
Chapter 343: Second Chance

S͇e͇g͇u͇n͇d͇a͇ ͇O͇p͇o͇r͇t͇u͇n͇i͇d͇a͇d͇

Cliston days after Acel's death, Acel found himself too depressed and without strength about what he had to do now, everything that seemed right to him and he had achieved with his efforts of only solving problems with words, this time had a total failure and with a terrible consequence for him. Did Cliston really want to kill Acel? For Cliston's eyes that guy who boasted to be the bad guy, for him he was not, because he simply was not the face he showed him, or rather he ignored his bad person. What could it have been, did he really want to trust that he was good? that he could change? was he really so adamant that everyone should have a second chance? third? fourth? even a fifth chance?For someone who always makes mistakes of his own free will, Cliston will be there to lend a hand? That's certainly what a true hero would do, an ideal one, a fantasy one, one with great faith and love for all living things, one who has been ignoring what happens in the real world, preferring to always see something false and impossible because that's what makes us most happy and hopeful that everything can be better, and right now Cliston is witnessing how the world really is, there are those who will always have a different position from you, that is not bad, that is rather good, because it still gives us to understand that our thinking is not the only thing that exists and therefore the only thing that we must apply to everyone. No... the world is so big, it has such a large population that it is really difficult for everyone to cooperate with the same thing, otherwise it would have already happened what was so longed for from the beginning, a world peace, which is impossible and would make us all happy, but realistically, that will never happen, not in a world where we are different and in itself that there is variety brings it a little closer to perfection.

Cliston didn't leave his room at all, he only went out when he had to eat or just go to the bathroom, that was his routine. He felt he had to help out and do his job, but that feeling that he would get something wrong again seemed to be tormenting him. He didn't realize what was going on in the whole world, neither by restricting himself from social networks, nor did he know about all the hate he was getting, none of that made him feel less, that a lot of people now labeled him as a mistake, no, the only thing that made him sad was that he finished a person with his own hands, he knows it, he already understood it, he didn't look him in the eyes, he didn't listen to him, he didn't pay attention to him, even though he was in front of him he didn't even notice that he was killing him, he has bad eyesight, that's why he wears glasses, but . ...what's the point of wearing them if you're not going to be able to see anything anyway. Since when has he put his ideals above others? Cliston doesn't remember, he needs to ask others about his problem, he needs to know what other people would do in his position, but...would that help? at the beginning he thought it would, he was confident, he was always like that to ask others.

『What would a real hero have done in this position?』-『What would Mikel have done in this position...』-『What would a person have done in this position...』-『What would God have done in this position. ...』-『I didn't know and the only thing left was my own thinking, that's why I ask others because I myself doubt if what I think is right, it's not wrong to ask right? if I don't know something, let someone who knows tell me, that's normal when you want to learn, those who learned by themselves I wonder how they did it, being able to get along with everyone being what I am right now I don't think it will give results, so what is the answer to that question from long ago, how do other people do to be themselves...tell me...please tell me...please tell me』

Cliston was lying on his bed covered with sheets, he didn't feel like doing anything more than just being idle. That's how he prefers it, he has also temporarily lost the ability to switch to his God Form, while the winds... remembering the last thing it seems that if he gets a little upset he ends up uncontrolling that power and he wouldn't know how to measure it. He doesn't even want to try, he doesn't want to test if he also lost that power or if it's the only thing he still has, but if so, that would mean that he is currently only a danger to others. 

At that very moment his phone was ringing where Cliston saw the screen and quickly realized it, with sorrow and sadness on his face, when he answered it, he started to give a fake smile and fake encouragement, it seems that he doesn't want to worry those he cares about.

『Good morning Mom! or good night, good afternoon, whatever time it is, I wish you a good night! Nights? xdxdxd』

『*laughs* Good evening Cliston, do you have time to chat? if you're busy doing some work I don't want to interrupt you』

『No, I'm free right now, so please, let's chat as long as you like *smiles*』

Cliston just wanted some time to let off some steam and have a quiet conversation with his mother. He would go on to talk to her about his last days, of course always highlighting the good and some funny moments that happened to him, while his mother listened attentively as her son spoke passionately about his work and the achievements he was getting, it was a catch up conversation, also the mother would tell him what Mama Lucha was doing and the crazy things she was starting to do.

『Apparently Mama Lucha teamed up with Tomeo and now they are planning big goals where they will help people, when she told me what had happened I couldn't believe it, good thing it turned out well because if I was afraid that something bad would happen to her outside these days 』

『Eh? what was going on outside?』

『¿? How could you not know what's going on?』

At this the mother seems to have touched on the recent issue that was happening in Japan, where she herself was amazed that her son had no idea what was happening in his home country. Quickly the mother filled Cliston in, telling him about what happened at the congress and how people seemed to have gotten a little out of control and started to bring a little rebellion to the city that was considered polite and respectful.

But the more Mother Nimura told him, Cliston was silent about this, he really couldn't believe that such a big problem could have been solved in such a way, this seems to have fallen on him badly as he could be heard whispering with sorrow.

『Grandma.... why don't I get it just as well....』-『You even made Tomeo follow your example.....*tsch*』

『Did you say something son? I noticed you were a little annoyed』

『It's nothing mother, with that Mama Lucha did all that, yes I have an amazing grandmother *smiles*』.

Cliston was happy on the outside but inside he was still with that thought that if someone else had been the one in his position at that time, things would have ended in the best way. He asked himself the question what was it that Mama Lucha did and Cliston didn't, what could it be, he uses the same words, he uses the same method, everything according to Cliston he did well, he saw the results at the beginning of his missions with Tomeo, he remembers that every terrorist he decided to help, all of them are well, right? all of them are still alive because of his promise that Cliston made to them, right? the young man was doing well from the beginning right? Then why with this mistake he feels that he has been making it for a long time.

『Don't overexert yourself, Cliston』.


『I...even if you don't say it I can feel that you are not having a good time Cliston, I know the last thing that happened can mark you a lot, you are not a person who can resist such scenarios, I still remember when I was a kid you used to complain to us and say that the news was boring and that we should change to other channels *smiles* At the slightest bad thing that happened you used to ask us if something could have been done or that we intervene in such event, Mama Lucha was the one who always gave you the answer, don't you remember Cliston? what your grandmother always answered you』

『¿?....No...I don't remember my life very well before that portal swallowed me up...』

『I see, so could you allow me to be the one to give you the answer? 』-『Mom Lucha always told you "What would you have done in such a situation"』.

Mother Nimura seems to make Cliston remember a part of his childhood, who the latter seems to be unclear about certain events in his past life. To his mother's answer, Cliston was confused by this, for someone who was always looking for the answer from others, there was always someone telling him that the same answer should be found by him? Cliston for some reason this also annoyed him as what he did he still considers it the wrong choice. 

『Seriously? I don't remember well, so I can't say it's an answer that Mama Lucha would give me, I don't feel it would come out of her mouth...』

『But I say it again, do not overexert yourself and think that what is happening was a bad decision, you did nothing wrong son, you did the right thing, you just did not know it was the right decision, you just feel wrong because you are starting to discover yourself Cliston, it's like when you take an exam, despite everything you studied you feel that the answer you gave is not the true one, you contradict yourself and you are not confident, that you end up replacing your first answer with another one and you don't know if that is the right one either』-『The important thing is that you made an effort and that for the next exam you will already be more determined on what answer you want to get *smile*』

『....Exam? You speak in metaphors too?....』

『Didn't you understand me son?』

『Yes I understood you, only...I hope the next exam will be easier, one where I can copy others, I think....』

The conversation continued where in the end Cliston pretended as much as possible to show that he was fine, but even though he tried to hide it as much as possible, his mother could not be fooled, she knew him so well that she knows perfectly well that her son was lying to her, the news also reached this part of the world that Cliston killed a person.

It quickly became a trend also in his home country, as a consequence there were different types of reactions, outsiders supported Cliston's hatred, acquaintances defended Cliston, while other people ignored the situation and just went on with their lives.

The call ended and Cliston, as if he had made a great effort, went back to his bed without strength, you could see it in his expression, he was very tired both physically and mentally. It was not the conversation he expected but he feels it was necessary, his mother as always calls him to know how he is, while Cliston did not even know that his mother was referring to Acel's murder. Cliston was left with the thought that he made an effort, did he really make an effort...everything he did so far, can it be considered effort?

『I made an effort? I don't think so, the only thing I did was to copy others to get the same results as those people and feel like someone capable for an achievement that maybe I didn't really deserve...』-『*tsch* I really don't like to study...』

Cliston, even after the call ended, felt that the conversation ended up annoying him, he felt that it made him open his eyes a little and stare out of his blank stare. People can react differently when they find out they did something wrong, and in Cliston's case, he hid it from his family with a positive attitude. 

Days after staying in bed and not going outside, he continued to think about what his mother said about making an effort. Those who learned on their own, they themselves had to try harder than ever, didn't they? While he was thinking this, he received a visit from Sister De Vos, who, with a few jokes and questions, asked a lot of questions. He did not expect it at all, that girl that the only relationship they had was that lately she taught him the movements of the Ballet, had given him to understand that he himself has a little evil in his being, and that product of all that, it was not the parasite who unleashed that repressed hatred, but it was in turn Cliston who gave him permission and agreed to do it all.

Cliston at that moment really wanted to destroy everything? that was really his way of unburdening himself? The theory that Sister De Vos said was interesting and therefore the only one with a value for Cliston, many said that to find oneself one must accept the good as well as the bad, Cliston was always treated and always talked about himself as a good boy, kind, innocent, even a bit of an idiot because he was always asking questions here and there.

But lately, remembering, he has been told more things that he himself did not know, he is ignorant, he is blind, he is frenton, he gets confused all the time, he doubts a lot, what he remembers the most is that he was called indifferent. Those are not good qualities, it is qualified as bad and all that also defines Cliston, if he learns to accept also those negative parts, Cliston like any other person who understands his mistakes, he will have a huge growth in his person and in his power at the same time.

『How nice was the tea 』-『You're leaving soon, aren't you? Take some tea packets we have with you』.

『Can I? thank you, I will enjoy them like this time』.

『And don't just throw them away when they are steeped once, you can reuse the sachet 2 or 3 more times, of course they won't have an intense color anymore, but here comes the trick, reuse more tea sachets again and save them to have a bunch! This way you will have to drink more cups and without spending more money *smile*』

『Seriously? I hadn't thought of that before, that's a trick, and it also works with the leaves? I can keep already steeped leaves? 』

『!!!!!!! What a good idea Cliston, good! Let's save money! Let's go!!!』


They both raised their hands in sign that they discovered an effective method to be able to drink more tea and without spending one more coin. At the end Sister De Vos suggested to Cliston that since he is bored and will not do anything for the rest of the day, then he should see her as Ballet practice, since as a result of the press and annoying people are harassing every inhabitant of the Orphanage, it has already touched Sister De Vos that there are guys following her to where she receives trainings and she prefers not to go for a while so as not to disturb the other people.

They went to the courtyard where Cliston was sitting on the grass and Sister De Vos was giving a good workout today. The wind was gently hitting the grass and Cliston was eagerly waiting for the dance to begin. Quickly Sister De Vos was starting her ballet training, it is still amazing to Cliston how she could look lighter and smoother just by controlling her movements and body, not the best scenario to practice, let alone dance professionally. But Sister De Vos didn't mind this as long as she could also bring a smile to Cliston's face, she wants to give him back a little of all the joy she gave to the orphanage since her arrival.

『Come on come on, I can tell you want to practice too, it's better to do it when you feel like it *smiles*』.

As I said, earlier Cliston was practicing Ballet as part of his training. Sister De Vos seeing that Cliston was amazed with his dancing, quickly did not hesitate to invite him to enter the stage as well, Cliston to this was hesitant, but anyway he wanted to clear his mind of everything he was thinking at that moment and just have fun. He would pass to enter next to the Sister and he could see that Cliston was also dancing with her, he could quickly see how Cliston was making an effort to follow her movements and his gaze, even with the training, did not leave her.

『I know we practice little but at least you have the basics, it is bad manners to keep looking at others when your gaze should be in front Cliston, the public is your objective, you must captivate them above all, otherwise how else can we become the protagonists of the day? and as strong protagonists we must show what we know how to do by being ourselves !』

He would go on to give an incredible presentation by Sister De Vos, where as he kept looking at her and seeing that she was doing excellently, somehow Cliston also felt that he too must give more to please the masses. It quickly became apparent as he put effort into every move, every jump, every twist. When Sister De Vos turned to look at him, she smiled with joy, it was not because Cliston's dance was perfect, as it was supposed to be a dance of a beginner, but the desire he put into it, the effort he made, that he was showing himself as he was on stage, was what made him wonderful and captivated everyone's eyes as well. And finally both gave a turn and between a cross jump gave as finalized the Ballet training of today.

By the time they finished they were both sweaty and shaken from the dance, they really gave it their all today. Cliston laughed at this because he could not believe that he had given it his all even though there was no one to see him. At that, Sister De Vos gave him the counter while answering that there was someone who was present all the time.

『Incroyable! Ils étaient incroyables ! Cliston, De!!!』

It was Étienne who had witnessed everything from the beginning, he saw how they both tried their best to give their best, the boy would go on to applaud with a face of joy all over his being. Cliston to this was happy and as always that boy that I admire him a lot always appears when he is training.

『Don't forget Cliston, every presentation is always directed to the person, that's its initial purpose, to show them all our effort to make them happy, there will always be someone, even if it's just one, who is waiting to see you and will appreciate everything you did, even if you didn't do it perfectly 』.

Sister De Vos gave one last piece of advice to Cliston, one of the most important ones that he was sure to consider. Cliston was tired but at the same time happy with this, he had not thought about it before, or rather, his idea of being happy at all was very far from what he learned today. Quickly Sister De Vos would ask Étienne which dance he liked best, where quickly although I admired Cliston very much, the answer was obvious.

『J'ai plus aimé ta danse De!』

『What a good boy you are, I'll give you a sweet from my brother's stash *smiles*』

『I seem to have lost *smile*』

『Mais celui de Cliston était plus amusant, je ne me sentais pas trop loin de lui !』

『Eh? who said that mi?』

『! *smiles* Yes, we already have a winner, what Étienne said is: "But Cliston's was more fun, it made me feel not too far away from him!"』

At this Cliston made him feel something in his chest, those simple and sincere words truly caressed his soul. Cliston to this would approach the boy and start stroking his head while saying.

『Merci *smiles*』

It was just that, he didn't have to look for perfection or the same results as other people, hopefully the day would come when he would understand that the results he himself was looking for were also the right ones. At this Cliston came up with a piece of information now that Étienne spoke, and that was.

『De? Your name is De?』

『Of course, but it's pronounced Dee, with a double "e" *smiles* ah! And my brother is called Vos, but it's pronounced Voss, with a double "s"』

『And together they are the De Vos Brothers or Dee Voss, ah...that's so obvious that I even felt sorry I didn't know it...』

Dee happened to laugh about this because of the expression Cliston was putting on, never before had he felt so off stage as he did now, he understood more and more why people told him that he was ignorant and didn't notice others, even because of this accident Cliston thought if it was time to change to new glasses to see better.

『Hey, I'm integrated with glasses too! If you throw me in the trash I swear I'll chase you to Ecatutapec you piece of shit motherfuckers I'll kill you all asshole assholes』.

Yeah, Loquendo didn't like Cliston's last comment.


The days were passing and the deadline for Cliston to stay in Europe was running out, one day before he was due to leave the old continent. Mikel finally organized a new meeting with all the representatives of each country in Europe, and it seems that it was not only the representatives that were known only by the name of the country, but also by the last events and the connection that were made in this month and a half. The presidents of the countries had also come for this special day, both those who were still members of the EU and those who had withdrawn. This was an important event and meeting for everyone, as the fate and world opinion of Cliston would be defined here, they feel responsible as such for having left Cliston to its own free will and without first putting a stop to it.

In the main hall where the meetings were held, never before had it been so full, the seats were occupied by every important person, it was a duo that represented a single individual and therefore being the representatives also meant the decisions of the country and of all the people. With the flags on one side of the table, with the name of the country in front in the same way.

All the countries of Europe had come for the first time in a long time, not since Didiel had an event of this magnitude been repeated, and the one who made it all possible was the current leader of Europe, Mikel was in the center receiving the stare of everyone, at the beginning he would surely be scared and afraid to speak, the trauma as a child of being bullied and being afraid had persisted for a long time, but not now, he has to be strong to be able to always defend what matters most to him, Cliston right now will be the target of everyone and everything he says, does, will be frowned upon by the majority, knowing him for sure he doubts, he is not direct and sometimes he gets to confuse the reality because he chooses to ignore it. 

『Okay, everybody's here』-『Europe's 15th Meeting begins!!!』 -『For the 15th time all the countries of the continent of Europe have gathered again to talk about the most important,relevant and to solve all catastrophes that may harm the Continent of Europe and the World! I know you all know the reason why you are here, initially I wanted to make this an event to show that I am no longer a fearful child, a whim for all these years of demigration to my person, but now I will take it personally out of all remorse, I am here to serve as a shield and give all my being to protect that guy that many of you right now have a bad image of him! I know they are planning thousands of measures against Cliston, they are afraid that it could get out of control and be a threat to everyone! But!!! Today I have come to say the opposite, I am going to prove that Giovane Cliston is an ordinary boy! And as a child who did not know what to do, it is the duty of an adult to protect and correct him』-『Who started the 15th Meeting of Europe, the theme: God in the Earthly World』.

Mikel spoke loud and clear before all the countries that were present, this took many by surprise since the image they had of him was of an incompetent who did not know how to do anything, that he always froze in front of the meetings, that he did not know what to answer when they insulted him or complained about him. But now the change seemed to be too abrupt, even though he was already an old man, it was as if he had gained more strength, or was he always like this? His presence alone was imposing, his voice could be heard throughout the main hall. It could be seen how the countries whispered among themselves, surely because of the changed image of Mikel, this made many people excited, could it be that they would finally have again a Leader of Europe like Didiel or others? or perhaps this would only end again as always, before an insult and all that desire to move forward was gone. They were excited even though their faces were serious, the meeting was about to begin.

Mikel turned to his back where Cliston was, he could see him nervous and with a sweat on his forehead and although he says it, it was obvious that this was too much for the young Cliston that even his legs were shaking. Mikel to this commented to him not to worry and in turn told him.

『Are you afraid, Giovane Cliston?』

『Yes, I don't stop feeling their looks, and even if I am afraid I must accept them 』

『*smile*We're going to get through this all right and I promise you that someday, you'll get back the peaceful life you want so much 』

Cliston listening to Mikel's reassurance, he gave a weak smile because this really seems to be affecting him a lot, because he knows perfectly well, of everything he has been ignoring until now, all of this is going to be said in his face without hiding anything. Cliston at this was sucking and gasping for air in order to know how to react to this. 

『If you know what we are here for, why is the protagonist hiding behind your back? he is the main actor of the day, let him be in the center where we can all see him』.

It was Monaco who did not hesitate to talk about it, he still does not forget how Cliston ended up playing a trick on him with the signature of the previous time, he felt that he was laughed in the face and extremely deceived. Mikel to this was denied saying that as his shield of the day today, there is nothing wrong with it being on his back.

『So what? A good shield and defender protects his client no matter if he is protected or uncovered, or don't you think you can do it, Mikel?』-『This event is for him! Let him show his face! How can a God hide behind the back of a human!!!! It's unacceptable!!!』

Monaco wanted everything to start already so he could trash Cliston, he would take advantage of this to come out of this advantageous and no longer harmed, because he tried to deceive Cliston and show his true intentions last meeting, he ended up losing and receiving distrust from the other countries, luckily he did not lose contact so his economy and livelihood would be affected. Mikel did not want to do this, it is his duty to protect him, but quickly Cliston would walk to the front by placing himself in the middle of the room, he heard perfectly thanks to the glasses and headphones he was wearing.

『(Yes that! receive all the negative you have accumulated) Well done Hero, I can tell you're not a scaredy-cat like that sack of bones behind you』.

Cliston was giving a sigh because he doesn't like to be talked bad about Mikel, he was restraining himself not to release some of his wind power, he knows that he could easily get upset here and end up in a worse scenario or the same as the one he had in his dreams. Cliston would turn to Mikel telling him that everything will be fine.

『I trust you Mikel, whether we win or lose, as long as there is still one person who trusts me, everything will be fine』.

『Giovane Cliston....Well, leave it to me』

Quickly Cliston was hoping he could resist all the words they were going to say to him, as Mikel told him earlier, anything he says is going to be used against him, even this could look like a trial. Being a big event the meeting was being recorded to later show the world how it all ended, the most logical thing would be to think that they would not cut or modify anything, but we all know that will not be the case.

『I'll be honest Hero, since I found out that a child had the powers that everyone at some point we all want to fear, I felt calm, you looked helpless and not knowing what you would provoke, with a good mentor things would have changed, unfortunately the Leader of Asia was the first to stay with you, I am aware that is all you learned there, and to see that even being necessary to use your powers, you just did not do it, really that gave me confidence towards you』.

It was President Italy who decided to speak about this, he seemed calm and even faithful to Cliston, his words seeming to have a certain affection and faith in the young man. The other countries watched and listened attentively as if agreeing with what President Italia was saying.

『Hero Cliston, what do you understand what happened to all the terrorists you gave a second chance to?』

『Well, I promised them that they would have a better life and that they would live happily』

『And are they? Did you get a message, a call...a good morning from those people...did you even bother to look for them or investigate them how they are?』

『Ah...no.... I don't...I don't know what happened after the trial they had』.

『You don't know?...uhmmm.....I'm definitely a fool for believing that a child has the powers of a God, I can tell you don't see beyond your size, I'm very disappointed』-『Your words just don't have any result』.

The President of Italy showed his opposition to Cliston's position, he made it clear that he rejected him and his methods of speaking did not work at all. Cliston did not know what he was referring to, of course he remembered all the terrorists he had helped, but it was true that he had not seen them again and did not know about them, were the last words he said to them the last ones?

『Yes, let's continue talking about what you did in Asia! You disbanded Terrorist organizations! Do you know what that did? That all those people who do not appreciate life and have it marked very differently are migrating illegally to other countries in our continent!!! The rate of terrorists increased and the worst is because of our law that governs us, Didiel made it clear, help anyone who needs it, because even being what these people are we help them...now they are calm, but at any time it can happen like Acel and his terrorist act in Belgium!!!! True Belgium!!! This could have been avoided, right!!!』

It was the President of Albania who spoke this time, he seemed to be more upset because lately he was the target of Middle Eastern migrants coming to his country, it was perfect for them because of the location where he was. It was true what that country said, product of giving them a second chance before being prosecuted by Cliston, many escaped to other countries to either resume their origins or have another life given to them.

『mmm....I would have liked Mikel to have kept his promise.... years ago he told me that he would never let anything happen to my people and....』

『I...I'm so sorry Belgium, it won't happen again』

『I hope so...』

『True! I also received immigrants from the Middle East, I was not afraid of Didiel's words and simply prevented the passage, and even right now we are throwing out every undocumented person who is in our country, I would like to make another more crude decision, but I am not given that, only the Leader of Asia or SouthAmerica has such a decisive mind that he knows what is the right thing to do』.

The one who spoke was Croatia, who here even more highlighted but did not make it clear what Tomeo did with those he prosecuted. There were a lot more complaints and the consequences were made known to Cliston, his actions in Asia ended up bouncing back to Europe causing instability in various regions with different problems. Cliston to this had only one thing to say.

『I...don't rejoice ---------』

『Don't talk about more Cliston, what you were going to say was only going to backfire on you, leave it to me』.

Mikel interrupted when he saw that they were crushing Cliston with their questions, he didn't have to say something fixed otherwise it could be modified. It could be noticed how some countries were snapping their mouths as they saw that they were about to hear something very profitable for them.

『Yes, since you are here too Mikel, tell me something, why did you defend the terrorist Acel? That image washing you did to him the truth felt very bad to all of us, don't try to hide or embellish his crimes, he killed a lot of people, he doesn't deserve all the support he has now』

『It's not any image washing Poland, I just told the truth, that's all』.

『Bullshit! You might have fooled everyone, but we know the truth very well! You defended a terrorist! you had the task to stop him but you never did it! are you his accomplice? only when there were victims and chaos flooded the people, you decided to act, not even that! you came to the end to defend your little friend! You really disgust me!!!』

It was Bulgaria who was throwing the Acel issue in Mikel's face, who many of the countries wanted to talk about this too, why Mikel defended Acel in the end...there are many options that led him to say that, but what Mikel was most clear about was the reason for.

『We were friends and I had confidence in him, that in the end he would realize and regret his actions』.

『Trust me you say, he KILLED HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE!!!! his life was always stained with blood! like what dude? like what trust? really because you are our leader!!! that guy decided to go the ruthless way with no respect for anyone, everything he did in Brucelas is simple acting!if you knew he was bad, why didn't you ever take action!!!!』

『Then what did you want me to say!!!! That he was a piece of shit! That I was a person escrement!!! That the person I had my hands on killed hundreds of people?!!!! Of course he could have done it, I should have done it....but...I know very well that he still had traces of shadow in his being, but there was more humanity that I thought he could forget his past and just look at what he built and did, I incited him to do it, of that there is no doubt, I wanted him to realize that it was wrong...I saw it...I could see it....a future where we are together at a party...I see that he ended up cheating on me...』

Mikel started shouting throughout the main room, quickly everyone heard how the old man seemed to break down from remembering Acel, Mikel knows perfectly well, when someone is a shadow and when not, when someone is still human and who is not, and Acel every time he saw him he looked more human than ever, he had faith, he had hope in the vision he saw. Everything was going to go according to well for Mikel, but it was not that his power is false or played a bad past, if not that Acel ended up cheating him too, showing everyone that they can never be changed.

『The issue of the explosive coins, we are in order to remove them from the market, this caused also a fear in Belgium, and their monetary value could be damaged but we are doing our best to solve it, I am very sorry and ask for forgiveness for all the lives that were lost because of my bad action』.

『Confidence says, this with Didiel would not have happened』.

『That's right, with Didiel this wouldn't have happened』.

Mikel started to comment about his childhood friend when he heard it mentioned, he quickly gave example and a simulation of what would have happened if Didiel was here present, most likely he would have stopped at once when he saw Acel's intentions, he would lock him up and keep an eye on him, but not as a prisoner or criminal, but in a familiar environment where nothing malicious can or will happen, only him in a complete change.

『I didn't make that decision because I am not Didiel, besides, I like how Acel and in turn Didiel made people happy』.

Mikel spoke loud and clear about his friend, who here all present did not share the same feeling, it was Mikel's opinion against the rest, but that did not matter, for Mikel his decision to have trusted Acel from long ago, he does not regret it at all, as he could see with his own eyes how a person decided to change for the better.

『Well, that's the only thing we need to talk to you about, I want to talk to Cliston and----------』

『Well I'm sorry, I already said that I will be your shield and answer all your questions, just as Cliston represented me, now it's my turn to represent Cliston, use it as you want, from now on my words are Cliston's words, modify it if you want, make profit from this, the only thing I can do now, is to help a young man who is not quite ready』.

All the countries that were against Mikel were upset about this and as if they were one, they were coordinating to finally get even with Mikel and at the same time also take advantage of Cliston, it could even be better. They were quickly flooded with questions about Cliston's lack of control, they know that Mikel has been training him but it was a bad decision, it helped him to increase his power but not to control it.

『You are a terrible teacher Mikel, if Cliston gets out of control and causes a catastrophe like Acel or Russia, then we will blame you for your incompetence』-『The young man is not ready to use his powers, an alteration of his emotions and who knows what it could cause, that ball of energy I repeat from Russia, alerted not only Europe, but also different parts of the world』.

Spain was justifying what happened with the power of Cliston, and it was true of the power of the young man, that sphere of energy could not stay only in that country, as always there will be videos or not even that, countries and nearby places managed to notice not only the spherical energy, but also reported the destruction of a satellite and how lightning pierced the atmosphere.

『That...was a measure that Cliston took to be able to give a solution to what was happening in Russia, he had no other choice, he just adapted to the situation』.

『What would have happened if that thing hit the ground? we would have all died!!!! Now don't tell me that it didn't happen because you trusted it!!! Do the same thing to all the people on the planet!!!! IDIOT!!!』

Mikel before this did not have a decisive way to defend Cliston, to this other countries commented that seeing such an attack, already many saw Cliston as a threat, who else could not suffer something similar...perhaps fear is the new way that Cliston will change the world...a move that many will reject, where Mikel thought.

『(We stand up threatening with Atomic Bombs only we don't show them....)』

『Haber Hero, bring out your power, I want to see in person the power of a God』.

Spain was wanting to see Cliston in action, where Mikel to this was telling him not to do it, but quickly Cliston was telling him that he is not going to be able to do it since right now he lost that power, he was showing it by wanting to increase his strength and move on to that transformation, but all he managed to do was to bring out weak rays and an effort that seemed like he wanted to poop.

『(Good, that'll do us good)』

『I see, now take out your wind power, you can release it even though you're not transformed into God, right?』

Mikel was worried about this, because he had seen before that Cliston was capable of doing that, but the Fatty knew what the intentions of that country were, it was obvious that he wanted to show him that he was a threat to everyone. So without further ado, you could quickly feel a breeze was blown out of Cliston, everyone was watching this in awe where Cliston quickly raised his finger to the sky, you could see how the wind began to deform and launch a powerful attack, but quickly .... all disappeared.

『Yes, I have a power-------』

『He will control it...I promise you that Cliston is going to make an effort to control that power, I understand that he has a great handle on his power as God, but the wind seems to be separate and he doesn't have it under control, give him some time and you will see that there will be no more problems with that power .....』

Mikel was always interrupting Cliston when Cliston was trying to talk, the other countries hearing this were of the same opinion, that Mikel likes to rely too much on people who are his friends, where quickly everyone saw an opportunity to this.

『Do you take responsibility for what Cliston does from now on?』

『It's been that way since we met』

『Well, then by a majority vote, raise your hand who will raise their hand when Cliston violates a law that violates the peace and the current system of the world, which is not allowed in all norms and laws of all countries, that Mikel be revoked from his position and that the title pass to a relative of Schuman, what do you all say』

Quickly everyone before Monaco's words, all the countries that did not support Mikel raised their hands giving their vote, quickly all the countries that supported Mikel, started to complain that this was not fair, but they justified it that it was as fair as possible, if Mikel trusts people so much they always end up giving him the opposite, so it happened with Acel, then let it happen with Cliston.

『I trust Cliston』-『And I will also modify this to your proposal, if Cliston gets 70% approval from all the people there are in the world, then let him get the same treatment, life and respect as all common people 』-『Let Cliston get a Human Right and Human Status, because right now he is not considered as such, what does this mean, that he will have the same life as any person, if he wants to help, let him do it, if he doesn't want to help, let him not do it, let him have the same right as a person who makes decisions by himself without being governed by an obligation other than his own, and if at some point he decides to use that free will to destroy, I myself and other leaders, consider him a danger to the whole world and we will start a hunt against him, I said』

What Mikel said goes beyond what many imagined, in short he wants Cliston to have the right of any normal person out there, because now we could literally say that he is property of the world government. All the countries were confused and surprised, what Mikel said makes no sense, like giving Cliston a simple life? it's impossible for someone like him to have a quiet life. Mikel finished off by saying that if it is not fulfilled, Cliston will never cease to be the property of the World Government. To this the countries that always wanted power were happy, they already imagined what they could do with Cliston in their hands.

『But let's put it simpler, for a God to be considered equal to a human and have the life of one, 70% of the world's approval is not enough, that we consider him a close one, let it be 90%!!!!! 』-『If Cliston gets the approval of 90% of the world's population, we will give him the quiet life he deserves, no one will go after him anymore, no one will take pictures of him, no one will assault him or anything else, he will also have no preferences or luxuries, his power will be worthless to the rest of the world!!!』-『Cliston will get Human Right and Status』

『We agree』.

At this everyone again raised their hands for the new proposal that was being made, quickly after the previous vote, here even those who supported Mikel raised their hands, since they know very well that it is the only way to bring him the life that Cliston always wanted, in the face of great risks, great rewards can be obtained. Everyone raised their hand except one country who was Russia, there was President R with a totally changed image to the previous time where he would go on to comment to the silence of all.

『I want Cliston to be a normal person』.

Quickly everyone turned to look at President R who this one was changed, he no longer showed the arrogant smile from before and appeared more normal.

『Because after all, he was the one who made me understand that I was wrong...』-『That day when he threatened my country and me, I never went back on my words, I didn't mind dying as long as I was never defeated, I was willing to sacrifice everything I achieved for my pride, I felt powerful. ...but .... When Cliston managed to cut my cheek with his winds and see that he was crying to see that he did not achieve anything, that's when I realized...』-『He is just a child playing a God, he was angry with me, he was irritated with me, he could have killed me, I thought I was going to die, but he spared my life...If he had been a real God at that moment I would have died and my country would have disappeared...I...am happy.... that that didn't happen...thank you Cliston for giving me a second chance and for making me understand that.....I am just like you, someone who tries until the end』.

President R raised his hand at the end because he also wants Cliston to have a normal life like everyone else, he knows perfectly well that he was not made for this, he made him understand with that little act that he is not someone important nor invincible, just like when he saw Cliston crying, he is also not someone important and invincible, they are only human and they will never stop being human. With a vote of 100% of the countries of Europe, the new proposal was accepted. You could see how President R looked at Cliston and bowed his head in repentance, this was seen by the young man and he bowed his head as a sign of respect.

The meeting had no more, in the end it seems that it ended up making the last thing clear, the countries were retiring where some commented that they were already waiting for Cliston to do something stupid and they could have total control of him, long before Cliston stopped being human, and now he just realized it. Cliston turned and looked at Mikel as he stood there, his face said it all, it was a determined one, without the fear of his words, there was no doubt and all that was giving Cliston to understand, who his words were.

『Now it will be up to you to try even harder Giovane Cliston, it will no longer depend on how much I trust you, it will all depend on how much you trust yourself to achieve it, I...hope you can handle the burden of the one you have been ignoring』.

『Mikel...Thank you...for giving me a second chance.... really thank you *smiles*』

Cliston would go on to shed tears because he had just been given hope for his new life, he would go on to hug Mikel who the old man did as well while shedding tears silently. Everything now depended on what would happen in the future, on what Cliston would do in his actions, to get 90% of the world support...that is difficult...besides not causing anything that could harm the places he goes, so he has to do everything right...for an ignorant boy it is a difficult task but not impossible.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
