
Chapter 168: Acts of a Hero?

Ailane ran and ran through the city avoiding shedding a few tears, she clenched her teeth as much as her fist, she forced her body not to show weakness, she could reach that abandoned building that would be her home, she abruptly entered her room where without further ado she threw herself on her bed, she quickly took her pillow and bumped her head with it, she wanted to hide her face, she wanted to hide her weakness, she wanted to hide her being for having regressed, something which had never happened before.

『Onii-chan....Onii-chan....sorry....sorry....sorry for being weak....I'm still a little girl....』

Ailane could finally let off steam, finally shed tears and cried without holding back, now that there is no one she could show that weakness she doesn't like to show to people, not even to strangers. For several hours only the repressed crying of a little girl could be heard in that building.

The door of the room opened, young M had already returned after finishing with what he had to do, when he entered he found Ailane sitting on her bed, she was as always, with that serious and determined look, practicing with the guitar. I do not know if you have noticed that between not turning to see me, I know what happened and surely Ailane still feels a little bad, but to calm people in this kind of situations I know the perfect remedy, I quickly went to the kitchen and maybe it took longer than I thought, but I think the wait will be worth it, with the ingredients that were in the kitchen I could prepare different dishes, where without further ado I presented them to Ailane on a portable table , she finally saw me, her look was serious compared to mine that was with a smile.

『I also brought you some cheese *smiles*』.

I showed in my hands a cheese mold, Ailane kept looking at me in a serious way exchanging her gaze to the food and me, where at the end she smiled in a defiant way leaving aside her guitar.

『All right, let's see if your food can cheer me up, but it's clear that my food is better』.

Without further ado she took the cutlery and began to eat slowly and with manners, while I waited excitedly and with high expectations of how my food seemed to her, in front of me I have an Ojou-sama who is judging my dishes, it was because of the excitement and my confidence in this matter that I did not avoid waving my tail from side to side, after minutes of eating I could notice how Ailane's cheeks were red giving her final verdict.

『This is rich....』

I could hear it perfectly with my 4 ears, even if she whispered it I could hear it clearly, I couldn't help but rejoice and jump for joy at the approval of someone high class for my casual and homely meal.

『Well!!! What took you so long? It was clear that I prepare well tasty, my food is unparalleled, I am the best of the best in this area! Right?! Admit it again little Ojou-sama, Ha! Not even royalty can't against my finger techniques, well, I had a great teacher after all, thank you Brother!!』ꉂ (๑¯ਊ¯)σ л̵ʱªʱªʱªʱª

My ego was boosted, it always happens when someone accepts that my food is very good, I just can't help it, it feels so good and you feel like believing you are the best when by your own talent or effort you achieve something great, I was laughing out loud in a cretinous way in front of Ailane, the little girl seeing this part of me felt disgusted, and without further ado the food I had in my mouth spat it on the floor, my reaction to see this was like a stab in the back.

『Hey!!! But what are you doing!!! ARGGG it hurts...it hurts a lot, didn't they teach you that food doesn't go to waste? The children of ******** would have eaten it all!!!』Щ(º̩̩̩́Дº̩̩̀щ)

Ailane without further ado turned her back on me and the food, where I got the angriest, this can't be possible that someone after telling me that it is rich then spits it out as if nothing, it is an offense to me and my brother, without further ado that day Ailane and I were arguing again for silly things and so on that we were only doing it so we could have something to talk about and not get bored. But while I was with Ailane laughing, silly fights, fun games, these days someone was looking for the answer to make everything go well.




Normally in MidiCity everything is lights, singing, mostly people are good and do not hesitate to give you a hand, there are several events, and the threats that terrorized before are no longer there, and the one that was missing had already taken measures to avoid it, everything was peace in the present and also for the future. But as every city has its bad side, its dark side, the one that hides in a peaceful one, they are present and go out to the street showing their face as if they had not done anything, when they are the ones that for sure brought more misfortune to the people who work to get ahead. If we compare them to the mechanical monsters both are just as dangerous and cause damage to the areas they are in.

A mechanical monster just appeared in the city, before even being able to cause damage it was quickly destroyed, it was like a flash where its parts just flew and were scattered around the city. Although if their goal was not to finish off the monsters and was to prevent them from destroying the city, then we can say that everything is a failure, with each mechanical monster that they had no chance to destroy, the young hooded man attacked them with such power that caused destruction around them.

『Super Attack! Flash Fist!!!』-『Super Attack!!! Flying Kick!!!』-『Super Attack!!! Uncontrolled Spin!!!』-『Super Attack!!! Thunderous Slap!!!』

He always appeared saying a technique, his appearance were so fast that he didn't give time to know who he was in person, only the hood that was raised by the wind, but even if they can't see his face people had an idea of who he was, but they also observed that in each appearance he made, the destruction he caused were less and less while his punches were more and more precise. Perhaps because of his way of acting in this way, that the mechanical monsters decided not to appear anymore, or maybe it was Hiro himself who got rid of this evil forever.

Also the little Hero on this journey to find the answer discovered that in MidiCity there were evil organizations working in hiding that had so far remained undiscovered.

"What do you mean, he's here? He can't be!!! Get rid of that child right now!!!! I won't let a brat leave me in ruins!!!』

POMM!!!! There was an explosion in that room of that huge building, the flames each time enveloped the place and the place was destroyed little by little, although the man who was giving the orders was afraid, he quickly noticed himself confused, since from that explosion of his office, a mountain was coming closer with all its workers fallen, Hiro could take his head out of all that pile of men who he was carrying.

『You're a bad guy aren't you? Haber....who were you? i've been doing this a lot lately, haber.... exploitation of workers, corruption, money laundering, deals with bad organizations, and most of all you're taking advantage of the citizens by taking their money, i really don't know what most of them mean, i just looked up what's bad in the city and came up with all that, so sorry, but here end your badness, you adult scumbag』

Hiro in a subdued manner began to speak directly to the adult who was frightened and full of anger. Out of frustration he didn't spare to say everything he thought about this guy who just beat him in a quick and pathetic way.

『You're kidding me?!!!! I'm seriously going to end up like this!!!? Everything was going well!!! What's wrong with taking advantage of the naivety of fools?!!!!! That's how the adult world is! That's how we decide to make a living. We also strive to snatch the efforts of others. Isn't that enough! I want to live well too! What's wrong with it!!!! Damn child!!!! You're just a brat who doesn't know anything about the world!!!』

The adult in a suit for what he was going through did not avoid taking it out on the boy who just destroyed his life and all his dark effort he made all these years.

『Politicians, congressmen, heads of clandestine companies, now I understand why everyone says they are the worst thing in the world, adults are..... and one more thing.....I'm not a kid!!!』

Without further Hiro showed a look of hatred and annoyance to the adult in front of him, quickly the adult of the scare ,of the fear for the face in front of him, was so much his fear that he did not avoid peeing in his pants, Hiro without further with a great impulse went to the adult. BOOMMM!!!! In that huge building there was a big explosion at the top. The sirens sounded, patrol cars and even armored cars went to the place, in the police station where they were giving more information, at the entrance they saw that there were lots of fallen men along with the adult in a suit, they were fainted without being able to react, there was a note accompanied where it said.

『"Now am I a Hero?"』

It was the same message that the policemen were getting more and more. While Hiro from the heights saw how the patrols and officers were looking for him now for breaking even more laws, Hiro is no one to meddle in these matters, but that never matters to him, if someone is causing evil to someone, the job of a Hero is to stop him whatever it takes. The days went by and Hiro was destroying more and more bad organizations all over the city, making a cleanup of them, many of them when they saw what was happening, decided to leave the city, but it was in vain, the little Hero ended up finding them anyway, but even though he started to do this, he hasn't forgotten how he started, he hasn't forgotten how he started either, He hasn't forgotten how he started either, as he goes from building to building, when he sees some children wanting to put their cat down, a grandmother wanting to pass the track, some cargo to carry, or if someone drops their papers or if they are lost, Hiro doesn't hesitate to go down and help each one showing that kindness and a warm smile to everyone.

Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock. Opening the door, the mother of a family was very happy and smiled to see her visitor who she was already starting to miss, Hiro without hesitation took off his hood and showed his big smile and again that lively attitude he has.

『Hello!!! Long time no see!!!! I hope you're having a nice day!!!』

Hiro without further greeting with his fist in the sky, the mother made him enter her home with all the kindness she deserves, Hiro when entering noticed that the house had been remodeled, it had many more things than the last time he came and it looked better and better, with things that have a little more expensive value to what they had before, they even had 2 more floors that they didn't have before. A few cries were heard, the mother went to lull her son who was in his crib.

『Ya ya son, look who came, your brother Hiro is visiting *smiles*』.

The mother was sitting on the couch which was more spacious and new, the baby went from crying to laughing, where Hiro approached to see the infant, the little Hero smiled to see the child laughing. Hiro brought his finger close to where the baby was laughing and with his little hands he touched Hiro's finger.

『Yes, you're going to be someone good when you grow up, I hope that pure smile of yours won't disappear』.

After that Hiro started playing with the baby on the carpet, the little Hero had something that many don't have, and that is patience and the way to deal with an infant and get along with this one. Hiro was always alert so that the baby did not cause any harm or put something in his mouth, he helped him to say a few words and even made funny gestures to make the infant laugh, it was really as if he was his brother.

Pom....The door sounded that someone was entering, it was the father of Family who had returned earlier from work, the adult was breathing and sighing heavily, you could tell that something was bothering him.

『Good afternoon love , oh and good afternoon to you too Hiro, we missed you here, you should visit us more often』.

The father took off his coat and with a homely tone addressed those he considered a family, without further ado the father also approached and carried his son in his arms to make him games and affection.

『Jajajajaja every time you are growing more and more ajajaja you have to become a good person who does not make mistakes little son, you know that you are my treasure, pride and my light, I always want to see you with that smile when I come back, it really takes away all the bad things』.

The father hugged his son where the baby laughed and felt happy, Hiro who watched did not avoid feeling happy too, and smiled.

『(Not all adults are bad, I wish everyone was like you and your family sir)』.

After passing the time and seeing that it was time for dinner, the mother of the family suggested Hiro to stay to eat, where the little Hero refused since he had things to do and did not have time to rest, the father also insisted that he stay, where in the end also the baby was like wanting to talk, in the end the whole family asked Hiro to accompany him for dinner. Hiro was going to refuse but a loud roar from his stomach ended up betraying him, the little Hero at this blushed and lowered his gaze.

"Well, all right, if you insist so much, I'll stay and eat with you』.

The family was happy to hear Hiro's answer, now decided the mother of Family would get to cook more as if it was a feast, while the father suggested to Hiro that if he wants he can use the shower.

『If you want you can take a bath, a Hero can't be looking like that, right? *smiles*』

Hiro didn't understand, the little boy looked at his whole body and touched his hair, where without further ado he accepted the father's offer, the bathroom was on the second floor where without further ado Hiro went upstairs, he left his clothes and things aside where he finally entered to take a bath, there was a big mirror next to it where Hiro could see his whole body and face.

『Eh? This is me? Buahhh, I'm really dirty and my hair is a mess, huh?! EH?!!!! Wait?!!!! These aren't dark circles under my eyes?!!!!! Eh?!!!! hahahahaha I look just like Rikao hahahahaha, if I have to look like an adult, it definitely has to be him!!!』

Hiro was happy as if he was a child to see himself in the mirror and have something related to who he admires, without further Hiro took a bath thinking about when was the last time he took one, and how beautiful it is to have a family. When he came out of the bath, Hiro was already in the dining room and all the food was ready.

『Oh! But what a change, so how you must be hahahaha』.

The father commented upon seeing Hiro, who was already more groomed and cleaner, his hair was neat and it was noticeable as if the little boy had come back to life, without further ado they went to eat where they talked about everyday and quiet situations, the food had that touch of home that made it more enjoyable, the mother, father and Hiro helped the baby in eating little by little his food.

"And tell me honey, how are you doing at work? you're still in trouble, right?

The mother was turning to her husband who was feeding her son, the father was scratching his head and laughing to try to cover up the worry.

『That's right, I don't like to say it but we are having a little problem, but don't worry, we will soon fix it, everything good has to wait, I wish it wasn't like that hahahaha』.

The father was answering not to worry his family, Hiro who was eating was enjoying this feeling that he was starting to forget, he noticed that the baby had stained his cheek where Hiro took a napkin to clean it. After finishing dinner Hiro was about to leave, but again the Family was asking him this time to stay over, Hiro was refusing again, even though the mother and father were begging him, Hiro couldn't, he already stayed for dinner, he can't stay over, unless something happens that he can't deny.


The baby between cut words said a sentence, the parents were happy to hear him congratulating and hugging him for his first little sentence, Hiro before this could not refuse his little brother who accepted the offer to stay to sleep, as there were more floors therefore there were more rooms, Hiro took a room that was tidy ready to use, without further ado it was time to sleep, where the parents after giving a kiss goodnight to his son were retiring from the room.

『(....In the end if I'm staying....although I could run away.....wouldn't be a bad idea.....I still have to keep finding the answer, but this bed....I haven't laid in one for a long time...)』

The door opened slightly where the father and mother appeared to say goodnight to Hiro, the little Hero looked confused by this action, that we could even say he was annoyed.

『Good night Hiro, I hope we will remain a family even longer』.

The father was talking to him as if Hiro was really his son, the little Hero got annoyed and puffed out his cheeks from the discomfort he felt.

『I am not a child.....』

As he finished his words he received an act of affection that only family can give. The mother just gave Hiro a kiss on his forehead saying goodnight. Hiro stood confused watching as the couple left the room turning off the lights, it was as if everything he was thinking was gone, he curled up in his bed as if he was a child and hid his face under the sheet, Hiro started to remember not only this day, but all the other days he spent when he visited this family.

『.....I'm not a child.... right?.....I'd better go to sleep!』

Blushing and not knowing what to say, Hiro covered his whole body with the sheet and with a childish smile he would finally rest at least a little after a long time. The next day Hiro would say goodbye to the family, although the dark circles under his eyes had not disappeared completely, the boy's attitude had changed and improved a little because of the actions of this family. Between smiles he vowed to come back to visit them more often.

『Well, let's get on with the answer』.


Hiro kept roaming around the city from building to building seeing those who do mischief, he would help young people who were bothered by bullies who took advantage of them, with a single touch of his fingers he would knock them unconscious. He also did what was typical of him, helping in the small tasks that were presented in front of his eyes, and stopped some robberies, before returning to look for more bad organizations he would go to his grandfather to see how his business was going. But his surprise was such a serious one when he found out that it was closed and with a huge notation that it is disqualified and will be demolished in the few days.

『Eh?!!!! What?...Why? How did this happen?....It was just fine recently....Grandpa!!!! Where's grandpa?!

Hiro when he saw the huge announcement did not avoid worrying more about the grandfather, that man who always made an effort to move forward his small establishment, who was good with people, who always showed a smile to his customers, all those years in which nobody could win it seems that he was finally defeated, Hiro desperately searched the city for the grandfather, he looked from side to side, up and down, desperate where could be that old man who gave him a hand so that he could also start to grow. As he searched the whole city he noticed that he was not there.

『He's not there! Where could the grandfather be....¡!!!!! Of course!!! I'm still not looking for that place!』

Hiro had an idea where grandpa might be, without further ado he went to the beach near the city where he was right, grandpa was standing on the sand watching in this eternal night as the waves danced and caressed the cold sand.


Hiro without further ado appeared shouting worriedly, grandfather heard him perfectly where he turned to see his little ex-employee who was always with him.

"Hiro-chi, Hiro-chi, so lively and energetic as always, you look upset, did something happen?

In a calm manner and with a fatherly smile, the grandfather was addressing the little boy who was already by his side, Hiro was breathing heavily, you could see on his face the sweat and worry he feels.

『Of course something happened! Grandpa!!! Your little business has been closed down! Didn't you know about it? Hurry up! We have to find a way to get it back in business! I know! Let's go to the company that exports to him. I don't know what we'll say, but we have to do something, grandpa! They can't do this to you!!!』

Hiro spoke upset raising his voice, his concern was evident that even a blind and deaf man would notice it, grandpa without further ado sat on the sand, looking at the calm waves of this night.

『Easy Hiro-chi, I already knew it, but nothing can be done now, if this is how life wanted it then I can't oppose it, I knew that sooner or later this would happen, I opened my stall many years ago already, I wanted to help people and give them a place where they can trust, all my customers always told me that I was very kind for allowing them things like, trusting them, lending them and even giving them gifts, but that didn't matter to me, I liked to see them leave happy, that was enough for me, even though over time I have declined and lost customers, it made me happy to see the loyal and new ones coming to my store, I really would have liked to continue a little longer with it』.

Grandpa's calm words were sincere and full of all the feeling of all these several years of experience, Hiro listening to him would not stand idly by and again insist.

『Entones why did he give up!!! If he really still wants to go on, why did he give up!!!』

『Because..... couldn't win, this time the enemy was too strong Hiro-chi, one must accept when one is completely overcome』.

At the grandfather's words, Hiro was shocked not knowing how to react, what the old man said were sincere words, someone who lived a lot knows and collects experience based on his whole life, this time it was an enemy that his effort could not win, Hiro got up from the sand and retreated from the beach, he did not agree with what just happened and would go to solve it himself.

In the bustle of the city, a duo of young men in suits were out drinking, still sober as their work warranted it. As if in a flash, the duo of young men in suits disappeared from the street, where they quickly appeared in an alleyway being grabbed by the collar by an annoyed Hiro.

『Tell me why!!! Why did they do that to Grandpa!!!!He was trying so hard to keep going!!!! Tell me why you had to defeat him!!!!』

Hiro was upset with an anger that seemed to have no control, black ashes fluttered from his feet that began to rise higher and higher. Faced with the pressure the little boy was making, the young men had no choice but to say what they knew.

『We were simply ordered to bother grandfather, our boss out of the blue called us to say that we should do our best to close his stall, that he wanted to build a new stall there, that he felt grandfather was no longer needed』.

『We refused and worried at the start.....pero....era as if we heard a voice in our mind, and we also wanted to destroy that grandfather, out of nowhere felt that grandfather was necessary but at the same time useless, that his role was about to be fulfilled.....』

The duo of young men in suits, each one each his reason why what happened and they did, in the past many years ago, when these 2 young men were children, they went every day to the old man's stall and they got along very well with him, he treated them with affection, he treated them as if they were part of his family, that's why they work in an export company, in order to help the grandfather, but out of nowhere they felt that friendship gradually disappeared out of nowhere.

『A voice?...Cut the crap!!!! I don't understand those things!!! I just know that you guys didn't want grandpa, you didn't want someone as good and hardworking as him!!!』

『That's not true.....that's not true....grandpa....grandpa....COPY01COPY01why did this happen....』

Out of nowhere Hiro was paralyzed and confused by what he was seeing, he stopped grabbing the guys by the neck and left them lying there, the duo of young men in suits were crying without any explanation. Hiro did not understand what was going on, frustrated he would look for the root of this, from the man who gave the order, he would get information from the duo to go to the boss and find out what was going on. There was no time, Hiro was desperate, without further ado he took a strong jump of several meters and entered from the window to the boss's office, but his surprise was that the man who was sitting in the office, had a bullet in his head, he had been killed.

『What?.....Is he dead?.....』

Hiro didn't know what was going on, because he just found another dead guy, the little Hero hates adults like these, but they don't deserve death, Hiro was getting more and more traumatized, he didn't say a word, bullets and screams could be heard inside the building.

On the floors below a man who covered his face with cloth was killing all the workers who were shooting with their firearms at this intruder, the man who was not known his identity had combat experience that he dodged, he used the fallen bodies as shields and weapons, He had blades that he used to kill and the firearms that the fallen left, the guy after eating his act was escaping, he was already on the second floor after an ordeal, finishing with the few that were left, even though he was good, he was getting tired and had wounds all over his body.

Only one was missing, without further ado the infiltrator man stabbed him leaving him out of combat, he was about to leave where without further ado Hiro appeared with a great speed, ramming the infiltrator, since both were hiding their faces, the infiltrator with a cloth and Hiro with the shadow of his hood, they had a small encounter, the infiltrator took out some knives and without further ado he stuck them both in Hiro's arm and legs, he thought that this would be enough, but Hiro did not show any sign of pain.

Without further ado, Hiro squeezed the infiltrator's arms so hard that he ended up breaking his bones, the guy screamed loudly in pain, where the cloth covering his body fell off. Here is where Hiro was even more shocked, it was like a stabbing that he did not expect, the infiltrator guy, who killed the boss and everyone, was nothing more than the father of the family of that homely house.

『....What's this?!!! What is this!!!!! What's going on!!!!! No...No...this has got to be a nightmare.... you don't...why...sir...』

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
