
Chapter 36

I pushed on a black book... and nothing happened. I ended up punching through the wall, we were met with a shoddy excuse of a secret pathway. The whole thing was way too clean, the pathway and surrounding walls were made of a smooth stone. We entered the pathway and walked through it, then we were presented with a rather large room at the very end of it.

The room wasn't very special, there were many doors though, three on the left, two on the right and one at the very end. I looked around the room, I then saw a body. The person's hair was blonde, they seemed to have several broken bones. They had ragged clothes, the person was gasping for air, they had tears in what was left of the ragged mess that was their face. Though their ragged clothes I could see that their skin was extremely pale, so pale that you'd think their were poisoned. I took a better look at them, by the looks of it she was a woman.

I created my sword and immediately beheaded the woman, killing her instantly. I didn't really care about her or her situation, however... I think that's what a 'human' would've done. I'm sure that the woman probably didn't do anything wrong, so this is the least I can do.

I looked back to see Iris' reaction, she had tears in her eyes. She was clenching her fists so hard that they started bleeding, she was even leaking killing intent. For a moment, I considered killing her. In the game she was fairly kind hearted, but If a person who manipulated Fate were to become a cold blooded killer...

I cast my thoughts away, if I killed her I don't think I'd be able to leave this country. I'm pretty sure the Elves would spare no effort in hunting me down even if I did escape this place.

My eyes widened slightly, I was sensing over a hundred presences in the other room, I immediately started flowing Mana through my body. The door at the very far end of the room opened and many armed bandits came out, some of them were wearing armour while others were wearing light weight body armour. Quite a few of them had weapons like swords and axes, a few of them had guns.

I let go of my sword and allowed it to seep into the darkness.

"Iris, you seem to be annoyed, so you can blow off some steam."

Iris wordlessly drew her Katana and dashed forward, I activated my 'Draconic Eyes' and watched how she moved. I saw how her muscles twitched and how her joints moved around, I was trying to learn her movement pattern and find out any habits, at the same time I was also trying to learn her fighting style.


Thirty minutes had past and over 30 of them had been either knocked out by her or in a condition where they couldn't properly move. She had multiple gunshot wounds, I had not interfered as her life wasn't at risk. I merely watched as she went from bandit to bandit, mercilessly cutting and slicing them. If I was correct, she was at Mana Class 8, the same as me. But she was only a bit past the starting point, and while the bandits were only Mana Class 10, or 9 at the most, she was at a disadvantage.

This was due to her being incapable of killing, the King and Queen had spoiled her. She valued life above all else. As such, she has to try and knock them out, which was easier said than done when the enemy has more experience, better numbers and when they are heavily armed.

My eyes widened as I heard a subtle whistle like noise, at the same time I heard many guns shooting at once. I then recalled the woman from earlier, I connected the two dots. I simply stood there as a dart impaled her neck. At the same time multiple bullets struck her all over her body, however they all narrowly missed her vitals.

With that, the Princess of the Elven Empire fell to her knees and then face first onto the floor.

The bandits sheathed their weapons and looked at me with a smile. A few of the bandits licked their lips, I sighed at their behaviour.

I wasn't even bothered to use a weapon on them, my senses were telling me that there were around 70 of them, I put my arm over my chest and used my other arm to form a cross, I did this with both arms until I felt like I had stretched enough. I grabbed my leg and pulled it back, I did with both legs until they felt like they had stretched properly.

One of the bandits spoke, he had white skin and a scar over his right eye. His other eye was blue, he was also bald. I looked at his ears and his overall structure and noticed that he wasn't an Elf. Up until now I hadn't paid attention to the bandits' race, but now that I looked at them I saw that they were all human.

He seemed to be the strongest of the bandits, he was somewhere around Mana Class 9.

"Kid, you're probably weaker than that Elven kid right? I'm pretty sure that you're human, so why don't I give you an offer?-"

I cut him off as I used a move called 'Flash Step', it was a technique that made me move forward a short distance at monstrous speeds. It was a rather advanced technique, at its current stage it was like a dash button. But, I had seen a fellow Paragon use this in battle, they were able to leave thousands of after images. That Paragon was able to fight against armies head on.

He created the technique, he didn't teach it to us but I still managed to learn it. My Flash Step isn't remotely close to his, but it'll do the job for short distance movement.


His bones were being crushed from the force of my blow, his stomach had collapsed on itself and he coughed up blood. I grabbed his stomach and ran my arm through him, piercing his body and further destroying his internal organs.

With his last breath he futilely roared at the top of his lungs,


I decapitated him with a sideways chop to the throat with my other hand.

"Come at me you sons of bitches."

A/N: I just came out of a bio test today and will slowly be getting more tests, so quality will probs go down for a bit but it won't be unbearable.
