
Chapter 218: Memories of Pequeños Part 12

In the middle of the fight that intensified the most between Kanon's team and Yashiro's team, between so many fears at the beginning, before it managed to break again. As he said before, Yashiro cried before in order to get out of many situations, it was like his last card, his cowardly card without any honor in it. It is a special day, as parents take their time to be able to go to a big event and be with their children, an event that only happens once a year, it is like any important holiday, it could even be at the level of Christmas, although I think I exaggerate a lot, but that's how Yashiro feels. A boy whose family is gradually becoming more dysfunctional, all he asks is that they get together and laugh together, have a good time. That's what Yashiro wanted, but unfortunately it won't happen today.

Before he cries like a baby, his childhood friend, Menhera managed to take his hand and give him all her moral support, she was giving him so much with words and affections, what his mother should have given him on this day. She was stroking his head, she was wiping away the few tears that had come out, and she would have even hugged him if it wasn't for the current size difference. She gave him what the young man needed, he didn't manage to see before because of all the worries there was, that there is a person by his side who will always be together with him, who appreciates him a lot, who is very fond of him as if he was his family, or maybe more than family.

『I think that .... can win』

Yashiro said something that even he himself did not cross his mind, the goal of achieving to beat who has always been behind him, like his shadow nagging him again and again as much as he can. Since all this started, since Kanon changed, Yashiro's goal is not to stop bothering him, no, Yashiro's goal is to show Kanon that everything he says and thinks is wrong. It's wrong to put your ideas to other people, and that's what Kanon has always been doing with Yashiro, all this time Yashiro ignored him or at least made the one who ignored the words and maybe even continue to do so later. But this time something was decided, we have to fight fire with fire, although it is wrong, Yashiro will put his achievements and words one day to Kanon. And so end it all once and for all.

『Don't lose your concentration Yashi-kun!!!』

Menhera was warning his friend not to let his guard down, the fight became very close since in the middle of all this, the little boy managed to activate so to speak his reflexes, he can manage to dodge at just the right time and that might give him a little advantage.

『Don't get cocky just for dodging me a few times!!!!!』

Kanon with all the will go he had in him, he was throwing himself against the defenseless boy who managed for the first time to see his face with the determined one. They were face to face, there was a clear difference between these 2 sides, Yashiro who was more worried but gained a little more confidence for his friends and himself. And Kanon, who always has confidence in himself, maybe too much and does everything possible regardless of the method to get his way.

Lys who was in front managed to notice that a low kick was coming for her, where without further ado she jumped to dodge it, who was none other than Yushi who decided to do that game we could say dirty, but even if the action of Lys' sister was bad, she still congratulated him.

『That's my little sister!!!! You learned well!!! Take advantage of everything you have to get a head start!!!! If we weren't in this wea I'd give you a re tight hug that your guts would come out』-『Al chorizo!!!!! I'll do it now!!!』⤴︎ ε=ε=(ง ˃̶͈̀ᗨ˂̶͈́)۶ ⤴︎

Without further ado, Lys, wanting to give affection to her sister, rushed towards her, taking us with her, even Kanon did not expect it, although the truth is that no one expected it, Lys always surprises us with the things she does.

Pom! Yashiro and Kanon's foreheads collided, while they were recovering from the confusion of this action, Lys was hugging her little sister with affection, it seems that the words she said at the end became real. Yashiro was trying to recover from the blow on his forehead, but quickly Kanon like a person who does not feel anything, prepared both arms to remove the band from Yashiro who was relatively close to each other.

Yashiro who by the randomness of it all, it seems that his reflexes are no longer so active and to avoid Kanon, this one moved from side to side, moved from side to side in a crazy way. It could be compared when a person presses any button on his controller and his character starts doing weird things, and the worst thing about this is that they do work for him. This was happening with Yashiro, Kanon couldn't get the band off him because of how crazy he was moving.

Menhera was worried about her friend who was giving her words of support, but Menhera also had a concern, she couldn't help but turn her gaze to Lys who was giving Yushi a lot of affection, and she blurted out a comment that even she didn't expect it.

『Can I hug her too????? please?』(ृ '͈ ᵕ `͈ ृ )ु

Menhera is also very much about hugging and giving affection to very tender things, no exceptions if it is an object or a person. Seeing Lys who is so affectionate with her little sister, Menhera found this moment very cute which she also wanted, but maybe it's not the right time. From how happy they were, both sisters, Lys and Yushi happened to see Menhera seriously to both say at the same time.


This left Menhera with her mouth hanging open because she was denied something she really wanted very much. But as sad as this part downstairs was, upstairs the children still continued to confront each other, Kanon seeing that nothing she did was of any use, decided without hesitation to hug Yashiro with all her might, managing to hold him back. This idea came to him when he saw Lys who managed to stop Yushi with this technique.

Kanon smiled in a mocking way to have Yashiro very close to her, but Yashiro to this closed his eyes because he did not want to see her closely, more out of fear than anything else, there from the smile that Kanon had, he became depressed and then angry, and then hit a scream.

『Even being close you avoid looking me in the eyes!!!! Yashiro!!!!!』-『Look at me!!!! Look at me!!!! You look at me shit!!!!!! Seriously!!! Why do you refuse to look me even once in the eyes!!!!! You dislike me so much????』-『Why!!!! Why don't you look at me like you do your little friend!!!! What does she have that I don't!!!!!! I'm the good one!!!!! She just wants to hide the truth!!!!! Kurumi has things she doesn't want you to know, that no one wants you to know』

Menhera who could hear everything Kanon said, didn't help but get a little upset for telling such lies, or maybe it's true what Kanon said. Yashiro was trapped by Kanon's tight embrace, but she couldn't do anything since her arms were occupied, Kanon didn't delay to quickly think of a way to remove the band from Yashiro's forehead and had no better idea than to remove it with her mouth. With his jaw he was going to throw himself hard at Yashiro.

『I won't let you dirty Yashiro!!!! Quick Jersey!!!』

Menhera raised her voice so that she could be heard, quickly Menhera with a quick hand movement managed to rescue her friend from Kanon's embrace and Jersey put extra force to manage to pull back. Again both teams were separated and with a healthy distance as it should be (high reference hit there xd) understand? sana dista I guess so, well let's continue.

『I'm not one to threaten but, don't tell lies again, Kanon』.

Menhera looked resentfully and with annoyance at Kanon, but that girl was not listening to those words of Kurumi, Kanon's face turned to one of concern and fear, perhaps a look that little was seen, she looked at her arms and touched them as if to confirm something, it seems that anguish was taking over her and she was even sweating.

『(What is this.....I felt as if my arms had been cut....but...they are whole...what was that I felt before...it was cut but....for the first time my body felt that something was dangerous.....is it true what she, who is actually Kurumi.....)』

Kanon turned to look worried and confused at Menhera who still had an annoyed look in her eyes. Konomi who witnessed all this was calm, as if she didn't mind the fact. Seeing that Kanon was not the same she turned to her.

『What's wrong? Take off that goofy face and let's win this, you're too heavy, I'm not going to carry you all the time, it's not nice here』.

Typical of Konomi to address other people in the cold way, or as she puts it, being purely sincere. At Konomi's words, Kanon tapped her face and gradually came to her senses. The tension returned and I didn't avoid thinking about the moment when Kanon was hugging me, he was doing it too tightly that I thought it would break my bones, I didn't avoid shaking like Jersey did just now.

『Yushi.....』༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽ 『Onee-chan...』༼☯﹏☯༽

As much as Lys and Yushi having been forcibly separated, they were trying, stretching their arms so that they could return in a way to be embraced. But because of how unfocused I was, I think the little confidence I had at the beginning, of reflexes and all, seems to have gone. To have Kanon close to me like that, it had a strong impact on me. At that moment I felt a strong lift that took me backwards to fall, if it wasn't for Jersey's quick action I would have fallen backwards. Lys seems that in the midst of all this, she decided to give a little stretch, she stretched her arms, legs and even made her fingers thunder.

『As I said before, this is already getting too long, and I don't like long things, although if I remember I might, but only in one thing, Yashiro knows very well what I mean, I feel like I'm years in the same and I don't like it, so team!!!! Megazord!!! Ready!!!!』◥(ฅº₩ºฅ)◤

Lys raised his arm and fist shouting in amusement, we didn't understand where Lys snapped at us telling us to rejoin as a team. Even Lys even called Kanon's team's attention that you should not interrupt when someone is transforming, that that is a law. We once again re-formed our team.

『Did they really listen to me???¿¿¿¿hahahahhaha are they stupid or what? They would have attacked while we were forming up, but what assholes hahahahaha』

Lys was laughing by herself because of what happened a while ago, we all kept quiet while Lys was laughing, it's not the first time this happens, even Konomi who was very quiet didn't avoid saying that she doesn't like Lys very much just because of that very thing. And again without anyone expecting it, we were involved in the dynamism of Lys, our team ran to Kanon where the decisive crossroads would emerge. Not only Lys, but also Menhera and Jersey were telling me to take Kanon's forehead band, and since there was no turning back, I did what I had to do, but because of the pressure and the suddenness of it, I did not avoid closing my eyes again at the last moment. When I slowly opened my eyes to see my clenched fist, no te that there was nothing and that was a shock to me, while behind I could hear how Kanon shouted and mocked.

『JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA!!!! I beat you again Yashiro!!!! How does it feel again!!!! Proving that you don't achieve anything even when everything is in your favor is a clear example that it doesn't matter if everything!!!absolutely everything is on your side!!!! If you don't have the determination to do it, nothing is achieved in the end!!!! Ya let me see it Yashiro, how you really are, the sooner the better, because then I can finally----』

While Kanon was boasting about winning, as it was obvious, Kanon had the sash in his hand that he managed to take away from Yashiro, it was like his trophy in this competition. But in the middle of what was being revealed, Kanon was rudely interrupted with other words that ended up eating only him.

『People really are crazy, aren't they, Yashiro? I see your eyesight is failing, too much straw hurts, you know? Oh it could also be schizophrenia hehehehehahaha』.

Lys was cheerful and brimming with confidence, and even as is like her, whenever she can she gets to tease people when she knows no one will be able to contradict her. Kanon was confused as she looked at the band and it was the one on Yashiro's forehead. Then Konomi looked closer to check the band and said.

『A, yes you really are blind, but what a shame to be in your team, I don't like guys like you, that's not the ribbon that Menhera-chan made for us for our homeroom 』

With nothing more to add Konomi said, when Kanon got a good look he even looked closer to confirm it, he noticed that it was the ribbon that previously our classmate handed out to each of our classmates. Kanon couldn't believe it, he tightened with force and anger the lasso and ordered his group to go after Yashiro that this is not over yet, where Konomi couldn't stand it anymore giving a sigh.

『Yes you are dumb or do you make yourself? Check your head to know if you have at least one functional neuron 』.

When Konomi told him that, Kanon happened to touch his forehead and realized that his band of her was missing, when he looked, he desperately searched around the ground, since he doesn't believe or think that Yashiro managed to take it off, he was surprised when he realized. Lys was with Kanon's yellow band in her hand where she was mocking and giggling at Kanon, while sticking out her tongue and eye. Without further ado Lys told Yashiro to take the sash in his hands and they would move on to retire.

What happened was simple, Lys had said while preparing herself that she would finish with this, she did not say it for Yashiro, she said it because she herself would do it. It was she at the moment of the sudden cross that took Kanon's sash from him without him noticing. Since she was concentrating on taking the band from Yashiro, and because of the suddenness she did not realize that she took the wrong band, we could say that Lys used as bait the scared Yashiro and everything within her reach, including Menhera, we could say that she maneuvered everyone as she wanted.

Kanon as it was obvious was very upset, and without further ado began to loudly claim Lys for doing such a thing, while yelling at her she walked towards Lys with all the anger in the world.

『You can't do that!!!! It is forbidden!!!! Do you like to play dirty, huh? !!!!! Answer me damn it!!!! Don't look at me with that smirk!!!!!』

Where simply and with nothing else to add, Lys said.

『Why not? There was no teacher watching so it's valid, and I highly doubt that if anyone managed to see, they would claim the fact, remember this Kanon, everything one can do, I can do better, capichi??』

Yashiro's team was heading to continue the game and get more points for their team, as there was nothing left to do. Kanon's team split up on their own since they lost.

『Well, this isn't my original team anyway, let's go blue』.

Konomi was retreating doing small cheers listlessly as he went to drink water and rejoin his other teammates. It seems that the only one who was really affected and took it seriously was Kanon. But in the face of this humiliation he received, Kanon whispered.

『You didn't beat me..... you didn't beat me Yashiro...it was your teammates..... you didn't take the band...again you were saved by that little luck you have....jaja....you'll see Yashiro, one day you'll run out and there will be no one with you....just wait』.

And with those words from Kanon, soon the game of removing the bands ended. Our team managed to win some points and each time we were catching up with the Red team who was in first place. If we managed to win the next games, we could overtake the yellow team and be even closer to the Red team. It's like that little achievement of being the winner in something is getting closer and closer.


Now we will continue with 2 games that are in pairs, the human wheelbarrow race and the three-legged race. I will be participating in the three-legged race which comes after the wheelbarrow race, so I will use this time to catch my breath a bit while I wait for my partners to come.

TIN!!!!!! Without further ado they gave the false shot to start the human wheelbarrow race, you know what this is, don't you? it consists of a duo, where one person lies on the ground and raises both legs, and the other who is standing behind him takes the legs of his partner, the one who is holding the legs, with the help of his hands has to move forward. In this way both have to coordinate to reach the finish line or in this case the next competition in the fastest way.

In this human wheelbarrow race, El Perro!!!! will participate. That was the original plan but it seems that he is very tired because he already spent his strength before, he was going to be the one who walks with his hands. So his place is taken by Albert who is very excited to participate in this.

『It's the first time I play this!!!! Looks like a lot of fun!!! I'm counting on you partner, let's give the best of each other and get along well』.

Who your other partner may be maybe what you didn't expect but that's what we need to win.

『De una my new little bro!!!! I'm going to grab you so hard you might get stripes jsjsjsjsjsjs so sorry!!!! I'll try to restrain myself and go a little slow』.

Her partner was Jersey who still has strength left, it was obvious that we would use one of the TriDiosas in this competition. Jersey was animated that she was giving punches in the air and kicks that looks like that would be done by a professional.

『Yes you have a lot of fun Jersey-san, but you don't have to adapt to me, it's the opposite, I like to adapt and accept the other person as they are and their decisions, if you want to go fast I want to go fast too, let's win and leave everyone with their mouths open brother』.

Albert was giving his encouragement and support to Jersey, who she at first knowing that her partner was Albert thought to hold back, but after hearing Albert's sincere words with that touch of fictional manga, it seems to take Jersey to the clouds.

『Thank you very much Albert-chi!!!!』 ₍˄-͈༝-͈˄₍˄-͈༝-͈˄( ͒ ु--̫- ू ͒)˄-͈༝-͈˄₎˄-͈༝-͈༝-͈˄₎

The duo was already formed, Albert would be the one who would walk with his arms while being held by the legs by Jersey, when they gave the false shot it was the start of running with all you've got. As if they were lightning, they even left dust at the start, the team of Albert and Jersey took a great advantage, but although it was clear that they were looking for the victory, it was not like that, both were laughing because they were having a good time, wherever they passed by they only heard the laughter of children enjoying it as it should be. But among the fun, it seems that Albert although he said it, little by little it was hard for him to keep up with Jersey, Albert's hands were starting to get tired.

『This....brother, I'm sorry to say this after earlier...but you need to slow it down, my ma----』

As expected but not so fast, both of them because of how fast they were going went from running like a wheelbarrow to spinning like a sphere all over the course, from the complete laughter that there was, 50% went to a scream of fright and fear, the team spun and spun until they are finally about to reach the next set. There Yashiro and Menhera were waiting for them. Where for a strange reason. Maybe there was a little bump, that Albert and Jersey's human sphere went sky high. Albert was crying from the fear of what was happening, while Jersey was still enjoying it well and laughing.

In the middle of the air, the human sphere separated, Albert and Jersey fell to the ground, where Jersey acted quickly taking Albert in his arms, both fell safe and sound to the ground, when I saw this I was left with my mouth open, if Jersey does incredible things without you expect it, I did not avoid thinking that it looked like a scene when the prince takes the princess or in this case it is the other way around.

Without any problem and smiling Jersey gives us a hand and we continue with the little tour. Still Albert was shaking and didn't seem to let go of Jersey after what he experienced.

『Yes you have fun even in these situations Jersey-san.....you're amazing』 ('ж`;)

『This? It's something normal, all tranqui』. (ฅ^・ω・^ ฅ)

Albert didn't know what to say knowing that this is a normal thing for Jersey. On the other hand I was in the three legged race with Menhera, we were jogging as we were given a lot of head start by our teammates, we were the only ones if we looked to our sides. Our coordination was fine since we have been practicing since days ago, but still I feel that something is wrong with Menhera, I think what happened before with her and Kanon.

『Yashi-kun, do you also think I'm hiding something?』

Without further Menhera blurted out that question which in the end was what I guessed. I didn't give her a quick answer since I was in doubt, this same Menhera noticed it and started smiling and taking it for granted that I do believe Kanon's words, quickly denying me as much as I could.

『That's not true, I was late in answering because you took me by surprise, but, sometimes you do behave a little strange, I find it strange that you are very attentive to me on many occasions, but it doesn't bother me in the least, since it is a reason why I started to talk more, I know you do it to help me, you are the one who gave me a hand in the difficult times I had, I couldn't think bad things about someone who was very good to me, I appreciate you a lot Kurumi *smiles* besides it is very typical of you to love people』

It seems that again I blurted out very sincere words on my part that I didn't realize in the way I said it, I even even said Menhera's name without more, when I realized I don't know why, but I became very shy and embarrassed, I felt that if I looked directly at Menhera like I did for a while, he might give me something. When Menhera heard the words of his friend Yashiro, a smile appeared on his face and his cheeks turned red, and again without my noticing, he caressed my head as if congratulating me for something I did.

『Thank you so much Yashiro, you really are like my family, in whom I could place all my trust and all of my』.

We could say that we got a little bit affectionate and cheesy at that moment, I still didn't know what this feeling was, with Menhera I spend funny moments and I see her as a friend, but also these moments happen where that word of friends of transform into something else. We were very much in our own world, our teammates were shouting at us to run with all our strength. When we realized the other teams had overtaken us, we were so surprised the 2 of us in this small cut of time that passed.

『Get my strength back!!!! Hold on Yashi-kun, because we're going all out!!!』

Before I could answer, Menhera started running and I had no choice but to keep up with him. In that race I felt many things, first doubts, then concern, a strange feeling in my heart that maybe is love and finally I felt fear, no I really felt fear, I thought I would fly to Latam and I assure you my friend, nobody wants to live in Latam xd.

In there in the audience were Rino and Konomi, and Konomi commented that it would be fun if one day the two of them would participate in something like this, when he heard this Konomi looked at Rino in a weird way as if he was saying "are you ok manito?

We managed to win with the help of the TriGoddesses and Albert the highest score of these games, we managed to come in second place and were about to catch the Red team who were in first place. There was nothing set up on the course, there were no obstacles and it didn't look like there was going to be a race, we were all wondering what to play now that there is nothing, literally nothing. Even Lys was checking the little piece of paper but couldn't find anything about what's playing now.

『It's time for Choreography Battles!!!!!』

Without further ado the director with the help of a microphone gave the start of this event that was unexpectedly introduced. The wea consisted of each team of different members doing a small choreography to the rhythm of the music, the music is at the choice of the group, and at the end the group that receives the most ovation will win this game.

We were all confused by this, since no one had prepared for this for sure, that's where the director came in again saying that you always have to be prepared even if something comes as a surprise, it's to see how good you are at improvising as a team. It was the principal's idea, but most of the teachers disagreed with this action without any plan.

The students of each group did what they could before the competition, they chose songs that they knew while planning what they would do in the middle of the court, the results were not the best, since they were terrible at improvisation.

But there was a team that surprised, it was the Red team, Dani came out in front along with her teammates who unexpectedly did a better role than everyone, their choreography was very well done, it went very well with the music and it seemed that they were already aware of this. At the end of their performance they received the biggest ovation so far.

Ishi was happy that he showed him the full palm to celebrate that they are going to win this competition, but without saying anything Dani was going to a place to be alone, Ishi was confused, not because she didn't answer him, that happened many times before, if not because Dani was hiding her face, it seems that she is ashamed of what she did.

『That was.....that was a dance for a video.....tontos...』

Dani was hiding her embarrassment as she insulted who, I don't know, but she insulted everyone, in there Ishi comments that she remembers that she once told her that they were rehearsing for a dance competition or something, that they always went to the school yard to train in the afternoon, that's where Ishi and Fuji realize that she sacrificed her secret dance in this competition for her friends to win. Both friends let out tears and thanked their friend for such a sacrifice. (ಥ_ʖಥ)

It was our turn, the blue team. In all this time that passed Lys was again sorting out our ideas and what we could do, but when it was our turn she said the following.

『We're screwed』-『Well, it was fun until it lasted』.

Lys couldn't think of anything, all this time she only talked about weird things that never happened as it's always hers. We got upset because we had nothing, if at the jousting we came out succeeding preparing, with this that came out of nowhere we will be destroyed!!!! Our friends for fear of doing nothing, asked the TriGoddesses for help, as they are always the ones to get us out of trouble and our trump card, but Konomi said.

『Although it may seem untrue, we are just like you, mere humans, don't idolize us just because we are better at other things, I hate that you create a false image of me 』.

With those sincere words from Konomi we were silent, but still clinging to a miracle, we turned to look at Menhera where he struggled to think of a plan, but in the end nothing happened. As a last resort we went to our Brother Jersey, but at his "sorry" we knew we were lost.

『It's our end!!!!! AASDGGGGD』『I can't fall here!!!! Victory is near!!! AAAA Damn scripts of NOTHING!!!!』『♫♫Padre nuestro tu que estas, en los que aman la verdad, haz que el reino que por ti cedio, llegue pronto a nuestro corazón.♫♫』

Our companions were going crazy, they were even singing songs in Spanish because of the fear they had. xd In there Albert started to think of a solution to this, that's where he remembered that his father saw as much as he could in his free hours now something called. Albert called everyone's attention, perhaps coming up with the answer to our doom.

『Have you ever heard the term, Street Comics?』

At Albert's words, we all fell silent thinking what was it that our friends said, maybe that is the solution to our problem.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

Psdt: The translation to the song before is: Our Father you who are, in those who love the truth, make the kingdom that for you yielded, come soon to our heart.
