
Chapter 233: Pastime 11

S͇o͇b͇r͇e͇v͇i͇v͇i͇r͇ ͇3͇

It was a quiet night, that was for the outside, where a house was left by a family that was going to enjoy the end of the day together, taking before the decision to adopt a canine to save it from the ugly future that was coming. But this dog seems to always draw his own future, a commotion arose inside the house, the 4 legged animals of the home had a strong exchange of ideas and thoughts, the pedigree dog boasted of being better because he was classy, he was blessed, he was pedigree, while his ego soared, he did not hesitate to say what he thinks of most dogs in the world, who do not have a home, who are ugly, who have no skills, he reproached them so much that they get a home and be happy like him. He created a dog hierarchy for himself, but in the end all his words did not help him when he acted.

『I'm faster!!!』『Where are you running to you idiot!!!』『I'll throw you out of this house myself before you mess up my blessings!!!!』『I won't let a low class like you take my life away from me!!!』『It's my territory! You didn't learn that! You stand up for what you love the most! It doesn't matter the measures! One does it for love and affection!!!』

SLASHHH!!!!!!----------------------....In the end this Doberman was stabbed straight in the chest, his face was one of extreme agony, all his anger, ego and rage had turned into pleading and begging, his blood was dripping down the kitchen, he knew it, that this was as far as his happiness had gone, and just as he said it had been taken away from him, but he is also to blame in many ways. The canine was crying in his last seconds, he wanted to bark, but his voice just wouldn't come out. In the end he dropped dead in his own blood.

While the stray puppy who was the one who committed the murder, was first silent, as he was carefully remembering what happened seconds ago, seeing the expressions that the Doberman put on, how when he died he became a coward, if he could have spoken for sure he would have asked for help, even the one he was about to kill.

『In situations like this, it's kill or be killed, do you think I don't have that in mind? Eh?! It was the first thing I saw! Understand piece of blessed class, not even being special saved you from me taking away your happiness for my own sake, being trusting is wrong, another thing I learned, I'm liking this, that every day I know new things that will help me achieve my purpose, to be happy with my human, but it's weird, it's the first time I do it directly, the one who killed him directly and it wasn't any elaborate plan, I just did it and that's it...This....me is starting to like and scary』

It could be noticed how little by little, a smile of a psychopath was marked on the face of the stray puppy, it was like his senses had sharpened, the blood finally touching his paws, he could feel them clearly, the smell and his ears were moving fast, but it wasn't any talent that he maximized, no, nothing was sharpened, he is simply afraid, and his body was unconsciously transmitting that to him. He was afraid as he finally entered fully into this world of perhaps no return, which to express what he felt, also easily released, the stray puppy urinated, in turn filling the blood with its liquid. Where in the end he would declare that neither those of race, nor those of the street should get happiness, only he is allowed to get it since he knows what suffering is and to have nothing, to make ideas that nobody else can think of to get away with it, from now on he will see everything else as his own use, and he can do what he wants with it, his flesh of callus would increase drastically.

He doesn't even know how long he stayed in the same place without moving, he was so shocked by the fact that he didn't even notice when the owners finally returned and stumbled upon the scene in the kitchen. The woman quickly wanted to scream because of what she saw, but her husband calmed her down and took her to his room so he could take care of the rest.

When he returned this one wondered a thousand things, that perhaps a thief could have entered to steal and killed his Doberman, was the one that resonated most in his head, but he had it very clear when he saw the subject, the canine, the little puppy, since seeing it, it was like seeing the birth of a psychopath who rejoiced in his first victim.


The owner wondered dumbfounded, where the canine had its white eyes, it was like it was in a trance for its murder, it turned its gaze like a broken doll, while with its little paws this one slowly approached towards the owner.

『Why? Because it was necessary, because my life was in danger, because you are a good human who took me into his home, into his family, that's why I did it, I will not lose what I finally reached with so much effort, do you like pedigree dogs? Well now that's going to change, neither breed nor street, there's only me, now give me food and water, I'm hungry and thirsty, I'm for some reason, very tired...』

Was what the canine was saying while moving his mouth, but the only thing the owner heard was a puppy giving little barks, as if he was communicating because he understood him, but quickly the owner whispered to go away, fearfully telling him that he was going to throw him away.

『It was a mistake.....I see it right now, you at that time, you wanted to put this expression when you stopped that rat.....wait....was it even a rat that I eliminated??....Or no....I don't know what to think anymore...I just know that.....I should never have taken you in』

『I should never have welcomed you』『I should never have welcomed you』『I should never have welcomed you』『I should never have welcomed you』『I should never have welcomed you』『I should never have welcomed you』『I should never have welcomed you』『I should never have welcomed you』『I should never have welcomed you』『I should never have welcomed you』『I should never have welcomed you』『I should never have welcomed you』『I should never have welcomed you』

That sentence echoed in the mind of the puppy, that from his white and transe eyes that he had, they went to look with contempt and reluctance to the human, the smile he had, was an immeasurable hatred. For someone who is only looking since birth for the affection of a human being, anyone who rejects him, quickly from the affection he had for him, it would turn into pure hatred.

『Wait what did you say? Didn't I hear right? I don't accept those words, could you say it again? You must say you love me, give me food, water, cuddles, toys, I'll even play with the babies, because that's what dogs do, they bring happiness to a home, you must return the favor!!!!』

The stray puppy barked with all his might, but quickly dodged a kick that was going hard, the shocked puppy turned to look at the owner, the gesture that reflected was "I made a mistake by bringing you" this was quickly understood by the puppy. The owner took his broom to get rid of the canine, but the puppy quickly took the knife that was embedded in the chest of the Doberman, with his teeth he took the sharp part of the knife and threw it to the owner, but as he was very weak, it was not so powerful, making it very easy for the owner to take the handle of the knife. When he went to check the kitchen, he realized that the puppy was nowhere to be found, and another knife was missing from the floor.

In the neighborhood streets, the stray puppy was running with all his might, he had managed to escape. Carrying with him the knife he took between his teeth.

『(Human shit, everything I did and this is how you repay me, we would have been quiet, I would have slept in a good bed! And no more in the cold street! I'm hungry! I'm thirsty! My paws hurt! My mouth won't stop trembling! Your job was just to make me feel good! What kind of human are you if you don't treat your pet right! You're going to pay for it! You're going to pay dearly for despising me!

The stray puppy ran with all his strength, until he went to the nearby police station, the first thing he did was to bark with all his strength to get the attention of the policemen, quickly all the people in charge and the curious went to the canine. What they saw was a puppy full of blood, urine, and in a horrible state, barking at them as if demanding something. Having already had the attention of the police, he would take the knife and run back to the house. The police, alarmed and worried about what could have happened for the canine to be in that condition, went to chase him, but they did not mobilize so much, they only sent 2 policemen who were free to go and check what had happened.

When they arrived at the house of the murder, they saw that the canine was at the door scratching with rage and anger, the officers quickly deduced that something was going on and knocked on the door. When the owner opened the door, he became colder and more fearful than he already was, they quickly began to ask him questions to let him in, but their doubts that something bad had happened grew from the officers, as they could see the owner was sweaty and his words stumbled more than once.

But without wasting any time, the stray puppy entered the home, where the owner, upon realizing that this dog had returned, did not avoid succumbing to the fear that he almost collapsed and the officers helped him to stop it from happening. Quickly barking was heard from the canine, that means that he found the scene of the crime or a clue for the officers, the officers quickly asked for forgiveness for entering the home abruptly, while the owner extended his hand to stop them. Upon arrival they noticed that they could no longer hear barking, as the owner's wife, with her hand was covering the puppy's muzzle, this shocked them more, but what left them with their eyes wide open in amazement, is to see that the kitchen is a mess and with signs of dripping blood, they could only see a large large bag lying on the floor, trying to cover the body.

¡¡¡!!! The stray puppy bit the wife hard thus freeing himself from the wife, there was nothing more to do, he already fulfilled his revenge with this family who treated him badly, so he just ran out of the house, he took the knife he left outside.

『(jajajahaha!!! Take take take!!! Now they won't be able to save themselves from this one! Let's see if their happiness or their blessings will save them from the law, right!!! they don't have it anymore! Anyone who dares to contradict me in everything I do, who denies me anything, who doesn't consent to me, I swear I will make him suffer!)』

He was running away on this cold night with his evil deeds done. At home, an officer had to check whether or not what was under that black bag was a corpse, but that was more than done. Upon removing the bag, he could see the corpse of a Doberman dog, his shock was so much from the officers that they quickly went back to cover it, while one called for more backup to come, the other cop asked the owner and wife to come with him.

There was nothing to be done to help them, everything was already done and nothing would be changed, in the end the case was that the owner killed his pet, stabbing him in the kitchen. The evidence was several, since the knife with which the animal died, had the owner's fingerprints, and investigating further into what this owner did, they also found the whereabouts of a puppy died by suffocation in a garbage can, with 2 acts of crime against animal life, the owner not only ended up closing his store, but was found guilty, giving the judge several years in prison. The wife was not spared either, since she declared herself as his accomplice, this was also said by the officers, since she tried to silence the canine when he started to bark. From one day to the next, from what was a good and upright family, they went from having one of the worst records in the country or even the world. The gesture of the owner when he finally gave him his sentence, it was like the sparkle in his eyes had disappeared, and this case will be remembered since all the time, the owner repeated, whispered that the one who had all the compliments, was the puppy.

『The puppy is to blame...』『The puppy is to blame...』『The puppy is to blame...』『The puppy is to blame.... 』『Puppy is to blame...』『Puppy is to blame...』『Puppy is to blame...』『Puppy is to blame...』『Puppy is to blame...』


But it was another day for the puppy pack, the stray puppy returned with them in the end, making the bridge, down below their place of operation and temporary home. Every morning, the stray puppy would stand in front of his remaining siblings, which as always these were playing around, it was not repeat not once or twice, if not about 10 or 20 times that they pay attention.

『(Silly and imbecilic dolls, how do they expect to please humans if they do as they please, so no bond is formed with them, it's give and take) Understand idi.....( That was wrong, I almost showed myself as I am)』

You could see how the stray puppy did not tolerate the attitude of his siblings, not being listened to and being ignored, which happens several times, makes his blood boil and brings out his true self as he is. A puppy who was playing realized that the stray puppy was in front and this one quickly got down to business.

"Playtime is over! Our brother has woken up! Quick everyone form up, lie down, sit down, however you are most comfortable, but pay attention to our brother, you must not forget that he helps us a lot, you must not forget that he will give us happiness, affection, home, being together with a human』

『Human?』『Did he say human?』『Honey, I want sweetie!』『Home! A home to sleep and play in! Yes!!!』『Having free food and water, how good it must feel』.

Quickly the whole pack began to form up as they wanted, but they were all going to pay attention to the stray puppy that was about to leave, but when he saw that his brothers were finally paying attention to him again, he made his eyes shine and made him stay again to give his speech. When everyone was ready, the canine brother would come by to let them know that everything was ready.

『Please brother, now if you can continue』.

『(Ohh, they make me happy when they pay attention to me, it makes me feel important and that I only matter, what do I say, if so, I do have a value) Listen brothers, maybe some know and some don't, but I stress again, you must trust who will take care of you and lend a hand for life, don't make the same mistake as our brother who was found in the trash lifeless, that human scum, who right now is paying his grief!!!! Do not wish him the worst, do not waste your strength on someone who is not worth it, that goes for all unbelievers, present and not present. I only ask you to know who to really trust, one slip up and your happiness that is not yet born can end. That being said, we must continue with the "Happiness" project who wants to be the next to achieve happiness?』

At the beginning of his speech, the stray puppy was implying the case of the butcher shop owner, that he was a bad man and not to look only at appearance or personality, you should look deeper, see his heart and his true intentions. See the droopy ears, tails limp on the ground, was sad the pack for his brother who died recently, but the stray puppy repeated to them again and again from the beginning to the end, that one must forge one's happiness oneself, and not stop until it is achieved.

『Who wants to be next? I'm in a good mood today』

He showed a friendly and kind smile for his siblings, he already has a good understanding of modifying himself to please all kinds of people. The puppies were in an uproar, because despite the stray puppy repeating to them that they themselves must go their own way and choose from whom to receive support, they always asked to be with their brother. Seeing that they begged him and even fought among themselves to be with him and do what he asked them to do, made his friendly smile turn into his true facet, but he always hid it so as not to arouse suspicion or anything else.

Since he committed that direct murder with that dog of race, another type of feeling was born to him, it can be equal or even superior to having a family, and it was to take lives for his own pleasure, since that also made him achieve momentary happiness, committing murders would be his happiness by turns until reaching it eternally until the end of his days.

He would begin his massacre against his little brothers who trusted him blindly, the truth is that he had nothing elaborated, the plans he made were always at the moment of what he could think of, and in all of them he did as he wanted.

『You see that human over there? You can see if he was bad, beating people up, disheveled, clothes in tatters, look! They look like our brothers! That despite the fact that we are not the most presentable, we have a big heart, for sure that guy is fine, come on! He's your human who will bring you happiness』

『Yes! You can tell he's good people! I don't care if he doesn't have a home, food to give, water, a house, as long as he trusts me, as long as he treats me with affection, I'm more than satisfied, for me that's my happiness, to be able to be with my human and accompany him to hell itself』.

It was too obvious the plan of the stray puppy, the human that I fixed this time for one of his sisters to keep, was literally a street crazy, homeless, all dirty, even has mental problems, because while the stray puppy was walking down the street, he ran into this guy, who in desperation to eat, killed a rat from his forehead. But listening to his sister's little thought, that being alone with that person and nothing else, is his true happiness, he got to thinking that.

『(Of course, what I seek is not the same as what everyone wants, we are all different, others can be satisfied with so little, while others are not satisfied even with the best of the best, and I am the second, my brothers are silly, they always say things that are not even relevant, but the teaching is there, I will use it) Your way of thinking, it is very symbolic sister, now go』.

The crazy man in the street was touching his stomach, he hadn't eaten for weeks, he didn't even have the strength to continue walking, where without further ado he collapsed to the ground, quickly the canine sister went to that person, who with his bark implied that he was here, the man did not respond, he just lay on the ground, where the sister stood in front of him.

『Come on, wake up! You can't fall here, you're not happy yet..... let's search for our own happiness together』

In the middle of the puppy's push for the person to react, she felt as if a hand began to touch her upper body, her entire back. Quickly that hand touched her head, and the puppy felt a caress without strength, but it was what was necessary to make her feel happy. When finally that person lying on the ground, she could not understand what was happening, her sight was already very blurred, only with her hand she felt something soft and fluffy, where without any strange reason or perhaps. That person lying on the ground, smiled.

『Yes, that's right, we still have time to move on, you have a nice human smile, although it's weird, you don't have all your teeth, but still, it's a beautiful smile』.

The little dog felt comfortable with the human, she was only looking for someone who would be by her side in good times and bad, they would have to deal with the rest. The dog was going to touch her nose to the human's nose. ¡¡¡¡¡!!!!! But quickly the human stood up, his strength had returned for no apparent reason, now he was with both hands touching the canine, but it was no longer soft, that was because he was weak, he was taking the dog with all his strength that was making her suffer.


That was what that human repeated with all his strength, and without wasting time, that toothless mouth took a tremendous bite of the dog's head. While in the background you could see the stray puppy as he was with that smile, he was enjoying his own happiness of the moment, a horrible scene to watch was happening, the guy didn't care about anything but getting to eat something, his guts were disappearing, he himself was already swallowing since days. Anything edible he wouldn't hesitate to stuff it down his stomach. The little dog that had faithfully given herself to the human and would support him, when she saw that she was being eaten, put up a fight. She barked tearfully, her paws stiffened, she did not want to die.


Slash!!!!!! A cut received the human in the leg, this was enough to make him fall to the ground. The one who came to the rescue was the stray puppy, who with the knife in jaw and already with a great handling. He was putting an end to this human's life, with multiple stabs all over his body.

『What a fool you are, this being below is not a human, he is just a madman, who only thinks for himself not to die, his mind is rotten, this kind of humans disgust me, who also deserve to die』.

The stray puppy was talking, but it was really a horrible scene, because while he was stabbing the madman, the madman kept wanting to eat the dog, he was so determined not to let her go free that he didn't care about the rest. In the end the dog came out of the human's mouth, with wounds on her legs, tail, ears, and especially her head. Badly wounded, she asked her brother for help, because she did not want to die.

"That's good advice, too bad it's me you're asking』.

Without hesitation, the stray puppy, with the knife, tore his sister's neck in one move. Again that smile that was being held back, came out, but it wasn't the only thing that came out, he went back to peeing in front of the crime scene. It seems that it will become a habit for her to urinate on her victims, she was urinating from fear, that such uncontrollable joy is so good, that was what she was afraid of, that she enjoyed doing this so much.

While on another day with another sister, they were walking across a big bridge looking for a good human, the stray puppy was thinking that if someone falls from here into the river, they will most likely die. He was with the temptation to do so, as his brother was walking flush with the fall, one little push and it would be goodbye. It was all he could think about, he didn't even know where they were heading.

"『Brother look! why are there a lot of humans with the same uniform?where are they going?

『Yeah, I don't know, maybe they are also a pack like us, humauria? but what am I saying』.

『A humauria, that sounds great, there are many small humans, and I think I smell food, you're not hungry brother? I am!』

『Yes, but that can wait, I can't stand----!!!!!....』 anymore.

From what they were talking about, and that the stray puppy is about to push his sister, his sense of smell that all this time has been going crazy, finally stopped, catching only a single scent, the smell was primal, there was a warmth, fondness with that smell. Quickly he stopped to look for the source of this smell that was able to stop his movements, when he turned to his side, he ran into a primary school girl, with a dress, she seemed to his eyes a Damsel. That instant that he passed by her running, for him were the best seconds of his life. From the always crazy and psychopathic he was, his eyes sparkled, his cheeks blushed, and he showed a genuine smile of joy.

『She!!!! It's her!!!! She's the one!!!! I'm sure!!!!Awwww but how cute she looks, she's so different, I've never seen someone like her before, everything about her radiates love and affection!!!! That's what I wanted to find!!! To the perfect human, I want..... want..... want-------』

『Awww!!! What a cute human!!! You're right bro!!! So she's going to be my human? I'm happy! You do have good tastes brother and you choose the best, that's why I follow you』.

His last words were interrupted by his canine sister, as he finally came to his senses, he still can't believe it, of course, he forgot that his task they believe is to get him the best of humans.

『I want .... I want her to be your human, because you would be so happy 』

The puppy listening to her brother, was so happy that she was starting to jump for joy. But what the human puppy actually thought was the opposite, he will stay with that human because she is the right one for him, who will give and receive everything he was looking for in his life. But as the sister was jumping without looking around, she stumbled and was about to fall into the void. Her gesture of joy quickly changed to one of fear, pom! The stray puppy without thinking grabbed the skin of his sister's neck with his teeth, thus saving her from falling and bringing her to safety.

『Thank you so much brother, it's good that you are here』.

『Let's follow her, let's not let her run away』.

Quickly, the street puppy, happened to run with all his strength, in order to catch up to where the girl in a dress that looked like a Damsel was going, when he reached the place, he realized that he was going to a school, several boys and girls with the same uniform were entering to give their classes and be better as a person every day. She could see how at the door of the school, the girl in a dress was meeting with her friends, where quickly Nori blushed when she saw that her friends Iroha and Kaede had not come alone this day, if not that her brother had appeared quickly, running with 2 obentos in his hands, since her sisters forgot to bring their food and Rino could not afford to let her sisters go hungry at recess.

『(Look at her noma how she's blushing!!!! She is so cute!!! And little!!! I must be the one to protect her at all costs from others!!!) 』

The stray puppy was watching from the other extreme sidewalk of the school, he could see how Rino was already running away as he waved goodbye waving his hand, and even said goodbye to Nori calling her by her last name. Seeing the expression she made when she realized that she knows her last name, was enough to make her head explode and fall will surrender, where her friends helped her not to let that happen.

『Yeah they run a lot....I'm more tired....I shouldn't have played in the morning.....』

The canine sister finally appeared, but just at that moment, she rang the school bell, all the students who were outside, quickly started running to go to their classrooms, among them was Nori. The canine, seeing this, got worried, as he didn't want to be left behind any more than he already was, so as if he didn't care about anything, he left his canine sister behind and crossed the street to go to school. The door was being closed by one of the teachers who was watching, this seeing the stray puppy, he sped up more, entering right at the end. The teacher saw this and quickly became alarmed, but then heard barking from behind.

『Brother!!! Don't leave me!!! Alone!!! EHHH?!!!!! What are these things speeding around!!!!! I'm scared!!!!』

The canine sister for following her brother, stayed in the middle of the track where the cars were passing, the teacher seeing this, did not think much and would go out to put the canine in the guard. Thus leaving the stray puppy free to roam the school at will. The puppy was looking for the girl in dress, Nori, as he wants to know more about her, maybe she is bad, but he doubts it very much.

『Look!!! there's a dog! !!!!』

A child shouted and pointed at the stray puppy, he quickly became alarmed as all the children noticed him, instead of running away he started barking and defending himself with his teeth that he was going to bite them, he was on the defensive. But if the children heard barking, what the canine was saying was something else.

『Don't touch me you filthy humans!!!! Full of snot and shit!!!! The only one who can touch me is that little girl in dress!!!! Back!!!! With you I don't want anything!!!』

But his barking and aggression was of little use, as the children ignored him and just went after the canine. The puppy was confused and annoyed that they didn't listen to his words. He was cursing the children for simply being idiots and that he is smarter than them.

『Leave me alone!!!!! That's why their parents hate them!!!! They should have aborted them pieces of morons!!!!! They don't know how to treat a pet!!!! Hey!!!! That hurt! Stop touching my parts !!!!! It's over!!!! It's give and take!!!!!! So pay up!!!!!』

In the midst of the commotion to be able to caress the canine, this one got tired because of how rough they were, they were hurting him, this one got so angry that the first hand he would see, would bite him hard. A hand was made to show in all this sea of people, the canine did not hesitate to give him a strong bite !!!!¡¡¡¡¡ The blood began to drip because of how he was biting hard.


The stray puppy felt a tug from another hand that he didn't see but seems to be from the same person. When he got out or rather was helped out of all that ball of people, what he saw straight ahead was what he was looking for, Nori, the girl in the dress had helped him. When he realized that she bit him with force that left him wounded, he was shocked that he quickly hunched his ears and went on to lick the blood.

『(I'm sorry I'm sorry!!! I mistook you!!! if it had been someone else it would have been fine!!! but you!!! you didn't deserve to be bitten!!!! awwww but how good it smells and how good it s----』

Quickly Nori happened to have the puppy in her arms and was running away from the students, the dog didn't know what was going on, but he was together with the girl he was looking for, and that was the only thing that made him happy. Nori went to her classroom to be with the other students and teach her classes, but the teacher seeing that she came with another dog and that she was also with wound in her hand, she would send her to the infirmary.

『Don't worry teacher, my hand is fine, but maybe the doggy has some injury, so I will listen and go to the infirmary, you are a great teacher, thank you very much!』

Nori would respond to her teacher's concern, and without wasting time she would run to the infirmary, the teacher was touching her forehead because she didn't know what to do with this girl, but suddenly she saw Nori coming back, she came to take her backpack and now she was ready.

Once in the infirmary, it was something peculiar, since the first one to attend made sure that Nori was well, disinfecting the wound and putting band-aids, while she made sure that the puppy was well, touching various parts of his body and checking him.

『(Owwww, her hands are so soft!!!! And look at the treat she treats me with!!!! It's perfect, and it still smells so good!!!) 』

At that moment someone's stomach just rang, where Nori was the first to ask if perhaps it was Sensei, but no, it was the dog who was hungry, this one quickly became discouraged since there was no food anything for days. But quickly Nori, took out her Obento from her backpack and with the chopsticks she was feeding the puppy, when the puppy saw this, he was surprised how good this girl really was, and without hesitation he started eating with a smile on his face.

『(And I didn't even have to ask!!!! How good it tastes!!! She must have prepared it?!!!I can smell her smell on it, but how tasty it is!!!)』

The sensei wondered of what Nori does, as the girl was well prepared, as from her backpack she took out a mini dish where she poured milk in it, and that would be the drink for the puppy. The puppy again was surprised x2, by such attention and affection given by the human.

『(What is this!!!! I didn't even ask for it but I needed it!!!! You are perfect!!! This is it!!! I decided!!!! I'm going to stay with you!!!! I don't care about the rest!!!)』

A smile of joy could be seen on the puppy's face, and when Nori saw it, she began to laugh while caressing the canine affectionately. The good treatment and love offered by Nori was so relaxing that the puppy ended up falling into a deep sleep. When he woke up he was still in the infirmary, what woke him up was the school bell, he was looking for the human but she was nowhere to be found. The only thing that was there was the nursing sensei who commented to him that they will get him a home, that one of the students will surely want him.

『(EHHHH????¿¿¿!!!! I don't want any strangers to take me in!!!!! I want that girl!!!! the girl in the dress!!!! Get out, I'll go get her!!!)』

The puppy with recovered energies, escaped from the infirmary that the door was only gathered, while searching he was guided by the smell, the girl was already leaving the school, where this one got more alarmed and would run to welcome him home.

『(It's her!!! It definitely has to be her!!!! It's not a facade or anything!!! It's not a disguise or anything!!!She's really good at heart!!!!! I must be her mascot!!!!)』

POMMM!!!!!Out of nowhere, his canine sister gave him a tremendous lunge that knocked him down, she was playing him like siblings typically do, while the puppy with no way to get up, watched as Nori went home but without him.


『Because it's funny』

The stray puppy claimed his sister of the attack, but she just wanted to play and didn't see the seriousness of it. But the opportunity was gone, now calmer, the stray puppy lowered his eyes, he was discouraged as his chance to get what he is so much looking for was gone. They were heading back to the bridge, he no longer felt like doing anything, just moving on.

"And tell me brother, what was the girl like?

The canine sister was eager to listen, since she was unable to enter the school and all this time she was waiting with some food left for her by the teacher who saved her from being run over. The stray puppy when he listened, he was saying everything he could think of in his head, that she is cute, good, she is not a disguise, she is like that, that she is the best human he met, but in the end he said that he will never be able to see her anymore.

『No? Are you sure, brother? I understand that humans return here every day or almost every day, that human must do it, right?

When he heard those words from his sister, the stray puppy, his sparkles came back to light, and he was saying that he might have missed this chance, but there are still more chances, that still his happiness with her was not over. They were already on the bridge again where again the canine happened to walk to the edge of the bridge, in there the stray puppy remembered the exchange of words he had with his sister here.

『You said you like her didn't you? That she's going to be your human』

『That's right, she definitely has to be mine』.

Pom....------------------Al soon as he finished the sentence, the stray puppy did what he originally intended to do, giving a push to his sister who was falling into the emptiness of the river, it was very sudden, I don't think so, since this one had been in the mood to do it since the beginning of the day.

『No one will have her, I will be the only one I love, those who get in my way will suffer, they won't mess with my true happiness now that I finally found it!』 -『And yes sister, doing this, it's so much fun』.

The stray puppy watched as his canine sister kept falling from the great height into the river, his look was pure evil that he didn't care what happened to others, he will use any method as long as he is happy and he alone happy, of course, next to the one he trusts the most, his human, Nori.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
