
128. May I Be Happy?

Arriving at the Salma terminal then looking for a bus that can take her to Central Java. Luckily she still got one ticket left from the last bus leaving tonight.

Meanwhile at Mr. Raharja's residence, Mrs. Raharja and Zee and Afzal are frantically looking for Salma's whereabouts. They tried to find the whereabouts of the woman who had not been seen in front of her family for several hours.

"Is he not in Zain Mama's room? Zain hasn't come out of the room yet, right? It was not impossible that they were currently there. I hope the two of them get along like they used to and their relationship gets better."

Mrs. Raharja nodded hearing her husband's words while Zee looked at Afzal who was still silent as if he was analyzing the possibility of Salma's presence in Zain's room. Afzal knows his brother's habit of ignoring anyone when he is angry and he is sure that right now he is ignoring his wife.
