
Chapter 73: Descending (Part 1)

『He doesn't have a pulse....』-Lea moved to touch my neck-.

『You mean M is dead....』-Jolt was scared and very nervous-.

『Kukukukukuku, he wanted to end it fast somehow,faster than this there is no』-Karma laughed playfully from his screen-.

『Come on....you can't die when starting a new arc...』-Jolt said with a positive tone, he wanted to let out a few tears-.

『M....-.....』-Glace was shocked-

『You bastard, we won't forgive you for this』-Maya was furious- 『Noso, I'll never forgive you』.

"We will avenge your death』-Sira was in a combat pose.

"I won't forgive you for what you did to Onee-chan』-Flar was angry.

『This is weird-..... Hey! What did you do to make M fall in one blow』-Luna was raising her voice-.

『Ehhhhhhhh????!!!!! Never tell your tricks to your enemies, that's why I don't like when villains talk about what they're going to do to their enemies, are they stupid or did a teletubi give birth to them????? Well, since he's dead I'll tell you, Xurkitree penetrated his chest, straight to his heart, it gave him such a powerful shock that he must have suffered about 7 pre cardiac arrests, Xurkitree was gathering too much power in his limb, originally it was for when Latios comes, but the kid is more important』

『Eh.....』-Latios started sweating and worrying-.

『The boy practically saved your life, by bringing him, you welcomed his death』-Karma suddenly became serious-.

Latios started to feel guilty, he was getting nervous.This one fell to his knees.

『(My fault..... I killed the boy.....no....no....death should have been for me and not for him, by asking him for help...I asked him to die.....)』

Latios began to lose himself in thought, it was like falling into an abyss.

『You stop scaring my friend』.

M's voice was heard overhead.

『Ehhhh?????!!!! But how, are you some kind of ghost, spirit, lost soul????!?!!!』-Karma upon closer inspection went into surprise-.

『Don't start blaming yourself, just look at me, I didn't die』-I was behind Latios-.

I was in my God form, but I was almost transparent, it didn't show well.

『M.....You're fine.... I'm glad...I didn't kill you』-Latios pulled himself together-.

『I told you, don't blame yourself, let's move on』-I offered him my hand to stand up-.

Latios made a defiant smile and raised his hand, before he could touch us a scream was heard.

『¡M!』-Jolt, Glace, Flar rushed towards M-.

M turned around confused and flustered by such unexpected action. He started waving his arms nervously.


A gasp of pain was heard. Turning to look behind me, I didn't see that the 3 of them had knocked Latios down.

"But, what happened?』-Glace was confused.

"Sorry Latios』-Flar was apologizing.

『Don't dodge us like that』-Jolt was complaining-.

『Eh.... but I didn't do anything...』-I didn't understand what was going on-.

Suddenly I noticed a hand piercing my stomach.

『Seems like we can pierce you, you're like some kind of ghost or something』-Luna removed her hand from my stomach-』.

"Ghost? .....』-I was confused.

『Hoygan! M's body started to glow』-Lea had put my body in her lap- 『Hoygan!

『She's recovering, that's what I can gather』-Sira took my wrist-』.

Maya took my other wrist, closed her eyes and used her powers.

『You're right, it's recovering from Xurkitree's attack, its organism, its whole body is starting to come alive again, but it's in a slow way』.

I approached.

『Oh! that's right, that's my body, but why did this happen』-『Will I now live as a ghost all my life!』(・□□・;)

『Don't worry, it's an ability Syl had, "Bunri", what it does is separate your soul from your body, so you can be as you said, a ghost』-Lea went on to explain-『You will have used it so you can still be with us, while your body recovers』.

『-I simply wanted to reassure Latios, Syl really did have strange abilities』.

Without anyone seeing it coming, an energy field trapped all of us in the area where we were in the room.

『Wow wow wow, you're more amazing than I thought kid, and that makes .....That makes me happy!!!You can literally turn yourself into a ghost, that's amazing! can you imagine the possibilities with that ability』-Karma was adrenaline-pumping.

『(Possibilities?)』-For a few seconds I thought about what he said-『(I can spy on the lolis without anyone seeing me, while they eat, while they sleep, while they play, while they bathe.....) Possibilities...I will keep your words in mind』.

『That honors me, another day if you want we can continue talking as friends, my little friend』-Karma was talking to me in a friendly way-.

『That's not going to be possible, this day we'll finish you off』-I said with a defiant look-.

『That was a death threat.That being the case, you will be my lab rats』-Karma changed her personality again-.

『You still don't realize』-The serious and calm voice said to Karma-.

『Of what?"』-Karma turned to look, only to stare at me again analytically- 『AAAAAAA!!!! He's still alive!!! and I counted the way I ended it, I'm an idiot! in the end I did the same stupid thing as the villains in the American movies-....AAAAAAAAAAA! well, I didn't count much either』


Latios used Dragon Pulse on the energy field that trapped us.

Lightning and flashes could be seen and heard with the shock, Latios switched to using Dragon Claw, the field was being weakened and slowly destroyed.

"『You'd better stop, you don't want your pretty little sister to be killed, do you?

Latios stood still at those words.

Another screen appeared next to the screen where Karma was, it showed us Latias in a capsule with water, she was asleep, she had bandages, and with a respirator.

"If you don't do what I say, your final goal will be eliminated without you being able to do anything』-『Did you understand?

『*Tsch*』 -Latios made his annoyance felt.

It stopped attacking the field, the field quickly recovered from Latios' attacks.

『You guys can't be stopped from leaving here, you are determined to rescue Latios, I am determined to finish you off and experiment on you, to be fair to both of you, we will do the following』-『Send someone to fight, it can be 1,2,3,4 or even all of you, you will fight the Ultra-Entients that appear to you, in this case, who will fight Xurkitree, the poor thing has been standing there, waiting while he was bored』-Karma had an idea-.

『What are those beasts called Ultraents』-Latios understood more-『I'll be the one to fight』.

『No, I'll be the one to fight first』-Lea said while still holding M in her lap-『No, I'll be the one to fight first』.

『Eh?』-Latios was confused.

Maya was the one next to Lea, so she passed M's body to her lap.

『I want to be the first one to help, among all, I am the weakest, let me please give you free pass』-Lea was walking forward-.

『But....』-Latios was worried about Lea-.

『You have to save the best for last, don't you think?』-Lea smiled at Latios to calm him down-『You have to arrive in good shape when you see your sister』.

Latios looked at Lea's eyes.

『I understand, I charge you』-Latios put his faith and trust in Lea-.

She went on her way Lea while Latios went to the group.


Footsteps could be heard coming to the front.

『I will accompany you in your decision』-Sira stood beside Lea-.

『Sira....I'm reassured that you're with me, sister』.

Sira smiled at her in a cheerful way.

The energy field opened, they crossed, they were facing Xurkitree.

『Ohh! So they're going to fight 2, a Water type and a Plant type, let's see how it turns out』-Karma was excited-.

『We'll finish him off, so you guys can move on, we're counting on you, and count on us』-Sira looked towards us and cheered up the atmosphere-.

Lea and Sira became alert, and ready for combat.

Xurkitree started to use Electric Field from the beginning, the place became a yellow tone and you could see sparks of electricity, now its attacks would be more powerful and with greater force.

He started throwing Lightning from his head. Lea and Sira dodge running to the sides.

They ran towards Xurkitree , their fists were wrapped with their types, Lea's was wrapped with green leaves swirling in her fist, while Sira's was water swirling like a whirlpool in her fist.


Xurkitree with its tentacles blocked the attacks of the sisters, with what seems to be its fingers, it took their fists, it impacted with force against their own bodies, to then throw them with force, these impacted with the wall, quickly, Xurkitree sent them Lightning, each one dodged. Lea attacked with thick branches that emerged from the ground. The Ultra-sent dodged them by making strange maneuvers with its tentacular body. Sira hit it with her Aqua Jet, it made the Ultraente retreat, quickly, from her hand she generated water, this water was molded like a sword, Sira began to attack in this way.

Xurkitree, being flexible, could dodge Sira's attacks in unusual ways. Below Xurkitree, a tree grew quickly, raising and trapping Xurkitree on the roof, it remained motionless trying to escape.

Quickly, a flower the size of Lea appeared next to it, it began to charge energy.

『(The only strong thing I have is my Solar Beam, although it takes a while to be ready, the target must be still, and there are many factors, if it doesn't break free, I should end this at once)』-Lea was charging her attack-.

The Ultra-sent couldn't break free from the tree that was holding it.Sira started attacking from afar with Bubble.


Lea attacked with Solar Beam, a powerful attack from Lea. No explosion was heard as the attack was close to what was the Ultra-sent's face.

『How?』-Lea was worried.

Xurkitree at the last minute defended himself, he was also launching a Solar Beam from its face, it was a clash of powers to see who would win.

『Sunbeam? I charged him in such a short time....』-Lea was worried-.

The Ultra-sent's attack was winning the clash, it started to advance the attack further.

Sira lunged with her Water Sword to attack Xurkitree, he moves his wires to catch her, Sira dodges it, in her hand she generated a Water Sphere that managed to impact on the neck of the Ultra-spawn, her Solar Beam was deflected by it, hitting Lea's Solar Beam squarely.


A small explosion could be seen and heard.

The tree that had trapped him was destroyed, Xurkitree fell down wounded, he was on his knees, he was exhausted and tired from the attack he suffered. Quickly, his head began to blink a red color, a bright red.

Xurkitree appeared in the middle of the sisters, a Thunder Fist hit Sira's stomach, she was thrown and crashed against the wall. Now she was going to attack Lea with the same attack, Lea from the ground summoned a thick branch, but it was destroyed and hit Lea's face, she was also thrown.

『What is this? in an instant it became stronger』-Sira looked worried-『Ha, if so, then so will I』.

A tail appeared, its fins on its back and head appeared. On its hands looked like interdigital membranes between its fingers. It was the Liberated form of Sira.

『(All this time, I used the Released Form, I didn't know it, it's time, to take full advantage of this power)』-『I will get the most out of me』.

Sira lunged to attack the Ultra-Sent, she too had become faster, she could keep up with Xurkitree, Sira would attack with her Water Sword, Xurkitree would just dodge it.

Lea got up and saw the fight her sister was having, she created some Golems from branches to help her sister, they came to hit him, the Ultraente, as if its wires were swords, pierced the Golems in half.

Quickly, taking advantage of the fact that he was distracted, Sira launched herself to attack, she managed to hit him with her sword, and then she doused his foot with water and gave him a powerful kick, the Ultraente retreated.

『The Unleashed Form, it's incredible』-Sira was winning.

Without her noticing, some electric wires on the floor held Sira, she began to suffer a great shock. The Ultra-Sent stopped and began to release lightning all over the place in a crazy way, these bounced, each of the attacks hit Sira's body, she screamed in pain, all the electricity that hit and hurt Sira was directed to Xurkitree, with its tentacles, it collected more electricity, Sira was paralyzed, she couldn't move, her weakness worked against her. Xurkitree stretched its arms and threw a powerful Electrocannon. With great power it was aimed at Sira, Sira could only look resigned as her body did not respond.


Lea appeared in front of Sira, she used Raining Leaves as a shield to protect her sister.A whirlwind of leaves as a shield fused.

『I won't let, you hurt my sister』-Lea shouted-.

Sira could only wiggle her fingers, while she could only watch her sister in front of her as she protected him.

The Ultra-Sente's attack was more powerful, Lea couldn't stand it any longer.

The rest of us, we were also worried.

『That's enough! I'm going to help』-Latios took out his Dragon Claws.

『No no no no no no no , if you intervene, you know what will happen to your sister』-Karma turned to Latios-.

Latios was frustrated, glaring hatefully at Karma, he undid his attack.

『Don't worry』-I stood next to him-『They're going to win, you put your faith in them, they won't let you down』.

『Right, I know they're going to win』-Latios perked up-』.

Lea was resisting and exhausted as she kept defending her sister.

『(I have to defend her, I have to help her, in this situation, if Sira recovers, she can go all out attacking the Ultra-sent over the edge, I have to hold it back as much as I can, I have to defend her)』-Lea was saying in her thoughts-.

『Come on!』-Latios shouted-』.

Lea was surprised, and turned to look at the others.

『You can do it!』-I cheered as well.

"You can do it!』 -Maya cheered.

"Give it all!"-Jolt shouted.

"Give it your all!』-Moon cheered-

Don't lose! Flar cheered-』-Flar cheered-『-Don't lose!

『Don't give up!』-Glace was shouting-

Lea watched as everyone supported him.

『Ahhhhhhh!!!! With that cheering, Xurkitree go go go! Xurkitree go go go!』-Karma also started cheering for his fighter-.

You must give it your all! You must attack!"』-Latios shouted with his strength, these words were especially directed at Lea.

Lea shifted her gaze to the front, Xurkitree's Electrocannon was still attacking with force.

『(I must go to the front, I must give my all) I must attack!』

Lea shouted determined, leaf ears appeared, a leaf tail, her arms became part of branches as well as her legs, everything that appeared to her began to glow a beautiful green that radiated power.

"I will give it my all! -It was Lea's liberated form.-

She felt someone touch Lea's shoulder. When she turned around she saw it was Sira.

"Let's finish this together』-Sira smiled at her.

『Yes』-Lea replied defiantly.

Sira's tail, and fins, also began to glow, these were a beautiful turquoise color.

Sira used a powerful Hydrobomb from her fist. With the Raining Leaves and the Hydrobomb they advanced the clash of power. Xurkitree gave everything in his Electrocannon.

『Go go Xurkitree Go go Xurkitree』-Karma had a ribbon on his forehead that said Xurkitree, this cheered with all his might-.

The sisters pushed their attacks, causing a mini explosion, as it dissipated, their attacks were stuffed into their fists, now they were advancing between the attack with their fists.

『This is over!"』-Sira-.


They swept with their fists, they pierced through Xurkitree's attack , hitting in his chest, the impact was so much that they threw him sharply with great force, causing a great impact, Xurkitree couldn't take it anymore, he was defeated.

The sisters' gasps could be heard.

"We did it sister』-Lea was happy.

『Yes..... we did it』.

Sira stroked her sister's head, the 2 returned to their normal form and fell down exhausted.

『Ehhhh..... and I even prepared a whole party for Xurkitree』-Karma was sad-.

The energy field that was holding us back disappeared, we quickly went to help them.

『You made it!』-Flar was the first to congratulate.

We were all happy, we were telling them how amazing they were in the fight, and congratulating them.

『You did it』-Latios congratulated Lea-

『It was all because of your encouragement, if it wasn't for that, we would have lost for sure, thank you』-Lea smiled as a thank you to Latios-.

Latios was a little surprised, his cheeks turned a little red and he smiled at her too.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
