
Chapter 175: Preparing a New Self (Part 3)

All those present were confused and dumbfounded by what had just happened, it was as if they had solved a problem only for an even worse one to appear, no, they did not even think that, perhaps this was the real danger they were anticipating.

That being without form appeared in that place without warning, the reality around him was beginning to split and taking from them ashes that united them and forced them to enter the Melodisian Almaz, despite the great power that this crystal has, he knew that it would not be able to withstand all that it was absorbing, But he did not care, he just wanted to see what happens when a new life is created with all the goodness, characteristics, amorality, practically everything that every intelligent being has, no matter where they are in the world or in a lost or discreet place of the vast existence and incoherence. Every being with a heart possesses it, humanity, someone like that has both good and bad things, taking everything from them creates a new life and a new power, just as Sora said at the time, what kind of person that new being will be.

A boy with simple clothes, it was the combination of Kiara's quiet and submissive clothes with Hiro's nonchalance and simplicity, short black hair and a black eyeliner in his eyes, he had a circular mark on the back of his neck.

He went on to touch his face, hands, legs and even hug himself. In these moments he felt what it is to be warm, what it is to be cold, to be able to feel the ground, to move freely without any restriction, the boy who for now we will call him X was happy to be born and wondered what he will do with his life, no matter if it is bad his way, he will be happy and fight to get what he wants, but he wants more to have a life full of happiness like anyone else.

『Hello, I hope we get along well *smiles*』.

X was blushing looking at those present and as if he was a cheerful and pure child he smiled in a childish and beautiful way to this people who would like to form a friendship. This one wanted to approach to greet them more cordially or as someone typical and casual would do.

At the first movement of his feet he got excited, he was walking and he liked it, he moved his feet from one side to the other and from one moment he started to move from here to there, he was not doing it well, if he wanted to dance he was doing it badly, but he was not, he was just having fun for the simple fact that he could go wherever he wanted without the speech of someone, in the first seconds of being born he understood what it felt like to be free, the X boy.

While the others were confused watching, they didn't know if he was a danger or if he is a good guy, with the little he showed and his actions anyone would think he is not a bad guy. But his method of being born....they know things can complicate the world and even the galaxy even worse.

『That kid just appeared from the crystal....』

ChuChu was the most worried and had an idea of what this may mean. Quickly to their confusion Daru Dayu's female disciples started talking.

『It's not just a crystal, that crystal was the Melodisian Almaz, surely everyone heard it at least as a story or a myth, from there comes the other Melodisians that every being in this world has』.

A explained what little he knew where his companion Un would follow with the rest.

『The Melodisian Almaz is the purest crystal that has never been violated.... so far, but who would think that a being could be born from all this power, that shows that its power is incredible, but none of this was planned, no one would dare to fill it with all the negativity and torments that people possess, as my partner A said, that's where the other Melodisians come from, everyone who has it for sure will suffer the consequences that this boy does』.

As everyone listened attentively they quickly worried about the others and themselves, they all looked at each other and touched the chest where they possessed their Melodisians, it will be like a chain reaction when this starts, it's easy, if the core that makes all the other instruments work as an example, starts to fail because of a mistake, the others will also suffer the same until it falls down and destroys everything.

Everyone wondered the same thing, they had avoided it but in the end it may not, the end of MidiCity and music may be true and reality after all.

『Then we too will be tainted by that boy's negativity...』

Himeko was trembling and sweating from the worry she felt at that moment.

『If our Melodisians become corrupted we would no longer be able to play as we always did, nor would we feel the music anymore, our power would also disappear as well as ourselves, it would be like leaving an empty shell all over the world.....』

Rararin was thinking about the consequences that all this could bring, where the worries were increasing from one moment to another with every second. From moment to moment everyone was saying what could happen, giving their quick conclusions and possible endings to this, that life may be destroyed, that they will become like those spirits that hate music, that not only in MidiCity if not in the whole galaxy there may be no trace anymore, the existence of music was always disappearing in every corner.

『No.....I refused to accept it....don't jump to conclusions by yourselves....』-It was Rosia who was clenching her fists like never before because of the frustration she felt-『We haven't fought yet!!!! Don't kill the hopes before the end! Will the music disappear? Will people die? Will the galaxy disappear? Of course not! Our Melodisians, us, our friends and all that we have achieved and love, do you think it will disappear? I will not feel that pain again, if there is a method to get out of this then I will take it, I will not be afraid anymore!!!』

Rosia gave a loud shout where everyone listened attentively to her words, to the few who lost hope in seconds she made them come back to reality and regain the hope that she too was given at the time that everything can work out no matter how difficult it is.

『(That was good, but I think the boy didn't hear it)』.

Uiui happened to look at boy X and Rosia, the contrast was very obvious, while the little girl was cheering for her classmates with desperation, boy X was having fun and smiling happily, he was now doing little jumps and that made him happy.

Looking to her side Rosia ran into Cyan who she was congratulating him and thanking him for those words he threw himself for the others present.

『I can't act like I'm weak in front of others, tell me Cyan, I've gotten stronger haven't I? I want to believe so, now it's my time for me to protect you, but you also have my permission to keep protecting me *smiling*』.

To Rosia's sincere attitude she was addressing her friend with total kindness, respect and with affection to the one who once saved her when she was in danger, Cyan at this was happy and showed it with a smile who Rosia added.

『Lie, I was kidding I was kidding, you really thought I was serious? But that yes, I will be by your side at all times until this is over』.

Again everyone got together and agreed on how they could resolve this without hurting anyone. Everyone was throwing out ideas on how they could get out of this just like that guy X. At the moment it seems to be in balance and won't cause havoc, but there's no telling how long this will last, anything could cause chaos to start.

『We can't wait any longer, we also have to show up at the festival, don't forget, I'm not going to waste my time here anymore』.

Orion was already fed up with thinking it over too much for everyone to win, time is also money and he plans to end this once and for all, his other companions Selen and Argon followed him as they also agreed with this.

『If he's going to be the cause of all this, we'd better finish him off once and for all, just like they extracted our Melodisians from us, then he should just be taken away and piece of cake』.

Orion was walking slowly towards the boy who was still ignoring what was going on around him as a certain person also does, the X-boy now took in the scenery and marveled at how this was.

『But on the basis of that he was created, it is his core, if we take it away from him then he will disappear』.

Retoree made an obvious comment on the situation, everyone else knew about this and had already brought it up as well, but they all felt bad about how it would end if they took that path.

『You think I'm an idiot, I already know that, besides he's had enough time, just as he was just born, he'll also disappear, it's the easiest way, besides look at him, he doesn't seem to understand anything, he's just standing there oblivious to anything, smiling at any little thing, it's like he doesn't care about anything, if he likes to feel so much, then he can be happy to disappear, many long for that desire』.

Orion was starting to summon his instruments as his companions did too, while Titan was with the others trying to think of a better way. Titan knows, they too had their Melodisians taken away or at least a part of it, but even with that they could still live and move on, but in that case if boy X is taken away, he will die. Titan calmly looked at the X-boy who was playing on the stage, since he appeared his smile of joy did not disappear, somehow this reminded him of his younger brothers who also smile in the same way.

『You are thinking of snatching the life of someone who was just born and is not to blame for anything, maybe he is someone dangerous, but now what I see is even a child having fun silently』.

『That's exactly why, we should finish him off before he becomes a threat』.

Orion was in front of X-boy who finally noticed his presence and turned around not knowing what would happen, X-boy trusted everyone and didn't feel any threat from anyone, to him everyone here was a good person. Orion was about to attack when he was suddenly stopped, he was not surprised by this, it was Howan who stood in the middle and hugged the X-boy without further ado so that he would be protected.

『You won't do him any harm!』

Howan glared defiantly at Orion who stopped his movements as well as his companions, while X-boy was confused and blushing at the same time not knowing what was going on.

『The truth is I don't fully understand what's going on, but it's wrong to hurt someone, he was just happy and you were going to attack him, I'm not going to let you hurt him, I know there are other ways to win-win』.

Howan was firmly addressing the boy who was going to attack X, where X just lowered his instrument without further ado answering him seriously.

『Then use that method where I don't have to finish this guy off, if you don't figure it out in less than 5 min, we won't hesitate to finish this』.

X-boy was still being hugged by Howan who finally let him free, he was blushing because of the unexpectedness of this one who stuttered awkwardly and embarrassedly.

『Este.....tu....cual allf.....----why...----thanks.....』 ԅ[ -́ ﹏ -̀ ]و

Seeing the X-boy's childish and silly attitude, Howan decided to calm him down by first showing him a smile where again the boy blushed more and lowered his head in embarrassment, and later patting him on the head a few times.

『Good boy good boy, a smile makes anyone happy』.

Howan looked like he was taking care of this one and reassured him, X boy stared at Howan who was smiling, he was getting affection for another person which made him very happy, another new thing that makes him happy, having only 5 min, Howan had no better idea than to play a song for him, he took out his guitar and without further ado started to play and sing.

🎵♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫🎵 The melody along with his solo singing could be heard all over the closed dome, the tranquility with which he played it and his soft singing were beautiful, and relaxing, everyone present looked at this and just thought how good this scene looks, but from one moment to another everyone was surprised by what they were seeing, melodies appeared around the X boy as if following the rhythm of Howan who also wrapped him around her, it felt warm and soft, Howan smiled and without further ado sang and played to make him feel good.

『(Music....how good it feels....it's beautiful....I already understand....I have a special connection with this..... I am now the one who handles it, I like it, I want to protect it no matter what it is, I think I found my way, I want to be someone who makes others happy with music, just like they do, seeing others smile must be a feeling without comparison)』

Boy X looked at Howan in a calm and relaxing way, he saw in her a pure essence and of a white light coming out of her, that meant she was a good person and wouldn't hurt anyone. Boy X also found his path, he himself chose it, and he himself wants to make it come true, by his own effort, every passing minute has brought nothing but happiness to X.

『With that this is the power of the Melodisian Almaz, able to make anyone who sees it feel calm』.

Daru Dayu calmly observed everything, the whole atmosphere went from tense and worried to a relaxing and calm, it's like everything bad disappeared when X-boy released a percentage of his power unconsciously, it's like he feels good, then I feel good too, his joy and tranquility were contagious to everyone.

Howan finally finished playing where without further ado X-boy was happy and turned to Howan with total joy.

『Incredible, you play and sing very well Onee-chan, your song I felt it in my whole body, it was like a hug to my heart, with that how it feels to admire and please someone, I wish we could be friends Onee-chan if you want to.....*smile*』(˶′◡‵˶).

At X's sincere words, Howan accepted with a pleasant smile, which made X happy and silently celebrated in the same position.

『I have a friend....have a friend....have a friend....what a joy....really...I am very happy *smiles*』

Without more X started to cry without knowing why, he was happy and smiling, why now he is crying, and he himself wondered why this if he is not sad or anything, that's when he realized that they are tears of happiness, being able to cry for something that makes you happy is something beautiful in his words. He wiped his tears and with encouragement X went to Orion who gave him a confused look.

『That's a violin you have there, please, if you don't mind could you play?....ahh haha.... I think I went too fast, I think you wanted me to listen to your music』(#^^#)ゞ

In an embarrassed and blushing way, as if a girl was addressing the boy she likes with embarrassment, X was trying to talk to Orion who this one was surprised by the request and words of this one, he didn't believe that really this boy thought he was going to play with his violin, when in truth what he was going to do was something worse. Orion remained silent where this worried X.

『Aaahhh--hhhhhh.h...sorry...after all if I was daring, excuse me.....you still shouldn't trust me yet....I'm so sorry....if I failed you I apologize in the only way I know how, by opening the doors of my heart for when you decide to come back....ahhhh I just wanted to listen to your music...』 (〃'▽`〃)

Now that he sees him better, Orion at that very moment did not see a future danger, if not a simple boy who wanted to listen to his music, his other classmates who were already softer already saw this boy's attitude closely decided to approach him, both Selen and Argon wanted to be X's friends.

『Okay.... if I have no other choice I'll have to do it....』

Those were the words of Orion who blurted out unexpectedly, he seemed to want to avert his gaze where his companions teased him for this, those words made X happy who was glad and blurted out again a beautiful and pure smile for them.

The others had no more doubts, this boy who was practically born of negativity is someone pure and with a good heart. As Orion played his violin again those unique melodies that X possesses appeared around his body taking Orion's rhythm, again one could feel that tranquility and peace.

『I see, so that's how it works』.

Shu☆Zo , the number 1 who has been analyzing every second seems to have come to a conclusion.

『Since he is now the Melodisian Almaz, we are under his control right now, if he feels good, those around him will also feel good, as long as he is calm and peaceful, peace will also be all over the world, as long as he continues with that smile we can all live happily and no one would have to die, too bad that won't be possible, you saw? The ashes that are the negativity of the people are still there, in every movement he makes he releases a little bit, if he is really someone pure he should not possess such a thing, I know what you will say, but based on this he was created, yes, but he does not have to be present all the time, it is something that he does not control and he releases it unconsciously, but as the positivity that he releases in turn is greater, he ends up annulling the negativity, what I mean is that while the balance falls on positivity everything will be fine, while that smile and joy do not disappear from his face everything will be fine』.

『So our lives depend on whether he is in a good mood or not, what does he think he is, a kind of God or what....』.

Rosia didn't like how is the conclusion at the end, but anyway they managed to find the reason for everyone to be fine and not have to take away this life that only since he was born, he wants to live to the fullest.

X was watching Orion as he played, just like in Howan's case, he could see in him a white light coming out of him, although it was not as much as Howan's, but that meant he was a good person, he saw it the same in Selen and Argon.

So was his little tour, he went from person to person to be able to relate and get along with him, with the girls of the band REIJINGSIGNAL he marveled at their dress that praised them in an innocent way, where he also listened to their way of playing and singing their music. Now she was with the members of the band Criticrista who liked their childish and lively atmosphere, everything was colorful as well as their members and their clothes. Everyone was welcoming but Rosia decided to keep her distance from him.

『Sorry...ahh.....haha....este....tu are you by any chance the leader?』 (๑'ω`๑)

X appeared without further ado in front of her where Rosia was surprised, she thought and almost made him turn around and not address him, but having him in front of her with that attitude of his from X was like she couldn't at least refuse this one.

『Yes, that's right, is there something wrong with that?』

『Ahh.--ahh--..aag.hh! No no no no not at all, I just thought you must be a great person for taking that role, I don't think I'm good at guiding others..... (' . .̫ . `) I would surely get lost and not react to situations as it should be, besides I admire you, you went through many hardships.....』

At X's embarrassed words, Rosia was struck by one thing, she looked at her other classmates who seemed to tell her what they experienced afterwards, she was upset with her classmates where X continued.

『You suffered a lot to get where you are, starting from 0 and being persistent is something that not everyone has, I consider it something admirable.... for sure if I fail at the first or second attempt I would cry without further ado...ah..ag.h.... but even with the difficulties you were seen you kept going, you stood up to fight with your fears, confront what torments you, with that you must consider yourself someone brave, and I know you still have a lot to show, you have a nice voice and I know your true personality is beautiful, please don't give up who you are, keep going with those who support you, having friends is what makes us move forward in this world, it feels warm to know that there is someone who trusts you...*smile*』 (๑́-∀-๑̀)ฅ

X in the end knowing what happened to Rosia from her friends, he wanted to encourage her in his own way, even though he's not good at it, but he wanted her to know that he supports her too, maybe it's not a big deal, but as he said, it feels warm to know that there is someone who trusts you. Those sudden words to Rosia left her at a loss for words or how to respond, where she for the first time was blushing and trying to look away.

『Thank you.... I'll keep trying.....』

At Rosia's words, X smiled at her with all the joy and purity she has. X also approached Shu☆Zo where they had an exchange of words.

『Eh? Number 1? Unbelievable, huh? I can even talk to you....ahht..h...maybe I'm too shameless....I don't deserve this honor....I'm sorry I'm so sorry....but I can tell you don't have that title just because you are the best at singing, if not that you could relate and reach the heart of everyone who heard you sing, I don't feel like you address me as a stranger or your audience, it's like you are my friend who I could trust. .hahaha....eh, maybe if I went far...sorry...you must know more than me, I'm really sorry for my boldness, but it's just relaxing to be with you, I wish I had that same power that you have....』 (ृ '͈ ᵕ `͈ ृ )ु

Shu☆Zo also got to experience what it's like to be with him and liked him from the first moment, number 1 looked in a friendly way at X who was embarrassed by almost everything and from second to second apologized as he thought he did something wrong.

『You're definitely better than I thought, I didn't think I'd meet someone like that besides me』.

Shu☆Zo was still conversing with X in a calm manner and they were even getting closer with every exchange of words, Daru Dayu who was observing all this and seeing this boy's personality maybe thought that there is no risk of something bad happening anymore.

『Before the Melodisian Almaz was in danger having no one to take care of it, easily someone if they decide to look for it could have gotten into the wrong hands, but now that the crystal is this boy who I must admit, is still pure, may be so it is better that this protected, now that he is human, he is still our greatest treasure we own, but I still miss that ashes thing....』

Daru Dayu was standing as her Daruma who is always with her has been destroyed is no longer there, she was thinking about how this ended, in the end what they thought dangerous ended up being a relief for everyone. This X boy may his birth bring better things to the world and fill it with even more music than before.

『By the way, what's his name?』

With that unknown ended Daru Dayu's words, X was now with Cyan and just like everyone else he could get along well with everyone, it was not difficult for him to make friends with everyone in a moment because of his personality. They were all already there, and in each one X could feel and see a pure light in them, which made him happy, but as he stared he noticed that there was one missing whom he should address, without further ado the boy walked towards her who was on the floor kneeling without further ado, who was the Queen of Darkness.

『Hello, nice to meet you, my name is...my name is...what is my name? aha-hahha, come to think of it I don't have one, my mother didn't give me any』 (๑ˊ▵ॢˋ̥๑)

X was heading to the Queen who has been watching everything since the beginning, just like everyone else, they also wanted to be able to be friends with this boy, seeing that everyone was getting along well and felt that warmth and peace together with him, she also after everything she went through, wanted to feel good about herself and be able to start from scratch.

『You, you did a lot of bad things right? or you were about to do them, thank goodness they were able to stop you *smiles* I can feel it in you, you went through a traumatic event so you decided to make this decision and I won't tell you it's wrong, if it's the only thing there was and you couldn't avoid then it was a good decision for you, but you know, we can all start a life life life, just like me being in it I'm having a great time, tell me, wouldn't you like it if you. ..ahhh hahafa---sorry, I get like this very often(〃'ノω`〃) if you allow me although I'm sure I'm very clumsy and you don't like it, to give you my hand so you can start a new life? ahhaa! Sure, I'm not forcing you or anything, you have the right at the end of it all, but, I would like that no matter what path you choose, you would smile you too, would you allow me to be that path? *smile*』 (˶′◡‵˶).

Just like in previous times, he is giving her encouragement knowing everything she has been carrying on her back since a long time, The queen was crying because of how this boy she doesn't know is swearing to help her from the beginning without further ado, someone to lean on and trust, she was hesitating with Cyan's words, but now with this boy's words she is sure. Without further ado she took X's hand, again those unique melodies came out around X and also enveloped the Queen where she slowly returned to her original form.

『I promise you smiled all the way to the end *smiles*』.

With those words from X, the queen of darkness was happy that she even started to shed tears, while everyone saw this and didn't worry about anything, since they all trusted this guy that if he was pure before, now he is even more so, he is like a God that gives another chance to the people that decide to change....

Or that's what they thought, the Melodies that surrounded the Queen of Darkness turned black and as if from one moment to another, the Queen of Darkness exploded without further ado in front of X, she died just as the boy said. "I promise you that you were smiling until the end."

The Melodies that enveloped her protected X from the blood reaching her, what was tainted now were X's Unique Melodies who will always be tainted forever. Everyone witnessed this where they were shocked, no one expected him to do such a heinous thing if he just recently showed himself to be someone pure.

X was with a happy face to later cry without further ado, he was experiencing after this train of happiness, what it is to snatch someone's life and what it is to suffer for someone. POOMMM!!!!!! Out of nowhere the place started to get out of control, from X's chest you could see the Melodisian Almaz and how little by little X's body was breaking, cracks of white light were appearing all over his body, where he was still crying but at the same time suffering from the uncontrollable pain he was feeling.

『What is it!!! It hurts....Hurts....no more...please...I'm sorry I'm sorry....help me....』

The ashes of his body began to get out of control and shot out of X's body, where it began to destroy the entire interior of the Dome, quickly everyone got to safety and took out their instruments to defend themselves, where the only thing that could be heard were the screams of suffering and pain of X, where that formless being was watching everything.

『It seems that it has already started its time, it lasted a short time, defective experiment, well there are still many samples to check, in the end it will not be able to resist all that this entails, hmmm....I guess I should give it a name, most call them parasites, then I will continue with its game』.

X kept screaming in pain while in his mind came memories of other parasites later, present and future of each existence, it was too much information that he had to process them quickly while he had to resist this pain, X turned out to be someone unstable in any way, he is a good boy and that affected him a lot, if he feels something bad he will also cause great disasters, that formless being knew that his life would not hesitate much, more than experiment is a sample of what can become this project, since he was born was already destined his death, the first step to perfection, Parasite -A will be the one who will perform it.

『You see.....my name is Parasite -A.... and I am the sample.....of how cruel it can be to be close to a God』.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
