
58. Battle against Aggregor

As soon as we entered the cockpit, Kevin immediately asked:

- What was it?

- Usual magical construction. - I said casually.

- So you're Anodite? - Gwen asked, surprised.

- Yes. Didn't you know? - I asked.

- Not. You never used magic in our presence. - Ben said.

- It's clear. - Nodding, I said.

- How did you make this armor? - Gwen asked.

- Just presented and formed. I specifically use it because it is perfect both in defense and in attack. Plus, I can fly. - I said.

- Gwen, can you create such armor? - Kevin asked.

- I don't know, but it's unlikely. It is very difficult. - Gwen said doubtfully.

- I just have a slightly special Mana. That is denser. Also, I can only create such armor if I use one of the streams of consciousness. - I told my secret.

- Streams of consciousness? - Ben asked incredulously.

- Never mind. Just assume that because I'm smart, I can make this armor. - Waving my hand, I said.

- Are you smart? How much? - Kevin asked curiously.

- Very. I got brains from my mother. - I said.

- Mothers? Wait. If you are an alternate version of Ben, then why do you have a different appearance and name? - Kevin finally understood.

- Actually, my name is Alexander Benjamin Tennyson, that is, I am also Ben. But I prefer to be called Lex. And the difference in appearance is again because of my mother. - I said.

- In terms of? - Kevin asked with a frown.

- We have different mothers. It seems that in Lex's universe, my father met another woman and married her without ever meeting my mother. - said Ben, who was aware of this information.

- So, you look like your mother? - Kevin asked.

- Yes, I completely got the appearance from her. And intelligence. She was a bio-physicist, a geneticist, an engineer and who knows what else. - I said with a smile.

- Was?

- Yes. My father and mother died in an accident when I was 5 years old. Since then, I have lived with Grandpa Max. - I said.

- Clear. - said Kevin and we flew on. He seemed to feel embarrassed that he was disturbed by bad memories.

After 20 minutes, we passed through the portal and left the white space.

This time, we found ourselves in a nebula. Everything here was in shades of blue and there were a huge number of stars.

It was incredibly beautiful. Never seen this before.

From such beauty, I even involuntarily held my breath. The rest didn't even raise an eyebrow. Either they have already seen this, or they are too focused on the upcoming fight.

Most likely the second. Well, yes, after all, if they lose, their universe will be captured by a psycho.

I still have a few years before this event. Although, I would not want to screw it up, so we must take everything seriously and use all our strength.

But the problem is that I have almost no strength. Of course, I act like everything is just fine, but in fact, I'm very tired. Bags under the eyes don't just happen.

I'm almost out of Mana. I can create Armor only four times. It's really not enough. After all, in my excellent state, I can create such Armor thirty times. If not more.

It's good that when creating armor there is a reserve for flight and attacks with repulsors. Otherwise, it would be really bad.

I also have very little physical strength. Usually I can run fifty kilometers without even breaking a sweat, and now I'm out of breath after two.

I don't have the power to telepathy either. And using telekinesis, I can now only fly, and then not for long.

Also, the Omnitrix is ​​temporarily blocked. Of course, I wanted to scan Ben's Ultimatrix, but only when all this adventure was over.

Since the situation is quite serious, I fully activated my Tattoo of Luck. Now I need all my luck.

While I was indulging in my reflections, we covered a fairly decent distance and we saw a large number of Celestialsapiens.

Unlike Alien X, who was about the size of a human, they were huge, comparable to a skyscraper, and even bigger. They hung in the air without moving, arms and legs outstretched.

Seeing them, Ben said:

- The Celestials spend their whole lives arguing with their other personalities. We're lucky they don't pay attention to us.

- Yes. One wave of the hand and we're done. - I said.

Gwen and Kevin swallowed at my words.

- By the way, Ben, I wanted to ask everything. You don't have the Omnitrix, do you? - To defuse the situation, I asked.

- What? Oh yes. This watch is called the Ultimatrix. - Ben said, looking away from the Celestials.

- Ulti, huh? And what can he do? - I asked.

- Basically the same as the regular Omnitrix, but the Ultimate Forms are now available. - Ben said.

- Is this some kind of evolution? - I had to ask, as Ben's answer didn't explain much.

- Yes, you are right. By taking Ultimate Forms, the heroes become stronger and gain new abilities.

- What happened to your Omnitrix? - I asked.

-  Vilgax. I had to destroy the watch to keep it out of his hands. - Ben said.

- It's clear. Tough decision. - I said sympathetically. Ben just nodded and we flew on in silence.

Of course, I knew all this. But it was necessary to legitimize my knowledge. Plus, I was able to distract them a bit.

After 10 minutes, we saw a female Celestial. We haven't seen these before. Apparently they are very rare.

She was larger than the rest of the Celestialsapien, and unlike the others, her palms were folded and a large ball of light hung above them.

- What is it? - Gwen asked.

- It's Alien X's baby. - Ben said.

At that moment, something happened to the ship and we began to fall.

- We were shot down. - Kevin yelled, trying to keep control of the ship.

He wasn't very good at it, but we were able to successfully land on the arms of the Celestialsapien Woman, not far from the baby.

Thanks to Kevin's excellent piloting skills, we weren't hurt at all and got out of the ship right away.

As soon as we moved away from the ship a little, the Aggregor appeared in the sky, who, in his hands, had the Map of Infinity. It was he who shot down our ship.

As soon as the Aggregor saw us, he began to attack. He created air and water attacks and threw them at us.

Kevin and Ben dodged while Gwen took the attack on her mana shield. But the shield could not stand it and she was thrown back several meters.

I created the Iron Man Armor and took the attack on myself. I was pushed back a couple of steps, but the armor held.

By this time, Ben had turned into a Four Arms and went on the attack on the Aggregor. But he was quickly put on the shoulder blades.

Kevin used metal plating and also got into close combat. He was also quickly defeated and the Aggregor threw him away.

The Aggregor was just distracted, so I fired at him with all my repulsors.

Oddly enough, the Aggregor was notably thrown a few meters away. But, my armor was depleted due to the depletion of supplies, so Gwen attacked the Aggregor with her magic discs.

Unfortunately, they didn't do anything to him, so the Aggregor hit Gwen again and she was thrown away again. It seems that this time, she even lost consciousness.

I created the armor again and attacked the Aggregor in close combat. Despite all my fatigue and exhaustion, I was able to use my prowess in martial arts and dealt him some serious blows, and even gouged out his eye.

But, my armor was destroyed pretty quickly and I was also injured. The Aggregor broke my arm and knee. With the last blow, he threw me back twenty meters.

It was very painful. But I endured. There was still no choice.

By this point, Ben came to his senses and attacked the Aggregor again. But he was quickly defeated again, and also returned to human form.

Having said his villainous monologue, the Aggregor went towards the newborn Celestial.

Lying on my back, I saw how Kevin decided something and went to Ben. It seems that he nevertheless decided to absorb the power of the Ultimatrix and sacrifice himself in order to defeat the Aggregor.

It was at this moment that my Omnitrix signaled that it was ready to go.


Something, this time, my luck worked for a long time.

Using my last magical powers, I created the Hulkbuster and got back on my feet.

With pain in my arm and leg, I fired my repulsor at Kevin. He was thrown several meters away from Ben.

Now is not the time for pleasantries.

Using the repulsors on my legs and arms, I took off and flew towards the Aggregor.

He was already two meters away from the ball of light that contained the child.

I made it just in time. Raising and crossing the arms of the Hulkbuster, I hit Aggregor on the head, he was knocked back from the blow.

While I was around, I managed to scan his DNA. Everything goes according to plan.

Rising to his feet, the Aggregor growled and ran towards me.

While he was running, I managed to turn into an Osmosian. There was no time to look at myself.

The Aggregor was already there, but I no longer had enough magic and only the arm of the armor remained.

Ignoring the pain in my leg, I dodged the Aggregor's blow and, using the remnants of my armor, hit him on the head.

The blow was strong enough to cause the Aggregor to lose focus for three seconds. This time was more than enough for me.

Grabbing the Aggregor with my good hand, I began to use the powers of the Osmosian and began to absorb the power of all the aliens.

When the Aggregor came to his senses, I had already pumped out more than half of all energy. And when he tried to resist, I hit him a few more times.

Finally, when I took all the power of the aliens from the Aggregor, he again began to look like before.

I, on the other hand, turned into the same monster as the Aggregor was. I looked exactly the same and consisted of five aliens.

I was still able to control myself, so I quickly hit the Aggregor on the head. When he finally passed out, I threw him away.

After that it started. There was a tremendous amount of pressure on my mind shield. It was incredibly painful and I screamed.

The side effect of the Osmosian's power was destroying my mind's defenses. I could only fall to my knees, hold my head and scream.

Just at that moment, Ben and Co. ran up to me.

— LEX!!! LEX! Are you okay? - Ben asked worriedly.

With the last of my strength, I quietly muttered:

- D..d...di...dial...

Ben seemed to understand me as he moved closer and slapped the Omnitrix sign.

With a flash of blue light, I turned back into a human.

As soon as I became myself, I felt that the pressure was gone.

- Phew. - I said with a smile, after which I lost consciousness.



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