
Chapter 139: Isekai ( Story Part 6 )

The morning arrived, everything seemed to be calm and a beautiful day that was becoming more and more usual, the Anomenos Family could take this day off, for some time they had been interested in visiting that other world, a world full mostly of humans, totally different from this one, with a different culture and tradition, Everyone was ready except one person, this person stayed to still do his work as of late, because tomorrow would finally give the peace treaty between the Harmony Faction, the Chaos Faction, Gods and other races, he still had to deal with things for the dream day for which the Anomenos Family had been fighting.

But it was the first trip for everyone as a Family, so the others objected and said that they would travel another day all together, where that person amicably refused and with a smile insisted that they go without him. She looked so sincere that denying it would hurt a lot, the Anomenos Family that day traveled to our world and they would have a good time and where many would learn new things and become the beings we saw long ago.


That Family returned hours later after a unique experience and they wanted to return to that world but this time with that person who is very important to all of them. But an event quickly separated the Family, a request came to the hands of Lami asking for help, to investigate a castle as it abounded dark energy of the very strong and would become deadly. Lami with a big smile and without refusing went without hesitation, this time it was not like always, that request ended up changing him completely, he returned to the Castle all changed, he was with serious injuries that he himself ignored, his white hair turned completely black and that cheerful energy and radiant smile that was characteristic of him, had disappeared, it was like seeing a heartless being.

The only ones who found out what happened to Lami were Dux and Arnna, since Mira, as she said, left to have fun and play with the people she had helped so much during this time in secret, while Sora had also left, after a time of fun with everyone, she had to compensate by helping and continuing with her peace, since tomorrow the great peace treaty would be given and she wanted everyone to be satisfied and to say that until the last day the Anomenos Family always helped the world, while the parents were back in their work.

Dux and Arnna saw Lami so changed but at the same time being the same, but even though he was no longer expressive he was still the energetic Lami he had always been. Arnna clenched her hands tightly, for her it was unfair that someone as good as Lami had to go through this. But she wasn't the only one, Dux also clenched his fists tightly, he couldn't protect one of his family and that made him even sicker. Both brothers told her who it was that did this to her, but Lami only had vague memories and that she only remembers that the one who did this to her was a black dragon that was only pure evil and only thought to destroy.

Arnna with all the information possible decided she had to do something, a sigh was heard, Dux calmed down and lowered his hands.

『What do you do in these situations? Protect your family from danger, that's what I understand, but...what do you do when your family was already in danger and is seriously affected...I don't know.....what do you do?.....right now I feel anger.....I want to take revenge.....Sora told me that it's ok to have my own way of being and thinking.....but ....I need to listen to her....what would she do in this situation...I need an answer...I want her opinion』

Doge with his Healing Sword healed Lami's serious wounds where the black brother thanked him with some cold and unfeeling words.


Lami stared at Dux who the swordsman was dumbfounded, he really lost all feeling, he didn't want to accept it, Dux still saw in Lami that he was still smiling as he always did.

『Yes you have a nice smile and aura, you will never change *smile*』.

Dux made his wings appear and was ready to leave.

『I'm going to go look for Sora-chan, I need to see him, I need his words right now』.

Doge took flight and was heading to look for Sora, Lami was staring as if she saw Doge out of nowhere, Arnna while still in doubt, she knew what she had to do, she had already made up her mind.

『(I'm going to do what I have to do, Dux-nii-chan follow Sora-nii-chan's heart, and I follow Dux-nii-chan's heart, I'll be the one to get my hands dirty for you)』

Arnna had a clear mind, she was able to get a little more information out of Lami, using her Warm Nature ability in a small range, the warmth was not felt because of the affection she had for her brother, but even though she was able to know everything about Lami, it was still blurry the being that did this to Lami, everything was black and confusing. He took out the information of where Lami went and without further ado went there, Arnna was now flying, she was a few forests away from reaching the castle.

『(Even if I get close to the place..... I can't feel the dark energy...maybe he has already left that place so we won't find him)』-While Arnna was flying I notice inside the forest a dragon lurking around-.

『That 2 are already about to meet, if I'm going to die anyway then someone better take my life, there's a castle where a dragon of pure evil lives, I wonder who was the one who received my request to go investigate it, although most likely that white haired guy went, I hope he had a nice visit. ....al dragon I'm going to go make him kill me, one death for each side in this close proximity to the peace treaty...too bad I won't be able to be there to see it as they again destroy and destroy everything...』

Sax walked with his paws straight to the castle where this dragon was, by now he didn't even have the strength to fly. POMMMM!!!

The earth was lifted by the impact, as the dust dissipated Sax was confused.

『Thanks for revealing yourself, you made my task easier, when you're old it's true you get dumber, they don't keep anything to themselves』-Arnna had come down to confront Sax-『Old man, you're going to pay for what you did』.

Arnna was angry and would herself bring justice for what was done to Lami. Sax was confused by this that he didn't know how to react.

『....I don't know if I have good luck or bad luck...but this is better...Bah, you found me out, that's right, I'm the black dragon that did that to your dear brother, now what are you going to do? kill me? if that's it I'll leave the way free for you, but I'm sure you know what consequences that would bring, but it doesn't matter! You're already here! You're going to be branded as the culprits anyway! Thanks for showing up, it's my last chance in my last minutes of life!』-Sax was celebrating-

『I can feel it..... you're rotting with dark energy, you're the biggest evil in the world, there's no doubt about it, it's you.....』-Arnna was hesitating and sweating-『(I'm here.... I can't take a step back.....this will be.... the last phase for happiness to come....)』

Knowing that he has no other choice, he made this decision and however Sax sees it, he will be victorious in fulfilling his role. At least in his last minutes he would pay with the worst suffering and regret for having provoked this. Arnna summoned her wings and claws and fearlessly launched herself at Sax.

"It will be me! The one who will pay the consequences!』


While in another place, there was Mira, just as she said she played and had fun with the people, but the fun was short-lived, the laughter turned into suffering and crying, quickly the town where Mira was found was completely destroyed, there were only corpses with pools of blood all over the place, only Mira's laughter and her deformed smile could be heard.

『More.....I want to play more!!!!! I need to have more fun! I still have strength!』

Mira was at her 100% power, reality itself was distorted and with her portals she appeared in every place she had helped in all this time, killing every inhabitant just by playing games, there was no one who could stop Mira in this state. Different races were severely affected and many died in the hands that had previously helped them in a friendly way and with a totally different smile than the one they saw. Mira was in the middle of a forest after killing another race, they could hear some footsteps, a white-haired man had appeared on the scene, where the little dragon turned her head with that smile and stared at him.

Turning back to Arnna and Sax's fight, Sax had managed to dodge Arnna's attack and proceeded to clap his hands. Quickly Mira began to cry, she looked around and the tears wouldn't stop, piles of corpses and blood dripping.

『Was it you.....no? You're going to pay for having killed all these people...Damn old man!!!!!』

Look with total anger I shouted at the man who had appeared, that man was an old man with white hair, he was the Sovereign of Life, who came to stop that greatest catastrophe in the world.


On the day Sax went to the Harmony Faction, the one who received him was Kasper, where he would put the Chaos Faction to the test and if all turned out well he would believe or disbelieve in them.

『All right, I will put an end to that threat, I will not allow more death in our world, even if it is a joke I cannot ignore it...the lives of innocents are at stake』.

Those were Kasper's words, but a much more imposing and thicker voice could be heard throughout the place.

"I'm back from lunch, and I heard what you've been talking about, is it really that serious?

The Sovereign of Life had returned, presenting himself in his Human Form he made his presence known. Sax told him again what was about to happen, whereupon the Sovereign of Life responded with something that neither Kasper nor Sax expected.

『No way, if it's as horrible as you say, then I'll go stop it myself, a great threat needs someone strong to stop it』.

Words that surprised Sax himself, in the end they agreed that the Sovereign would go to stop that threat, they gave Sax a jewel to contact him with if it comes to pass, where that dark dragon retreated with even more benefit that even he doesn't believe it himself. Kasper found himself confused and confronted his father about it.

"But father! You can't make those decisions for yourself, that's what we are for, let us do the work, I had decided to go, what more trust can there be!』-Kasper without holding back spoke his mind.

『And tell me, if it had been a lie, or an ambush, you would have killed him ,right?』-The Sovereign without hesitation said, Kasper didn't know how to answer-『I knew it, I can't leave this to a soldier nor to you because of the danger it would bring, I'll go myself, besides sitting here is boring.....debes when I need some action like in my better times, I'm old but don't give me up for dead either hahahaha!』

『Father.....but tomorrow the peace treaty is made! If anything bad happens everything will go to shit!』-Kasper breathily said-『You don't have to go father!』

『That's exactly why I have to go, I have to remove every possible danger for the dreamed tomorrow, don't worry』-The Sovereign pats his son's head-『I'll come back even stronger, just wait for me』.

Because of the trust and without hesitation, Kasper was fascinated by how his father was, that his father in the end agreed to let him go, his father is the only one he believes in with all his heart.


Mira was fighting face to face against the Sovereign, who in his human form was fighting Mira, the fight was heartbreaking, the trees were easily destroyed and the wind was so powerful and powerful.

『(If I'm not mistaken she is Mira, a sibling of the Anomenos Family, I didn't know she could get out of control like that)』.

POM! The Sovereign came to hit Mira hard in the stomach, where the little dragon smiles, Mira's body seemed to be sucked into a black hole, quickly the Sovereign withdrew his hand so that it would not be cut off. Thousands of portals appeared around the Sovereign, where Mira traveled in each one.

『Let's play! 』

Mira appeared with the help of her portals from the Sovereign's stomach. I could see her gloomy smile in all its splendor. Without further ado Mira disappears wanting to absorb the Sovereign, whereupon the Sovereign makes strength and makes use of her techniques.


Mira as if it was a shot came out of her portal from the Sovereign's stomach, but it was not just one Mira, there were lots of Miras who also came out of the portal dimensions that had appeared, quickly the place was bathed by laughter and smiles, they were not illusions, they were not clones, they were Miras from other dimensions that were called by this one. Quickly all the Miras went to attack the Sovereign who made his claws appear and tried to hit each one, but his blows were easily pierced.


He was quickly getting lots of punches and scratches all over his body.

『(Why is she doing this.....she lost control.....or is she being manipulated by someone, she's not like this)』-The Sovereign was covering herself with her claws-『Stop hitting me already!』

A radio light from the Sovereign, it engulfed almost the entire forest with its light, the Mira quickly faded away , probably returned to their alternate dimensions, the little girl covered her eyes as the light suffocated her, as it disappeared the Sovereign became present in its Dragon Form, a huge dragon that made Mira look like a small ant, a majestic white dragon that with its plumage and scales seemed to have armor on.

『I will free you from what is happening to you』-His voice echoed throughout the forest-.

Unbelievable! Let's play! I'll show you that a little one is stronger than a big one!!!! Have fun and tear me apart!!!』

Mira without holding back throws herself against the Sovereign without any fear.


Sax just gave a clap after dodging Arnna's attack, again Arnna this time summoning her sword blades, rushes towards Sax dragon's neck. Where this without much thought he dodges it returning to his Human Form, he jumped and managed to touch Arnna's head, quickly in a fast way he began to check his mind, Arnna brandished his blades where Sax invokes his wings dodging upwards, from Arnna's slash came out ashes that these quickly sprouted in the air and caught Sax.

『I underestimated you for being old, but now if you're going to die』.

Arnna prepared her blades, little by little the branches caught Sax, her hands turned into claws and before she can't this one clapped his hands.


SLASHH!!!! Arnna with her blades made lots of cuts, Sax was scared and worried, but quickly he shows a smile, the fire branches were cut by Arnna herself, who she was confused.

『What?.... Why did I do that?』

Arnna was confused, quickly Sax touched her head again, where Arnna for a few seconds of confusion returned and again brandished her blades at Sax, Sax made her wings disappear quickly descending to the ground.

『Yeah I'm so lucky it's even scary...I'm glad you 2 showed up in my life!!!』

Again Arnna was left thinking about the decision she made before, another clap was heard, some branches from the ground caught Sax and Arnna quickly went to cut his head...she could, but when she looked back she noticed that there was no one there. Sax was running out of the forest, he jumped and dodged Arnna's slash, this time touching her head again. This dragon Sax, with a strong flapping of his wings was able with his old and fragile body in his human form to shoot out like a cannon. Again he was trying to get out of the forest, Sax fell to the ground and again ran with all he could. Arnna again caught up with Sax and to surprise him, Arnna jumped from tree to tree to confuse him. SLASH! Arnna was able to cut Sax's stomach with her blades, blood was coming out, another clap was heard, again Sax appeared in front of Arnna and touched her forehead again.

『(But what is this..... already 2 times I cut him and this one appears as if nothing..... what is this guy doing.....)』

With Sax's strategy, Sax was sneaking away from Arnna taking her to a place far away from where they were, but despite the fact that they were running the forest seemed to be bigger than it looked. When Sax clapped his hands it was as if something was wrong, he wasn't where he should be or Arnna was doing things she shouldn't be doing. He makes Arnna believe things that never happened.

As they ran and ran away Sax stopped and smiled, it seems he reached his destination. Again Sax clapped his hands, Arnna appeared finally catching up with Sax, she was sweating and worried about the strange ability Sax has.

『This is definitely the best.....this will be the place of your grave and mine!』

Sax decisively aimed at Arnna, who she couldn't take it anymore, seeing that they were in a desolate place and no soul could be felt, she decided to use her technique and end this in one go.

『Warm Nature!』

Quickly the forest was enveloped in an embracing fire, the trees, leaves and grass were enveloped in a fire that burned to the bone. Sax looked at his feet and endured the pain of being burned, he made his wings appear and flew so he could not be following in this forest full of fire, Arnna appeared behind Sax's back and slashed his wings, blood spurted out and Sax's geezer body fell into the forest of fire.

『(Did I hit him? Yes...this time it looks like I got it right....)』

Arnna looked confused at the ground where Sax was standing in the blazing fire and resisting.!!!!! POM!!! A loud heartbeat from Arnna's body was heard, quickly thanks to her ability she could see the inside of this dragon, that his name was Sax and everything he has done, his birth, his crimes, the times he controlled the Demon Kings of history, Arnna found out that he was the one who caused everything the world experienced until now.

『It's you...it's you!!!! You are the one who caused the world to be in chaos all this time!!!』

Arnna angrily shouted at Sax for knowing the truth, the dark dragon smiled confidently at Arnna, the dragoness sprouted an even stronger fire, her wings,horns, claws and tail gradually turned into solid flames.『!!!!!

『No...no...you've got to be kidding me.....no.....』

Arnna suddenly started to cry, suddenly she started to see different lives, people and kind beings that all they wanted was to live, people that she herself helped. It was from different people , she could know everything about everything, quickly some cries of suffering could be heard, the sound of chaos was present little by little, the ability Warm Nature, every being that steps on this forest of fire, Arnna will know everything about it.

『It seems that you noticed.....』-Sax smiles-『All right, I'll tell you my ability, besides being able to get into the head of others without being detected, I can also make others believe events, these can be real or not, and they will keep believing it until they realize it's a lie, I can only do it once with each person I touch their head, and to want to do it again I have to touch it again. ..you hear it right? the sound of crying and hell....』

Arnna slowly heard the screams and desperation of the people, the forest she thought was actually a big town, she discovered the lie Sax made her believe in her mind and saw the reality, people were being burned alive , houses burned and different creatures also having the same fate, Arnna couldn't believe what she had done, all this time she had been killing innocent beings without her realizing it.


Arnna screamed with all her might, people were still being burned to death, the range of the Warm Nature Skill was extremely huge so Sax can't escape, even though the people tried to escape the flames still reached them and they died with suffering.

『No....I killed everyone.....this can't be happening.....it's a nightmare...I'm sorry.....I'm sorry...』-Arnna was crying and looked at Sax fixedly-『You're to blame.....you cheated me...I hate you!!!!』

The flames still became more powerful than ever and Arnna's wings, claws, horns and tail were getting bigger from the solid fire she generated, the fire became more embracing, Sax was totally happy for what he did, this is much better than just committing suicide. Sax opened his arms waiting for the fire to consume him and Arnna as well.

『Healing Technique, Class 2, Fluffy Pollen!』

A few cuts occurred on the stage, the fire gushing Arnna was concentrated and enclosed in a cotton dome, you could see how the fire wanted to escape from the cotton that ended up enclosing Arnna.


It was a very familiar voice that Arnna heard, when she looked she saw that it was Doge who had appeared. Who brother hugged him without hesitation, Arnna was confused and just leaned on Dux's chest.

『Calm down calm down .... I will accompany you, everything will be fine, please, I don't want to lose you....』

Dux hugged Arnna tightly but at the same time with affection, who was resisting all the intense heat that Arnna was gushing. Arnna touched Dux's cheek, little by little Dux's skin was being burned, Arnna noticed this and closed her eyes and started to calm down.

『Dux-kun...thank you....』

Arnna started to absorb all the fire that wanted to escape from the cotton dome, the cotton couldn't resist anymore and ended up destroying itself, showing Arnna totally healed by Dux's skill, that skill only concentrated on healing Arnna so she wouldn't end up charred, Dux was breathing lightly on Arnna's chest, he was with burns but he was still alive.


Arnna worriedly looked at Dux where Dux opens his eyes.

『I'm glad I got here in time....』-Dux looked cheerfully at Arnna, to later look with full anger at Sax-『You were the one who provoked this...sure, no doubt, I can feel in you the most disgusting darkness I never saw』-『This will be the last time I made a decision entirely mine and no one else's, I will not hesitate nor regret it..... I don't need the opinion of others』

『No matter who you are!』-Sax who survived by Dux's appearance, this one switched to his Dragon Form ready to kill himself- 『I've already done what I had-----』


『Serious Mode 100%,Dragon Technique, Class 1, Peace.....』

In multiple slashes at the speed he overcomes at the same time, Doge without holding back cut and sliced the entire body of the dragon Sax in fine cuts, blood gushed out and again Doge absorbed his Dragon Sword, Sax's mutilated flesh fell to the ground without further ado, he was completely dead, among the pool of blood his Soul Stone could be seen. This was the end of the last dragon of the first generation.


While the other side, El Soberano was ravaging against Mira even though he was at his 100%, now his percentage was lower, his body could barely stand.

『You really surprised me, but no one can beat me if I fight seriously, which has never happened』.

Mira was still laughing and with blood all over her body with serious wounds on her body, even though she used her dimensional abilities and portals, the Sovereign had already learned from her and it was easy for him to predict what the little girl would do. The Sovereign with its huge claw covered Mira's entire body.

『Purification....now if you will only be saved』

A light engulfed Mira, who she with her claws made force, with her black holes portals, from one moment to another the Sovereign's Claw was cut and torn apart by Mira's skill, the blood from her Sovereign's arm gushed out but he didn't seem to be affected.

『I see』It's not that something evil controls you, or you have darkness inside, I can't purify something that is pure, this is the true being of this girl』-The Sovereign looked at Mira who was still smiling-『I'm sorry but you are a danger to the world and the peace treaty, I know King will understand, I'll kill you, I'm sorry...』

From a moment the huge dragon disappeared, it seemed to have vanished from the face of the earth, like something gigantic it could disappear instantly, Mira took flight looking from side to side.POMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A powerful onslaught of miraculous lightning that could easily overshadow an empire, Mira was hit by the whole powerful and enormous body of the Sovereign in his Dragon Form, she was thrown thousands of kilometers and kilometers, the forest itself did not support turning it into a devastating place. Mira crashed against the ground, her eyes were blank and her strength was gone, finally the laughter and smile had disappeared from the place, Mira showed no signs of being alive. The Sovereign was in that place with Mira, looking at him calmly, light energy began to gather and without further ado was launched against Mira to end his life.


The attack was hit squarely, The Sovereign found himself surprised and spoke.

『Who stopped my attack』

As the dust faded away Sora could be seen, she was the one who stopped that attack with only one hand, her Mythic Claws weren't even active.

『King, it's normal to come to help your family, I would do the same, but she's too dangerous to keep living, I'm sorry but I have to kill her for everyone's sake』-The Sovereign was addressing Sora who mistook her for King-.


Some time ago Dux went to look for Sora who she was also looking for someone.

『...Look-chan...(the day I feared has come....)』-Sora was flying with her wings-.

『Sora-chan!!!』-It was Dux who was finally able to find Sora, he was sweating and wanted an answer quickly-『Tell me....tell me what you would do in this situation Sora.....I need your opinion.....please.....』

Dux told him what had happened to Lami, so finally after a long wait for Dux, he managed to get an answer that would make him remove his doubts.

『Do what you think is right for you, I won't oppose your decision, I'll let you have the last word in this case, just do it and that's it, it's that simple』-Sora with a few words gave him her opinion-.

『No!....that answer is like you're telling me nothing, tell me something concrete, on whether to kill him or not to kill him! a yes or a no! it's that simple!』-Dux was nervous-

『Uhm....in my case....I guess you already know, if you follow my logic then there's your answer』-Sora without hesitation told him-.

『.....I see...ha....it's very simple really....sorry for raising my voice a little bit.....where are you going? is something wrong, you look rushed?』-Dux noticed Sora who was in a hurry-

『Mira-chan is in trouble, she got out of control and is causing a big ruckus, her dimensional ability is complicated.......』-Sora locate Mira's location-『I found her! Sorry Dux, but I have to go』.

Slightly the Mythic Claws were engulfed in red and blue fire , Sora disappeared in front of Dux's eyes. Now Doge was returning to the castle with Arnna's help.

『Bad is bad...』-Dux recalled those words-.

『And bad is not bad』-Sora was in front of the Sovereign-『I'm sorry for everything my partner did! It's my fault really, I should have never separated from her, I was in charge of watching over her and I didn't...if anyone has to pay it's me, but please don't kill Mira, she's someone very precious to my Family』

『.... You don't intend to fight for what I did to her?』-The Sovereign said without hesitation.

『On this occasion it wouldn't help at all, rather it would be harmful, but please, I repeat again, don't kill Mira, I don't want to, I won't lose someone from my family, we can come to an agreement if you like, yes? *smile*』-Sora with a calm tone said-.

『....I see that you didn't change at all *smiles* It's okay, a father like you doesn't deserve to suffer the loss of a son, I know that one day everything will be fine, if it's you I know you can, after all you achieved what I always wanted』-The Sovereign had relaxed-『Although I recommend you to get a firm hand, Kasper, my son also becomes a crazy man that even I don't recognize hahahaha!』

Sora was also calm for having stopped a horrible act, though he also couldn't believe that even the Sovereign of Life had mistaken him for his father.

『Well, I'll go apologize to your daughter for everything I did, I'll also heal her and------』

The Sovereign's words came to a screeching halt, Mira had regained consciousness and with all her power went to attack the Sovereign, who caught her off guard. Mira with a powerful lunge and with 2 powerful black holes in each hand lunged at the huge dragon.

『AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! You will pay for killing all of them!!!!! Die!!!!!!!!!』

Mira with strength and without holding back, with her black holes and her strength she killed the Sovereign, the body of that dragon was torn apart by the strength of Mira that neither the blood nor its light escaped absorption, even the Soul Stone was destroyed in a matter of seconds. Sora who was also unable to act at the moment only ran into an exhausted and powerless Mira.

『Eh?.....wait.....no...no...I was tricked.....I was the one who killed everyone...hahahahahaha....I don't want to live anymore...I can't go on with this life...』

Mira realized the deception and found out the truth, she was crying with a droopy smile on her face.

『If I can't live as I am then I want to die! I want to be able to have fun, to laugh without killing anyone..... that's what I want...I want to live with my feelings free.....』-Mira was crying like a child was-.

『I'm sorry.....I'm sorry...but I can't do it...I couldn't...kill my family...』-『I promise you that one day you will change, you can laugh without fear of chaos, you can play with all of us, I promise you, you will have the family and life you always wanted 』

Sora hugged Mira who she was crying, quickly the news broke, the death of Sax, a first generation dragon of the Chaos Faction had died by the hands of the Anomenos Family, and the Sovereign of Life of the Harmony Faction had also died at the hands of the Anomenos Family, the peace treaty was broken, at this moment, all the dragons of the Chaos Faction, the strongest and commanded by the Emperor of Death go after the Demon King to kill him, also the Harmony Faction was on the move, every dragon that knows fight was on the way, led by Kasper who with hatred and crying would go to kill the Demon King, also the Gods would go after the Demon King, as he is a threat to the future of the world.

It was all a hoax, the Demon King all he wanted was to destroy, he never changed, peace was just a joke that was swallowed whole by everyone, the afternoon bathed the place in an orange color, Sora stood with a truly devilish smile.His claws were wrapped in red and blue flames and he began to destroy everything.

『That's right you damn beings! This was all in my plan! Peace? HAHAA! That will never happen, who the hell do you think I am, I AM THE DEMON KING! Now that you're all gathered, I'll kill you too! The Demon King King! will make the world succumb again!

Sora proclaiming himself as King, declared war again on the entire world and its inhabitants.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
