
Chapter 4: Transformation and a Sad Memory

I think my surprise was to be expected, after everything that happened on this day I guess it can still become more unpredictable, but I no longer have to act as I was before, I have to start changing from now to see what I will become when I get older, change always comes well of course if it is for the better, but...I really want things to change?

『Because we are in the training area the idea came to me, besides we still need to discover many secrets about you, I appreciate that you told me your name, although it is not your real name, answer me something before M, why don't you tell me your real name?』

Zeta seems to be half happy and satisfied with the situation, I guess it's obvious to want to know about someone who keeps a lot of secrets, although I don't keep so many secrets, only hours ago I was a boy who only ran errands for his mother, there's nothing to hide...no...yes...I already agreed that there's one thing to hide.

『I think I didn't erase the history...』

『History? You mean your history, mmm what things have you done kid? 』

『No!...nothing at all...only that...*sigh* There are things that people just don't want to say and should stay that way, for now that's my decision, just like for you I am a stranger, for me all of you likewise are, I find it difficult to open up with people with whom I have no relationship at all...so...let's get to know each other well and gradually discover our secrets』.

M was beginning to make something clear, that he will no longer have the same attitude he showed earlier, he wants to start making a difference with the me of before with the me of now. Seeing him as he spoke unsurely to then take a little more strength and say it without fear, even Zeta could see it and even smiled again because of the situation.

『I see, no one will tell you how to start acting from now on, I see that you want to put aside your previous life and start a new life, that's really brave of you *smiles*』

『Path, instead of life a friend would refer to it as a path, I'm sure he would congratulate me on it, and I'm not saying I want to set aside my previous life, I just want to find the best version of myself』.

『....*smile*Hearing that makes me so happy, it's like seeing my child start to grow up and meet the world, you fill me with so much pride』

『Why are you acting like my mother? You're not』.

In between this exchange of words with Zeta, I like that I made it clear to her the things I want to do and my goals, I didn't expect such a motherly reaction towards me, I really am so small and look so small...although now that I remember, out of the 3 of us I was the smallest....

『...Yes, you're right, I'm not and I think it was wrong of me, I'm sorry...』

¿? Why out of nowhere now Zeta became a little sad? I even managed to see how she touched her fingers fragilely, maybe she wants to be a mother? well why does she make it so difficult, if she wants a child then let her have one, besides I feel that she would be a good mother, she has noticed me a lot since I appeared and she has tried to take care of me now that I remember...

At that moment I remembered that Zeta commented that most of her body is robotic, that made me think something...maybe she no longer has the capacity to give birth because she simply doesn't have what it takes, just as her arm is robotic, more of her external or internal parts will also be robotic. Having thought about it, I looked back at Zeta who was still depressed about what I said so I just looked at her and.

『Okay, if you want to act like my mother go ahead, but I wouldn't want you to try to replace her, my mother might have been serious and harsh when I was younger, but these past few days I feel like I saw her true side, her caring and effort is something I couldn't understand until now...』

I could not avoid remembering the past weeks and days, really behind that imposing and serious figure of my mother, was hiding a totally different face that I had not seen for years, and since I started to live alone with her in that small apartment I began to understand it. 

Zeta at my words again did not object and even tried to stroke my head as she noticed me now a little depressed, but she simply did not and would try a better way to lift my spirits.

『Then I'll do whatever I please to make sure you lack nothing and help you in every way possible M *smiles*』.

I guess now she'll take care of me as if I were her son? Well, I guess it matters, no...it matters a lot, until recently I was a child who needed care, overnight I can't become independent and do what I want, that's not something I would do, besides I would be afraid and I am of depending on many, I really thank all those people who decided to give me a hand, since I was little and until I become someone big, I will also make an effort.

Now we were talking about how we would start my training, it was obvious that he wants to make me release the potential I saw before and again see that God figure who defeated that monster, but the question now I ask myself is.

『And how am I going to do it?』

『By training, there's no other way to unlock a hidden power, that's how we all unlock our powers』.

『That's not true, you just get the power gems and already become strong out of nowhere』.

『You even know about the gems too, really the place you came from must be interesting』.

In the midst of how I was thinking about being able to go back to my God Form, I first tried to do a bit of a warm up, I would move on to jogging and lightly hopping on my same spot. This while Zeta was apparently going to pick up or prepare everything needed for the training, from one moment to another I was doing what seems to be a kind of rhythm warm up, I think it came to my mind after spending a lot of time with one of the sisters. All the while I was still thinking about how to get said form.

『Well, I already brought what I needed...why are you lying down?』

『.... I got tired...』

Yeah...I was never very good at exercise nor did I have a good physical endurance, you should have guessed it while I was running, moreover, even I'm surprised that I resisted for a long time. All this while Zeta was laughing commenting that I end up getting tired from simple things I do.

『Then it's perfect for us, let's turn that skinny body into a giant, muscular one!』

『Giant and muscular?(Why do I imagine myself bald too?) No no no no!!!! Nothing like that, I don't want to be that, I'm fine as I am, besides the one who's going to fight is my God Form, not me as such』.

『You have little confidence in yourself M? That's what you mean?』

『That's not...I'm going to work it out, yes?』

『But you already made something clear, you said you want to get better, so let me help you』. 

Before I could answer him quickly I felt something coming towards me, by simple reflex I tried to cover it and what I had in my hand was a simple ball of wool. I would pass to look at Zeta who seemed to have brought many balls of the same, he was seen with a little smile and for some strange reason I felt that he was up to something.

『You got him』

『Since I was little I've always had good reflexes』

『How funny is it that you say small when you're actually small *laughs*』-『Let's start with this then, I'm going to throw all the balls at you and see how many you manage to catch or dodge, either of the 2 will do, but for it to be a real training, every ball I throw, the next one will come with more force, understood M?』

『Then you're really going to put me into training, I want to get through this one but, it's okay, you can start whenever you want (I hope it doesn't hurt, besides it's wool balls, but I still think I should first pass my Form God)』.

I had that in mind that I will be fine being all in a safe way, the wool ball I had in hand also gave me that safety, so I easily started the training, but I think Zeta really is acting exaggerated like a mother, since the first few throws had no power at all, I even think we were playing ball.

『Hey Zeta, you can throw harder, I'll be fine (I even stopped a ball with my eyes closed)』.

I'm not going to deny it, I remember with pride that time in the classic A vs. B game and how I stopped a ball with my eyes closed, not to be presumptuous but...nah, we'd better leave that part for another story ¿?

『It's not the other way around.....』

!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From what I was calmly dodging the balls and even catching some, I quickly felt a breeze pass near my face, but I really never felt something like that before, it was like a flicker from my distraction, that was the ball he just threw...seriously that was the wool ball he just threw? I swallowed saliva because for sure it was, quickly Zeta asked me if I was ok because I was frozen for a few seconds, doubtful of my words I answered him to continue throwing the balls. 

And...while I was throwing the balls, the truth was that I was throwing them harder and harder, I didn't even try to catch them, I felt that if I touched them or even if I got to tear them I would end up stamped against the floor or the wall. They are wool balls? I asked myself again, maybe because of my luck or because I have played a lot of games, but I think my reflexes are helping me in some way.

『(I need speed...)』

I was dodging even running all over the training area, I could no longer stay in one place, but instead of dodging...isn't this called escaping? I don't know at what point I lost my composure and now it looked like I was running away from a shooting, my heart started pounding, by now I was already extremely tired while repeating again that.

『(More speed....)』

I remembered for those moments, it was me who freed them from the monster at a great speed, I was always fascinated to be the fastest of all, always in the games I liked to choose the one who attacked faster and the most agile, something contrary to my real life, but now I have that possibility. Zeta was smiling to see that my gesture of fear still retained a bit of firmness, the truth if I was very scared but I can not deny it, I myself accepted to continue until I ....

I ended up hitting a ball of wool in my chest, I didn't go out stamped against the wall and I didn't go flying either, I was right all this time, they were simple harmless balls but even so....

『Because it looked deadly this thing....』

I fell to the ground with a simple touch of the weight of a ball of wool, I couldn't take it anymore, literally my body couldn't take it anymore, I was agitated and wanted to drink a lot of water, my legs were shaking and this made me remember again, why was it me among many better people to have obtained that power?

『I'm going to take a nap if you don't mind...』

『Huh? Are you really tired already? but we didn't even do anything, you can't stand anything, boy』

『(Like nothing, for me it was like being in the middle of a gunfight...)』

At that moment I couldn't help it and fell again defeated by the physical demand.


It was an ordinary day for me back then, there are many memories I have kept from my elementary school days as it meant a lot to me, having moved away from home to a completely unknown area I thought it was going to be difficult...difficult? rather escape so to speak from my relatives who for being the youngest did not say that they made fun of me or abused me, after all we were cousins, but let's say that their jokes and games were too much for them, big kids when I was still a little boy that for any scratch already began to cry. ...ah...I still remember when they were playing with my joke hat and they left it on a high place where I couldn't reach, they laughed but I was the only one who took it seriously, I guess it showed a little bit of my mother in it but....

『You cry for everything we do to you, look, between us we also make jokes and we don't go home crying like you *sigh* it would be awesome if you grew up too』.

I know...I know...they weren't mean to me nor did they have anything against me, we were cousins, aunts and uncles and family in general, but anyway I feel that their customs or everything related to them I don't feel like I fit in with them. I can't resist as much as you can, I'm still a weak child who needs to be taken by the hand so I can understand everything, and *smiles* when I moved to that new house, it's like luck gave me a hand.

I remember it perfectly, I was in 4th grade and I was 10 years old at that time, I was already feeling better after having spent a lot of time improving myself thanks to the help of many people, which is rare since it is normal that your family is the one who supports you in everything and well? The only one who was by my side at that time was my Sister Maya, although I don't know what she did either, there were many times when she came home totally disheveled and looking like she had been with bad people, she was not the Sister who helped me to get to school that first day of study in the first year of Primary School.

I had the support of everyone so to speak, when I got home and either after playing with my friends or having done something, I just had to be in that home where there was no one, my parents were only at lunch and then they went to work, my sister also being of age I guess she is doing her life so...the only one who was in that house was me and only me... until....

While I was walking home from school I found a surprise that I did not expect, there was a dog that was just walking down the street, just like that, a stray dog that you could find yourself walking home, I just walked, I looked at him for a few seconds and having him close to my side, my first reaction was to pet him.

I could notice how quickly I touched him for a few seconds, that animal moved away and made distance from me, this confused me, but it was normal in stray dogs, there will always be people who make them out of the places where they are or simply like me, who are afraid that they will receive something painful.

I could have easily left after that but... I quickly went through my backpack and tried to find something to have, luckily there was some food, a simple bread that I did not eat that day, and as if I wanted the best for that dog, I encouraged him to come closer so I could feed him, but what surprised me was that, at the slightest pull out the bread and tell him to come, he quickly threw himself against me to get the food, he did not knock me down or anything, he just put himself in 2 raisins and I was his support while he was eating the bread close to me. I still remember, he had a part of his ear ripped off, so to speak, and while he was eating the bread I couldn't help but want to stroke his head again, and at that moment... I was really happy.

And now it seems to be a habit that every time I came back home, I would find him lying on the floor, or just sitting next to a wall, but when he noticed that I was coming back, he would come running to me wanting to eat for sure first, I would gather food from the one he didn't eat so I could give it to him, and I would play with him for a while in the street itself. He would follow me into the house where I would often leave the door open for him to come into the yard, but he just wouldn't do it.

『And if I put this...*smiles* I knew it』

When I put a plate of food near the house, quickly that dog without any fear entered to eat it all, it really made me happy, to spend a little time in those days with that dog where there was literally no one at home, I felt that at that moment I started to live alone. It's like things had gone wrong without me not knowing and now this new friend came to keep me company. 

『How I wish I had a dog *smiles* but mom...』

My mom still at that time was very serious and strict, as long as she told you she didn't like me coming home dirty or spending too much time outside, although that's normal being a kid, but I feel like she went too far. I feel that because of her fault in wanting me to be locked up at home since it is a safe place where nothing will happen to me and she can do her things without worrying, now I have this mentality of always wanting to be at home and I was not interested in going out.

『What if I tell her? but...』

I wanted to tell her if I could keep the dog, with the new friend I made, but anyway the fear that she would say no, that she would refuse with that pose and straight voice...made me back off, it is normal to be a little afraid of your mother...the normal thing is that you are afraid of your mother when she gets upset, or at least that is my case, the most terrible fears I have are only 2, that my mother or sister would get upset with me. And on top of that, since neither of them hold anything back when it comes to say, I feel like crying just listening to them.

『Wait a little longer my friend...I...I... can't take the initiative...』

I was several days, several weeks and even a total of 3 months since I met that dog that now that I think about it...no...yes...by my friend's suggestion she was telling me to name that dog, I really didn't name him any and just called him dog or just nothing, weird for someone who cares about that animal. We spent some time at recess thinking about what to name him, they gave me suggestions on what to call him, he was a medium sized dog, he had a part of his ear torn off and you could tell he was a dog from the street, even his whiskers were torn off, I still wonder how did he end up like that, did he fight with other dogs? Until I myself for once listen to my sister.

『And that dog has been following you ever since we met, are you taking care of it?』

『Dog? dog...dog...dog...what if I call him Zote?』

I suggested to my friends the name I had given, and always when they see that I do something on my own, they always end up encouraging me and congratulating me, happy with the name ready for my new pet, although he is not my pet yet but at least I gave him a name, they don't know how much I want to call him and find him to tell him.

I was walking calmly back to my home, looking forward to meet Zote, but for some reason, he was not where I always found him, this was a little strange, but not so much, he is a stray dog and it is not the first time I don't find him here, either 2 blocks ahead or turning in another, Zote was anywhere. But he always came to me when he saw me or felt me, but now .....

I looked for him before returning home, I walked through the streets and saw the nearby houses to see where he was, maybe he was in a playground where we lived, maybe in some dark place, maybe in the garbage, maybe looking for something to eat. But the more I was looking, I couldn't find him at all, somehow this didn't worry me, since there were also days when I didn't see him but other days I did.

『But I still feel that he is near...』

I kept looking a little more through the streets where, I always loved animals, it was normal that dogs or cats approached me when they were small. Even one of the sisters called me a vagabond for it...Where are you Zote...where did you go...I kept looking all over the streets until I saw an alley, it seems that I didn't look in there, I was going to get inside to find out what was going on when...

From the same alley my friend had come out and told me that there was no one inside, I wanted to go in by myself to find out if it was true, but again she stopped me and covered my eyes so I wouldn't see or know anything, there were times when she acted that way that I didn't understand and now that I think about it, I should have paid more attention to those details.

『Let's go back home, Zote will be on his way too, after all he always comes back *smiles*』.

I could feel how he was forcing me forward, he even took my body and now I was in the lead while still covering my eyes. I couldn't say anything, I wanted to say it but my voice just wouldn't come out, I wanted to see what was in that alley my friend came out of, what was there..what happened there...I wanted to know...but....

『Let's go back home please...there's nothing there...』

I could feel that she said it with sadness and even with weight in her words, when I heard that and felt it, I simply lowered my head and listened that we were going to return home, leaving me the intrigue of what happened at that moment, but as if I wanted to make me forget the heavy moment, my friend looked at me and smiled again as always, I guess my attempt to smile was my answer to this. But really...what was in that alley...was it really...?

And after that day I never saw Zote again.


When I was waking up from the dream I had, I realized something, first it seems that I am lying on Zeta's legs and second. 

『I was thinking about something M, what if the transformation has to do with something mental...maybe you have to visualize it or imagine it, maybe it has to do with emotions? Since analyzing it well, we could say that you exploded out of a cumulus of emotions』

Zeta suggested when she saw that I woke up, she didn't seem worried at all when she saw that I fell asleep, although it was normal, my life wasn't in danger and I just needed a little rest to recover. I got up as if nothing but quickly Zeta would comment something.

『You feel better already?』

『Yeah, I'd like to get excited about sleeping on your thighs but, wait, if I enjoy it that makes me a fur...better not say it...now I have other things on my mind, you said I have to imagine it or suffer an explosion of emotions? Well, I'm going to try』.

Truly the dream I had left me a bit serious when I woke up, if I had had a normal dream I think my reaction would have been anyone's, but this was not the case. I quickly got into a pose and closed my eyes to concentrate. 

First I tried to visualize the image as such of that being of Light, and as if I was lucky or to go into serious mode. Quickly you could see a change in me, quickly Zeta was surprised by this and commented that those same lights I give off now were the ones I showed at the beginning of the battle.

『(And now I guess I need an explosion of emotions...) Zote...where are you...』

It wasn't at all like the previous tranformation I had before, where what I mostly felt was fear with a touch of helplessness and anger. It was the opposite, I only knew how to feel at that moment that I had to do it and just let myself be carried away by the moment, from one moment to another my body started to change, it was like a purple light started to embue me inside and I started to feel the changes, from head to toe everything I could feel it.

『I understand, I just have to make up my mind whether to do it or not』.

At that moment I could understand it, quickly the purple light was released showing at last in a calm and not at all surprising way that I managed to return on my own to my God Form. I know I should be happy and excited that I did it, the truth if I even want to know how to use my tail, it feels a little weird to have a tail, should I put clothes on my tail?

『Owww!!! You did it M!!! Although why do you now have the appearance of a child? the one I saw initially I think it was that of an adult.』

『That of a child? I don't know, I just imagined it and that's it, we don't have to look for a lot of logic I guess, let's just say he made it and that's all.』

『Let's just say you did it and that's it? I don't know what happened, or what you dreamed or if your attitude has to influence it, but you made it, congratulations *smiles*』

『I...*smiles* That's right, I made it』.

After thinking about it well if I took out an attempt of smile returning to my previous època, but this time if I was happy and celebrating my triumph that I just had, I know that he said that it is not necessary to look for him much logic, since the most sure thing when I dominate it will be done to me even natural to happen to that Form but....

『Awww....de truth I am that...Zeta *blushing* I really am *happy*』

『That's right M, you're a God of Destruction』.

I couldn't hide anymore, I got excited and even blushed for having succeeded, when I heard Zeta's words, it was really impossible to repress this emotion, I even jumped with joy for it and quickly went on to sniff my own body, I was touching myself...that sounds bad...I was groping myself...no that sounds bad too...I was poking myself....

『I curse you crafty....Ah! So how do I say it』

But quickly from what I was wanting to get excited about, quickly Zeta was touching my tail where at the slightest touch, I felt like an electrifying effect running through my whole body, quickly as if it was mine, I started hugging my tail for it.

『Do you have it sensitive?...*laughs* We have to work on a lot of things so that people won't make fun of you 』.

Yeah...I feel little things to someone touching my tail, that's why I say if I can put clothes on this long thing...Ah!!!Why does it all sound like a mockery, it really influences a lot to have been friends with Lys....From what I was embarrassed contemplating my tail, quickly Zeta suggested something.

『So now if you feel like continuing with the training?』

『Yes, now I feel much better, and I don't want a training like earlier, now I feel capable of more, let's fight Zeta』

I think we all have that moment when we think we can do more, hallucinate would be the word, but hallucinate for sure my friends would tell me. Truly the desire to try this new power was killing me with joy and excitement, Zeta to this was happy since it was what she was waiting for the most, I could see how she got into combat pose while I...

『But don't touch my tail』

『Then you don't touch mine』

『What? Do you have a tail?』

Now that Zeta said that, I slowly went to with my eyes to see if I really had a tail but quickly Zeta was hiding her backside and with a look that I'm doing something wrong she said to me.

『Pervert, did you just look at your mother's tail? *smiles*』

Comment that I ended up taking it a little badly because...I just wanted to see if she had a tail or not, I quickly got embarrassed because I was right, if I'm like this now I can't imagine when I'm 15 years old, why 15? because I really like the number 5. Instead of giving them what they want in the face of these jokes the best thing to do is to respond.

『Well then I will also fight to see your tail, so get ready Zeta』.

『Then I'll touch yours first!』

Why....why does this end up saying what will you do with your tails?

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
