he will...but without you who are a key piece for all of us, I am not clear on what I have to say but...I will strive to be the daughter you always wanted to have』.

Lys was in serious mode and spoke from the bottom of her heart in front of her mother, quickly she kind of kept giving her dirty looks all the time, for Chiyo still believed that everything bad that happened is just because Lys wasn't a normal person.

『Don't come to be the saint right now, you know who is to blame, you apologize is a bad joke, you don't know how much I have suffered this time...you know who is the real culprit, you need me you say? you only do it for yourself and your family...I didn't deserve to be part of any....』

『It's not that Mother』

Lys would no longer hesitate, she would take her mother's hand who quickly Chiyo would try to want to let go, see how she was struggling to get her to let go and even telling her. But Lys to this she had no intention to do so. 

『I already told you, we need you to be with us, we want your help so you can be happy too, Chiyo you may not have been the best mother in the world but...you still have the chance to be one, you can still redeem yourself from your past and forge a new one, wouldn't it be amazing for you to finally enjoy the family you always wanted? I'm not a baby anymore and I'm not as special as I used to be, I've grown up so the things I do now, are the most normal things there can be, I even fuck her because...ah...I think that went without saying...sorry...I need to learn what's good and what's bad...I need my real happy family to learn better, please mother, teach me, maybe instead of fucking her I will go to .....』

『Have you always been a pervert since before Hanako?』

『Hanako...that was the name you gave me Chiyo...』-『Surely those are the daughters you want right now, Hanako and Haruko, and not Lys and Yushi...I already realized that you hate us to no end...and you have reason to do so』

Lys was not letting go of Chiyo's hands, who still wanted to let go and no longer feel that hand that she has known so much of the underworld. But quickly Lys from the start was already determined to do it from the beginning, so.

『If you want we can go back to being the daughters you wanted from the beginning, Hanako and Haruko can come back! we have to start our family again from scratch *smiles*』

Lys showed a big smile to her mother, she really wants to give a second chance to all this, she herself will try her best to fulfill it. Even Yushi joined in this to hold Chiyo's hand too, even if she doesn't say anything, just with her eyes also the little sister was determined to also start from scratch with her real family.

『I want a real family too, everything I lived through until now...everything my mother made me do and what I am...it's still not too late to learn more things』.

Yushi also commented on what was going on. This left Chiyo completely confused and above all scared, she saw her daughters who really wanted to turn over a new leaf to a completely new history or even to resume the happy family they once were. Everything would be fine if only Chiyo would accept, but again she was reluctant to this and with a frightened face wanted to escape at all costs.

『How dare they tell me all that.... after everything that happened...after everything they did...after what happened to our family because of us...Are they really saying that? Really Hanako? Haruko? 』-『Not us...WITH YOU I CAN'T FORM A FAMILY!!!!!』

I end up exploding with confusion and sadness that from what I was sitting on the couch, as if I had a huge fear and confusion for what I was going through. She would spend even so tied to leave the room, she was jumping up and down in order to get back to the second floor, to her room, and as she did so the only thing she kept repeating was.

『I need to sleep...I need to sleep...I need to sleep....I want to feel good again with my real family!!!....I don't want to know anything about real life!!!! They already destroyed everything I wanted!!!! Why are they coming to me with this now!!!! What's wrong with them!!!!』

He was climbing the stairs one leap at a time, he really didn't seem to stop until he got to his room, sleeping is the only way he could feel good. When she reached the last step of the top floor. She thought she was already safe, but at that she felt again that someone took her hand, she turned her around to face him directly, and in tears she was shouting that.

『I just want us all to be happy!!!! I know it was very hard for you!!!! I'm sorry!!!I'm sorry!!!I'm sorry!!!! I'm sorry for showing up in your life but that's how it turned out to be!!!! I really Chiyo!!! I want a really happy family like everyone else!!!! That has always been my dream since I was born...we have mom, we have the daughter, and soon dad will be back, I know...we have everything to be happy and why don't you want to support me!!!!! Remember those years of our family!!!! I want you to listen to me carefully Chiyo!!!! I will do my best to bring you back to your family!!!! You will be happy until your last day!!!!!』

Lys shouted in her mother's bald face, who could hear everything and was stunned. Lys was physically tired, her voice could no longer carry, she was extremely weak at the edge of the stairs. While her mother was confused listening to all this, she suddenly felt something in her body, Lys was slowly removing the ropes that had tied her up.

『I know the hardships I put you through, I know how much I made you suffer...when I was growing up I understood that not only I mattered but also those I appreciate...I am capable of doing anything for the people who are my family...just as I saved Yushi from the mall before she stopped being herself, right now I also want to save you mother, you are very, very important for us to be happy as a family. ..I really despite what our relationship was, I value you as a great and strong woman, I wish you can at least teach me how to be a good mother since I don't know anything besides pampering and spoiling my miracle...』-『Let's all be happy *smiles* I love you Chiyo』

Lys was smiling heartily to her mother, already this would be her ultimate to be able to get along with her mother and start over. Lys was with open arms waiting for a hug from her mother to forge this new path of the Tsuji family. Kenji was watching this from the first step together with Yushi, he did not know what could happen, really Lys will be able to persuade her mother to start from scratch? But before what he was thinking, Yushi would interrupt.

『No...you failed Lys...Chiyo is starting to expel ashes...』

『¿? Ashes...』

Kenji at the words of the younger sister, would go on to try to take a better look at what was happening above. And although he was straining his eyes to see the ashes, at first he could not perceive anything. Until....of Chiyo's body as Yushi said, began to expel ashes from her body slowly and continuously, this confused Kenji since it was the first time he saw this, was it a hallucination? product of his mind? or was it real?

『What a good bluff you came out with Lys, anyone could have swallowed your lie, hearing you say all that with that face of truth is making me want to vomit, you since when have you noticed me...you since when do you care about the happiness of others....tu since when did you care about anyone other than those you love!!!!』

Kenji couldn't believe what was happening, those ashes that Chiyo expelled, quickly began to merge with her body, he could clearly see how the ashes made contact with half of Chiyo's body giving the appearance of a real monster in real life. Lys to this was confused, and tried to control her mother, but....


『Hanako...Lys...I already decided from the beginning too, as long as I have strength I will fight to get my real family back』.

Chiyo ended up pushing Lys from the edge of the stairs, who could only stretch out her arm waiting for her mother's answer. But she could only see how a half-ashes monster was looking at her with contempt and wanting to see her die, all the effort she made, all the mentality she has to be able to live happily with her family, all this was rejected by the key piece of everything. Chiyo watched as Lys fell and at that moment she could see a gesture of frustration in the older sister, who said to her.

『I'm going to be happy whatever it takes...』

Finishing and colliding with the stairs as she fell hopelessly. Chiyo to this the more she was bothered by such words from that girl. Since she knows very well, the monster in this house is certainly not her. The transformation ended halfway, Chiyo was wrapped half of his body in ashes, this was also seen by Kenji, one half of his face was normal, but the other half was a real monster. How ironic that the very cause of all this does not agree that she is the real problem.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
