
Chapter 100: Let's See Who Wins

『Tohru! Let's have a fight』

It was my first words after returning from shopping.

『(A match?....I don't know if I should stop this)』-Kobayashi was hesitating.

『I've been waiting for you to propose to me one of these days』-The dragoness was animated-『Now I can take it out on you without remorse』.

『Let's see if you are capable jijijijiji』.

We both looked at each other face to face with a smile, it was as if sparks flew out of our eyes and collided with each other.

『No no no no no, I won't let them have a fight! if a fight between dragons is already too much, with a guy who has the power of a god it will be even worse!』 (;゚Д゚)

Kobayashi remembered those little minutes of that "game" between Tohru and Kanna.

『Don't worry Kobayashi-san』 - (・ω・)v I was going to convince her-『It will only be a small tiny little match, it won't even take 10 min, for a long time I wanted to fight with Tohru, who has the power to provoke Armageddon, let's see who is the strongest between us 2』

『And since I heard your story, I too got the urge to fight you』-Tohru pounded his fists-『Please Kobayashi-san, let me have a little match with M-san』.


『Whatever happens , I will take responsibility for our match, besides I was the one who proposed it, please let me fight with Tohru-san』.

『(I already knew that at some point these 2 will face each other, but not that their fight will have this kind of level) *sigh* Alright, I'll let them fight, but it will only be about 10 minutes, no, even less, with that condition then it will be fine』.

『Less than 10 minutes, perfect, with that time is enough, let's see who is the weakest』-He was motivated by the future fight-.

『Watching the 2 of them fight, that would be fun to watch』-Kanna was also animated-.

『(Although I only have a small percentage of my power unlocked in God Form, this makes it even more intense)』




We were in the middle of a large meadow of grass and flowers.

『This is the same place where we came from that time』-Kobayashi looked around-『Why fight in such a beautiful place』.

『It looks so peaceful, I'd like to tone it down even a little bit』-The dragoness replied to the human-.

『(The dragons and their things) (;^_^A』

We were from one end of the large field to the other.

『(I have to show what I'm capable of, I'll try to show off and win in front of Kanna)』-I turned to look at Kanna who was looking on in an interested way-.

Turn to transform into my Lucario Form.

『Ehh...In our conversation just now, didn't you that change of words, you started with "let's see who's the strongest", and ended with, "let's see who's the weakest"』-『You're not being over believed, are you?』

『Well, to me signal』-Kobayashi would take the time with your phone-』-』-『Solo.

"I just wanted to provoke you』.


『It seems it did work』.


『Now we'll see』


『The answer to these words!』


Using Extreme Speed I quickly approach towards Tohru.

I would hit her with my charged fist, but as I intercepted her, she had disappeared. Confused I looked to several sides, it was above me, it was coming with its claws to attack me.


Jumping backwards, I managed to narrowly dodge its attack.

"I see that you have good reflexes.

『That's one of the few things I'm proud of』.

『So, I simply have to attack with more speed』.

Tohru was coming after me running, to confuse her I used my clones, they surrounded her.

While a few were going to attack her melee, others were attacking her from afar with Void Wave.

She counterattacked with her claws to those who came melee, hitting the air with her tail in a circle, creating a strong blizzard that blocked the Void Wave and sent the other clones flying.

『Take this!』

M was coming with an Aural Sphere in his hand from the sky, Tohru without further ado stood still.


The ground screen faded away.


Tohru just raised her hand and stopped the attack of M. She had a calm yet serious look on her face, she kneed me in the stomach, the pain I could feel all over my body.

I was on my knees rubbing my the hit part.

"That really hurt, but I can still go on』.

Again I used my clones, each one would approach and confuse Tohru using Extreme Speed, back and forth Tohru would watch calmly.

That's when the clones would attack melee, Tohru would try to defend herself, but she couldn't block all the attacks.

『(There you are)』.

He was able to locate the real M among all, as if he had not taken much damage, he lunged to attack M with his fist. Bringing both arms together, M was able to block the attack, rather, he was only able to reduce it.

『How did you know that I was here』

『Your clones are simply a distraction, so that in the end you come to attack, noticing that you were the only one just running, it was easy』.

I grabbed M's head and whipped him to the ground. Creating a small crater.

『That's enough...I won't let.... you be the only one to show off!』

I break free by kicking his arm, lightning bolts or loops of lights began to shine on me, with an Increment Fist I hit Tohru who blocks it with both arms.

The loops themselves coming out of his chest enveloped him in a white light, which gradually changed to a blue, yellow, black and red hue. As it disappeared, M's appearance had changed.

『This is my Mega Form, let's continue Tohru』.

Again using Extreme Speed he approached Tohru's front. The dragon was confused, M attacked with Increment Fist, the dragon again blocks it, a blast of air arises after the collision.

Wanting to knock it down, Tohru drags its tail on the ground, where M jumps and creates its weapon, a Bō.

A frisson of attacks with his weapon begins, Tohru could block and dodge each of the attacks.

『(His power and speed increased incredibly, but still enough to match me)』.

With a hand movement, he completely succeeded in making this unprotected M, who Tohru would attack with his claws. The boy managed to block it with his weapon.


His weapon was destroyed by the impact with Tohru's fist.

『(It's over)』

Without the dragoness expecting it, M created another weapon in the short time to defend herself. A Sansetsukon , the weapon besides blocking Tohru's attack, managed to catch her fists.

M picked her up and slammed her to the ground. Without a moment's respite, M lunges to give him an Incremental Kick.

Who Tohru with her tail manages to stop quickly, and blocks the kick with her palm.

『You're more annoying than I thought』.

He didn't notice, but, another M was coming from the side with an Aural Sphere in his palm.

『I'm sorry if you think I'm like that』.

The Aural Sphere hits Tohru's stomach, where it explodes and Tohru is thrown out, being dragged on the ground. She quickly gets to her feet.

『The attacks of my clones are not as powerful as mine, but they are very useful if I use them this way, thanks Tohru, now I have another way to fight』.

Spoke the M who gave the Increment Kick.

『I'm glad I at least helped you』.

『(Even though I already hit it several times, it can continue as if nothing, its stamina, power, speed are superior to mine, just with its few hits that hit me, it caused me great damage)』-『(I don't know how much time is left, but I think it's time for the final act)』-『Hey Tohru, how about we show our true power, you've been holding back on me this long and to be honest, it kind of annoys me a little bit』

『I was going to tell you the same thing, you didn't show your Hairy Form from the start, that little annoyance I took it back with the first few hits I gave you』.

『Furry Form?....』(;'д`)

『Then come on M-san, I'll show a new Form』 too.

Tohru's wings appeared, these were much bigger than usual, scales appeared so many on his hands that turned into claws, on his legs that also turned into claws with scales, just like his face, small green scales appeared on his cheeks.

『I adapted myself to be able to fight in your style, we are much stronger and release all our power in our dragon form, right now, I am using the power of my Dragon Form in my Human Form, telling the truth, it doesn't feel so bad after all』.

『Incredible Tohru-san, always impressing』-I switched to my God Form-.

『I'm not as strong as my Dragon Form, but it's something to make us even』.

『What did you say?....』-I was just wandering-

『And that's because I don't use magic, otherwise things would be even worse』-(・ω・)v-.

『I'm using my most powerful Form! You also do the same!』

From his words from Tohru, I was quickly going to hit him, who to my surprise, Tohru blocked it by also giving another hit.

『Oh!....ya see....I can tell you would stand out in my world now, but I'm strong too!』

We started to give each other series of blows at a high speed, the wind pressure increased with each clash and block.

『Wuuaaaa, this is already starting to look like their fight』-Kobayashi was scared-』.

『No, it's even better than that game』-Kanna watched the fight in fascination-.

Tohru quickly moved away from M, preparing a powerful beam from her mouth launches it at M.

Giving a scream, with his fist M manages to stop Tohru's lightning attack for moments. His hand was beginning to burn from resisting the attack. So she counterattacks by launching an energy attack from her hand as well.

『I will prove that I am stronger than you!』

Tohru stopped launching her attack, M's energy attack was coming at high speed. He stretched out his dragon hand and dispelled the incoming attack.

Now Tohru was coming quickly, flapping his huge wings, he was going for M, who the boy countered with a leap to rise, where in the sky they continue with their battle, where strikes , dodging and blocking, the sky was clearing before such combat.

『(I can't believe he's at my level....and even, he didn't use all his power)』

We continued our running fight, I chased Tohru around the vast field. Tohru stretched out her arms, a magic circle could be seen, from them several lightning bolts who wanted to attack me were starting to come out.

『(He's using magic)...』

I was dodging them while flying and also counterattacking with energy spheres. Before I knew it, all around me was full of magic circles, attacking me with ice spikes, lightning bolts, dark energy, different attacks that I found it hard to tell them apart. I dodged each one of them, when I looked down, there was also a spell, branches trapped me, I could not escape, in the field there was a huge thick tree that imposed on the planet.

『Let's finish this, it will only knock you unconscious ,so don't be afraid』.

Tohru flew in front of me , opening its mouth, revealing its sharp teeth, it charged a powerful lightning bolt again. He throws it mercilessly.

『You think you're the only one who attacks from the mouth!』

I opened my mouth too and gathered energy and threw it at her, our attacks clashed, she was winning, then I decided to split her attack, small lightning bolts destroyed the tree where I was trapped.

I managed to free myself, but it was too late, Tohru was in front of me, and managed to hit me with a powerful blow in the stomach.

It wasn't time to succumb to the pain, with my tail I managed to catch his leg, and we descended to impact it against the ground.


I would continue attacking it, but with its huge wings it protects itself from the blows, just like me, it attacks me in the face with its tail where I am thrown.

『What fun! hahaha (≧▽≦) This way of fighting with punches feels good! I don't think I ever had fun fighting someone like this before』(ꉺᗜꉺ).

『I'm so glad ( ̄个 ̄)』-I didn't expect him to react like this-.

Taking a step, I see I step on a small magic circle.


An explosion occurred on the spot.

『But what a scare...(ΩДΩ)The magic sure is impressive』-All messed up, full of bruises I was-.

『The magic is amazing, although it's also simple the fights, you cast a spell and the fight is over, in the other world, in my dragon form, everything was just, wincing, throwing lightning, shouting, casting various spells, wincing, tearing, but this way of fighting is fun! Fighting just like your opponent is another experience. It made my heart beat with excitement (ᗒᗨᗕ)』

『But you've used magic anyway!』〔'∇`〕

『Supplements my friend, complements, there are far worse spells that could destroy an empire』 ◙‿◙


『....(Ŏ艸Ŏ) (。・・。・。)... (-゚д゚-) No no, that's not what I meant, it just slipped out, I still can't consider you a friend』. (*'-`*)

『Could you say it again? it feels good』 ('ω`*)

『Let's continue!』 (-゚д゚-)

Filled with embarrassment that disappeared as he came at me, he managed to hit me in the chest and then in the stomach, a series of blows rained down on me from the dragon.

I counterattacked by giving him a strong headbutt and then a kick, I grabbed the tip of his tail with mine and whipped it against the ground several times.

To free itself, it decided to cut its tail with its claws, freeing itself from me, by the momentum it was thrown to the skies.

"Like you said, that will only knock you unconscious』.

I gathered energy in my fist and jumped to catch her.

『Well, that was fun, but I want to show off too』.

Tohru shifted into her dragon form and without taking much time, she prepared an attack from her mouth and throws it at me.

『(This is where it ends, I must win)』.

Without fear of its attack, I pierced through its lightning that it threw at me, I thought I could make it, but my fist was retreating more and more.

"This is the power of a dragon!

I had no more strength left, Tohru increased the power of his attack and I was completely swept away by it.


I could hear the impact against the ground. I was sore and with scratches all over my body. Tohru appeared in front of me in his Human Form , he smiled.

『I won』@^▽^@.

I also switch to my human form.

『Yes, you won』.

We were both happy with how the fight ended, we were satisfied, that was what counted. Now I know what level I'm at.

They came for us, Kanna and Kobayashi, who didn't hesitate for a second to help us.

『I'm glad it didn't turn out the way I imagined』-the adult asked.

『M you were amazing! You put up an amazing fight』-Kanna was addressing M-.

『You think so? So everyone happy, everyone happy (^-^*)ノalthough I would have liked to win myself ('・ε・̥ˋ๑)』

『Hahahahaha well, now we know who is the weakest of us』(^▽^).

『Tohru, I see that you're just like that』-Kobayashi commented-.

『We dragons are very resilient, besides I couldn't let you see me in such a sorry state』ヽ(ヅ)ノ.

『Well, Tohru-san, then let's make one thing clear between what just happened』-I was addressing the dragon-『It's clear that I'm the weaker one』.


"And you are the strongest』.


『You know what that means in this world right?』-『You heard it so many times in your favorite anime』

『That the strong have to protect the weak....? that's how it was true』-The dragon was trying to remember it well-.

『*smile*I'm counting on you from now on, Tohru-chan 。^‿^。』

The dragoness kept thinking those words of M. I was trying to get up but as I tried I fell to the ground.

『M, if you want, I'll carry you』 -Kanna crouched down.

『That would be a good prize for the fight』 (^.^;)

『Leave it to me Kanna, I'll take him』.

I was confused by Tohru's action, the dragoness was carrying me by the arm.

『The job of the strongest is to help others, what kind of protector would I be if I left you』.

I looked up so I could see her, she had a smile marked on her face, she may have already succeeded, to have the friendship she wanted with Tohru from the beginning.

『Now that I see it, you don't fit the role of a protector hahaha』(^.^;)

『It was you who entrusted me with that role, so don't bother me....』(*'-`*)

『Joking, kidding, kidding, I'm glad....pso I can lay my head on your shoulder and know....nothing will happen to me....』

I had no strength left, I lightly laid my face on her shoulder, while closing my eyes from lack of energy. Tohru was happy, her warm smile could be felt.

『(I will not only protect you, but also Kobayashi-san, Kanna, Fafnir-san, Lucoa and everyone who needs help, being surrounded by good people, it does make you change)』

Slyly, Tohru caresses M's head while he was sleeping. Kanna watched the scene innocently.

『(Protect the weakest....)』

What M did this time was so he could help Tohru, with the fight, as he said at the beginning, it's so he could get even with everything that was weighing on him, which was mostly because of M, with these thoughts unburdened, he could see M in a different way, plus something happened that M didn't expect, which was that Tohru was having fun with this kind of fight, being a dragon he is very familiar with the fight, at least if you are going to be tied to something for your whole life, try to smile at it and see the positive side of it.

M's plan was that, to give Tohru a fight so he can release everything, but his plan wasn't for him to lose, he didn't think he would be much stronger than him, that's right folks, Tohru is a little stronger than M in this part of the story. When M noticed this, he knew he couldn't take it anymore. In the end he came out much better than he thought and we can say that they are already friends, just like Tohru said in the middle of the fight.


M was lying on Kobayashi's bed. He was in his Lucario Form, when he arrived he reacted a little, and switched to his Lucario Form to be able to heal from the fight. Tohru watched from the doorway.

『Why don't you stand next to M-san』-Kobayashi addressed the dragon-『So you'll be healed too』.

『No no no I couldn't, I'm fine, this is nothing to me』.

『I thought you'd accept, since you'd be lying in my bed』

『Kobayashi-san's bed! Yes yes , of course I want to be cured』(≧▽≦).

Without hesitation after hearing that, she throws herself on the bed beside M. She was happy, with the sheet covering her face, after that joy, she turned to look at M, who was sleeping while shining a blue color.

『(Well●﹏●Kobayashi-san told me...(¤﹏¤)so...there's no problem...right)』(*'-`*).

Kobayashi's bed was small, by which Tohru was very close to M, she laid your head on M's shoulder.

『(¡¡!!! It's soft.....)』

Slowly, Tohru closed her eyes, and slept next to M in her Lucario Form.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
