
Chapter 82: Last Message

You could hear in the lab, someone operating the computers and machines, a weird sound was heard, lightning shot out from a machine, a dimensional portal opened.

『You can go, you did a lot for us』.

Kilar looked at the Ultraents, they were all gathered together. The Ultraents didn't say anything or make any moves, they just stared at Kilar. Everyone was now recovered, Buzzwole would no longer be in danger of losing his arm and Nihilego's wound was healed.

『Let's go..... quickly, you were brought here by Karma, he is no longer here, so you can go』-Kilar spoke calmly-.

The Ultraents remembered their stay in this world under Karma's command, how these were having fun and playing with all the things Karma gave them, food was never lacking. Each one had their own things to entertain themselves with, from time to time, Karma would spend time with them and they would chat, he would teach them a little of what he knew and how this world is, when he wanted to leave, the Ultraents would block his way, as they wanted to spend more time with him than the times that are few.

『Go back to your world, that is your home, even though Karma is no longer here, he left us things to do, teach those of your race the new things you know, who knows, maybe your world will reach or even surpass ours』-『Retreat』.

The Ultraents bowed their heads and started to leave on their own.


Someone tapped Kilar's shoulder, it was Nihilego.


Nihilego was the last to leave, the portal ended up closing, leaving everything silent again.

『.....Thank you for showing us.....the world....Karma』

The Orb was in a capsule with water, it would begin its development stage here.





Someone was starting to open his eyes.

『Ah! You woke up already, I was starting to get worried』.

M Forma Lucario has stopped healing Latias seeing that he already woke up. Latias just looked at him calmly and confused, his look drooping.

『Are you feeling better already or do you still want to continue resting?』

M shifted to her Human Form in front of her.

『...Yes...in a few minutes I'll be fine.....but.....who are you?』-Latias looked around-『And where am I?』

『We're in my apartment, in my room, you've been asleep for 3 days, you've been worrying us a lot』-M explained in a friendly way-『Laty explained to him-』-『Who are you?

『Concerned...』-Latias said in confusion.

M at that didn't know what to say, he shook his head in confusion.

『Yes?』-I answered without further ado-『Yes?

『You..... and Latios?....』-With a low tone of voice, the Legendary said-.


Something came as a surprise that I was preparing myself the moment I heard it, I went into silence to then not take a step back and tell her everything.

『You see, there's something I have to tell you』.

I went on to tell him everything, from the beginning, from the moment Latios knocked on my door. Time passed as I related what happened in the lair lab, when I made a hand movement, she quickly moved or covered herself with the sheet, trying to avoid me, at no time did she look me in the eyes, she averted them looking to the sides. I could notice how her face changed expression as she counted, but....I was afraid to hear the end, it didn't go away.....ya knew how this will end.

『Your brother was a great person, he was someone..... whom I loved only one thing, you』-I finished, again giving my respect and admiration to Latios-.

Latios squeezed the sheets, looking down, from one moment to another, without me noticing, there was a sea of tears in front of me, I was crying without further ado, it was so much that I didn't even close my eyes Latios, I was starting to wet the sheet that all this time I was squeezing tightly.

『Brother .....why.....why did you always see for me.....so I just asked you for once to see for yourself.....how can you make promises if you don't keep them....』

Latias couldn't stop crying, the loss of her only family, her only brother, the only person who was always with her, now they can never see each other again...ever again.


Latias looked up, someone just touched his head, he was starting to pet him.

『It's hard to lose a being that accompanied you all your life, it hurts and you are flooded with sadness, thinking what are you going to do now, what will become of you, the loneliness, you start to enter a melancholic state, you ask yourself the question "why?" and you start to shed tears before you even notice it』-M caressed Latias' head softly and gently-『I know how you feel, I went through the same thing 2 times』.

The first time M felt like this was when he thought he was back to his world, noticing that he was alone and that everything he knew didn't exist, his family, friends, and all his life until then was a lie, he went into sadness and melancholy, each time he sank into a pit, we don't know how M would be if he had continued like this.

Let's remember that this happened because Syl asked Maya to manipulate her mind, so that M would believe that she was in her world and would no longer have to search and could return to her normal life. Syl thought this was good, she did it with a good intention, but for Maya it seemed a bad idea, since as she found out that everything is a farce, M could explode, but she couldn't refuse either, since the sorrow that would turn into evil would explode if the boy didn't arrive to her world. In the end he besieged and manipulated his mind, but we all know he couldn't manipulate him well, and we know what happened next.

The second time was when Syl sacrificed herself so that M can continue to live, where Maya makes her first appearance and tells him everything, because of the experience before, M was able to handle it well, and no longer enter a stage like the first time, even giving herself encouragement by learning about the wish that at that time, she didn't know it was false.

『So.....it's okay for you to cry.....but it's not okay for you to stagnate,Latios did it so that you have a tomorrow, he did it, so that you would look up』.

M hugged Latias without stopping stroking his head. Latias without holding back, continued to cry, but now on M's shoulder, little by little, she brought her arms closer and also hugged M, while her tears continued to fall.

『(He caught me by surprise and I couldn't dodge him.....if I had done that.....I would have regretted it.....thanks....M)』


After that, M introduced Latias to everyone, the others were happy to see that he is already better.

『I thought you would be in a different mood, kind of down and not wanting to do anything』-Maya turned to Latias-.

Latias quickly grabs M's arm and leans on it.

『Uhm, yeah you really are shy』- (─‿─) M said seeing his movement-.

『Eh? ( ̄^ ̄) something happened between these two』-Jolt was judging us with his eyes-.

Apparently Latias has already got M's trust.

Author's note: Another waifu for the prota (`へ′).

After that everyone ate, M prepared the food, glistening and showing off her food.

『How about 』-ɷ◡ɷ We were all in the dining room, M turned to Latias-.

Latias carefully tastes the food.

『....(*^^*) It's tasty』-His cheeks blushed as he tasted it-.

『(Really..... what happened to the two of them?)』( '・ω・`)_且~Jolt ate while still looking at us-.

Time passed, and Jolt couldn't get it out of her head that how M has become close friends with Latias, so she would go herself to find out.

『Hello Latias』-(・∀・)ゞ Jolt approaches Latias animatedly-『Can we talk for a while? (I don't think it's the best idea to talk to Latias first (-.-;))』

『...Ahh...yes...(¤﹏¤):('◦ω◦`): If you have time』-Latias was nervous, but still she spoke-.

『Uhm?(But how polite)◉‿◉ (Although it's better to talk to her, I also want to win her friendship) Do you mind if you tell me how it was that you woke up?』

Latias was surprised by that question.

『From what happened in that time, M has been in that time taking care of you,(^ω^) did he do something to you? did you do something to him? Did something happen?!(ᗒᗨᗕ)』-Jolt bombarded her with many questions, his active attitude was too much for Latias-.

『This...(〃艸〃)...(Ŏ艸Ŏ) Ahhh....what happened was....』-Latias still she was answering-.

『Oh!ヽ|・◇・|ゞ There you are, come on Latias! I'll show you the building and the city』-M appeared from afar and raised her voice- (^-^)ゝ.

『Ah!(-゚д゚-) Yes, I'm coming, へ('д`へ) I'm sorry, but I have to go, later if you want we can continue』.

Legendary ran off to where M was.

『She really is well-mannered...⊙▂⊙⊙▂⊙...._| ̄|○But still....I shouldn't have asked so many questions at once('ヘ`;)....But she said later, I'll calm down so I can be her friend (`・ω・')9』-Jolt is also going to be her friend-.

I showed her the building where we are living.

『You can stay live here if it's okay with you』-M spoke as they walked down the halls-『But ..... what floor would you stay on...』

『Yes, I would love to be able to live here with everyone, it looks like a lot of fun and everyday』-Latias said in a low voice-』.

『So it's decided, but .... which floor would you stay on?』

『Is there an apartment available on the floor you live on?...』-The legendary one asked me-?

『Ah, yes, I think one next to me is free, you could stay there if you want』.

『Yes, please』.

I was so surprised and glad that little instant, finally, Latias could look me straight in the eyes, those droopy eyes and that smile, just like Latios said, it's beautiful.

We were about to leave the building.

『Come back soon』-A grandmotherly receptionist was the one who spoke to us.

『Ah...(^◇^;)Yes...you take care too...』-Latias said without thinking-.

『Eh?(^^;) hahahahahaha(⌒▽⌒)Yes, I'll take care of myself』-She laughed gently Grandma-.

『(The last time I noticed the receptionist,I think it was a young woman,will she be the same as the one from that time? I think so.....if I look closely....pero.....that was a long time ago....)』-M had a doubt-.

We were walking through the city streets.

『(Latios told me as we walked down the stairs, that Latias is curious and likes to explore, I'll show him every corner of the city)』

M and Latias walked all over the city, visiting, walking everywhere, M would buy him food to take away Latias' curiosity.

『This is a Crepe (☼Д☼)』

Latias takes his first bite.


Seeing his face full of happiness is unique, now I understand about the unique expression of seeing something I didn't know, just like Latios said,it's tender.

While we were walking around we looked there was an amusement park.

『A park, it's been a while since I've been to one, what memories, can we go, please』'・ᴗ・`-Latias was animated-.

『Eh...but it's already late, it's going to be night soon』-M said without further ado, the dusk had already begun-.

『Yes....I see.....it will be for the next '・ᴗ・`』-Latias looked sad-.

『...(⋟﹏⋞)If you make that little face at me and talk to me like that.....( ̄へ ̄)....yo...』-M was looking down-

『M...?』-Latias was getting nervous-

『I couldn't refuse in the face of such a thing! (T▽T) Come on Latias, let's have fun』(^ω^)-M didn't resist in the end-?

The 2 entered the park and rode all kinds of rides, the carousel, the spinning cups, a water ride on top of some log boats. The roller coaster.

『(ᗒᗨᗕ)』-Latias enjoyed the roller coaster-.

『ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ』-While M was not having a good time-.

『How good it felt』。^‿^。-Latias came out happy-.

『Yes yes.....very nice....( ̄x ̄;)....and scary...』-M had been given dizziness-『(As she is not affected by it.....(*Л*) Latias is also amazing...)_| ̄|○、;』

M being on the floor suffering, I thought Latias is someone amazing.

『Ow, can we go to the Ferris wheel, please』-ɷ◡ɷ Latias already looked more cheerful and cheerful-.

"It's about to get dark, the last one and we're leaving』.

『Yes, thank you。^。。』

We are heading toward the Ferris wheel to end this day.

『Two people, you can go up』-The attendant let us go up.

The wheel slowly rose as the sun disappeared.

『Ufff(^.^;)After that, this feels like paradise』-M was relaxing after that adrenaline rush.

『Doesn't it seem beautiful to you?..... as the sun disappears little by little, so that the next day it illuminates us with its light』-Latias was looking calmly, with a smile on his face.

『Yes』-M was also watching the spectacle-.

『I had forgotten, how beautiful this moment is』.

The sun finished setting, quickly bringing the night.

『Thank you, M』(o^^o).


The 2 of us looked at each other while smiling at each other. Suddenly, my right eye started to glow a blue smell.

『Eh? M, what's that?』-Latias looked at me worriedly.

『Ah! it's shining on me, what is it?』-Me touched my eye, I wasn't so worried and I wasn't so surprised-.

『Let me see』.

Latias came closer to me, grabbed my hand and took it away from my eye, that simple action and him coming closer made me blush.

Latias stared at my eye, it emitted a more powerful light that ended up all glowing.

Latias opening his eyes, he realizes that we are in a blank space that glowed.


M was next to the legendary, they didn't know what was going on. The place, the space where we were, was changing.Like a movie, we were moving from scene to scene.

『They are....Latios and you...』

I said as I looked at what they were showing us.

They were pictures, little scenes of the brothers in their day to day life, before Latias is kidnapped, of how they ate together, played together, walked together.

『Brother...do you think my look is scary? I always have droopy eyes,a serious look,and I think people think I'm upset』-Latias asked his brother-.

『Hahaha...of course not....i do have a peculiar look, but instead of scary, me and everyone thinks your look is beautiful』-Latios speaks in a friendly way-.

『But....then why doesn't anyone talk to me, I'm always the one who has to talk, and I always get shy....』-Latias didn't feel confident-.

『That's for the same reason, you are so cute that for us we feel we have no right to talk to you, we think we are not up to you, because all the people we met, no one said you scare, they feel calm and warm to be with you』-Latios went on to caress her head-『So don't get silly ideas』.

In another situation.

『Look Onee-chan, I was able to get a little hat for you too, now we're really equals』. -Latios handed her a small red straw hat.

『But .... how did you get it』 -Latias receives it with his hands-.

『A very kind gentleman gave it to me after doing some work』-Latios was talking while Latias noticed something inside the hat-『While I was coming back I found this flower, I thought it would look good on you』.

Latias had already put on the hat, Latios in the end ended up putting that flower in Latias' hair.

『Yep, it looks great on you』-Latios looked at his sister with a big smile.

Latias looked at the memories of that time, he couldn't resist touching the hat and flower that his brother gave him that time.


Latios' voice was heard in the background, Latias turned around without hesitation, the space changed to one of cherry blossoms, these leaves were falling slowly and beautifully.


Latias without hesitation running into his brother's arms, his brother welcomes him with all possible affection.

『Onii-chan....』-Latias was crying on his chest-『Tell me why....why didn't you keep your promise.....you promised me that for once in your life you would care about yourself, why did you always come first for me...』

『You have your answer right there, why I always see for you, for me, there is nothing in this world, more important than my sister, I will always love and cherish you, that I am even able to give my life just so that you can see the sun, you should have realized, that such a promise for me, is impossible』.

『Onii-chan....』-Latias stared as he kept crying-.

『Hahaha, I want every time you remember me, I want it to be with joy, that would make me very happy, although it was the only promise I couldn't keep, I could rescue you, fulfilled, but I couldn't come back to you. Ah, what a fool, I couldn't fulfill two hahahahaha』

『Two like us』-Latias smiled-.

『Live without fear of anything, give your best in every situation, if there's someone in danger, save them, make great bonds with good people, and lastly, don't regret anything』.

Latios soared as the cherry trees continued to fall.

『Farewell Onee-chan』

Latios watched with a smile as his brother left, space was slowly beginning to disappear.

『Farewell Onii-chan』

The sounds of the Ferris wheel could be heard, we were about to finish turning around.

『Now that I remember, at that time when Latios was going to sacrifice himself, his eyes glowed a blue color, he must have left a message for Latías through me, his last message』.

M had noticed that detail.

『Onii-chan, I'll try my best』-Latias was touching his chest-.

『I think so too』-M turned to the legendary-『You have a beautiful look』.

Latias at that random comment from M, she went on to smile at him in a pure and grateful way.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

E͇n͇d͇ ͇o͇f͇ ͇A͇r͇c͇:͇ ͇K͇a͇r͇m͇a͇ ͇

Author's Note: I think and for now, this is the arc I like the most of the ones I did, I liked how the story has written itself, I already had its ideas, but....there are times that...the story itself tells you which direction it wants to take, I will try and I will try my best too, to bring more arcs with a more advanced story....well, I don't think so....but I will give my best!
