
Chapter 136: Isekai ( Story Part 3 )

A couple of dragons from different factions met, in all the history of this world, the Harmony and Chaos Factions hated each other with all the hatred possible, the war between them was always present, but may be .... was able to change, the greatest sin happened for both factions, a love was born between 2 dragons, King and Queen would be the first to change this world forever.

After many years of relationship, it happened what had to happen, although it was not as they had in mind that this action would be, but what they did have clear is that they would have a son, or rather a daughter. The reason, a new life is enough to want to change everything, they named her Sora, a pretty dragon very similar to her father, both parents were happy that everything went well.

Time passed and the little dragon had already grown, she was outgoing and dynamic, always with energy and with a smile on her face, all this time she lived in a crystal sphere, she did not leave the forest that was her home, but she would quickly find out what the world was suffering.

He kept looking at how ugly the world was outside the forest, there was destruction and death everywhere, the blood that was swallowed by the earth was the daily bread, few places were peaceful until tragedies occurred, with his own eyes he saw the reality in which he lived.

"I will change it!』-But would that break her?『I will bring peace to this world!』

Of course not, rather it gave her the strength and motivation to want to do something in her life, what better than to bring smiles to every being and have them live without fear of anything, everyone getting along was what Sora wanted, but it wasn't just her that found a reason. Her father seeing that she was so determined decided to help her, the family had a goal and little by little it would become bigger.

One day while Sora was playing in the house, her father told her that she had to wait because he was going to bring her a surprise, and she did so without any opposition, Sora, when she was alone, found no better way to entertain herself than to use up all her energy. She ran quickly all over the castle, running around it 10 times for every 5 minutes, doing small exercises, she went to the kitchen to try to cook so she could give it to her parents, but whenever she did this she ended up eating all the food that was there. She also did mimes with herself, acting as a person, she created many stories that were in her head, it seemed that this girl would always have something to have fun with.

"Ah! Dad is here!

He turned his gaze and ran as fast as he could to the balcony, a portal was manifesting on the balcony, where from it King comes out.


Without restraining herself, Sora throws herself into her father's arms who he embraces her warmly, after showing affection to each other, she was still in her father's arms.

『It seems that there is someone else you should welcome 』.

King said in a calm manner, Sora looked at the portal and saw that it still didn't disappear, a small jump was heard, a small boy with white hair and worn out clothes had come out of the portal.

『Well....』-The boy looked around the whole place-『Unbelievable! Is this where the Demon King lives? Woaaaaa yeah it's amazing like you, I can really live here?』

The little dragon raised his gaze, where he could see King happily and Sora who was confused but quickly a cheerful smile was exchanged. He stepped down from his father's arms to take the little boy by the hand.

『Welcome! My name is Sora』y(^ヮ^)y.

Sora said cheerfully to that new member of the family, the boy quickly became very happy too and took Sora's hand with both hands and shook him hard.

『Nice to meet you! My name is Lami, I hope we get along well together』-Who this was introduced with full energy-『Uhm? You do have sweaty hands and face too』( -᷄ὤ-᷅)?

『('∀`)Hehehehehehe...e been doing a lot of things, if I still have energy then I want to spend it until I can't anymore!』-Sora's energetic form was heading towards her new friend-.

『UHM UHm ( ̄∇ ̄) I see, I feel the same way too, I'll use all my strength to help others! By the way, why have you 2 Demon King?Σ(ಠิωಠิ|||) ah! it's a Doppelgänger, we have the little guy and the big guy』-Energetically also this one was-.

『No no no, the big guy you see is my father』-Sora pointed at King-( ̄ω ̄).

『And the little girl you see is my daughter』-King pointed at Sora-( ̄ω ̄).

『...Eh?.....Que?.....hija?...Eres una niña!?!!!』(*「・ω・ω・)ン?-Lami didn't avoid being surprised-『If they don't tell me I wouldn't even know about it』

Pom! Lami's body suddenly fell to the floor. Both father and daughter stared in confusion at the scene.

『Wow, I didn't think the confusion and surprise would bring this kind of reaction, maybe we should change her name....ヾ('・ ・`。)ノ"』-King was thinking whether it was better to change his daughter's name or not-

Lami raised her hand showing her thumb and still with strength was able to speak.

『I'm sorry, I haven't eaten anything for days and I don't have the strength to stand up anymore...』

Sora without a second thought lifted Lami up to take him to the kitchen so he could regain his strength.

『Oh, amazing, you can lift me even though I'm small, you're big Sora』-Lami was surprised how I can lift him without any problem-.

『You'd better hold on tight, it'll be a little extreme lift』-King was addressing Lami who was turning to look at him-.

『Peque------( ゜Д゜;)!?』

With incredible speed, Sora ran all over the castle to take Lami to his destination, this day he met the first brother Sora would have, both full of energy and who would help those in need. That day also Lami had the opportunity to taste Sora's food, which rather than bringing him back to life was closer to death.( ×m×)

Other days passed and both dragons knew each other better, the house, the castle was more energetic than ever, if already with Sora it was too much, now with Lami it was twice as much, they did various kinds of games together, but now that Lami was recovered he didn't avoid wanting to go out and help people, something that King avoided.

『Wait a little longer, I'm putting the pieces together to give our debut』.

The 2 dragons lay on the ground thinking about King's words.

『For our debut? What do we have to look forward to....』-Lami was staring at the ceiling-.

"Ah! Debut! Sure, I've got it』-Sora had an idea-『Our first performance, we'll show ourselves to the world and show them what we're capable of!』(ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧

『Sure!!! That's right! King always so amazing with his ideas』-Lami also got excited-『But.....presentation of what...what are we going to teach?』

『Uhm.....well, I have my performances of a person...although I think I already know what my father is referring to』\(^▽^)/-Sora looked up with a smile at the ceiling-『Ah! He's back』

Sora got up and again ran up to the balcony, Lami who didn't understand had no choice but to follow her friend, they both waited on the balcony where a portal manifested, from there is where King came out, again as usual Sora ventured to him to welcome him, but another person was also leaving him, Lami also wanted to welcome King, Sora noticed a shake in King's lower layer, where his gaze was fixed on this one.

『Come on, don't be afraid, from now on this will be your new family』.

King calmly walked towards this one, a little blonde-haired girl showed herself in a shy manner as she uncovered herself from King's cloak.

『Hello.....my name is Arnna...I hope we get along well...nice to meet you』-Shyly and blushing she made her introduction-.

The first to approach Arnna was Lami, who this after what he experienced before had his doubts.

『She's a boy, right? or is she a girl? I'm 100% sure it's a boy I have in front of me, although she does look more like a girl.....』

Pom, Sora just gave Lami a little bump on the head.

『Of course not, she does and she does look like a girl, welcome, my name is Sora』 -With joy she turned to the new member.

『Hurts.....eh!!? They tricked me again...』

『You fooled yourself...I hope we get along Arnna』.

That was how they met Arnna, the shy and tender little dragon who would now be a member of the family, she was happy to have a family, with an embarrassed voice she thanked her new siblings, Lami and Sora took her by the hand and would show her her new home, they wanted to help Arnna unwind as they saw she was too nervous.

『(I appreciate everything you are doing for me....I must thank you....) Thank you guys so much.....』 (*'-`*)

Both dragons just stared at her, where she didn't know how to react, they continued as if nothing to show her around, it seems that neither of the 2 of them are going to tell her that Sora in a girl. Sora for his part simply wanted her to find out for herself, while Lami didn't want to be the only one who believed that Sora was a boy.

Again the days passed and the Demon King was back with the 3 member, it was totally different from the other 2, while the first one was full of energy and the second one was full of embarrassment, the third one was totally down.

『I introduce them to each other, her name is Mira, please treat her well』.

King looked at Mira calmly, the others who were present saw Mira who was unusual, she had really huge but droopy eyes, Mira was looking at the ground, she was totally shattered, she showed signs that she was crying. Sora was the first to shake Mira's hand.

『Welcome, my name is Sora, the white boy is Lami and the blonde girl is Arnna, I hope we can get along well』.

Sora as always was the first to welcome, with a smile she turned to Mira, who she had her eyes lowered, quickly by Mira's eyes that were tired from crying so much, she knew what happened to her.

『You've seen hell, haven't you?』

Sora said those words to her, Mira reacted and slowly lifted her gaze so that she could look at Sora.

『It's ugly, isn't it? I say it because I've seen it too, a place where there is only death and destruction, those tears you shed have been for loved ones, it's over now』-Sora hugged Mira with affection-『We will change the world, a place where tears are not of sadness, live for them who are no longer here』.

『I'll kill them....』-Mira suddenly said that-『I'll kill them....』-Mira suddenly said that-『I'll kill them.

Everyone quickly became shocked, King looked at Mira pitifully, Sora also didn't avoid being surprised, but still looked firmly at Mira.

『But you didn't want to, did you? They were people very dear to you, I know that, if you are a problem to bring peace...then I will help you! Everything can be corrected in this world, those who want to change still have a chance, if you are so afraid of yourself, I....we will help you so you can live as you are without harming anyone, now you are part of my family, even if you are not either, anyway I would have helped you, your problems are my problems, would you accept our help?』

Sora with encouragement for Mira was heading, he could see through her eyes what Mira experienced recently, a power that she never wanted was tormenting her, the family would look for the necessary methods that she can live like anyone else, have fun without going crazy. At Sora's words, Mira looked with joy at Sora and everyone else, showing a nice smile to her new family.

Now it's time for the new and last member, capable the most unusual of all, this one introduced himself without words, he simply carried a bunch of swords on his back, and also carried swords in both hands, the boy's name was Dux, who seemed to be here without knowing it.

『Welcome! My name is Sora, nice to meet you』.

Sora fearlessly and happily took Dux's hand, who simply stared at him, now everyone was already gathered, the Anomenos Family was finally complete, it was now the debut as King said. The whole family stood before the world with their new goals, peace, while King spoke like a leader, Sora stood admiring his father for how great he looked.

『(Awesome, you're awesome father! I too would like to become like you, to be able to go out in front without fear, little by little getting closer to peace, now that we are in action it won't just be words anymore, I will show what I am capable of)』

Sora watched from behind his father's back with utter joy, his excitement was silent but radiant. That day it all started, but before he could to do what they had in mind, Queen who had been away for a while, was finally able to return home, and was met with the great surprise that there are now more children.

『But look at them! They're so small and adorable, they make me want to hug them』

Queen can't stand it anymore and move on to hug all the children into one, with her wings spread out she could even receive even more children.

『Well, I could see from afar that you wanted to have more children, so here! hahahahahaha I prefer this method to the other one that traumatized me...』

『Yes, thank you very much King, but speaking of that, don't you want to do it tonight?.....(ᇴ‿ฺᇴ)』-In a mischievous way I looked at King-.

『How can you say that in front of children.....( ゜Д゜;)!?yeah that doesn't stop you at all.....but the answer is no, I still remember the blood and those screams that sounded like demons. ...Of course not...』-King was shaking his body just remembering it-"ू(͒ˑ-᷄͡ꇵ͒-᷅͒)ू!

Pom, Queen just gave a small blow to King's head, who this one just happens to rub himself.

『As what demon screams?.....ヾ( ・`⌓'・)ノ゙a last words before he dies?King?』-With utter fury he prepared a powerful light attack towards King-?

『EH? EH? But calm down white dove!∑('゚ω゚`*) I just don't want to hurt you again.....(>﹏<)』-King was frightened as Queen kept approaching-『I wouldn't bear to see you suffer again! NOOO!!! MOMMY!!༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽』

Queen kissed King's forehead who was frightened, he found himself blushing, Queen was pulling back with a pleasant smile with red cheeks.

『Hahahahahaha sometimes I think if you really grew up or are you still that childish dragon I knew (*^^*)』

Queen returned to the group of children who were chatting and playing in the living room, King breathed a sigh of relief.

『Ufff..... I thought she was going to die..... wait a minute...before when we were friends I wasn't afraid of her when she got upset..... why is it now?(゜.゜) UHm.... we'll find out』 Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)

Now is where the family got down to work, while the parents went to the Factions to make a peace treaty, the siblings despite still being small would help anyway, although they still did not unlock all their power they wanted to help anyway.

The first days went quite well, Lami's encouragement and energy was always good, he was always accompanied by Arnna to gain some confidence with other people, besides Lami treated her very well and at his own pace, it seems that the idea was that she would follow Lami's example. While Sora was accompanied by Mira, the little red-haired dragon had grown fond of Mira, who almost always depended on her every time they went out, besides it was like a precautionary measure, because if Mira got out of control, Sora would be in charge of helping her.

Those early times were special for each of them, they learned a lot and were happy to use their power to bring joy to everyone. But that's how it was for a while, but not everyone was into it.

『By the way Onee-chan, what happened to Dux-onii-chan? I don't think it's fair for us to do everything while he does what he wants.....』 -Mira turned to Sora-

『Eh? EH???!!!! Dux-chan wasn't with us? since when is he like that?』 -Her surprise was not long in coming-

"I think it's been 50 years...』 -With hesitation Mira answered-

"Really? So clueless that I am...buaahhhh, I'm going to go look for it....but....but.....』

Both dragons were in a city, Sora took out her wings heading to where Dux was, but she didn't avoid looking at Mira worriedly.

『Don't worry, I'll quickly finish what I'm doing and go straight to the castle』. -With a smile Mira gave confidence.

Sora wanted to believe in his sister so without further ado he went to where Doge was, Sora was able to locate him thanks to Mira who told him his location, it seems that all this time he went out alone not to help the others, if not to just keep exploring and see what he comes across on the way. When she finally found him she was indignant, at least she thought that if she saw this kind of problems he would do something, but Doge just looked at her and ignored the problem, Sora who went down to help those adventurers, after they thanked him he gave a lesson to Doge. Who this one after those words finally could react.

『Eh?....But what?』

A footsteps could be heard. Both dragons after coming to an agreement looked at the new visitor who just arrived.

『Is it serious? I have a day off after centuries, I felt the presence of what demons were attacking humans so I was going to help.....』 -His tone of voice was getting angrier and angrier-『And I ran into filthy dragons of the Chaos Faction!!!』

A Harmony Faction dragon had appeared, a white-haired youth and within seconds of seeing these children his anger boiled like no other.

『Even if they are children I will kill them! I won't let them grow up and become even shittier than they already are!』

The young dragon lashed out without hesitation at the brothers, who after throwing spears of light, this one with its claws wrapped in light was going for the heads of both of them.

POMM!!!! The dust was present with a small explosion, Sora created a barrier to protect himself from the attack of this dragon.

『Escape Dux-chan!』-Sora shouted loudly-『Tan just run, I'll stop this guy』.

Doge who was scared and worried didn't move, Sora without further ado used his powers to throw him away from the place and make him safe somewhere.

『Eh? What's that? Your face, it reminds me of someone...Yes....I feel the same hatred I have for that guy.....! It's decided...I'm going to kill you!!!』

The dragon lashed out with more force, destroying Sora's barrier, he was barely able to dodge the white dragon's blow. POM!!!! Sora received a punch in his stomach, who now the dragon lashed out with powerful kicks, Sora spit blood without avoiding it, the dragon threw a sphere of light energy towards Sora who could not dodge, he could not move, Sora screamed in pain while his body spilled blood, the attack stopped and Sora fell to the ground, the light from his body went to the sky forming a tremendous spear that would go straight to Sora.


The dragon without more said, the spear was going straight to Sora's body, who she reacts and places her hand to receive the spear, the energy was being absorbed by Sora, but despite everything she couldn't absorb all of it and anyway she received light damage.

『What?! How could a disgusting dragon like you absorb and survive my attacks?! I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!!!』

Sora looked determinedly at the dragon, at the sight of the white dragon, the little girl disappeared before his eyes, Sora was running away from the place, flying to get out of the forest.

『(We are in a forest near the Harmony Faction ..... This is bad .... Besides, what's wrong with that guy? Why does he hate us so much?』-Sora was retreating with a bloody body.

『You really think you're going to escape from me? hahahaha what a good joke.....』

The white dragon appeared next to Sora, who didn't hesitate to grab Sora's little face and whip it against the ground.

『JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA I see, I understand my hatred for you, you are the Demon King, right?.....are you, I can feel it, now that no one is here, no one is here to save you, I can save this world at last, I can avenge my mother, I won't let you take my father away too!!!』

A rumble was in the ground, with his claws he clutched Sora's face tighter.

Slash! A slash was going hard towards the white dragon, who this one was able to stop it with his other claw, it was Dux who took out his Dragon Sword in order to help Sora.

『Ha?! Do you want to die too? It's okay, you're missing my stuff!』

Sora with his tail was able to knock the white dragon to the ground, where Dux brandishes his sword where a blue energy dragon appears, the white dragon uses his wings to defend himself, at the end of the attack his wings were somewhat burned.

『Ho....that sword you carry if it is powerful, but it is useless if the bearer is not very strong!』-With anger and repudiation was directed the white dragon-.

"Are you alright Sora-chan?』-Dux worriedly addressed Sora.

"Yeah, but I told you to run away』.

『I couldn't, I couldn't leave you alone, if I hadn't come you would have died, besides I would have felt bad after you told me all that-.....』

『...*smile*Well ....you're kind of right about that.....』-Sora looked at Dux-『Thanks *smile*』

『And by the way, who is he? why is he attacking us for no reason』.

『He recently mentioned the Demon King, apparently he has so much hatred for him that he sees him in me』-Sora was looking at the dragon-.

"What are you two talking about?!

With fury the white dragon was going straight for the children, a screen of water blocked its attack, Dux changed swords at once.

『This guy won't stop until we're dead, he's too powerful, we have to fight too Sora』.

From the white dragon's claws came beams of light going for Sora, Dux swings his sword to block the attacks, fixating only on Sora's well being. From one moment to the next Dux found himself with holes in his body and badly injured.


Sora shouted loudly, who the boy brandished a dark sword to attack the dragon, who upon seeing the danger retreated. Dux badly wounded walked forward to protect Sora.

『Light attacks are effective against you, but likewise, we are weak against dark attacks, but that doesn't matter! I'll come out on top anyway! 』

The white dragon was sure of his victory. Then without further ado the fight began, the white dragon without holding back goes towards Dux, who this one goes with his sword to give him a fight, whichever way you looked at it the advantage was clear, the white dragon was slaughtering and having fun with Dux.

『That's enough!』-Sora shouted loudly-『(Please..enough.....why do you hate us...why do you want to kill us.....why do we have to fight....I thought I was strong but it's nothing....I'm still a little girl.....I know....I know that there is another way to solve things in this kind of situations....I know....)』

Sora watched badly hurt as Dux was still fighting the white dragon, as it beat him and used its abilities against him. Dux just fell to the ground because of how hurt he was.

『Ha, I'll come after you later, first I have to kill the Demon King.....』

This one was slowly approaching towards Sora who could not move.

『(Fight? NO! I don't want to! That's not the way to peace, I want to use my power in another way, even though I have 2 different energies, white and dark I can't do anything....)』


Doge was getting to his feet by helping himself with his sword, but the white dragon was completely ignoring him anyway.

『I told you to stop!』

With blood and decision on his face, Doge swings his sword and was going straight towards the dragon. POMM!!! Slash! The blows were given, the white dragon hit Dux hard in the stomach, where he falls spitting blood without more, you could see and hear the slight laughter of the white dragon looking at the ground, but he also saw something that changed his expression, there were white feathers on the ground, Dux managed to cut part of his feathers.

In anger he grabbed Dux's neck ready to kill him.


In his other claw he put together energy to pierce the body of Dux, who was also being forcefully choked by the dragon. POMMM!!!!!! The powerful blow was delivered with all possible force, but the one who received the blow was the white dragon.

Sora at the last moment hit the white dragon with force, but something different was in it, it showed more dragon features than another, scales appeared on its black and white cheeks, the same wings and the tail as well. It was the first appearance of the Dragonewt Form.

『I had to understand it the hard way.....peace can't be achieved with words alone....there are times when you have to do things you don't like, don't mess with my family again』.

Doge stared for a few seconds at the new Sora, what was this new power she had, it was too great, before she simply wasn't that powerful, or it will simply be because she didn't use her power for real.

『Ah! Surely you're wondering what this is, I'm simply using my Dragon State in my Human Form, getting serious does change things (plus this is different, I notice how the energies flow into me....but they want something else, they want to unite and become one.....)』

The white dragon who finally returned to the battlefield, came across something that drove him crazy just by feeling it.

『But what is this!!! Why do I feel both energies working together!!!! Why do they want to be together!!!! You're not the Demon King, are you? You're his son!!!!!』-With anger this shout to everyone-!!!!

『Until he finally realized.....』-Sora with a mocking tone said-.

『He finally had a son with Queen!!!! Unacceptable! Horrible! Abominable! Disgraceful! Horrendous! Disgusting! Rotten! Of shit! Our race was tainted by the being I hate the most!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!...they will die..... I swear for my mother and father.... they will die..... they want to take everything I have...hahahahahahahahahaha』

The white dragon, the white-haired boy step into his body change, claws appeared, a bigger tail, his jaw became present, he step into his full Dragon Form, he will not let these 2 young men stay alive.

------------------------------------------- → To be continued
