
Chapter 200: K Y R 2

Continuing with our day of reunion, after having had a little walk in the park that has become even bigger and finding out the news of why I couldn't meet Rino's mother, again from my chest I apologize to Rino for thinking he had eloped with Menhera's father, I admit it, give me your best insults (_ _||||).

But I am pleased that Rino is still the same calm and relaxed guy I know, although I think he has changed a bit, he looks a bit bigger than I remember. But on Menhera's side, since long before I know that she has always been taking care of me and watching over me like a mother, but in these last moments I feel that she is going a little too far and even scares me, but I guess it's normal, I have a great affection for her and also for me, it's normal to be more aware of someone you appreciate a lot after seeing how she disappears in front of you out of nowhere. Menhera simply wants nothing to happen to me.

『Thank you so much Menhera-chan, for always being aware of me when I was little, taking care of me and being my friend, I really appreciate it a lot, I think I wouldn't mind if this continues as such *smiles*』.

While we were walking through the mall, I threw those words to Menhera who was walking beside me, she in a slow way passed to look at me in a confused way but with shy cheeks.

『You make me happy...Yes you really changed a lot, now you openly express what you think, thank you very much Ya-kun, just as you trust me, you likewise, keep trusting that I will be there for you *smiles*』.

Again I was thanking Menhera for her nice words, I was also thanking Rino who was making the scissors movement with his hands with a mischievous smile, I don't know what he means by that, he also makes weird movements from time to time. Menhera was pensively thinking, turning over and over in her head where it seems she finally made up her mind.

『Well (๑-̀ㅁ-́ฅ✧ I turn around and....Can we keep walking hand in hand? Ya-kun?.....』(ृ '͈ ᵕ `͈ ृ ͈ ृ )ु

Menhera embarrassed but looking me in the eyes, offered me her clean hand to be holding hands again, I at this did not know what decision to make, I was already delaying in giving an answer and Menhera looked like a bomb because she was still holding her hand out and getting redder and redder. Having no more options in the end I ended up taking Menhera's hand, and we continued walking around the square.

『(The truth is that I didn't want to go hand in hand, but well, as long as we take it as friends I think it's okay)』(ヾ; ̄▽ ̄)ヾ.

『I hope...that when the time comes, you won't take so long』 ⁄(⁄ ⁄-⁄-⁄-⁄-⁄ ⁄)⁄

Menhera seemed to be whispering, as I could not manage to hear well I was asking her what she said, where she completely denied that it was nothing important, Rino turned to look at us where he said that in the end if we did what he proposed earlier. Menhera before this thought about the situation and decided to take it calmly, there is no need to hurry, that if it continues like this, M will realize what is really happening and not everything will end as she thinks.

『(It seems that he has become much more perspective than before, I must calm down and take it easy, even I don't know what I really want, but I know that with him I will find the answer to this doubt of years ago, everything will be fine, no one rushes me, I want that in the end, our relationship takes its time, that it is genuine and with feeling)』

Rino was watching out of the corner of his eye, and he was telling himself in his mind that it seems that Menhera will try again and this time if she manages to work, since long before he knows that Menhera had interest in that boy named Yashiro. Maybe she is the one who has more chances of being chosen by him, but Rino knows that there is nothing easy in this life and if so, it is because it has not happened yet, Rino said to himself that he hopes that Menhera is lucky to find the answer to his doubt, that boy finally gives him what he was looking for many years, but perhaps he should not be careless, because if it will be like a romantic student story, it would be normal that other heroines appear that for different reasons have the same goal.

『(If that time comes, I will try to help everyone equally, I know we are friends, but I want everyone to be in the same conditions and that the winner or in this case, the winner is the one deserving to be chosen by him, because that's the way it is, you don't choose who you're going to be with, that's up to the other person, whatever, good luck Menhera and Yashiro, you'll need it, it'll be fun to see how Ya-kun takes it)』-『(And lastly I have to mention something very annoying about this. ....But how dizzy it is to look out of the corner of my eye....my head is spinning....I don't understand how others can be like this for several times and be so normal.....hay...)』┗( ●-﹏ `。)づ

Menhera and I saw Rino who was touching his head, we went to him to ask him if he was ok, he was laughing and saying that he was fine, but he started to stagger and almost fell from the 3rd floor where we were.

To help him recover we sat down on some benches that were there, it seemed to be something not too critical but it is still dangerous to walk around in that state. We were agreeing that we would buy some pills to calm his headache, where he would refuse our help and that he could take care of himself, in the end he insisted so much that he left us no other alternative.

『I'm fine, it's just a little dizziness, rather you guys keep enjoying the day, you don't see each other after many years, I don't want to disturb you in your reunion』(-﹏-.).

Rino was sitting down trying to calm us down, but in a quick way I would refuse this, telling him that it's also been a long time since I haven't seen him and I also want to continue to enjoy this with him, Menhera likewise objected in leaving his friend Rino alone. At this Rino let out a slight smile, and claiming to himself how he could get such good friends who care about him for a small thing, seeing them worried like that brought back memories of a certain person.

『Damn, you guys sure aren't going to give up *smiles* Hey! Look, Dr. Simi is dancing!』 ε-(>.<;;

Quickly Rhino was pointing to the side, where by the words he said, I turned to see to check if it was true, looking excited with sparkling eyes to be able to see the mythical Dr. cheap. ✧(๑д)۶ㅂ٩(д๑)✧ Menhera was just as excited as I was, where Rino was making a little noise.

『 *psss* *pssss* *pssss* *pssss* *pssss*』

But as Menhera was also really looking forward to that Dr. and Rino was already wasting his time, he decided to stand up and hit Menhera's forehead with his hand, she was complaining about why he did that while rubbing herself from the blow. Rino was explaining to her that this way he could get her more time to be alone with M. Where Menhera as if it was an Internet Explore, within seconds of the information reaching her mind, she could finally understand what Rino was doing. ┗(`・ω・')┛. I was still searching with my eyes for Dr. Simi but he was nowhere to be found.

『Don't worry, I'll go to the Dr. myself to get attended to, you guys can go on with the tour, see you later』 (= ̄▽ ̄=)V

Rino was starting to leave while waving his hand, I wanted to go with him and said likewise, but Menhera took me by the hand again and was telling me that we have to do what Rino told us as his last will, he was starting to drag me even though I was opposing.

『Eh? Wait, Rino is going to die? NOOO!!! I don't want to!!!! I want to see Dr.Simi too!!!!! Let me!!!!! please let me!!!!!! DR. SIMI!!!!!!』ΣΣ(゚ДД゚;)

I was screaming for her to let me go while I had tears in my eyes, I think we drew so much attention that most people stopped by to see us. As Menhera was dragging me by the hand while I kept crying like a child being taken away from his favorite hero.

In the end I was able to calm down and be more relaxed, now that Rino's plan went one way or another well. Menhera would take the opportunity to spend time alone with M in this place. And as usual they were still holding hands, M's surprise to see even more floors that were not there before in the mall left him speechless, what caught my attention was that there was a recreational area for children, which I kept looking for a few minutes to see if I could enter. Menhera took the first step and we got in so we could also play with them, as if we were still little kids on the slide, on the swings, up and down among others. I enjoyed this and it also brought back memories when I used to visit these same places with Kanna. The kids who were there would pass us by to watch and didn't avoid saying that we were too big for this kind of thing.

『The older you get, the more you want to ride these things, you'll understand when you grow up 』.

I was giving my little comment to those children, leaving that of obvious, also the group of children that were there, happened to play with us and maybe it is because she is nicer with the little ones, but Menhera quickly became friends with all the children but just as they had a huge affection for her, suddenly everything vanished, the children around her moved away from her.

『It's her!!! She's the same one who abuses us at the games!!!! The one who throws the ball in our face and enjoys seeing us fail!!!! Back off abuser!!!』

The children were alert as they remembered seeing Menhera well, days ago when they were playing, they had the misfortune of the ball going over and crashing on the head of a girl, they were apologizing, where that girl said that it was nothing and that she would also join the game, that person took the ball saying that they would play burned and without holding back she started to hit the little children leaving them out of combat soon after, what left them more marked is that when they saw the expression of that person, they found that she had enjoyed it until the end. The children remembered that upon seeing her, where Menhera had the answer more than clear.

『It must have been Konomi-nee-chan who did all that to you, take a good look children, we may be somewhat alike, but we have differences, my hair in a little bit longer, while Konomi's is like she wears a helmet, see?』(๑-́ω-̀)

Menhera made them be able to differentiate the children between her and her twin sister, she explained to them that they mostly wear the same clothes and black sweatshirt, but there is something very obvious different about them, which is in the voice and in their cutting style. The kids even with all that Menhera taught them, still doubted if she was not the other girl or maybe she is the same one to take advantage of her later. Menhera extended her hand to be in peace with the children, where one of them quickly hit Menhera's hand with her little hand.

『No! I won't be used by you again!!!! Evil!!!』

All the children were walking away, where Menhera was left with the words and expression in nothing, she knows they are mistaken for a person, but it still feels ugly to be told those things to your face.

『Konomi-nee-chan.....you need to improve your reputation』(☍﹏⁰)。

In the end we ended up leaving that recreational area not so well, and it also became clear to me with the story of the children, that Konomi does not like children very much, and if they do something to him he tends to return it even harder. We came across a claw game, where we tried to get a few prizes, the prizes were electrical products such as a console, headphones and controllers, stuffed animals are on the side, but who cares about some stuffed animals when you can win a ps5 on the cheap?

『But what the heck!!!! This thing has no strength!!!! AHHHH!!!』(=`.'=)

I was annoyed because even though I tried several times, the prize card I wanted could not fall with the thing I don't know what it's called, I claimed that this thing had no strength even though I hit it many times, more people gathered as it seems that a crowd formed behind, everyone wanted the prize but no one could get it, even many even left their lunch money to get the prize, but all were defeated before the trap that these together have. Menhera at this laughed proudly from the back, we all turned to see her why such a reaction, she was determined and walked to the machine.

『Guys step aside, I'll show you how to really destroy a monopoly』.*:゚(`・ω・')ゝ゚:*.

Menhera seemed to be more determined than ever, we all gave her a free pass towards the prize machine, she placed her coin and as if it was Jersey, she stuck out her tongue to be more concentrated, she calculated absolutely everything, we were expectant for every move she made, even the children who had left before, had gathered for this historical event, maybe we will be able to beat the monetary circle of this game? Menhera stopped the machine and was ready to press the button for it to make the final move.

『God, have mercy on us...』

And without further ado with a 1% chance but with 99% faith, Menhera pressed the button and the hour of truth was approaching, we all saw how the thing that was approaching to push the prize card, there were more serious comments than the best fight of all, finally the thing managed to enter through the hole now only lack if it will have enough strength to push the card, we all swallowed saliva, and we all thought one thing, it was falling!!!!

『Falls!!!! falls falls falls falls falls falls falls falls falls falls falls falls falls falls falls falls falls falls!!!!!』

...Our prayers were answered, the jackpot card of the little machine of the balls had finally been defeated by the strength of all. Menhera was passing by to pick up the card and proudly raised the triumph of all, applause was heard in the place, and those who were not interested and found all this silly, passed to look at us as the weirdos. I was congratulating Menhera for having been able to take it out where she was smiling, but before giving it to me that was what I had in mind from the beginning. A little boy who was expectant from the beginning looked at Menhera with shining eyes, at this, Menhera smiled and gave it to the boy.

『*smile* Here, I hope you take good care of it』.

The boy was confused by this, with fear he received the prize card, but then when he saw that if it was true the gift, he was so happy that he let out a big smile.

『Thank you so much Evil Nee-chan!!!!』

With that last sentence, the boy happened to run up to his mother and showed her that he won a console card, the last one on the market, the boy pointed to Menhera where the mother bowed to ask for thanks. Menhera was happy about this, I was on the other side of the machine, at the figurine machine.

『Now let's try this one?』

In the end in this machine with so much experience we went through in the previous one, it was very easy and we got the hang of this kind of games. At the end of this we went to look for Rhino because we really didn't want to leave him aside, when we finally arrived at the Pharmacy, we found that Rhino was sweating.

『Eh? So they came already, they were quick』.

Minutes before, Rino was watching us from afar to see how the situation was going, he wanted to see how Menhera was doing, but in the end there was nothing outstanding and things would have turned out the same if he had been there. What surprised Rino was that he saw us with a big bag with all the figurines we won in the claws, as expected I grabbed several lolis and tablitas, and Menhera likewise since they looked so cute.

『I see they got a great riot, well done』.

We also gave him a choice to keep a few as well, where this one quickly grabbed the ones with glasses and long socks, we all have our varied tastes. Looks like Rino is already better and ready to continue with the ride.

『Y, where's Dr. Simi, I want to take some damn steps with him』ଘ(੭ˊ꒳ˋ)੭✧

While I was looking for where I could meet Dr. Simi, Rino, while he was sneakily watching us, noticed someone who was being smart with his partner, he had passed by the mall again, now that the 3 of us are gathered back together, I get to see him, and in that he would tell us a plan he has in mind.

『*psss* Hoygan, see that guy over there? Well, Men-kun I want you to blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, let's play a little prank on him *smiles*』.

He was telling us in our ear the plan he had in mind, I want to be able to repay the favor of an act he heard a long time ago, I actually laughed and I think it would be a good way to repay himself once and for all. Rino's plan had already begun, a casual guy was walking through the square, avoiding at all costs to pass by the pharmacy that was there, Menhera approached him and with that ability that has to cajole the boys began to talk to him.

"Excuse me, do you know where that stall is? I'm new and I don't know the place very well』❀.(*'◡`*)❀.

Menhera introduced herself very her and in a very tender way, quickly the boy upon seeing her became silly and blushing for being able to be talking to someone as cute as her, he started giving her directions and even offered to accompany her, Menhera starts throwing compliments at him like "You are very good at remembering places" " You should be careful, The boy was scratching his head and his mind was already at this point only thinking about Menhera and no one else, Rino who had already given the warning and everything ready, began to approach them, he only gave me the order to enjoy what was about to happen, I watched excitedly what was going to happen, Rino walked subtly and unsuspectingly, where without the other boy noticing, Rino behind him crouched down. I was even more excited it was hard to hide it, my friends if they are naughty, when I turned to the other side, my eyes sparkled like never before at the sight of him, Menhera said the last words for the boy to only notice her.

『Hey, do you think if she does it hard, it will hurt?』 (❁'▽`❁)*✲゚*

At these last words, the boy to whom the trap was laid, was confused, he didn't know what Menhera meant by those words and tried in a thousand ways to think what he meant, not realizing that a big one is coming running like a bullet train towards him.

『(AAAhhhffffffgghhhfhf.....)AHH!!!! Yes!!!! It will hurt a lot!!!!!』

The boy was really happy, where Menhera to pushed the boy slightly so that he lost his stability, and moved aside sticking out his tongue mischievously, and in one fell swoop that boy came face to face with his greatest nemesis. POOOOOMMMMMMMMPOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!

That boy had not realized that someone was coming at him to give him a hard onslaught, the very one, the lethal, the lethal, the reliable, the dancer!!!! DR. SIMI finally appeared and he did it in the best way than taking revenge on the boy who made him that joke some time ago, without holding back and like a bull he threw himself against him. Rino stood up and said that everything went perfectly and that with this he could settle accounts with the Dr. They shook hands for the success they had.

I was watching closely with my eyes shining because of what I just saw, I was trembling and asking if I could take his hand, where Dr. Simi gave me a handshake and the truth was a great day, I was able to meet a great of the greats. While the guy on the floor was waking up, the first thing he saw was the huge face of the Dr. telling him that it doesn't end here, he was dragging the guy by his feet.

『NOOOO!!!! It was a joke!!!! It was bait!!!!! It was bait!!!!!! NOOO!!!!』

His screams would not save him from what he would be about to experience, to all this at the end, 2 other people who were also hanging around the place, had seen everything that had happened.

『I won't even ask what happened』.

Konomi had made that comment, we managed to meet her and also Jersey who greeted us in a lively way and again giving us a tight hug to the 3 of us. Even Rino who refused nicely did not avoid being able to receive Jersey's affection, what makes me strange is that when Jersey hugged Menhera, he looked very normal and tender with her, 1 of 2, it makes him very soft to her or we are very fragile. At the end we ended up telling him about why was everything before.

『Ohhhh, well done』 (* ̄▽ ̄)d

Konomi was congratulating us, I think it's the first time I've heard anything from her, in the end they ended up telling us about why they had come here, Konomi saying that since Jersey always has contacts maybe it will get her a new job here at the mall, but she also complained in the process that they always ended up getting sidetracked since Jersey couldn't sit still and went back and forth, that they stopped at a recreational area and well, the above you know.

『It felt very de-stressing to abuse those kids』 d(-_^).

I think it was already very clear to us that Konomi doesn't like children, while they were walking around the place, she felt strange because a child appeared in front of her telling her again thank you very much for the prize, Konomi didn't understand about this where she asked the child that she had forgotten and to show her what was it that he gave her as a gift. The boy all innocent pulls out happily and gave it to Konomi, Konomi sees the prize and was thinking for a few minutes.

"This was originally mine, wasn't it? (-,-)

『That's right!』 ヾ(Ő∀Ő๑Ő๑)ノ

Konomi saw that the prize was a latest console on the market, at that he remembered something and made a very weird and quick maneuver with his hands.

『Well, then catch it!』

Konomi without any fear threw the prize card through the air where the boy got scared and started to run to get it back, the panic was so much that she was only worried that nothing bad would happen to the card, in the end the boy managed to recover the card and was retreating that if she is a wicked one after all. Where she had actually kept the prize.

『Here's the real one, what I threw was a minor prize that I won』 ల(*'= ◡ =`*).

Konomi was showing us that she really had the jackpot card and for sure the kid has whatever random thing she won, we all laughed and Menhera would go on to claim to her that she did wrong and that she should give that card back to the kid, Konomi objected since the prize is hers, said by the kid's words of course.

『There is nothing wrong with it, consoles are bad for children, instead the <Coquito> I gave him will help him more』. §ԾᴗԾ§

<Translator: Coquito is a learning book that was used a lot in Peru, mostly for elementary school children>.

Konomi is a very convinced person, if she sees an opportunity to take advantage and get away with it she will do it without hesitation, I wonder if that's how she always was, I think so. Menhera kept nagging her and in the conversation Jersey also got into the conversation, stating that it is wrong to cheat others for personal gain, perhaps the guilt and pressure was eating away at Konomi that she would end up agreeing to give the prize back to the boy.

『If you guys don't know how to take advantage of opportunities, that's fine, I'll return the card to that brat, if I meet him of course』. ('・ε・̥ˋ๑)

Having accepted that it is wrong, both Menhera and Jersey went on to caress Konomi's head, where she in a quick way would notice annoyed and with her hands avoided being touched, but to this did not matter to the 2 who continued to insist on being able to congratulate their sister. Me and Rino who were watching how in the end even Konomi let herself be caressed by her sisters, let us see that side that also can't handle this kind of thing.

『Eh? And what do you guys see?』ಠ_ಠ

He was addressing us where I was confused if he was really referring to me, Rino just laughed. As there was already little to do, we decided to accompany Konomi and Jersey to the place they were looking for, you could tell from Konomi's face that she was bothered by our presence, we finally arrived at the stall they were looking for, it was one of home appliances, Jersey spoke too well of Konomi, maybe too much that she was exaggerating type.

『She is very good!!! She can lift 10 giraffes with her nose!!!』(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)『Also if you are careless she can surprise you and do the job 8 times better!!!』-『My little sister is very cute, but cuter my other little sister, but cuter my little sister』 (* >ω<)=3『She is very fussy, if you eat her dessert she gets very angry and patitas pa que la quiero jsjsjsjsjsjs』-『She was ori----』 as a little girl.

『Well sis, I think you've told enough ('◣д◢`+) and now if you tell her or I'll rip her off 』

Before I continue to tell more Jersey personal things, Konomi would end up covering her sister's mouth, Jersey laughed and told her that she is too much would be, at the end Jersey became serious and would tell her all the good things about her sister so she can hire her for a while, while I was with the little machines with Menhera playing some little games, Jersey saw this and at once also joined with us, leaving Konomi alone again, who the latter sighs, for sure from the relief.

"I see you're still going around, I've found a good place to work, if you ask me I can recommend you to be hired, it's quiet and pays well, what do you think?

Rino was next to Konomi and told him about a possible possibility of stable work, since for a long time Konomi like Rino has been going from place to place looking for a job to stay, to this Konomi looked at Rino out of the corner of his eye to give him his answer.

『I'll think about it, I want to see how I'm doing here, and how are things going? I hope that now that your friend came you'll get back on your feet』-『But if you're still going to be stubborn, I'll use the same method as before』.

Konomi was starting to ask him how Rhino was doing, that if now that his childhood friend was coming back, maybe it will be one more push for him to start moving forward too. In the end they talked the whole time and luckily Konomi was hired for part time at that place, when they went to get us both, they saw that we were playing, where Rino was offering to have a little game where Konomi was pulling bunnies out of his hands.

『This time I feel like it, I think it's time to get even with the young ones』.

Konomi would come over and also join in to be able to play with us, Rhino at this smiled because it was Konomi's way of being able to enjoy and celebrate the return of a friend, but Rhino also couldn't help but remember those days where they were also accompanied by her. In the end we stayed up late at the arcade, time went so fast when you are having fun. We all now passed through the park to return to our homes, on the way there were many happy and diverse conversations by the different people that were there, this brought me much joy and also several memories. The wind was passing by and the sky turned orange where the first to notice was Jersey.

『Eh! Look!!! There are still some left!!!!』

Jersey gave a joyful shout, as we all looked up at the sky we saw that a few cherry leaves were swinging across the sky, there were still a few left and with this breath of wind they began their journey. We all witnessed that beautiful natural spectacle.

『(I'm sure, everything will be fine from now on)』.

Rhino was happy and finally a smile was framed on his face and his eyes sparkled like never before. At the end we all went back to our homes, Rhino was greeted by his little sisters and he was able to get them some gifts, he gave them some Dr. Simi stuffed animals and also before taking the train, he was able to buy some kibbles.

『We're not so little anymore Nii-nii...But thanks anyway!!!Next time you get something even better!!!』

『Yes, thank you very much Aniki *smiles*』

『I also got some figurines, do you want me to give you a few as gifts? *smile*』

『No thanks Nii-nii, we do take a bath....』

Rhino was smiling and stroking his sisters head, his father who was in the kitchen to prepare dinner, was already all the ingredients ready, Rhino seeing would decide on helping him, and as his sisters didn't want to be out of it, they also joined them and that night they enjoyed like the family they are. Although there was a little accident that Rino had to hide, one of his sisters noticed that something was dirty on Rino's pants and asked him what that white spot was.

『(Ah.....I forgot to clean it) It's bird poop *smiles*』.

We arrived at the building, where I was saying goodbye to the twin sisters, when I entered the house I found that everything was silent, I expected to find Gen's screams and commotion, but it seems she wasn't there, my mother welcomed me but quickly claimed me.

『Why didn't you tell me that you were going out!!!! You don't care about me? Am I painted or what? !!!! You don't know how worried I was!!!!!』

My mother was so worried that she came over to hug me like never before, it's because of the fact that I didn't tell her anything and just went out on my own, she was upset to know that I didn't come back and Kyoko, told her that I had gone out with her daughter. I think I understand why my mother was very worried and in her desperation I just said "sorry".

My mother was calmer and I helped her prepare dinner, it was fun to be with her company again and without any third party, that dinner was like the ones I remembered, the two of us talking about our day. It seems Gen wasn't coming back, my mother told me that he had gone out with his friends to play a game, he was going to be back for dinner, but for sure after that game he started drinking in one of these casual bars.

『HAAAAAAAA!!!! There's nothing like a nice cold one after a play!!!!! Bring us another bottle!!!!!』

And yes, Gen was with his friends drinking like never before. I was in my room already tucked in bed, my mother as if I was still little gave me a goodnight and a kiss on the forehead, and said that after that ruckus in the morning it wasn't such a bad day. I hope I can enjoy another day like that with my friends, good night and I think.....que when I sleep, I will have those visions again.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
