
World 3: Ova 2: Karma and Kilar

In a prestigious university, the daily life of the university students was afloat, the teachings and the good times, the efforts and the laziness, the prestigious and those who entered by pure luck, all while the cherry blossoms were falling in the large field of the campus, the clear day with the beautiful blue color, made the days calm for the students, they lived what students should live.

A boy in a big white coat was walking happily through the halls, with his books and laptop, with a cheerful smile he was on his way to class.

Someone loudly just walked into the Science class.

『Here is future Scientist Karma ready to give his presentation!』\\٩( 'ω' )و ///

His classmates were happy to see him, as was his teacher.

『It's about time you arrived, Karma. Although it would be nice if you arrived at the appointed time and not at the time you want』

Her mentor, her teacher, her superior, a renowned Scientist of great prestige, was the one who taught this class.

『Sorry sorry, I was late again as I was busy preparing everything for the exhibition』- (^▽^;)-『I'll be getting everything ready to start at once, take a seat while I take over』۹(˒௰˓)۶

『There you are, giving me orders again, that charisma you have and that encouragement, yep, there's nothing in this world you're not afraid of』.

At her superior's words, Karma smiled cheerfully.。^‿^。

『Preparing?』-Some students in the back were whispering among themselves-『I saw him as previous days he was preparing everything, yesterday he finished it, for sure he fell asleep and said that excuse』.

The door of the big classroom opened, softly , delicately a boy with glasses let himself be shown and asked.

『Here is the Science class.... right?....』

Shyly and in a low voice he said. He was also in a loose white coat and his science books, ready to also become a scientist.

『Ah! A new student, I haven't seen you before, of course, yes , this is your class, you can come in peacefully』.

The superior pleasantly lets the new boy in.

『Yes, thank you very much, I'll take advantage of all this time....』

『Could you tell me your name? Let's see if my list you gave me today is updated』

『This...My name is Sakurai Kilar...』-The student spoke in a low voice.

『Sakurai Kilar.....』-The teacher was checking his list-『No, you're not, but whatever, I can't deny a student who wants to be in my class, come on boy, have a seat』.

Kilar was happy, he went on to go up and sit in the backmost part of the classroom.

『All ready Superior!』┗(`・∀・'●)

Karma went on to make his presentation, he was talking about the topic of life, that everyone fulfills his cycle, to be born, to grow and in the end to die, he was explaining it in a way that was catching and interesting, either because of his charisma and encouragement or because he put effort and dedication to his project again.

"『And let me end with a sentence as I always do』-Karma took a breath and stretched his arms-『"If you want to know everything, you have to learn about everything!!!』-『Now I will get ready to talk about another topic, look forward to it』.

Karma went to pick up and clean up everything she did.

『Honoring your sentence, yes, I look forward to your next presentation』.

The teacher went over to help Karma put away and pick up her things. The other students were surprised, though not as much as Kilar was, he was amazed, excited and astonished, how Karma was performing normally and expressing herself freely without fear of anything.

『Incredible....I'll get to be someone like that.....』-Kilar kept looking at Karma, he didn't even blink-.

『I just do what I want!』-Karma raised his voice, this one was addressing Kilar-.

Kilar was confused and nervous, he didn't expect me to talk to him.

『When someone new sees me do an exhibition, they always get that look on their face like, "Is this guy right in the head and stuff like that, that's why I tell them "I just do what I want!" you should try it too』(-‿◦).

All done ,Karma was leaving the class quietly, as if this was something she did every day.

『I should try it.....no?....』-Kilar kept thinking about Karma's sentence-.


Karma arrived at his dorm, normally it is 2, but with the roommates he has been with, they all decided to leave because they couldn't resist being with Karma, he was too dynamic and even crazy we could say, his energy and state was higher than others. He left his things, quickly wet his face and hair with water and ran away quickly. He was agile and fast, he could leave the University without any problem, he could enter and leave without anyone knowing. He ran through the streets of the city, stopped for a moment to buy some cookies and continue on his way.

A hospital could be seen from afar, this was Karma's destination.

『Welcome, as energetic as ever』-The hospital receptionist said upon seeing him-.

Karma quickly waved to him, the elevator was about to close, Karma ran and shouted to stop it, people heard him and reached in so Karma could enter.

『Thank you very much _| ̄|○(^.^;)』

He sat in the middle of all the people, this one was very tired and wanted to rest just a little while, he looked at the bag of cookies in his hand.


In a room, an elderly woman was lying on a bed, looking out of the window at the beautiful day outside, the door was opened, the grandmother turned to look and smiled happily at her daily visitor.

『I'm home, Grandma』-Karma said softly and with a smile.

Karma sat on a chair next to the bed where her grandmother was, already being of advanced age, she was taken to the hospital so that the doctors could attend to her and she would be safer.

"How was the exhibition today?" her grandmother asked.

『All quiet grandma, giving my best as always』.

『That makes me happy, though what I'm not happy about is you missing the rest of the class hours, you're going to be punished if you keep doing that』.

『You relax grandma, the most important thing for me is to be able to see you every day and see that you are well』.

Karma's parents died in an accident when he was little, his grandmother took him in since then, giving him all the affection, love and education that his parents unfortunately could not continue to give him. Since he was a little boy, Karma was energetic and fearless, he ran and played until he could no longer move, always with that smile on his face of a child playing in life. The years passed and he was able to enter the university, his grandmother taught him that it is important to study, Karma did not hesitate in this, not to worry and to make his grandmother happy, he began to study and to strive, getting to have a great affection for the study. As I said he was not afraid, he did not feel fear again since he lived with his grandmother, but .... when the person you love the most, who was with you all the time, supporting you and giving you love, starts to die, Karma felt again that pressure and cold in his chest, he felt fear again.

『My husband and even my partner already left.....I also want to go see them and your parents, but I don't want to leave you alone...because you would suffer a lot, I know that, so I will also keep trying until the day I can't anymore』.

There was a photo protected in glass, where there was the grandmother and her husband, accompanied by a Pokemon, an Eevee.

『Grandma....se this may sound selfish but....I want you to always stay by my side, you are the only person who was with me since the tragedy, you gave me love ,education, you are the person who made me what I am now, please stay with me forever』-Karma hugged her grandmother and started to cry-.

With her grandmother, it was where Karma could show her weakness, where she spoke softly and weakly, where she could cry without remorse and be caressed to calm down.

『Karma, my child Karma, my little Karma, if that were possible, I too would like to be able to always be with you and take care of you, after all, you are my son, and I will always watch over you』-『But.....ahhh *sigh* I'm afraid that's not going to happen, I'm afraid of leaving you alone, of what might happen to you, when the time comes I will give you what our family passed down from generations to generations』.

The grandmother's hands that were tucked under the sheets, a lump could be seen in them, Karma watched attentively every movement that his grandmother would make, since he was afraid, it is fragile and maybe it could fall apart, Karma commented that he would help his grandmother to take out that object, but his grandmother between laughs commented to him not to worry, that object was always agile. When she took it out, no matter how many times Karma saw it, her eyes conveyed a feeling of warmth, something that only families feel.

『This is a pearl that already your grandparents from so long ago and mine found in one of their research, Karma, my little Karma, our family was always a branch of scientists and adventurers who made many achievements in their lives, but they have never been able to decipher what is that pearl that passed through our hands, it is of many years, it could be said prehistoric, the only thing we knew is that it comes from space and that it lost its light until there was nothing left, we tried to give it back that energy that it possessed, but our efforts are in vain』.

Karma's grandmother was telling a little more of the story of the family treasure, a mystical pearl, Karma always when her grandmother told her the story again, no matter how many times she heard it, her eyes shine like a little child. Karma already knows and maybe her family also knows what that pearl is.

『But grandmother, it is more than obvious that it is that pearl, why our family didn't emphasize it for a long time, they died because of a doubt too easy....』

『Little Karma, we are scientists, until we have not come up with the final answer, everything else what we think are just speculations, you know how we who work with science are, first we have to see to believe, when that pearl recovers its light and returns what it originally was, all of us will be more than happy, another achievement more for our family *smiles*』

At the grandmother's words, Karma felt like a novice despite his years of study, again implying that someone older is someone more cultured and wise than a little boy as his grandmother affectionately emphasizes. The grandmother went on to pat the head and smile at her grandson, where she slowly directed the pearl towards Karma, with this simple movement the boy knew what would happen.

『And I know that you will fulfill our little whim, Karma, I know you can do it alone, you are very smart like your parents, but, we are a family, it is better to do it with company, with someone you love and appreciate a lot, someone you love if we put it more corny *smiles*』.

At grandmother's words, Karma remembered that always her family was very close, her father and mother were like one, they loved each other, they loved each other, also her grandmother with grandfather, the love they had for each other was something that could not be described, for sure her other ancestors were the same, they had a great trust with the other person they chose. Karma was in doubt, she already wanted many things, but nothing she chose would make her happy, the grandmother smiled when she saw that Karma took with her hands, she touched with her hands the pearl, thinking that her grandson would take it, but.

『No, it's not my turn yet grandma, you are still here and you can continue, I told you, I don't want you to leave, I am selfish and a lot, so one day, we will leave here and finish our family's homework *smiles*』.

Karma between tears squeezed gently but at the same time tightly that mystical pearl, where the grandmother could not but seeing her grandson in that state, also happened to shed a little tears, both grandmother and grandson colliding their foreheads gently gave to understand that they wanted that end.

To calm things down after a while, they both ate the cookies that Karma brought, which were grandma's favorite. After chatting until late, Karma had to leave.

『Tomorrow I'll come too, see you later Grandma, and really, I promise』.

Her grandmother waved her hand goodbye as well. In the corridors Karma was looking at the emptiness while thinking.

"I'll do it, I have to do it, if it's for my Grandma's sake, I can do it, it's only a little while, it's a little while to find him, I won't sleep tonight』.

Karma's phrase with which he ends every exhibition "If you want to know everything, you have to learn about everything" He did it not to have greater knowledge, he did it to be able to discover new things, combine them and even create, for that he wanted to have more knowledge, all for the sake of his Grandmother, the person he loves the most.


He advanced more with his discovery, he was getting closer and closer to his goal, which was something wonderful that would change the world, the next morning Karma went to class, just to be a while and maybe learn something he didn't know.

As she walked cheerfully to her classroom, she ran into Kilar at the entrance.

『You're ....Ah! You're the boy who stared at me, what?! Have you fallen in love with me?』(ꉺᗜꉺ)Karma animatedly told him-.

『No no no no no, it's not that.....(/。\) I was just fascinated by how you are, you are so liberal, you speak without fear and act the way you want, how you hooked everyone with the way you are...I admire you a lot Karma!』๑ΘдΘ๑-Kilar could tell her what he thought of him-.

『....That I didn't expect.....(꒪⌓꒪).... hahahahahaha(⌒▽⌒)You are very funny, you were all red,shy and nervous hahahahahaha(⌒▽⌒)But you still said what you wanted to say, that's very brave coming from people who are like you, I like you hahahaha (^艸^)』

Kilar at this became even more nervous and red.

『Like you?....』(-゚д゚-)

While Karma was laughing, Kilar was hiding his face.

"Shall we go in together?』-Karma proposed to his partner.


Before they entered the classroom, another teacher, the Medicine teacher raised his voice.

『There you are Kilar, it was already weird for me that you missed 2 days in a row to my class, come quickly, you want to be a doctor,don't you? Then come with me, quickly』

『Doctor?...』-Karma was confused.

Kilar stood without saying anything, so the professor approached him and took his hand.

『*sigh* It's not that I'm bad, besides I don't like to do this to my students, but your father asked me to teach you and be your mentor, so I have no choice, come with me, quick』.

The teacher took Kilar away, Karma was confused with what just happened.

『Doctor? Father?...』(゜.゜)


In Science class.

『I was already feeling weird that he wasn't on the list, what with him wanting to be Doctor Kilar, ahhhh, he was so focused and amazed in my class, it's a real pity, well guys, let's continue』.

The Science teacher, the renowned Scientist, was someone good and charismatic too, but he was also fair and followed the laws as what they are, although sometimes he breaks those same laws.

『Doctor? Father?....』

After a few hours, Karma left the classroom, looking all around her, as if looking for someone, in the field she met Kilar, he had a downcast look.

『I finally found you, I know the schedules of all the classes, so I knew you would be free』.

Karma suddenly spoke to him and sat next to him, Kilar was surprised again by Karma's sudden appearance.

『So, tell me, you have a problem, right? I'll listen to you and see if I can help you』


『Just say it, will you? I'll listen to you attentively』.

Perhaps it is because of the assurance and reassurance Karma conveys, that Kilar was able to tell him his problem.

『My parents are forcing me to study Medicine to be a Doctor and thus inherit the Hospital, since I was little they have instilled that in me, I was always surrounded by private teachers, books and extreme teachings, I could never have a childhood as such, where you play,make friends and have no worries.... but I...but I.... I want to be a Scientist, I always called my attention to everything about the subject, how is the sky, why is the earth like this, the mysteries, investigate animals and pokemons, I studied in secret and every time I became interesaste the world, I wanted to investigate everything, when I told my parents, they flatly refused, and would continue with the teachings so that I can inherit their Hospital』

"And what is the name of the Hospital』-Karma asked-?

『Human Life』-Kilar said-.

『(Human Life....is the Hospital where my grandmother is)』

『I have no freedom, I can't do what I want, they forbid me everything, that's why I admire you, Karma』.

『But what are you saying!!!╭( ・ㅂ・)و Just do what you want to do! If they tell you no, if you really want to do it, just do it, period! Laws are there to be broken, even if that contradicts my superior...』-(〃-ー-)ノ-『If you want to be a Scientist, then be one! 』

『Ya.....and if I want to be a dynamic atom Ultra sucked HD 4k peanut crab who likes to eat little worms.....can I be one?』

『...(-∧-;)...(^▽^;) Yes, of course you can! Although I don't know why you said that if it's not even on topic (-.-;) You want to be a scientist, right?! Then you're going to be one, I'll help you』

『Seriously? You're going to help me? Thank you very much』(^ω^).

The 2 boys became closer after this conversation.

『Ah! Damn, in the evening or even tomorrow can we continue? I have something urgent, bye!』

Karma ran away at full speed from the field. Kilar meanwhile was happy, it's his first friend he makes and would support him in his dream of being a Scientist.


In the Hospital room. Karma was talking to her Grandmother, telling her about meeting a boy and that he would help her with her problem.

『And that's right Grandma, I will support my friend so that the 2 of us will be the most well-known Scientist in the World.... I hope everything goes well』-.

『You had many friends, but they all left your side, but you still support and help them, friends are unique and precious』-His Grandmother caressed his cheek-.

『That's right, that you would even share the same fate as them, friends are precious....』

『Hahahahaha, so if your friend throws himself off a cliff, then you would do it too?』

『Of course I would, I wouldn't hesitate for a second』.

Grandma at this patted his head, Karma would always behave like a helpless and determined child in his Grandma's eyes.

She was already retreating to continue her investigations, in the corridor she bumped into the owner of the Hospital, Doctor Sakurai.

『Hold on a moment, Dr. Sakurai, do you have a few seconds?』-Karma turned to him-『Karma?

『Ah, you're the guy who comes every day, if it's you if I have time, I've never seen someone visit every day before』-He was wearing a white coat Dr-.

They went to his office so they could chat quietly.

"Well, what did you want me for?

"You're Sakurai Kilar's father, aren't you? I'm his friend from the university』.

『Ah! then I manage to make a friend, I'm very happy for him, I see you with a robe, then you must also be studying to be a Doctor like Kilar』.

『No, I'm studying to be a Scientist, just like Kilar』.

Those words made the Doctor serious.

『I'm sure I'm talking to you about that topic, although I'm glad again that I told someone, but it's already decided, Kilar will be the heir of this Hospital and he will become a Doctor whether he wants to or not, it's his obligation』.

『But that's not what your son wants, he wants to be a Scientist, why don't you let him study what he wants?』

『This is not a matter of wanting or not, it is much more serious than one's personal interest』-The Dr lashed out-『There are many people who are what they are now because of obligation or because someone ordered them to be, even if it is innocently and dissipatedly they are, I bet you are the same』.

『You're wrong, I am what I am because of me.... my...』

Karma remembered that because of his Grandmother's words, that studies matter, he became someone smart and that he is even used to studying.

『They're completely different things...They're not the same an obligation as words that are for your good!』-Karma pounded the table-『He wants to be a Scientist, and that's fine!It matters a lot what that person wants to do! What's the use of having everything if inside you're empty....I'll help Kilar become a Scientist, he never left a friend behind!』

Karma was retreating making his intentions clear.

『Thank you very much, you helped my Grandmother a lot and I will never forget that』_| ̄|○.

I shut the door tightly. Now having even more things to do.

『What's wrong with this boy? First he shouts , speaks showing strength and seriousness, then kneels down and asks for thanks....is he crazy....』

In the corridors , Karma walked steadily .

『I will , I will save my Grandmother and Kilar , I promise』.


That night,Karma entered Kilar's room abruptly.

『Eh?!!! ehh!!?!!?!? What's wrong!?!』(;Ⅲ□Ⅲ;)-Kilar's roommate was shocked-.

『Come with me Kilar! From tonight we will start our dream!』

He took him by the hand and led him away quickly. They were in Karma's room, there were piles of books ,papers stuck on the walls, a globe, a skeleton.

『You can stay here with me, no one will say anything so it's okay』.

『But....but...』-Was confused Kilar who didn't know what was going on-.

"Okay Kilar, let's get started!


From that night everything started, the 2 were studying to become Scientists and be able to fulfill their dreams, Karma of course never left his first goal , but he would never leave his friend behind either, they go from side to side, the days passed and the 2 were striving to learn everything new. They tried to get Kilar to enter Karma's class, but the teacher knowing that Kilar doesn't belong here, kindly throws him out.

『If he leaves, I'm leaving too!』

Karma rushed out of class, leaving his classmates and teacher confused but at the same time accustomed.

They continued with their studies and research. After 2 weeks, miraculously, Kilar's mentor, nor his parents found out that he was studying Science. But in that time Karma came to a test, he was close to his goal but he just had to put it to the test, experience it....even if inhumanly.....

『...*tch*I have no choice.....if it's for the person I love the most, I don't have to hesitate』.

He told Kilar about his Grandmother, Kilar was worried too, he told him that everything he did was for his Grandmother, he found a method to be able to save her so she won't die, have more strength and be able to see the beautiful days again from the outside. But he also told her what it entails and how heinous it can be to even try.

『I support you』-Kilar said without hesitation, Karma at this was stunned, as he was sure that no one in this world would help him with such a goal-.

『You are the person who is helping me to fulfill my dream, you give everything for your loved ones, just like me, I will also give everything for the people I love, let me share this sin that you are going to do』.

Kilar's words to calmed Karma, where this would be the second person to be able to see his weak and fragile side of Karma, Karma couldn't and started crying on Kilar's chest.


Maybe because he was so encouraged, Kilar's words must have been so strong, that Karma the next morning made an exposition of his goal, to see if there were other people who would support him as Kilar did. But not everyone felt the same way.

『Karma..... is this for real?』-His mentor said to him.

『That's right professor, I know it's very cruel and inhuman to everyone, but it's to save a life, please, if you help me, if you all help me, we can do it, my Grandma has very little time left....Please I need your help!』

『Even if it's for a good deed.....the price is too expensive and horrible, I'm sorry Karma, but I won't be able to help you』.

His mentor's words shocked him, although he already had it coming he was equally surprised.

『Sacrificing so much to save one life seems too much and too selfish to me, after your former exposition of life, that everything has a cycle, I thought you would understand.....I flatly refuse to help you.....and stop that please.....it will only end up destroying you』.

His mentor was clear that he would not help him, his other companions looked at him strangely and in disgust, they looked at him no longer with admiration but as if he was a monster. At this Kilar raises his voice, who was passing by in the hallway.

"『Listen up, everyone!

『Kilar....』-Karma calmly looked at his friend so he wouldn't say anything-『I won't give up, I'll keep insisting and I know they'll accept!』

Karma was leaving the classroom with tears in her eyes, she started to run leaving her friend behind.

『(I can't let them know that Kilar is also involved, I have to do this after all by myself....)』

That day he didn't go to visit his Grandmother, he was more focused on his research and finding a way for them to help him, since all this cost a lot of money, which Karma didn't have.

He kept trying and trying, he used his good speech and molded it to convince them, but it didn't work, nobody would help Karma in that horrible miracle, every night, Karma was more nervous and worried, he was anxious and he wouldn't stop shaking, fear and worry invaded him, little by little he stopped being the cheerful boy he was at the beginning.

Again he made another exhibition to convince them, but he was rejected again. Karma was disheveled and with dark circles under his eyes, it was like seeing a walking dead man asking for a heinous act.

『I've had enough Karma, you're scaring everyone, the other students in the University are also talking about it, if you do the same thing again, we'll have to expel you forever, so don't touch that topic again』.

The mentor's words were clear. Karma before this got upset.

"Are you abandoning me? It's ok! I already understood that I don't need your help! You are all demons for letting die a weak human being who is purer than all of you! I'm leaving! I should never have come to this university, there are only mediocre people here』.

Karma left the University, he was not expelled, he left on his own. At the gate of the University, Karma sat on the cold ground.

『Ah.....and now what do I do.....』-Karma's hand was shaking-『What is this?.....I feel like I'm not the same anymore.....I need.....I need you Grandma...please.....come back to help him in this fear I have』.

Karma went to the Hospital where his Grandmother was hospitalized, he did not visit her for many days, so he was anxious to be able to see her again, he walked happily to his room. He saw his grandmother in her bed, doctors, doctors, Dr. Sakurai were taking her away. Her Grandmother was on a respirator.

『Eh? What's wrong?.....』

Karma didn't know what was going on, but she knew she had to be with her Grandmother, so she started to run, but she couldn't reach her Grandmother, she was being rushed to the emergency room. Karma fell to the floor, he couldn't move his legs. She was so tired, all these days she didn't sleep, she didn't let her body rest even for a second. Frustrated and with tears in her eyes, she stretched out her hand to reach her grandmother, which was impossible.


A few hours passed, he could at least move his legs, he waited seated until the doctor came out, the door opened, Dr. Sakurai came out.

『I'm sorry.... we gave everything.... but we couldn't save her...it was her time to die』.

The words of Dr, again shocked Karma, she no longer felt anything, it was as if Karma was empty, without hesitation she ran and got into the emergency room, there she saw her Grandmother, she was no longer breathing or making any movement, she had died.

Karma before this screamed at the top of her lungs while crying.

『Why?!!! Why did this have to happen! Grandma! Grandma! GRANDMA!!!!』

Dr. Sakurai spoke.

『He was resisting for a long time, more than his body could bear, it was like he lived longer to be able to see someone, you could be his engine that gave him strength to keep on living』.

Karma , these days he didn't visit his Grandmother, he was more focused on research.

『Grandma.....Grandma.... sorry...sorry...forgive me...Grandma.....』

He wept disconsolately at the body of his deceased Grandmother, the person who loved him, the person who cared for him, the person who made him a good boy, his livelihood in life..... had disappeared. Where the young man was falling apart, Dr. Sakurai approached him telling him that he almost forgot the last words he told him, that he should please give Karma that Object, for a moment Karma's crying stopped and he saw in the palm of the Dr.'s hand the pearl of the family, the boy slowly but affectionately remembered again to spend his time with his grandmother, until he had the pearl in his hands and embraced him with much affection. He cried for many things, and all the decisions he decided to take, led him to that horrible end.


It was evening, Dr. Sakurai was returning after a hard day's work. His home was a large mansion. He parked his car and was entering his house.

『This was a difficult day.....Pity about Grandma Tsuki , her grandson was crying nonstop. But that the cycle of life, no human has to live that long, he will only meet doom』.

Dr. Sakurai put away his robe , he walked to the big room, the lights were off, in the center was his son, Kilar.

『I want to be like Karma, please Father, let me study Science to become a Scientist, please, I beg you, let me do what I like, let me fulfill my dream』_| ̄|●●.

『We talked about it a thousand times, you will become a Doctor for you to inherit the Hospital, now that you mention Karma, he came this day, his Grandmother passed away just today, it's really a pity』

『Karma? Karma's Grandmother passed away?.....』-Kilar was worried-『(I wonder if it's ok Karma...he was abandoned by his Superior and classmates, he was expelled from the University and his Grandmother passed away.....Karma, dude...)』

『I wonder how many times we're going to have to talk about this, you're going to become a Doctor, okay?』

『Apparently you didn't heed my words that day Dr. Sakurai』.

As the Doctor turned around, Karma, Tsuki Karma was behind him, he was emaciated, with dirty clothes, dark circles under his eyes and his hair was a mess.

"Karma? What are you doing here?』-The Doctor asked in confusion.

『I followed him, he was very fast with that car.... but I was no slouch either, every day I ran so this was nothing for me, getting into his house was easy, easier than escaping from the University.....』-Karma had a lowered look-.

Even though he didn't have the strength to run before he was still able to make it this far, when one tries hard enough to improve this one is able to break his limit and become stronger, get much greater strength, but one can also do the opposite, if one exceeds the limits of a fall, a dark bottom awaits him which will equally give him strength to keep falling further and further.

"Karma, why did you come here?" Kilar asked cheerfully.

『Isn't it obvious, I came to help you Kilar, my friend, I will save you and we will fulfill our dream together, now you are .... the only person I love in this world!!!』

Karma gave a loud cry.

『What the hell are you talking about? You really are crazy, I'll call the police』.

The Doctor took out his cell phone from his pocket, but Karma was already in front of him, his look..... had a haggard smile, with his fist he hit the cell phone, grabbed the doctor's neck and knocked him to the ground.

『Hahaha.... if words don't work, then how about blows?』

He started to hit him and squeezed the Doctor's neck harder.

『(I can't escape....has trapped my legs and arms.....it's stronger than it looks.....eso, despite being weak a few hours ago)』

Karma punched the Doctor's face without holding back.

『Come on!!! Let Kilar do what he wants, he doesn't want to be a Doctor like you, NO! He wants to be like me! A Scientist! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Come on, come on, how long are you going to resist!』

The Doctor was bleeding. Kilar in the face of this could do nothing, he could only watch, he hesitated to scream if he had to stop, or that he should continue as revenge for forcing him to live a life he doesn't want.

『Come on friend.....show me your true face, I know you are not like that as you show us, someone shy and nervous, I know you want to be free, come out of your shell, friends always have something in common!!!』

The Doctor could no longer do anything, he was unresponsive. Kilar had his eyes down, it was like Karma said, what he was showing us was not really him, he was another person, he lifted his face, he put his glasses on better, his tone of voice changed, it was a colder one, just like his look.

『Comrade Karma, please leave my ignorant father, I know he deserves more but, after all he is my father』-Coldly and seriously Kilar- spoke.

『Ohhhhh....I like you....I like you! It's okay, if it comes from my friend, then I can't refuse, besides I wasn't going to kill you if that's what you thought Dr Sakurai, because you were the one who treated and took care of my Grandmother, and I will never forget that, Thank you very much 』_| ̄|○

Karma left the Dr alone and went to Kilar's side.

『Father, I'm going to be a Scientist, I don't care about your opinion or your words, I'm going to be what I want to be, I'll do what I want to do, just like my friend Karma, if you don't want to be beaten again...then don't come near us....』-Kilar looked at his father with anger and contempt-『I'll take some money if you don't mind, let's accomplish our goal』.

『That's right! It'll be a lot , so you'll have to work harder to get it back, right buddy?』-Karma placed his arm around Kilar's neck-.

『Take your arm off me, it's very uncomfortable』.

『Eh?(゜.゜)....Oh I see (^ω^) what you're like』- ≖‿≖ Karma immediately knew what his friend is like-.

Kilar would follow Karma anywhere, friends never leave each other and are always there in good times, as well as in bad. As they walked through the mansion, in one room the light was illuminated, Karma made an eye.

"Did you have Eevees? Why didn't you say so?』-Karma opened the door wide.

『They're my mother's, she really likes the Eevees I catch 8』-Kilar narrated-.

『Kukukukukuku then we can start right away with the experiments』.

The Eevees slept peacefully on a large couch, not knowing that they would go through hell to sleep peacefully again afterwards. The newly insane Karma stood in front of his friend Kilar where Kilar held out his hand and again for these very moments Karma returned to how he was before.

『Kilar, you know, when a person decides to become a scientist he must be prepared for what he must face, failures and successes, support and rejection, but that doesn't compare to what actually happens, to live as we are today, previous scientists had to do experiments, and most of them are horrible things, they do things that you can't imagine for the good and advancement of the world, or even their own well being, and it is present in what we see, what each person has in their room, for sure you have an object that was created from exploitation, animal experimentation, abuse and acts that you can't imagine behind their backs. ....Even if someone has created something with all good intentions and for nothing bad, there is always a detour and it will be used for horrible things....spaceships, cosmetics.....experiments....animals..... first it is with animals....and I will also.... because we use them for our own good.... for sure many will regret to see them created, an example would be the nuclear bomb, another one would be gunpowder, surgeries, hypnosis, robots, time machines, if they get to see, all that becomes harmful instead of beneficial... A scientist is everything and we all do it! Cooking is science, medicine is science, creating something entertaining is science!!! theater, manga, drawings, books, school, everything everything everything everything is science, wrestling, what you do now is also science!!!! But you're not a scientist, and that's much better than being one....why...』

Karma started to get fed up and speak his mind regarding what he has always done and loves, Karma had his hand out and asked his friend.

"Kilar, you still have time to deny it, but...are you willing to give up your humanity to save her?

Karma was calm and showed a warm smile to his friend, where Kilar also returned to his old self, this one was happy in the same way, without hesitation Kilar took his friend's hand accepting it, this would be the last time and with that handshake they would say goodbye to their past.

『Thank you Kilar , if you're with me, I'll be able to endure this hell *smiles*』-『So I think I will, you are the person I decided to be with all my life』.

Karma in his pocket of Dr. robe had there kept the pearl of his family, Karma happened to look fondly at that sphere that was without light and without power, and then throw it to Kilar to catch it, as if they were small children, Kilar took it but to the fair.

『I hope you take good care of it, it's a gift from me that I will also intervene, as long as you have that pearl with you, there will be a bond that will unite us even after death (it's the best decision, right grandma? Kilar is the person to whom I will entrust everything about me) So Kilar!!!! Together we will change the world!!!!!』

With great mood of state the 2, had already decided the Karma couple with which will create breakthroughs and achieve as it always was, change the world as we know it. At the time of the explosion that happened in his laboratory, Kilar had kept with him the pearl that Karma gave him, he never took it away, so as a result of that catastrophe, Kilar, Karma's friend could somehow unite with that pearl, since that pearl was the empty nucleus of a Deoxys already dead, with his being brought back what Karma's family had tried. While Karma by his constant investigations of wanting to know about other worlds, he had contact with them and became a Necrozma.



A big explosion happened, a shockwave was half way around the world, from the debris, to the sun rays, some girls were coming out of the destroyed building. Completely naked they go to the University of Scientists, where they once studied, in it was already the Mentor , the Superior of Karma, who had become a Snorlax.

In the special room of the Superior.

『But what is this?....why am I a Snorlax?.....And not only me, many people also became Pokemons and Pokemons became Humans....really....what happened?』

The senior researched on their computers in search of an answer.

『Damn, this body is hard to handle, I can't do my duties properly』.

Out of nowhere, the door to their living room was opened, there stood the Eeveelutions, completely naked, apparently they had something to say.

They came to this place by hearing it directly from the Scientists, since they used to talk about many things when they were doing their experiments.

"I see, so it was the two of them that caused this』.

The renowned Scientist already knew what had happened, the Eeveelutions were in white robes so they wouldn't be naked and wouldn't be cold.

『But if people find out that it was because of the humans, there will be a whole revolt, this changed the world completely....esos 2.....』 -I was thinking and thinking of a way for everyone to take it right-『I got it! It's a phenomenon that happened because of so much stay with Humans and Pokemons, a new era, a new stage, a new generation, yes! It will be "Awakening of Metamorphosis"』 -『(I just hope people will believe it....)』
