
Chapter 205: Another Reality | MT 5

Since that Eve showed up, I can't say that everything has improved or gone for the better, rather at the beginning I took it as a nuisance since I felt that she was opposed to my plans and in general to me. She started dragging me to her things without caring what I thought, always with that smile that for most is a falsehood, if it had been for me I think I would have left, but since Syl suggested a little walk, I felt I shouldn't be a grumpy person.

At the beginning everything was fine, or well not so fine, since as I said, he didn't listen to me and did what he wanted, he dragged us all into his fun. I think I had never before become so serious, I even think I looked like another person, and that was what Eve realized, she changed her attitude and even personality, her happiness quickly disappeared and I can say that at that moment we had something in common. Let this be over.

After that the biggest problem happened, I felt very confident, really, even a bit cocky, I slightly presumed that I was strong and that I could end the threat of every world I go to. I was glad that within a few minutes they shut my mouth and showed me the reality, I was actually weak compared to others.

When I was being slaughtered by the other God, I was frustrated, irritated, annoyed, filled with an anger for both the one in front of me and myself. I quickly received a lesson that I did not see coming, I will be honest, I was resigned to lose, I had lost all hope and I even said that I had better shut my mouth.

But when I opened my eyes again there was no one there, maybe it was so fast that I didn't even witness it. I was in doubt, why is there no one? Where is he? Why am I so weird...a little while ago I said that no one would stop me and I would keep going until I got home, and a little while ago I accepted to lose everything...I'm realizing that in the moment of truth, I'm just another liar and fearful. And that's what I now hate about myself.

I walked guided by the straight destruction on the ground, it was as if someone had been dragged heavily on the ground. Before I reached my destination at the edge of death, I saw Eve walk slowly and pass by me, I still remember her words "We are done, let's continue to the next world".

I did not have my mind sane to the situation, many thoughts and feelings invaded me, but before claiming Eve, I was shocked by what was further away, I could see a large pool of blood painting the ground, in it was a body, but that body was in pieces, as if he had been hit several times under pressure that left his body sunk. His face...it was practically minced meat, not even if I got close would I know who it was, it is impossible to know who this person was. I saw how a portal appeared out of nowhere and took that person away, I still didn't understand anything and that's why I was looking for the one who would have the most answers.

I was really confused, as if my mind was separated from my body, I interrupted Eve's actions and that's why I appeared again in the middle of the city, in the place where I met Eve, I could see how was that small crater with Eve's shape as if it were a cartoon.

I was completely healthy, Eve cured me, but still I felt tired and with little strength, luckily there was a park nearby where I looked for a balcony and sat down without further ado. At that moment I did not expect anything, or anyone, I did not feel like continuing with the trip, all these entanglements, thoughts, just made a short circuit and I wanted to rest. I wanted the day to pass and start a new one, to see if it would be better than this one.

『I don't understand anything...who is she? Why does she always have a smile.....why does she always want to have fun...why does she want me to accompany her in her things.....why does she treat me as if we had known each other all our lives...is she really my partner as she says? no.... practically we are inseparable friends, but, where does that thought come from, for me that big ear is just a stranger, literally a stranger, I don't know anything about her, nor why she is so strong, why sometimes she pretends to be clumsy and in others she seems to know everything, and also, I don't know why she pretends to be well』-『I guess her problems are unknown too』.

I was looking at the sky and it was turning orange, the sunset was already approaching, just seeing the weather brought back quick memories since I arrived here, I thought that so many things happened that it will be night, never before had so many things happened in a single day, I thought that if I continue my journey with Eve, I would follow these moments so fast and difficult to process.

『I always wanted to have a companion, but, now that the time has come, I don't know how I should take it, rather, what is a companion』.

I was asking randoms questions since I was lost, I really didn't expect any answer, since even I know it myself. It's even a somewhat silly question, but without me noticing, a person had sat down next to me, to likewise rest a little.

『What's the matter young man? Problems with high school friends?』

As I said before, I didn't expect an answer or at least for someone else to speak, just hearing someone else caught my attention and I turned to look. What I looked at was a policeman, he looked too young that I could even say that he just came out of training and now he was exercising his position as a professional. He looked, how should I say, reliable because he is young and not so far away from me. I really didn't want a conversation, but in order not to be rude I decided to continue the conversation.

『High school? Yeah, I guess I should be in one, my friends....I had few but they were all crazy, they always came out with some antics that made me laugh a lot, they even called me flirty because I couldn't hold back my laughter (^▽^;) I had a group of male friends, where also mostly a very. I don't really know how to describe her, but they all went back and forth. Oh, Jersey, yes, she was the one who made the most jokes and was always sent to the management because of her playful behavior. Either because she directly made the jokes or many times she took all the responsibility on her own even when we were all involved. She was our Big Brother. I never met another one like Jersey』.

I counted while remembering my school with all my friends and games we played, in that I could remember very well Jersey, who mostly when he could be with us, was the one who led us and we had the most fun. The officer listened perfectly and commented that when he studied he also had friends like that, that in a group you should never miss the extrovert. Seeing him listening to me and commenting on what I was talking about made me really happy and I would continue with our conversation.

『I also had 2 friends who were the first ones I had since I moved home, they are my childhood friends. A tender girl who was always there for me when I had a problem, she gave me a hand, we talked a lot. It is because of her that I gained much more confidence in myself and that I can walk by her side. Although the last thing she did left me with a bad taste in my mouth.... And the other one was a very, ahhh...he had a more mature thinking about his age, he made the best decisions, analyzed everything and always had a plan to get his way, always so calm and relaxed, as if he knew that everything would go his way. Although he was also somewhat childish, as he mostly forgot simple things and always wore something extravagant so to speak. He told me that he wore it because it's funny to him, it's like one part is mature and the other childish, and that natural contrast he has was amazing to me about that boy. And I wasn't the only one who noticed it, he was always going around turning down requests to be partners, he always refused in comparison to her who always accepted them(;~〓~)』

I was remembering how they were my friends both Rino and Menhera, from the first time I met them I knew they are special, they have something that makes them different from others and they are unique. That's what I thought at the beginning but, little by little they made me see that I was wrong, that the world is freer and has many things to discover that could leave you speechless. They taught me in the most beautiful way what it is to be someone with confidence. At the end of this part, the policeman.....

『By the way, what is your name? My name is M, it's nice to meet you』

I politely introduced myself to the officer, where he quickly became alarmed and surprised, he started to take out his police ID and introduce himself as the profession he carries, he straightly placed his hand on top of his forehead bringing out a smile.

『Ahh!!!! I'm an officer, how wrong of me!!!! Where is he where is he!!! Ah! Here he is, Sub Officer Harada Ikki, to always serve the citizenry!!!! Ahahaha, I think that was too funny』(;^ω^^)

Seeing him as he was nervous as he took out his ID and introduced himself, it made me feel calmer than I already was, normally a policeman should show seriousness or even go as far as to impose, but this kind of young policeman is not bad either, as it seems to me that I can empathize more with them. I went to tell him what I was doing, while he was taking out some refreshments, he offered me one where I kindly refused, he was insisting for a while where he finally stopped. But when he sat down I saw that he had 2 drinks anyway, and it was because he was waiting for a colleague, an officer just like him.

『They have made a call to the officers in the area to intervene in an urban area of the place, it seems that they are selling legal things, you know, flour, we just had a meeting, we just had a meeting, we talked about the operation and the whole plan, how we are going to intervene, when they notified me and my partner for the operation we have been very happy, it is our first police intervention we are going to do, we are going to arrest the bad guys who do bad things who are selling bad things, everything is bad don't you think? .*:゚(`・ω・')ゝ゚:*.』-『It's an opportunity the truth, since we have become police mostly they had us from here to there as traffic cops.....it's certainly a nightmare. My partner stayed even longer in the meeting to plan the intervention even better, he always wanted to be a policeman when he was a kid and he's really looking forward to it』.

Officer Ikki was telling me how what had happened inside his buildings, and a little more of what the reality is like for those who have just graduated from this profession. But I guess it's okay although I see it dangerous, if they are still rookies sending them to an operation like this maybe too much, but they are only going to stop those who sell the flour, another thing would be to stop a criminal organization, but anyway I was giving him good vibes for everything to go well, where Ikki was quickly thanking me, but quickly apologized saying to continue with what happened before.

『Well, as I was telling you..... you had 2 friends who were always very close to me and.... you made me remember someone who wanted to be great when he was still small, he really had talent and I'm sure he has a future ahead of him. His name was Akihiro, but by his request, we all called him Albert, at that time he already had more confidence and wanted to be the first friend that new boy had, he had a great art with drawing, I was surprised that he drew so well, it made me wonder if we were really the same age, charismatic, funny, mischievous, kind and above all a good boy, when he knows he did something wrong, he quickly apologized and took responsibility, he had a dream, which was to become a mangaka and show everyone his creativity and what he can do. When I heard his words so full of confidence and already from a young age being so determined to be, I was very happy, really very happy and gave him all my support. I would have liked to spend more time with him, but next year he had moved away and I could never see him again』.

When I was counting at the end, I heard how someone was crying, when I turned around I noticed that officer was crying, voting tears from his eyes like never before, where he took out some toilet papers and blew his nose hard, seeing that again brought back memories of the cartoons, I was trying to calm him down where I was telling him that it's not that big of a deal.

『Stop crying please Harada-san, not even that something bad happened to him, what's more, I think he is now trying even harder to fulfill that dream』.

Where the officer was still crying even though I was calming him down, this went on a lot where seeing that my kindness didn't work I ended up getting fed up.

『Stop shrieking and don't be a little girl, don't stain or bring bad omen to my friend, Albert deserves only tears of happiness』(; ・`д・')

Where the officer quickly finally stopped crying and quickly asked me how quickly my personality changed, before this I quickly apologized because I was so responsive, where Harada laughed to see that I had a side that I had not yet shown him. I continued counting and the sun was already increasingly setting to welcome the dusk, where everything I counted seemed to go all right, there was nothing wrong, and that Harada realized and said.

『So, what problems do you have with your friends?』

His question surprised me, as with all this I had forgotten about the real problem I have, where I would go on to tell him in not very revealing words what was going on.

『It's that..... let's say that a friend appeared, a supposed friend, let's say that we are childhood friends, amiguis, very close, but I do not remember anything about him, but he assures that we are even intimate, she is too hyperactive, she does not listen to what I say and only does what she wants, since that friend appeared, I have been confused, full of anger and with several other problems, I burst and without further ado I imposed my rules, where that friend of his joy that he had, he started to decay and even seemed another person, he did very strange things and we both ended up fed up with each other, I think. ...and.....y....that's all....creo』

I ended up in a very weird way and that I didn't know how to explain everything to her without sounding so out of reality, again thinking about Eve was bringing me strong headaches and with the confusion, doubt of what I could do with her. I was very tired, compared to Harada-san who looked relaxed.

『I see, with you fighting between friends, it's something that usually happens quite often, so don't worry』.

At his so easy and quick answer left me confused, I turned to look at him while the word "fight" was in my mind, I asked him that how what do you mean a fight? and why shouldn't I worry about it. Quickly Harada, the young officer had an answer.

『I have a phrase or I think I heard it from somewhere, if with your friend you don't have a fight or argument, no matter how silly it is, then you are not the best of friends. Haber chico, friends you are and what does that entail, it is a relationship, a friendship, you are granting him something very precious, being his friend has many more things than what you see, you share things, be it tastes, games, food, you talk about the most casual things and even share secrets if you are very close, who are the people you trust the most? First would be your family, and second, exactly, a friend, the one you like the most. You could say that a friend is like a family, it sounds crazy or even like having a relationship with that person. Because if you think about it, most of the things you do in your life and share them with the most, are your friends, who are people other than your family. Just as there are good things, there are also bad things, not everything can be rosy with your friend, there will always be opposing tastes, opposing opinions, the opposite of the other however small it may be will lead to an inevitable fight. And friends always tell each other everything to each other's face, they give their opinion without caring if the other may bother them, they share both the good and the bad and do not keep it to themselves, what better example of friendship than a person who is 100% sincere with you, who tells you the truth and his opinion, if you are fat he will tell you he is fat, if you are ugly he will tell you he is ugly, if you did something good well, he will also fuck you and even make jokes, but, he is also congratulating you from his heart even if he does not show it to you from the front, although that contradicts the sincerity I said, but, there it is』- 『So in a friendship you should expect fights, but you should also expect and even yourself to make peace, recognize who was wrong, now why did you fight, that's up to you, I think I said enough, but if he is a friend that you haven't seen each other for a long time, maybe that's why he was very happy to see you, he wanted to share his happiness and fun with you, a friend also sees for his other friend in many ways. The answer to resolve a fight is to see what the mistake was, if you find it, you will be fine again as in the beginning』.

I listened attentively to Harada's words, the simple and everyday way in which he said it, as if he had experienced it himself and with it he drew that conclusion of what it is to be a friend. Where because we were so focused, by me listening and Harada speaking, we didn't realize that his friend had finally arrived.

『What's wrong? Now you think you're capable of giving advice to young people Ikki-chan? Are you dumb or what? First you have to talk to each other』 (ヾノ-᷅ ༬-᷄ )

『Ah! You've arrived, you took too long, you were probably begging the commander to give you a raise, you were after him all the time like a dog』.

『Shut up, if you don't know don't give your opinion, rather at the time of the operation you should thank me, and you know what? The commander approved my operation!!!』

『Seriously?! A chinga!!!! And you had to blow him to get him to do it, right? If you'd lead the operation, what should I call you....ah!!!! Commander Sucker!!! hahaha』 (((p(>o<)q))))

『That's right!!! And you're all going to have to suck me off! Hahahaha』 (。+・`ω・')

Both officers now that they had finally met, they were laughing out loud at the conversation they had, it felt kind of weird to me at first, like they were trying to tease each other, like it's already something very normal, very casual, it comes naturally to them certain words and even behaviors, but without any great offense towards each other. Harada passed him the drink for his companion where he thanked him and quickly went on to drink it in one go. It's like since his partner arrived they quickly clicked, but not that kind of click xd. If not click of compadres, friends, interrupting in that way to behave with your friend was active and you could notice that change. When he was with me he was serious so to speak, but when his friend arrived he became very <mammon> xd.

<Translator: Mamón in Mexican Palabrería Means: "Mamón" is not only a suckling or lactating subject, but it is also a vulgar adjective to designate someone unpleasant. ... And indeed, saying "no mames" or "te la mamaste" may seem very rude, but it is not a peculiarity of the language in Mexico>.

Harada quickly saw that his friend had his operation accepted, but more than an operation he suggested to the Commander to make some small changes where the operation could be more successful, at the beginning when I saw his friend it seemed to me that he did not take things seriously. But when it came to being serious the words that he always wanted to be a policeman took weight. Harada quickly introduced me to his friend where we quickly greeted each other and quickly said goodbye, they were going to go to celebrate the acceptance of his friend and that the operation was a success, they suggested me to go, where at the beginning I said yes, but they were going to go to drink, they told me that as I am a minor they would give me some juice. But a drunken environment doesn't appeal much to me.

『It's a pity, then see you later M-san, and have some money, when someone offers you something even if you don't want it you should accept out of kindness, not to look bad to the person who offers you and not to look bad to yourself, it's something minute but it affects a lot, with that money you can buy something you like besides juice, well, bye!!!! Ah!!! And one thing, don't go astray and return home safe and sound, now goodbye!』

Harada was waving goodbye to me waving his hand, on the way I could see how his partner teased him and he responded, you could tell that they had a very strong appreciation for each other, when I remembered it, I thought that's how my friends behaved too.

『To return safely to my home...yes, that's what I will do』.

The sun was getting lower and lower and would welcome the night, still the sky was orange, I started thinking about Harada's words regarding friends. I started thinking about Eve and what was the problem, it was more than clear, the problem was me and my seriousness annoyance. I shouldn't have acted that way when Eve maybe just as Harada said, wanted to share her fun with me. As I thought before when I was with Eve, it's as if she had gotten rid of a big weight that she has carried for a long time and now that she is finally "free", she just wants to have fun with the person she trusts the most, I don't think she has a family, so that position of who she trusts the most would be for me. He has also saved me from being finished by that God so I also owe him a thank you at least, but anyway I'm not only to blame, but also Eve, we both need to improve and try to get along, we are partners after all.

『We are friends.....』

Harada said that even oneself should solve those problems of friends, then I will take the first step for our reconciliation. At that time I looked at the money the officer gave me and thought what can I buy with this, as I really had no idea.....!!!!

『Of course, the Orejona said she wanted ice cream at the beginning, right? But....』

I remembered when Eve said she wanted that dessert, I was worried since seeing the time and the moment I don't think I could find an ice cream shop near the place. Quickly worried I started looking around for an ice cream shop that still served, where luckily if I could find one. I was about to close where I yelled for it not to, I was sweating and extremely tired.

『.....Me.... can I have one? please....』

I was showing him the money but the cashier told me that it wasn't enough, this surprised me since I wasn't expecting it, when I took a good look I saw that she gave me just enough to buy me a juice, quickly this made me angry and I ended up cursing Harada for how stupid he was. But then the cashier took my money without further ado where I didn't understand what was going on.

『Although you're short, you'll be able to place your order without any problem *smiles* 』

I didn't expect that, I found myself happy but because of how tired I was from searching I couldn't express it, agitated I gave thanks again for doing me that favor, I wanted to know why she would accept my order, if money was missing, so I asked, where the one who was attending told me.

『You looked very tired and the truth I was sorry to see you leave without any ice cream, besides I'm sure this is what our boss would have done, give joy even if only indirectly to everyone with what she specializes』.

"Your boss?』

『Yes, we are just an ice cream company that just opened and this is our second store that we opened in another city, our Boss is a Glaceon but we fondly called her Glace, she is managing in the central city where for sure she is attending also as a cashier』.

『Oh, I see』

We had a little chat while the attendant was preparing the ice cream, at the end of the ice cream was a vanilla cone. Again I thanked her and I was leaving the establishment, the problem now was that how do I know where Eve is, since we practically got separated in the middle of her technique. While I was searching, Maya was trying to locate me to make Switch with me, at that I remembered the search spell that the parasite used and used it without further ado.

『Seikatsu Basho!』

I searched all around where the area of the spell became larger, I was finally able to locate Eve, where she was with Syl apparently talking. I quickly also located Maya who used Switch with me and instantly was able to switch places with her.

『Ah! And the ice cream!!!』 �(゚□゚*川

I quickly became alarmed as I did not have the ice cream in my hand, meanwhile Maya who changed positions with me was with the ice cream in her hand. Again we both struggled to locate each other, I again used the spell, again we changed positions quickly. I was in the city again but this time Maya was in the meadow but with the ice cream. Quickly thanks to the spell I decided to have the same position as Maya to be able to take the ice cream and not fall, again there was the change where it could work. I was in the meadow and with the ice cream in hand, while Maya was tired and sat on the ground.

Looking ahead, I could see at the top of the small hill a cherry tree and on it Eve and Syl who the latter seemed to be helping her. I hesitated maybe for seconds, but then I had already decided to fix this problem, I am willing to do it, I just hope that Eve has changed too.




It finally got dark, Eve and I were able to solve our problems, we were still in the meadow where Eve was finally able to finish eating the ice cream, she even took a bite of what was left of the cone.

"What's that way of eating?

I was asking Eve after seeing how she ate that ice cream at first. Where she was laughing and even looked at me in a flirtatious way, with red cheeks and wanting to tease me.

『Did it make you horny?』 (≖ᴗ≖✿)

I quickly gave a few gentle finger strokes to Eve, where she pretended to have fallen defeated and then let out a few laughs. What happened is that Eve when eating her ice cream cone, she took a little bite at the bottom of the cone, so the ice cream melted and the juice fell through that little hole at the bottom. All normal, I think we all did it, even I did it. What I mean by that is the perverted way he used to lick it, with his tongue in there and since the ice cream is vanilla and it's white....

"Are you looking to provoke me? 』

『Let's see, maybe yes and maybe no, but what I'm sure is wanting to have your attention, so everything I do is because of you, so you must be right responsible Yashiro-Otoo-san』 (ृ°͈꒳°͈ ृ)ु

『I'm still small, don't call me that way.....』

『Ho! So you confirmed that you are a dwarf, it's okay to love yourself, you are growing up fast Yashiro-tan』. (ヾ; ̄▽ ̄)ヾ

Quickly Eve was patting me on the back, I was angry, but not because she was making fun of me, but because after patting me on the back, she went on to slap me on the butt, to this I quickly gave her a hard smack on the head which left a bump like this, but this big xd.

『Apparently we're going to have to get used to this, because I'm not going to stop』 :;。+.ε(ノ∀≦*)з。+.。゚:

『...Crafty...』 (.-_-.).

I was having a talk with Eve, where Syl was happy to see that we were finally back to normal and you could even say improved our relationship. Maya had finally caught up with us where she was raising her hand. Syl quickly helped and greeted her sister where she told her that everything was fine, Maya had doubts since she still thinks that Eve is a danger.

『Hehehehehehehe this at the end of it all was a good day, thank you very much Yashiro-tan, now I feel better, shall we continue with the trip? I promised you I'd take you on the best possible way buddy *smiles*』

『You look much better now with that sincere smile, I hope it stays like that for a longer time』.

Notice that from Eve where I remarked to her without any hair on my tongue, that comment to Eve was curious, saying in her head with that she is already noticed those features of someone normal and mortal. Eve playfully approached me and leaned over to see me, she was smiling and blushing at the same time.

『Well then, you're going to have to make an effort if you want this smile to look back at you *smiles*』.

What's the matter, that comment from Eve and with everything she did, it made me blush a little bit. MT didn't understand why this girl makes him feel various emotions, from being annoyed and making him angry, it makes him go from being embarrassed and even happy. Since we both agree, Eve would cast the spell to travel between worlds, but I would quickly refuse this.

『What are you doing? I said it before, I'll get to my world on my own, well, at least in this sense, so let me create the portal, okay Orejona? 』

『But I...!!!!! Oh, of course of course, go ahead my don』 (*ノ∀`*)ノ

It seems that Eve came up with an idea of how to annoy MT when she opens the portal. It seems that at last the journey but this time with a companion, Eve is going to continue again. But before creating the portal, I heard some words, it was Syl who already had it more decided than before, to be safe again, she walked to me and with her hand touched my head, I was confused by this and asked what was wrong, where she told me.

『I knew it, still follow that end of darkness, then I have no choice, that I too, must go on trips with you』.

Syl said determined, you could see it in her eyes, quickly there were 2 reactions, Eve who was happy while Maya quickly opposed to this, she was telling her that she shouldn't do it, that it's not necessary, that she can't risk like that for someone she just met today.

『Onee-sama, please think about it some more! You plan to leave everything behind what you did just to help a brat...besides what are you worried about...if you already accepted that girl, to me she is still dangerous, but I know she will take care of the young man, so don't do it Onee-sama!!!!! Stop being like that!!!.....This is your home...』

Maya was in front of Syl to stop her from her way and decision. Maya's expression was seriousness and total concern, but Syl's was totally different, all in all, it was a warm smile. Where Maya clasped her hands because she knows that nothing she says is going to work.

『I'm sorry but...I.... can't leave who needs help *smiles*』

Syl gave Maya a hug where she told her to let her other sisters know of the decision she made and to take care everyone. Syl finally met with me and Eve, where the latter was happy but at the same time wanted to scare him.

"Are you sure? Very very disturbing things will happen on this trip TIN!』🎩🕶️

Imitating someone very dear to her heart, Eve wanted to scare Syl in a playful way, but Syl was more than determined to accompany the boy on the trip, but at the same time if you could tell she was scared.

『But.... how disturbing is it going to be? Tin.....』(つ﹏⊂)

At this, Eve was laughing at how Syl was acting, while MT was still not saying anything, looking down, as if hiding something. Maya who was watching everything, seeing that her sister is about to leave her home and all for helping a boy. A feeling floods her, maybe it was out of love to want to protect Syl, she knows that her older sister is strong, but there are things in which we are all weak and that is where she wants to support her.

『I'm going too!!!!! I'm not going to let Onee-sama go with you guys!!!! I don't trust you guys so no matter what, I'll protect Onee-sama!』

At Maya's sudden decision, Syl was shocked and blushed, quickly, Maya went to Syl's side where instead of refusing to let her stay, she simply accepted with a smile and patted Maya's head.

『Thank you so much Maya-chan, if that's your decision I won't stop you, besides I'm really glad, the truth is that if I was afraid and some concerns of what could happen, but with my sister by my side, I know we can make it through *smile*』.

Maya was blushing because of Syl's action and words, where without further ado Maya gave Syl a sudden hug telling her that she loves her very much and that she will avoid at all costs that she will go through such a horrifying thing again as when they were simple Pokemons. Eve was happy, it is the first trip where there are many companions, Eve's eyes were shining like never before, but MT was still silent. This became curious to her where she happened to look at it from below and seeing it she let out a laugh.

『Hahahaha don't be interesting and don't worry us like that hahahaha』- 『What's wrong is that all this time he has been whispering that he is happy, that he has many who will help him on his journey, and that he is indeed very happy and thankful to everyone, isn't it true, Yashiro-tan?』

『AHHH!!!! Shut up!!! Can't you just stop meddling in other people's business!!!! I wasn't happy! Not at all!!!!.....Well maybe a little bit....but since you all know it, I'm very happy.....to have you join me on my journey....!!!What I just said is a lie so it doesn't count!!!! And you Orejona stop laughing!!!!』 ∑(ΦдΦlll

MT was claiming to stop laughing her partner, who she was lying on the floor rolling on the floor laughing, MT was really embarrassed where Syl was also laughing lightly and playing along with MT that she didn't hear anything.

『What are you Tsundere!!!! Hahahahaha this is the first time I've seen one like this!!!! Hahahahaha this is definitely going to be interesting hahahaha』.

Eve was still laughing on the floor mocking me for how I am, in a quick way I quickly got annoyed and quickly stuck my finger in her ear, Eve instantly screamed in pain, to comment in a shy and helpless way.

『That's my precious hole and you were the first one.....please be gentler Yashiro-tan』 (*'I`*)

『Gentle you Pu---....!!!!』

I quickly received a smack upside the head from Maya stressing to me that I shouldn't swear in front of Syl, I was now annoyed with both of them, complaining about Maya for defending who she supposedly doesn't trust, while Eve thanked Maya and again in a very flirtatious way told me to continue with the hole!!!!! My god where did this girl really come from!!!! Syl just laughed and thought the scene was funny. I never truly believed that so many people would accompany me on my journey, I am truly very happy and thankful to everyone, thank you so much.

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