
113. Unexpected Condition

Zee has been treated at the medical hacker clinic for 2 days. And every day she gets treatment from the paztroopers. There is no sign of her waking up yet but her condition is getting better. Afzal and Mr. Zulfikar who was waiting for her took turns taking care of the girl. Seeing Afzal faithfully waiting for Zee, actually Mr. Zulfikar felt very strange. He was curious about what Afzal was doing.

"Tell me why are you still here waiting for my daughter? Is there a special relationship between you and Zee? I don't want to force you to leave your job just because you're not comfortable with me. You can leave this clinic right now."

Afzal shook his head. He won't do whatever Mr Zulfikar tells him to because he knows finding Zee is a tough job and once he gets it he won't let go.

"Why? Is there anything that makes you object to taking my orders?"

"Yes sir. I object because she's been the one I've been looking for."
