
Chapter 52: Nekomata Case 4

July 27th, ****

Things seem to be going pretty well for now, or at least that's how it seems to me, yes... I should take this as the first step of the many that I have left to achieve my goal at the end of my whole student stage, even the whole stage of my life, although that would be exaggerating too much, dedicating your whole life and effort to a single goal is something very...? Isn't that something very normal? Now that I think about it, it must be normal that each person and individual has their own purpose in life, that they don't see the importance of time, as long as they are determined to follow and achieve that goal, one day they will be able to do it? They can be great purposes, like being someone professional and recognized in the world, someone famous, maybe to be someone innovative in this world that evolves with time, a goal to follow, maybe to get a lot of money, or to become someone physically strong, to be able to make a great business that lasts a long time, there are many things in mind now that I touch the subject, to finish your studies...is also an effort in your life. But I don't think everyone has the same weight, those who seek to be better and achieve great things at the cost of their own effort and sweat, they are certainly much better...all those people must now either be striving even harder to be someone better, or maybe they are past that stage, and are just enjoying an early retirement which I think is the goal that everyone aspires to. My parents keep talking about wanting to retire, they try so hard, they try so hard for me...they must have gone through a lot to get to the present where they have me, especially this whole species and human thing that we're settling into a civilisation where we're living as a civilisation. Kyto commented that he finds it incredible that the species are able to have a normal life like humans, to be able to go to school, to work, to join society, all of that is a subject that is considered to be a human thing. If it had not been like that, we would not have become friends... In the old days, I understand that humans did human things, and species did species things, surely imagining a future like now in those times must have been a bad joke.

Even in the past and for sure in the future, there will be many people who strive to do great things, I don't know who has been or who have been, to create this possible peaceful future where I am living, should not have been easy...they all have more honourable and better purposes than mine....


It was a great day at the moment, while Giji was in his own mind with his own ideas, what was going on around him was really fun for the others. The sun was high and the blue sky accompanied the day, if you were barefoot, you could feel the sensation of stepping on the sand, the way it could seep into places you didn't even know it could. The umbrellas for those who can't resist the sun were also embedded in the sand, the bustle was relaxing, to see so many humans as a species enjoying this place, mostly all with a smile and having a good time, yes...I still think it must have been crazy for ancient times to imagine this scenario where I am. Giji was under an umbrella, sitting and watching everyone having fun, but it was strange wasn't it? This wasn't what he wanted in the first place, to be on the beach to enjoy the moment with his friends, he doesn't look so excited after all. Was it someone else's idea to come to the beach? Now that Giji remembers it, the one who had the idea to come to the beach was her friend Jun, who after that day when they managed to catch Ron and finally be friends. She quickly had a plan.

『We have to go to the beach!!!!』

It was like repeating the meetings they had in their classroom, but this time they did it in a playground where there were games, and as always, Jun tended to show his dominance by standing at the top of the playground. Which we all didn't understand, was there a need to stand on top of the Sphere? or World I think others call it, you know, that game where steel bars form a sphere, and when you force it, it rotates according to the direction you force it from. Seriously... why did it go up there, isn't it dangerous?

『Why did you go up there Jun? Isn't it too dangerous?』

『Because it's the highest part of the place!!!! Besides, that way I get more attention』.

『Lie guys *smiles* Jun likes to stand on the high places, because he feels more important than others』.

『Oh, well, how childish 』

『You are too Kyto, every time there's a party you like to put chairs behind chairs and then climb on top of everything, your smug face said that you enjoyed it 』

『And your annoyed face said that you wanted to be the tallest, how childish you are Giji *laughs*』

Again it was happening, it always had to happen, no matter how high Jun placed himself, it seems that those below him would take much more importance to their own issues than to who is supposed to be the most important. You could see Giji put on his annoyed face again when he heard that he was called childish, his friend really gets to be very hard-faced in a gentle way with his friend. Now that her friend Ema remembers this, Jun when she first met Ron, she was quick to follow in his footsteps and climb with her on top of the houses, the highest thing in the place, it seems that from there she already showed that she wanted to be more important than the others, ah! Maybe by climbing on the highest thing, see how amazing she is.

『Don't worry Jun, you're already an amazing girl *smiles*』

『You sound just like my mother Ema...Well!!!! But now if you pay attention!!!!』-『Good! Ema, Kyto, Giji, Ron!!! May I have your attention please!!!!』

At that I raise my voice to call out to everyone, it seems that someone was missing in their group, as they all turn to where Ron should be, it seems that he had been missing all this time. If they are not all together then they can't start the meeting, they were looking around the park, they could see that there were children playing and some parents were keeping them company, but....

『This silly Neko...Hey!!!! Ron!!! Where did you go!!! Come back here soon!!!!』

『You've been upstairs for a long time Jun, when we came here the cat was with us, didn't you see her when she left?』

『No, I couldn't see her, she really is a slippery one』.

It looks like they will have to make a small setback by now having to find Ron, they don't think she is gone, mostly when she disappears like this, she is somewhere close to them, so she is hiding somewhere, Ron may be an expert at running and sneaking, being agile is a great gift she has, but at hiding she seems to be not so good. This is what Jun was looking for from up high, and it didn't seem to take him long, because in the game where you can hide, like that little house with the holes in the middle, you could see Ron in the open air with his two tails sticking out perfectly. Seriously, if he wants to hide, he should learn to hide his whole body, including his tails...

『Well, I'll go *laughs* it's really like playing with my kitten 』

『No Ema-chan, I'm going, this job leave it to a real gentleman *serious look*』

『Why are you acting as if it's really dangerous?』

『Because it's dangerous Giji, that cat is the personification of evil, and my duty as a knight, is to protect those I care about from danger *decided*』

What things is Kyto imagining right now, but it was clear what he was going for, it seems like he wanted to impress Ema somehow with his stupid way of being, but to call Ron dangerous...how can she be dangerous? I mean look at her, she looks all cute and cuddly, who thinks she's hiding but you can see her 2 little tails fluttering around *blushes* I really like her a lot....

『Kyto-chan...it's ok, I let you protect me from all danger, now go and bring the kitty back *smiles*』

『*smile*At your command my Damsel, come with me my Ostrich minion, it will be hard, but together we will hunt the beast!!!』

I don't have words to describe this, Kyto just stared at me like wondering why I made this stupid face I have, but seriously...I can't believe it's working for him the antics he comes up with, Ema looks like a sincere and orderly girl at the beginning, or at least I noticed, I can say she's the opposite of Jun. But when she gets together with Kyto, she also kind of becomes a clown who plays along with him...if these 2 really end up together, then my success with Ron is more than assured, well....

『Maybe I'll look better if I ride you, then I'll look like a real gentleman, right! Giji let's try to carry me again!!!』

When they were little Kyto tried to ride on his friend's back many times, he really couldn't get it out of his head that he could ride his friend and one day he would be able to fly in the skies, but no matter how many times they tried, Giji was not able to make someone fly, not even he himself could fly...

By the time Kyto realised this, Giji had already taken the initiative and was approaching the place where Ron was hiding, instead of saying something to him, he simply waited to see how it would end. Giji, seeing that he was close to Ron, first had to hide his embarrassment and shyness from Ron, just watching him wag his tail was too much for him. So he ended up kneeling down to be at Ron's level, he kept turning his back on the cat thinking she was hiding, to this Giji just had to make the call, where he seems to be not very determined....

『R...Ro...R...Ro....n...*shame* Ro....n....(I can't do it, I'm too embarrassed...) Nekomata-san, can you come back to us? Please?...』

At this Giji managed to call her by her surname, but Ron didn't seem to pay attention to this, he kept turning his back to her, he seemed to be paying more attention to what Ron was trying to see than to Giji who was at his back. It's like...he's not even paying attention to it? It seems that what Ron is watching is much more important than the Crone...

『Nekomata-san, we're waiting for you, can you come back please?』

Again Giji tried to talk to him, but as we expected, he didn't seem to listen to him. This made him lose a little bit of his strength, even his friends who were watching from afar and saw that there was no reaction, even they felt a little bit sorry for their friend. At this again Giji seemed to try several times, as long as in one of them, Ron happened to look at him and pay him that attention that every feline has.


He seemed to be shouting loudly until the end at that moment, waiting to see if Ron would pay attention to him, but when Giji opened his eyes again, he only noticed how Ron didn't even flinch at this, still turning his back to him and paying attention to something else. You could see in Giji's gesture, the way he thought he had worked up the courage to raise his voice to Ron, and he didn't even listen to him. The others who saw this were shocked and... at this Ema seemed to realise something and...

『She didn't panic...』


『Ron-chan, she didn't walk away from Giji *smiles*』

At this Kyto could not realise something, he is not an expert feline connoisseur, unlike Ema who was happy to see Ron's reaction, it seems that he does not pay attention to Giji, but the simple fact that he did not move away from the place even though he was close by, maybe that indicated something.

『(Why doesn't he listen to me? She pays attention to everyone, to Jun, to Ema, even to Kyto who refers to her as a cat, why me....)』

At that moment Giji had to get his courage up at that moment, the only way to get someone to pay attention to you no matter what, is to call him by his....



At that moment someone shouted Ron's name at that moment, and just like last time, Nekomata Ron could easily recognise even the tone of the one who has been paying attention all the time and has been attentive. Jun couldn't take it anymore and wasted time, so he had to get down from the Sphere and go to end it all quickly, so unlucky for Giji that when she was finally going to call Ron's name, the cat ended up as if she was happy to see that Jun was coming for her, she was even moving her paws and hips, as if to indicate that she wanted to play with her friend.


At that moment when she called Ron, the cat ended up throwing herself at him as if she wanted to give him a surprise, both ended up falling to the ground due to Ron's strength, the cat looked happy because at last her target followed her game.

『But what are you doing silly Neko, stop fooling around and come back with us, besides that's not a surprise, I'm going to show you what a real surprise is *smiles* 』

At this Ron kept hovering over Jun, who's friend seemed to be a little happy about the surprise she had for everyone. At this Ron got overly excited and seemed to show it by doing nothing but being on top of Jun, which....

『Eh? Isn't that heavy? You're very light Ron, but I still don't like the feeling of someone on top of me, Giji can you get him off me?』

He really does behave more like a cat than a human. At this Giji seems to be quick to help her friend who was asking her for a favour, where our Harpy was a bit disappointed that she didn't say it earlier, maybe if she said it normally, the one under Ron would be him and not her friend Jun. 

『You heard Nekomata-san, you're gonna make her flatter than she already is --------------』


........At that moment when Giji tried to take her off with his wings, quickly as Ron's eyes flashed at that moment, and without hiding his jaws and teeth, he ended up biting Giji's wing that was about to take her. At this sudden bite, quickly because of the pain he felt, Giji was running in a circle on the spot where he was, trying to somehow get Ron to stop biting him, but no matter how much he flapped his wing, it seemed that Ron wouldn't just leave it at that.

『Who are you calling flat!!!!! Well done Ron!!! I give you permission to eat that running chicken!!!!』

『I'm neither a chicken nor an ostrich!!!! I'm a Harpy and....AHHH!!!!!! Nekomata-san hurts me!!!!』

At this Ema and Kyto had no words to say, they stood there watching as their friend Jun was encouraging her friend Ron not to let Giji go free. What is this...it looks like some kind of mistreatment of the species without actually being so...After a few minutes, they managed to calm down, where Jun was first getting back on top of the sphere to continue the meeting.

『My little wing....』(;﹏;)

『So moving on, like I said we're going to go to the beach and...hey Giji!!!! Where are you planning to go!!!』

Because of the pain he was in and how tired he was, Giji wanted to sit inside the seats inside the Sphere, he was quietly entering where Jun could see him and asked him what he was going to do.

『I'm tired...Well, sit inside...』

『You can't!!!』

『¿? Eh?...but why?....』 (ノ﹏ヽ)

『Don't think I didn't notice, you want to look up my skirt!!!!』 


¿? At this Jun was red-cheeked for some reason, while she kept pointing at Giji, to this the Crone didn't mean to, she just wanted to sit down to rest for a while, but of course, if you sit inside the sphere, by looking up, you'd find that ....

『Hey Kyto!!!! Don't be a joker too!!!』

『¿? I'm just helping Ema-chan sit up, she seems to be suffering from decomposition, the sun is strong *smile*』

『Ahhhhhh my head!! ahhh my strength!!!!! ahhh I see everything green!!!』

『Green bites me *smiles*』


It seems that Kyto didn't want to miss this opportunity, it even seems that Ema was once again playing along with him, I think she also wanted to show it to her friend. It seems that Jun couldn't resist anymore, so much antics and nonsense from his friends made him go into annoyance mode again. While Ron was quietly grooming his ears and paws, he quickly noticed how Jun jumped down to where his friends were and... just by looking at her, he was annoyed. ....

『You guys.... stop acting like babies!!!!!!!!!』

Pom!!! Pom!!! Pom!!!

Three loud bangs were heard at that moment. When things finally calmed down. The 3 friends, Ema, Kyto and Giji, had received a heavy blow on their heads that left them with a bump each, while Ema was calm as she saw it coming, Kyto was with a silly smile on his face, while Giji seems to be the only one who was in pain and wondered the....

『(Why me too...if I just wanted to sit down...)』╥﹏╥

To this as Giji was standing next to Ron, seeing that they had received a bump and they all had that in common, and also seeing that it was coming from Jun, it kind of brought something up to Ron, and he was quickly signalling that she wants a bump too. This felt weird to Jun, it's not like she gave them that punch because they deserved it, well yeah, but that's not the point. Jun didn't want to give Ron a punch, but it seems like the cat was willing to go on strike if she didn't get an equal one so they'd all be equal.

『Eh? Well then, don't go around complaining...』

『(Eh? is he really going to hit Nekomata-san too?...)』

pom!.....¿? It wasn't as such a punch, Jun didn't want to hit Ron, like he didn't deserve it and he didn't want to give it to him for free. Like she couldn't do it, even though she was often seen angry enough to do a lot of things to Ron, it seems that now that she had the chance, she just gave him a slight straight punch with her hand on Ron's head, who the cat realised this.....

『Eh???? Why are you getting mad, I'm not going to hit you for real, you'd have to do something really horrible for me to hit you like that...』

Ron was annoyed at not getting hit like the others, and went on to complain to Jun with...meowing?...Eh?...Now that's how the species complain? This was something very strange, Ron was very attached to Jun to complain to him, while Jun was very annoyed and preferred Ron to leave his side, it seems that Kyto didn't take long to take out his phone and take pictures of the moment, while he didn't take his smile off the moment. While Ema seemed to look pleased, as she commented that her cat did the same thing to her a few times. This to Giji if he was happy, but one thing was getting weird, in terms of closeness, Jun seems to have a huge advantage on the others but....


That was the question, why with Jun I quickly formed a close bond, it could be said that with the others as well but...aren't the ones who feel something special with each other, not supposed to be the closest? The 3 friends look at Ron as just another friend, Giji sees him as a potential future girlfriend, doesn't that make him a special bond? But unlike the 3 of them, he seems to be the furthest away from this, or at least that's how he sees it....

『(I have...to change the bond...) 』


This is how we go back to July 27th, **** 

As our friends were on the beach, it was a very well known one as it is the same one I told you about where people who want to see the Distant Duo of the South detour to, the train ride was really fun. The way the friends killed time talking and even playing cards, it was funny to see how Giji played cards, as he had practically no hands, and he had to manage to play. Also to be able to see the landscape through the window, was something incredible to see in this time of summer, as Ron seemed to have been sleeping half of the trip, he woke up and was excited to see that he could see the immense sea, he didn't hesitate to go to the window and see more closely, that sudden closeness that Ron had with Giji, really made his heart beat a lot. 

When they were already on the beach, the boys were the first to be ready with their costumes, Kyto was like receiving the sun's strength, he said that he would not miss this moment, while Giji was surprised to go to the beach, he was also happy, seeing many species and humans living together to have a good time, even that there were some couples of those two...it really made him also want to not miss this moment.

『Hey Giji, now that I look at you, you have a supermodel waist, ehhh, it makes me want to peck you, can I? 』


『Here I go』

At the first peck Giji quickly covered his entire body with his wings, it really seems that his friend didn't mind his refusal and did it anyway. It seems that the body between male and female Harpies does not vary much, at least in build. For even though Giji is a male Harpy, or should I say male? male? well, his body is somewhat closer to what a female of his species would look like, or should I say female? it's a bit weird that way. Of course he's a man and has male features, but in others it's a bit off-putting. ....

『Don't provoke Giji, covering yourself embarrassingly with your wings, if you look like a woman....*pervert*』

『I am male!!!! Besides that's my species!!!』

『You must be right, originally there were only Female Harpies, so even nowadays there are Males, they still retain some of their origins, yummy, approved *smile*』

『You really don't forgive anything, do you Kyto?』

At this Giji was still covering himself with his wings, where it seems that already between all the chatter, it seems that his other companions were already ready and were going with them. At this the first to react without hiding anything was Kyto, who's joyful face said it all, while Giji was blushing as he was amazed by what he was seeing at that moment.

『Sorry I'm late guys, we're ready now *smiles*』

To this Jun was the first to speak, where her swimming costume was a rather flashy one you could say? It was a 2 piece set, she was wearing a long sleeved swimsuit top, it seems that Jun was proud of her choice, you could see on her face how she was blushing but not taking off her smile, as if she was waiting to be showered with compliments and compliments from her classmates. Ema was wearing the same two-piece swimming costume, but she was wearing sarongs which gave her a touch of...

『How mature...I knew it would look great on you Ema-chan!!!! You look very pretty!!!! yes yes yes yes very pretty!!!! *happy*』

Kyto was quick to compliment her friend on how she looked, to which Ema was pleased and grateful for the comment. To this Giji had no doubts about it, his friend likes them to look older than their age. But it seems that one in particular was missing, to this Giji was about to ask for Ron, who as again how bad she is at hiding, was first seen with her 2 tails behind Jun's back, where quickly Jun to this happily went on to introduce her friend Neko, who made her stand out as the cutest of the 3.

『Here's Ron !!!! yey!!!! *excited*』

To this it seems that Ron was ashamed to see himself, it was weird this, like he always showed himself as such no matter what situation he was in, but it seems that the fact of showing himself this way, if it makes her want to hide under the sand, even her ears were tilted because of how ashamed she was. To this Giji was shocked that all he could say....

『How cute.... You look really cute Nekomata-san *smiles*』

To this Giji said it without further ado, he couldn't hide his thoughts this time, to this Ron heard him of course even his ears twitched, he happened to look at Giji who was smiling at him in a nice way, where Ron seemed to accept his words just nodding his head and smiling at him calmly.

Nekomata Ron was wearing the same two-piece, her swimming costume had ruffles that made her look more than cute, a cute girl, just what she is. As if the swimming costume was that very thing to bring out the innocence that Ron has in his being. At this it seems that they were still chatting with each other, Kyto wanted to spend time with Ema, while Giji already had plans what to do on the beach together with Ron.

『(Eh? what about me? aren't they going to say anything?)』

Jun was kind of waiting a long time for her friends to say something, but it seems that they are not going to say anything, she knows very well that her interests are in her friends, but don't be so shameless to ignore her too, she also tried her best to look pretty this day and at least one of them will say something...but....

『Hey!!! Don't be mean and say something to me too!!!!! Look forcing a girl to tell you what she looks like is--------------』

『You too Giji, stop covering yourself with your wings 』

At that moment Kyto happened to clear the wings that his friend Giji was hiding with, where at that moment when Jun was complaining, right in front of him he could see as if they were opening the doors of how beauty should be to what women should reach, of course only referential, don't tell me anything :'c.

Giji was embarrassed by this showing his whole body, of course he was wearing shorts, you could see his green wings as well as his bird legs, but what caught Jun's attention the most was Giji's body, he couldn't believe what he was seeing, how his friend could have a better figure than her, just look at his body, his hips, his waist!!!! He's slim!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!

『Ahhh!!!! It's too much!!! Ahhhhhh!!!! Me!!! yoo!!!!! I can't lose!!!! Ahhhh!!!!!!!!』

Like he couldn't stand all the glow that was pouring out of Giji's body, even though he tried to fight it, he couldn't fight the glow that his friend was expelling .....

『What are you doing Jun?』 

『I...still have my own charm!!!!』 

『*smile*Yes yes, you look very pretty in your swimming costume Jun, let's go cool off in the sea 』 

『I'm going too!!!! So people can see that I'm lucky to have 2 pretty damsels by my side *smiles*』 

『Come on, don't say such things *smiles*』

『Lucky you say *sigh*But thanks for the compliment....*shame on you*』

At this Ema, Jun and Kyto were going to the sea so they could enjoy the weather and play together. Where Giji at this was happy to see how his friends were having a good time at the beach, he also wanted to go together with Ron, being able to play in the sea is in his plans, maybe throwing the ball, playing water, even rescuing her from a small wave, there are many plans he has to strengthen their bond. 

『Let's go too Nekomata-san *smiles*』

At this Giji stretched out her wing to Ron, where the cat stared at the sea, and when she saw her friends playing in the water, it looked like she wanted to play with them too, you could see her tail wagging from side to side, her paws and hips said she wanted to run towards them but....

『Huh?...don't you like water?』

Giji asked without further ado, where Ron would pass by to look at him and as if smiling at him, agreeing with the Crone. They seem to have a problem, it's like half of the plans Giji had made have gone down the drain.

At that point we come back to the part where Giji was sitting in the sand and thinking all the above about the importance of every being in the world, his is more than obvious, to be able to get to be together with Ron and for him to consider him as someone special. Giji was sitting under the umbrella, while Ron was standing there looking around, he really has a lot of things he wants to do, but he couldn't take his eyes off his 3 friends who were having a good time in the water, he wants to join them too. But just coming in contact with the cold water, made her want to be totally dry again.

『(Nekomata-san wants to play with the 3 of them, I'm here with her but...) I'll be back in a moment Nekomata-san, I'm going to go chat for a moment, don't go away from the place, okay? 』

At this Giji got up to go to his 3 friends, at Giji's suggestion, Nekomata-san kind of took him at his word, but at the same time he wanted to hold him with his hands... he saw his surroundings and he wanted to go out and play with everyone, but he just doesn't do it, he wants to spend time with those he knows. 

Then Giji came to his 3 friends, who were having a good time, where he was quick to tell them if they could spend time with Nekomata-san, he told them about his fear of water and his great desire to play with all of them. At this Jun was listening to everything and in passing saw Ron at the umbrella where they left their things and he was right, as they exchanged glances, Ron kind of got happy at that moment. 

『I'm glad you care about Ron, but didn't you see what we're doing?』

『Huh? Playing in the water?』

『That's not what we're doing?』

『We're giving you a chance to spend time alone with the cat my friend Giji, because it's very noticeable, the cat would rather spend time with us than with you, and that's not bad news? huh? boy in love 』

『Kyto-chan is right, Ron-chan has so much confidence in us that she'll always prefer to play and spend time with us than someone who hasn't reached that level of friendship. Just look at her, she looks like she wants to play, and now that she's alone, she's going to want to be with those she knows, I'm even sure she tried to get you to stay with her when she saw you were leaving *smiles*』.

At this Ema was staring at Ron, at all this everyone was looking at the cat, who Ron, finding herself alone, without someone she knows by her side, kind of has this need to want to be with her friends. She is moving little by little from the beach to the sea, that is also the attitude that humans have, they will prefer to be with those they know rather than being alone,

『She's like a little girl *smiles*』.

『We 3 hog all her attention from the cat when we are together, while to you Giji, you're her last choice!!!!』

『Last choice???!?!!!』

『We know that this is a good opportunity for you 2 to strengthen your friendship, and it might even turn into something much bigger *smiles*』

『But of course, it won't be forever, we're just leaving these opportunities for you to take advantage of, since it's better to be all together and not leave anyone out *smiles*』

To this his 3 friends knew perfectly well that Giji was in love with Nekomata Ron, they said it freely without hiding anything, neither was Giji ashamed of this, hearing that this won't be the only chance they give him to be alone with Ron, it made him feel to be grateful to his friends and also support them in whatever situation they encounter.

『So run ostrich, show her a good time like we'll show the cat a good time *smiles*』.

『Friends...*happy* Thank you very much, I promise you can always count on me for any situation *smiles*』

At this Giji withdrew from his friends while the 3 of them felt like they were the best friends in the world. At this Jun commented that she was also going to give Kyto and Ema some time alone together to strengthen their friendship, but at this her friend Ema stopped her by commenting that it wasn't necessary. That she prefers to spend time with her friend on special occasions like this, since she has the most fun with her friend. To this Jun was kind of happy about her friend's comment, but she still commented that she prefers to give her two friends alone time than...

『For me it's no problem, I also prefer to share these moments with my friends, because I know very well that there will be times where only the gentleman and the damsel can share private time in their respective moments』-『These moments happen by themselves as one has to create them, and I want my friend Giji to be happy *smiles*』.

To this as Kyto spoke, it made Jun smile at him for preferring to spend time with his friends than with someone special alone. To this Jun commented that if they continue with that way of being, he might even become a parasite and always go to all the places where the 2 of them alone want to go. To this only the friends laughed because of how confusing and different friendship and love can be for everyone.


At this Ron was near the sea, he wanted to be with his friends and spend time with all of them, the only obstacle was the water that was unintentionally wetting both the beach and its visitors. At this Ron was afraid, and you could tell, the mere touch of water wetting her paws, kind of made her jump up and jump back down to the sand. She really was behaving like a cat that had never experienced water.

『I'm back Nekomata-san *smiles*』

Then Giji finally went back to Ron, where the cat started to stare at him, she didn't say anything, but it was as if she was telling him that she finally got back to someone she knows and that she doesn't want to be separated from him again. To this Giji had to take advantage of the situation, everything he imagined and has prepared to do on the beach, even if they don't go into the water, they still have a lot of things to do, maybe by doing all that, their relationship and bond will become stronger, and Ron sees him as someone special in his life. 

『What about going to the pile of rocks over there, the water doesn't get so strong, and you can find various crustaceans and stuff, there are many things to see on the beach...there are many things to do on the beach, play watermelon...bury someone in the sand...play ball.... do you want to?....*shocked* Do you want to spend time with me? 』

At this Giji again held out his wing as if inviting Ron to come in and do lots of things together. To this Ron really in his mind would like to do all that together with his friends, all together, he even happened to look again at his 3 friends who were on the beach and .... Giji thought that maybe his simple plan was not going to work, but out of nowhere he felt something soft on his wing, who was Ron's hand who did take his offer.

He didn't say anything else, to this Giji got a smile that he couldn't hide, to this he didn't think it would go that far, so embarrassed he commented that....

『OK....*red* then let's go....』

Then they started to walk hand in hand, she thought it would last long, but as they started to walk Ron took his hand off Giji's wing, who sighed as if it was his little paradise. But she stopped holding his wing as it was a bit difficult to hold him by the hand, so Ron, in order not to get lost and not to let anyone get away from her again, first seemed to lose sight of Giji again, where he was looking around for where Ron could be, when he noticed a shadow above him, It seems that he was slow to react, where Ron ended up falling on his back, where it seems that Giji could not bear the weight, leaving the Crone face down in the sand, to this Giji did not understand Ron's action at this moment, did he want to land on his back and make him carry him? If so, then someone light and weak-bodied like him couldn't. 

『I can't even bear the weight of someone light....』

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
