
Chapter 237: Pastime 15

P͇a͇s͇a͇t͇i͇e͇m͇p͇o͇ ͇F͇i͇n͇a͇l͇l͇

The rain was starting, inside that big building, where mostly teenagers go to study, was Santi who had returned for a toy he had left, but in the end it was only a piece of eraser, with which he surely used to distract himself in the classes. Already with the things recovered and ready, that boy was heading home, but he heard in the windows the raindrops that were falling, he turned to look slowly with a silly smile that is always present in him, but what could have been the reason, maybe how the day suddenly became cloudy and changed to a sadder one, the rain mostly discourages people, it is mostly related to that it limits our plans.

What Santi must have been thinking, as the smile he always has, little by little it was fading, disappearing from his silly gesture, and showing more of a realistic face, removing the silly smile he always wears, if he always had that face, he is a normal boy after all. But this one approached the window, and as he could be reflected in it, quickly this one looked into his eyes, and with the help of his hands, he made all kinds of gestures, from more silly and funny, to creative, all kinds of expressions and emotions.

『I didn't bring an umbrella, but nothing bad happens either, right Boli, the rain won't stop me from getting home, they are just drops falling from the sky, they don't do any harm, even with friends it's fun, I'll make more friends! yes!』(●≧ω≦)9

Santi marked a more tender smile on his face, implying that he wants to have more friends on his journey, he raised his fist in the air motivated, where his pet Hamster, Boli who was on his neck, was raising his little paw to cheer his human. Santi was fantasizing again about having a million friends and so he could sing, play, talk, do a million things with them, because it is fun to have someone to hang out with, a friend, having a close bond with someone, is one of the most fascinating experiences in someone's life. Santi by his imagination was starting to walk slowly closing his eyes, you could even see how little relaxing bubbles were coming out of his head and at the slightest touch these would burst without making any noise, his state of silly relaxation was something better than common peace.

『(Playing, singing, people, animals, aliens, native, humans, aliens, it would be nice to be friends with everyone, although it is a very big achievement, I can't even imagine reaching 1% of that amount, but they are dreams for a reason, they are only our own imaginations, the fun and worry is, if one day we will manage to do the impossible, I already started, it would be wrong to stop, I will do it, I will keep doing it, and in the end I will see where I get to, that means growing)』.

Between his thoughts, the Hamster was warning Santi that when he turned around there are stairs to go down, but the boy was so much in his innocent silly mind, that he didn't notice this, and at the slightest false step, he lost his balance, he started to slip down the stairs. POM!!!! Crashing hard against the wall there was, Boli was worried what could have happened to his human, but with a trembling hand and arm, a thumb was raised in all the pain.

『Tranqui pa, I'm piola (Again it happened, because of thinking about other things, I ended up disconnecting from my surroundings) Well pappu, we have to or----.....』d(⌒ー⌒).

From what he was making himself strong, foolishly this one finished his words without completing them, falling fainted from the strong blow he made to his head, Boli quickly was worried about his human, who started to make noises for them to come and help Santi, but he won't die from this, Santi's eyes were spinning like a temporary defeat.




Returning to with Kenzo and M, they had in their possession most of the map they managed to recover from the dogs and their games, but all this was worth dick, since Kenzo had memorized since already before the place where the treasure his father left him was located, first I did not avoid being annoyed by this, I felt like giving a finger blow on his forehead to the brat, but when he explained to me that he just wanted to have fun next to these canines, my annoyance was disappearing.

『All right, I forgave you for this time brat, but tell me something, about finding the treasure, is it really important?』-『So important that you should be in a hurry?』

"I see that you are proud of Blue Onii-san, and to your next question, at the beginning I was not very interested in the treasure, I went out thinking to kill time, but with everything that has happened, thinking that it would be easy at the beginning and seeing how it dragged on and even became difficult, I was more and more worried to know what was the cause of why I did all those things, looking back, looking back, I want it to be worth everything I did』.

To my question of whether I still saw it as a game or as something more personal, I did not expect him to give me a more concrete and adult answer, listening to him made me get a joy inside, I am one of those who if there is something serious involved, I should not hesitate for a second and go for it, but if instead everything is quiet and nothing extreme, a game, then I also prefer to take it for what it is, a game to pass the time, besides that's what I've been looking for with my outings on the street, or that was the goal, me too now, I'm intrigued to know what the treasure is, I couldn't sleep peacefully if I don't find out today.

『By your side kid I'm the brat, I hope it only happens with you and not with more people, good! Let's find that treasure and go away satisfied this day! I'm going to cross my fingers that it's not a message with multiple meanings the treasure』.

We were both in that lot , it was empty, the only thing there were columns of huge pipes, even an adult could get inside, the ground was muddy everywhere because of the rain, this is supposed to be the treasure, but where exactly?

『There is no other choice Blue Onii-san, we have to dig everything』.

『But how much physical exertion I have to do this day!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡¡ I'm going to die before I see what the treasure wasCOPY00』(;'Д`)『I play dead so I can't do anything better』_ノフ○

『I think you are the weakest human I met Onii-san Blue.... 』(--;

In our conversation, where I was already dropping my full body into the mud to be stiff to the full, but quickly Kenzo, grabbed me by the collar of my clothes stopping me, I was surprised that I hadn't fallen, that my eyes got bigger out of confusion.( 〇□〇)

『I think you are Onii-san Azul.....But look, the dog from the beginning showed up 』

First Kenzo was surprised by how fragile he was and how even a little boy like him, managed without much effort to prevent him from falling, I turned to look at what Kenzo said, we found the stray dog from the beginning on top of the round columns, he had a defiant look and with his tail he was indicating to us that this wasn't over yet.

"Are they going to leave me out of all this? And I was the one who came up with the idea to have fun, I want to have fun too before the day is over. Don't forget about me, with me it started and with me it will end, I'll be your last challenge before you get what you've been looking for!』

It was what Kenzo managed to translate from the stray dog's tail, this animal quickly as if it already had experience, incredibly lowered all the columns until it reached the ground with us, a branch that was there, this dog simply stomped on it with enough force to make it lift it into the air, and with its tail this one took it, it really seemed that its tail was like a human hand. It was easy for this dog to draw a circle in the mud, he drew it around us and then explained the rules of what we were going to play.

『I already had a game planned, but in the end they never came to where I was, so I came up with this on the spot, the game is easy, whoever gets out or puts a foot was out of this circle, will lose, you can move freely wherever you want inside the circle, if you want to win, you will have to push, ram your opponent to get him out, and that's it, that's it, something similar to sumo』.

The stray dog with a simple explanation just gave us to understand the game he came up with at the time, he gave us 2 options, we can compete me and Kenzo but separately against the dog, but we will only manage to beat him if the 2 of us do it, while the other one is easier and safer, since only one of us will participate and if he manages to win, we will have succeeded.

『We choose method 2, only one of us will participate, well, Blue Onii-san, I trust you』.

¡¡¡¡!!!!! (○o●;) Quickly when Kenzo happened to turn to look at M, M was already lying face up in the mud, it seems that it was no joke that he was going to jump down without worrying about his clothes getting dirty. Kenzo finally winces, though more of astonishment is at the immaturity of how M takes things.

『You really threw yourself on the ground Onii-san Blue!!!! Stand up and take responsibility as the oldest one here!!!』 ( ᵒ̴̶̷᷄ д ᵒ̴̶̷᷅ )

『That I want too, but..... I can't move....(If Jolt were here he'd scoff as well as I did with her) But look brat, I'll be giving you moral support, from down here in the mud』 (; ̄︶ ̄)

『Ehh.....thanks....』 ~( ~'・_・`)~

Kenzo who was still with the chihuahua in his arms wrapping it with my scarf, so that at least it would help in something, this one placed above me the canine, I feel like it was a piece of furniture at this very moment, and next to me was the other canine, the Labradoodle, who appeared to watch how all this ends, I gave a sigh to all this, the only thing I could do now until I recovered, was to see how this game would end.

『If you manage to beat me, I'll do the job of finding the treasure, it's not so hidden either, your reward will be the same 』.

That was what Kenzo managed to translate from the stray dog's tail, where at the end, Kenzo with a smile was thanking him. Both entered the circle, from one end of the other both were, maybe because when they finished, the stray dog said sumo, Kenzo took it very literally and began to imitate the movements, to see a child see how he tried to lift his leg to stomp hard on the ground, was not the best idea, because as there was mud, this one slipped falling without further ado to the ground.

『I shouldn't have done that』.

But quickly, he had already started the game, the stray dog took advantage of Kenzo's carelessness, and without further ado he lunged at the boy, he was thrown where the first thing the boy tried to do was to grab the ground with his hands, but as it was full of mud, he could not hold on, he was already close to passing the circle, so for fear of losing, he made a ball. He thought that all was lost and the game was over, but M quickly told him that.

"Get up! You haven't left the circle!

M raised his voice to be heard, Kenzo, who was worried, stood up, turned to look, and was on the verge of crossing the circle, when he made a ball, he weighed himself and managed to stop in time. Kenzo was nervous from almost losing to the most to start, all of Kenzo's clothes were full of mud, as well as his arms and legs were exposed. A bark was heard warning the boy.

『I'm not going to be such a rat, now it's your turn, I'll attack every 30 seconds, I'm giving you a head start so don't blame me if you lose, come on, I'm already counting』.

Was what Kenzo managed to translate, you could see how the stray dog was counting on its paws, repeatedly touching the ground, quickly Kenzo recovered and tried to launch himself to attack the canine, but on the way he thought better of his plan, and stopped at the last moment, while the stray dog got to safety.

『(No! I must not let time make me do rash things, if I attack hard and it manages to dodge me, I will eliminate myself, I have to think my moves through)』.

After 30 seconds passed, the stray dog began to run agilely through the mud, Kenzo became alert to also dodge it, but again this one rushed so much that he dodged before and was completely read by the dog, POM! Thus giving him another onslaught, Kenzo fell backwards into the mud, thanks to the force he did not manage to slip much, and again the counter was resetting.

『(Calm down, I must be calm at all times, he said you could push or lunge, he didn't specify that you can't use other methods, but still, I would feel bad to do things he doesn't expect them)』

Kenzo began to trot along the edge of the circle, while not taking his eyes off the stray dog, you could see how the dog's paw counted the seconds, at that moment he gave a hard stomp with momentum !!!! The stray dog started to run after Kenzo, Kenzo's plan was easy, let the same dog out of the circle, but it would not come out as he thought, the stray dog stopped instantly showing his hind legs to Kenzo, he was going to kick Kenzo a few times, but the boy quickly realized that he managed to dodge him barely, as soon as the boy got in shape, he quickly ran to the center and no longer risk a plan that the dog could read.

『(It didn't work, when it's on the edge, this one will attack me with its hind legs, it won't throw itself at me, and I so far couldn't counter, I'm tired too....plus my body hurts so much)』

Again the counter was resetting, Kenzo wanted to calm down and think things through better, but time would not allow it, so this one took a big breath, and would use the best way to approach a dog, walking slowly and showing nothing but wanting to be with him, Kenzo walked slowly towards the stray dog, where the stray dog was still counting on his paws, seeing Kenzo approaching without bad intentions, his faithful dog instinct acted, he wanted to stay and get petted on the head by the stray dog, but maybe it's a trap and push him in the end.

『(Playing dirty eh boy, I wish you wouldn't have done that under these circumstances)』-『(But I'm already in the mood! I'm coming for you!)』

The stray dog managed again to reach 30 seconds, and was throwing himself against Kenzo, the boy was surprised, as the dog made a big jump towards him, the boy felt like hugging him too, but he thought it could be an attack that managed to get him out of the game, but anyway, he put his feet firmly and opened his arms to receive him, with a smile on his face, he was inviting him to his heart.

The stray dog was happy for the action of the boy, who managed to fall into his arms, and leaving aside the fight that was going on, he began to lick with affection and love, Kenzo's face, he no longer looked like the energetic dog of before, but one that was looking for the affection of a human, as he wagged his tail showed how happy he was. I was happily watching the scene, but then I see the other dogs that were with me, they were like making those dog sounds looking for affection too, I could see how they wag their tails, taking advantage that I had the Chihuahua on top of me, I managed to recover my strength, and I caressed his little head.

The chihuahua was surprised by my action, that I could feel how he got alarmed at once, but seeing that I was only petting him, he simply left until we were satisfied, the Labradoodle that was also, left the map that he still had in his mouth, in my other free hand, he bowed his head as if apologizing for what he did, I was only trying to calm him down, the only bad thing about all this is, that I have again my hand full of drool.

『(I don't know why, but it all brings back memories, I remember playing with others the same thing, pushing each other, biting each other, we were just looking for a way to kill time until our turn comes, my mind is foggy, but this feeling of having a human, I feel like it was already from the past)』

As he kept licking Kenzo's face, the boy also got more confident and started tickling every part of the dog's body, it was all fun, they even seemed to completely forget about the game, although this is fine and it was obvious, since it never crossed my mind that Kenzo managed to beat him. But the more licking the dog did, the more a peculiar taste entered his taste.

『(Blood?...this is blood.... right?)』

He managed to lick some drops of Kenzo's blood, Kenzo quickly pondered the dog that this was, he quickly tried to remember, but thinking about blood, did not avoid familiarizing him with all the deaths and massacres that there were in all this time he lived, cloudy fragments in his mind appeared, and the clearest he had was the moment when they assaulted a clandestine kennel with his pack.

While Kenzo was holding on to the pain from the wounds he got all the way there, he felt something rising on the dog, like skin with a little more volume, rough, smooth, a line of flesh that had already closed completely. When the stray dog came back to consciousness because his scar was touched, he got a better look at Kenzo, and saw that he had wounds all over his body, arms, legs, and even his face. Again blurred memories came to him that he saw someone like that before, even his friend told him about that state.


At that same moment the mad stray dog appeared, and when he saw that another dog was taking his prey, he quickly barked with all his strength, tried to run to attack him with strong bites, but because of how weak he was at the first impulse he fell into the mud.

You could see it growling angrily with its eyes full of veins.


The dog angrily demanded that the stray dog who was on top of Kenzo should leave, we humans didn't understand anything, we only heard angry barking. Quickly the dogs who were with me, went in front of Kenzo, the Labradoodle was commenting to him not to let him do what he wants.

『What are you angry about, you sow what you grow, and I'm glad you're getting what you deserve』.

While the Chihuahua only remained silent but then smiled mockingly, the crazy stray dog remembered this little guy from that time and started cursing him like never before.

『IT'S YOU!!! THE ONE FROM THAT NIGHT!!!! YOU'RE COMPLICIT IN THIS HAPPENING TO ME!!!! AHHHHGGGGGG!!!! I'm going to kill you too!!!! And you too you damn dog that told her everything!!!! DESTROYED WHAT I WORKED SO HARD AND FOUGHT FOR!!!!』

『By deceit and death?』-The Labradoodle didn't stop himself from interrupting him.

『SHUT UP!!!!-I had no choice!!!! It was the only way to reach him!!!!! I can't smell good, but you guys are a pack aren't you? You organized to destroy me, I won't tolerate it, I won't tolerate you contradicting me, turning against me!!!!! I'm going to kill you too one day for messing with me!!!!! And you little rat ojona stop thinking you are better than me!!!!! I'm not strong enough to do it myself but------------------』

The dog kept talking by himself, everyone was watching with pity what this dog became, even the stray dog was looking confused at the other one, Kenzo seeing him too, with his barking venting, with his body fur disappearing, with his bones exposed, he did not avoid feeling sorry for the poor dog, he was going to go to help him, but quickly the stray dog, with his tail did not give him a pass and he would walk up to him, being face to face both, you could notice similarities to them. Quickly the mad stray dog tried to bite him and succeeded, he managed to grab the other stray dog's neck with his jaw, but the more he squeezed, he could not do anything, he had no strength at all. With a simple neck movement, the stray dog sent the mad stray dog flying into the mud, where it would hardly try to stand up.

Quickly the stray dog dug the ground where the previous dog was, taking from there a small metal box, with paper said "Congratulations, you found the treasure" But because of the rain the paper was not understood and was already unraveling, the stray dog threw the box to Kenzo who managed to catch it, and with his tail said.

『You can go now kid, you better do it, we will solve this, situations like this is our duty, don't ignore your injuries, they can be fatal as time goes by, if not you will end up worse than him』.

Kenzo was not so happy with how things turned out in the end, but he looked straight into the eyes of the stray dog, which were very serious, at the beginning he had thought of going to help the other dog, but he could not refuse in the face of the seriousness that the other dog transmitted with his look.

The rain was already stopping, almost nothing was falling, Kenzo didn't move at all, in there M who was already standing up, he was warning Kenzo to go with him, depressed without knowing what to do, Kenzo went with M.

『Well, I've been curious about you for a long time, that time we couldn't talk, now that we have a chance, I want to close the page』.

The stray dog commented to the madman, who this one no longer had strength in his legs, he was even already gaining bacteria in his legs that if not treated would begin to rot, seeing that he could not stand, he decided to help him, at the slightest contact, again the madman stray dog took the other stray with his mouth, but this one could not do anything, he took him on his back and took him inside the circular columns that were there, where he would start a conversation between these 2.

『I don't know how it will be your case, but I feel I know you from somewhere, there are many dogs that look alike, but you and I think it's closer』.

『(Tschk, I don't know what you are talking about, I still don't plan to listen to you or answer you)』.

There was silence for minutes, the stray dog stared at the madman, who had his head turned away in annoyance.

『You know, I do not remember much as a puppy, the first thing I remember is that I was recovering from a wound apparently I received in the stomach, you can not see now because the fur covered it, but if you touch, there it is, then directly I was already in a pack, full of different breeds that strangely had no home, they taught me everything I know, even to communicate with humans through the tail, it's amazing isn't it? Anyway, I was assigned a mission to inform a little girl the truth, that's where we met, since I saw you, you gave me a lot of intrigue and qui-----』

『We're brothers』

From what he was telling about the stray dog, the crazy one who said he wasn't going to listen, ended up blurting out what he thinks all at once, the other one was frozen, silent all at once.

『It seems that when I pushed you into the river, because of the shock to your skull you lost your memory, and the scar you have is from the knife I threw at you, guess, right? Don't be surprised, I'm more capable and intelligent』

『.....Con that if that was the answer, then you are the murderer who killed those dogs and also some puppies who I can guess were my brothers too』.

『Bingo! Yeah! now what? congratulations? Leave me alone if you're going to say things I already know, I never saw them as a family, I didn't even take affection for them, all those things don't matter to me』.

『Things are already done, now that I know the truth thanks to the dogs that took me in and everything I learned with them, I just want to ask you for one thing, ask them for forgiveness』.

They were having a conversation the 2 brothers dogs that managed to survive their whole puppy stage, the other 2 dogs, the Chihuahua and the Labradoodle were listening outside, at that same moment the Rottweiler also appeared.

『Haaa???¿¿¿¿¿ Sorry??sorry to whom? to the dead? For that you survived I don't even know how? Don't talk nonsense-----』

POMM!!!! With one lunge, the stray dog managed to knock the madman down, this one showed an expression of anger not very common in him, he was really upset by his brother's comment.

"If I hadn't gotten rid of my knife, I would kill you right now』.

『Ask them for forgiveness, for having deceived them, for our false hope, for having lied to us, ASK THEM FORGIVENESS----』

『I will not forgive them, forgive them...mere good-for-nothings who were destined to die alone? Ha! I gave them a more dignified end than they deserve, besides their happiness doesn't compare to mine, who struggled from the beginning and didn't believe in anyone, I was always alone』.

Hearing those words, the stray dog, slowly backed away, the mad stray dog wanted to stand up but couldn't, so he just simply turned his back on it lying inside the column.

『So I'm sorry, for giving you such a weight on your shoulders, sorry for always having to depend on you, sorry if you felt lonely and that everything had to be done by you, sorry』-『But what I will never apologize to you for, is for all the bad things you did, for me it's ok for you to pay for everyone's death, since I knew it was you, you earned all my hate, my pack may have saved me, but I won't save you nor will anyone else, rot in hell damned』』

『As if I'll care』

『Ask them for forgiveness』


Quickly again a discussion was heard inside the round columns, it seems that this is going to be for a while, M and Kenzo only heard loud barking, it was like an adult discussion, even I was shaking with fear, at that moment the Rottweiler appeared with us, and as if he was a gentleman, he bowed, with his paw he touched Kenzo's shoes, asking for forgiveness again for what happened earlier.

I turned to Kenzo, but he was still worried about what was going on inside with the dogs, but I was more worried about Kenzo's condition, he might catch a cold, if he doesn't go home and clean all that mud, he might even get infected with something. But my thinking and concern of the boy was more superficial to what the Rottweiler was thinking, who this one most saw what the boy was thinking about, he saw after his heart, so this one made an effort with his bark and communicated....with his ears.

『If you want to help, go ahead, no one forbids you, after all it is a nice gesture to others, to whom you want to support, do not stand still, it is better to do it and try, if your help does not work or does not go as you want, at least you already gave to understand that you support that person, helping, supporting, has its bad things, if that person is not willing to improve then you can't do more』-『You also tried very hard, open your prize please, maybe the little joy you gain you can pass it on to him』.

The dog wiggled his ears in a very cunning way, if he could do that, why didn't he do it before...I guess because he was still distrustful of us, I suggested him that there will be the treasure, where I also because of my excitement, I told him that there will be it all at once and not to keep it just for himself. Because of my insistence and more because of the Rottweiler, he decided to open it, a white light began to flood the place, where he would find the answer to his journey.

『Oh! Looks like I'm here, you better beg me!!!!』

The mad stray dog shouted for joy, the earth began to shake, even when there was mud, the big stomps made the columns move on top of each other, quickly the other stray dog became alert, because of the threat this could be, the mad stray dog, he met a bear in the middle of his path where he managed to catch him with his lies to accompany him and help him, right now he managed to reach the place where it will be the doom for one of the dogs.

『Here they are, sorry for the delay, I'm late, if I get wet, my fur will become fluffy, I won't see anything and I'll look like another animal』.


『Hello Newfoundland, yes, it would have been a problem later to dry and fix your hair』.

The stray dog greeted a friend and member of the pack, a Newfoundland breed dog, who despite his imposing size, was too calm, typical of big characters but then they are very nice, originality here you will always find! OHH YEAH!!! XD.

The crazy stray dog was confused, he gave orders to the "bear" but then he found out that there are even breeds of dogs of huge sizes, and also from another reason he did not know that he belonged to the pack is that the map that was in his charge, he ended up sinking in his fur and so he did not suspect him.

『*TSCHK*.....Stop humiliating me.....go away. ....leave me alone, we won't get anywhere, so go away, I will never regret what I did』.

There was a serious silence, the mad dog didn't even dare to show his face, he was completely lost, the silence, his brother, the stray dog was leaving, just as he said, there will never be an agreement between these 2 brothers. The mad dog felt uncomfortable, he wanted to leave this place but he couldn't, maybe he could move if he makes an effort, if he rests a little more, just maybe like this.

"『You went through a lot of hard things, didn't you?

Quickly a human voice was heard, it was Kenzo who entered the column, he was stroking the head of the mad dog who couldn't do anything, maybe he wanted to bite him but he didn't have the strength, or he just wanted to receive more affection.

『Everyone makes mistakes, one's life is never always full of happiness, there is always a stumble that makes us depressed and in thinking that everything else is meaningless, what should you do in those situations? don't throw them away, never do that, take it as a burden that you have to overcome in the future, let it be a present reminder in your life, maybe I can't do anything, only you have the decision to continue with fear, but I would like to support you if you give me that option, if I can change your gesture to a much happier one, if I make you smile, then I know I am going on a good path, I will also continue to make an effort for you, so you won't suffer again』.

Kenzo went on to tell all that to the mad dog, who, it is not known if he was attentive to the boy's words or not, Kenzo kept in his pocket what was apparently a small piece of paper.

『It's the message my father left me inside the treasure, in the end as Onii-san Blue said, it was that.....th game my father made, in the end, yes, it made me smile several times, you who appeared in my journey, did you smile? If not, please let me make it one day, seeing you in that state makes me want to help you, it's time to move on, right? don't you want to help each other? *smiles* 』 』

Kenzo was heading to the mad dog, he doesn't know what happened to him, but he feels that everything he told him, he will be able to help him somehow, the mad dog remembered his brother's words recently, that there will be no one who will help him, maybe he is wrong, the mad dog turned to look at Kenzo, he was with a serious face, it seems that he made his decision already long time ago.

『Neither crazy, I spent my whole life looking for the love and affection of a human and it's not the happiness I'm looking for, I was wrong, I will achieve my happiness by myself, by myself, without humans or others』-『If I see you again child, well, we'll see what happens』.

The crazed dog regained his strength, and happened to run away from the place, when Kenzo was leaving the column, he could see M as he complained that the treasure is a simple note with an emotional message.

『All this for that blowjob!!!!!!AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! I'm playing dead again, but seriously, how it shits me that it's not an object the truth, I would have asked Kenzo for half of it since it helped him, I had to make a profit, no?』

When M was talking, Kenzo was next to him and had heard everything, Kenzo's disappointed gesture of the Blue Onii-san was clear, as there was nothing more to do and also because of the disappointment I took, we were already retiring, at that very moment, all the dogs we have played with appeared, they bowed to us, with their tails and ears told us.

『Thank you for playing with us』.

At that moment I remembered that my scarf was on the Chihuahua, who was on top of him with the mud down, I quickly went to take it, where I felt a tug, the Chihuahua took it with his jaws, I gave a sigh because I could not take it anymore, but after a while the canine released my garment. With the afternoon already arriving, Kenzo and I were on our way home.

"Wait, I didn't play at all.

The Newfoundland commented upon realizing that no one got to play with him, this big animal lowered his head depressed as he was really looking forward to hanging out with humans, but then someone was heard to fall into the mud, where all the dogs upon looking at him, their reaction was more than disappointing.

『Enseriously you....』

On the way I was more than discouraged by what was the treasure, but when I looked at Kenzo happy for the message, I think it was worth it, if it seems more than enough to him, then it's okay. Where I quickly patted Kenzo.

『Yeah you tried really hard brat, anyway, hurry back home or your parents will be worried』.

We walked where our paths diverged, this day I became friends in a boy who appreciates dogs a lot, but I still didn't know anything about why I was afraid of them before, we agreed to meet other days if we had time and coincided. When I arrived at the apartment, I knocked on the door since I had forgotten the keys, luckily my mother was where she received me, the first thing she did was to be scared by how I was wearing my clothes, which were all dirty and full of mud.

『Hay son! Just look at your clothes, you may have grown up but you're still a childish boy, come on come on, take them off! You can't walk around like that, I'll put you in the bathtub too, is that okay?』

My mother's gesture was pure fright, she was quickly telling me to take off my clothes, but I didn't want to, so regardless, I took off my scarf and vest, where my mother didn't avoid seeing it inside and even smelling it.

『But this sucks!!! How long has it been since you've changed your clothes? You are able to walk around in the same clothes for a lifetime if you are not told anything! Starting tomorrow you'll wear different clothes, but I don't think the ones you had will fit you....ya se! Wear Gen's! She must have clothes when she was your age』

"What? No no no no no no, I like those clothes, I can't wear any other clothes, besides having to wear that man's...』


In my conversation with my mother, quickly Menhera was coming over happily for some reason, that was raised to me with both arms to hug me, I didn't see it coming that I fell lying on the ground, I barely have strength to walk and now I get a lunge, Menhera was on me on top of me with a blushing smile.

『Yes yes, I'm also glad to see you again Menhera-chan, but I still have mud on my overalls, could you get up?』

『Yashi-kun!!! Listen carefully! From tomorrow we can spend more time together! You can come to our high school now!』

Menhera was so happy that her joy could infect me, but it was not like that, the truth with everything that happened, I did not know how to react to all this, I am so tired that I just want someone to carry me to my bed.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
