
Whiskey Peak pt. 2

The Baroque Works' agents looked around and said "Where did they go?!" Vivi stepped back and Igarappoi looked at her saying, "What's wrong, Ms Wednesday?" Vivi looked at Igarappoi and made a hand gesture to him. Igarappoi's pupils shrank and he took out a trumpet, looking around vigilantly as he said "ESCAPE! NOW!"

Zoro appeared in a crowd and looked to his right at Thirteen before saying "Didn't think you could keep up." Thirteen just looked at him blankly and Zoro's mouth twitched, the Baroque Works agents shouted "There they are!" before firing at the duo.

Thirteen looked at them as Zoro disappeared again, he hardened his skin and stood there as bullets bounced off his skin and to the ground. The agents ran out of ammo and Thirteen looked at the bullets on the ground as the agents backed away slowly, saying "No way! What is he?! A monster?!"

Thirteen turned his head to Vivi when Zoro called from a rooftop "You can pretend to dodge you know…" Thirteen blinked and walked towards Vivi as people ran at him with swords, Zoro sighed and jumped out of the way from a sword.

Agents stormed Thirteen as he walked.

He grabbed the agent jumping at him and crushed his head to mush, never breaking eye contact with Vivi. More agents rushed him and he hardened his arms, swatting the agents out of the way as hard as possible, bifurcating them in half, smashing their heads to bits, or splattering their insides all over the ground.

The agents backed off and started shooting at him again, but Thirteen spun his chain in a circle in front of him, blocking the bullets before whipping his chains out and splattering brains all over the place.

He never once stopped his steps as he got closer and closer to Vivi, Igarappoi, and Mr. 9. Ms Monday had already disappeared and her high pitched screams were heard from where Thirteen was.

The agents that were still alive stepped back before running away, shouting "MONSTER! RUN! GO GET THAT SWORDSMAN!"

Igarappoi tugged on his bowtie, pulling the strings to reveal 6 gun barrels from the curls in his hair as he said "Stop! I'll shoot!" Thirteen ignored him and looked Igarappoi in the eyes as he continued walking, covered in blood.

Vivi shouted "Igaram! No!" as Igaram shouted "Princess! Run!" before firing at Thirteen, who hardened himself and continued. The bullets bounced off him and fell to the ground as the distance between the two were getting closer and closer until Thirteen was right in front of Igaram.

He looked at Igaram in the eyes before grabbing his neck and lifting him up.

Suddenly, Mr 9 smashed a bat over Thirteen's head, laughing "I got you!" Thirteen caught the bat with his hand, turning his head to Mr 9. He crushed the bat with his hand before punching Mr 9 in the face and blasting him through several buildings into the distance.

Thirteen looked at his bloodied fist and shook the teeth and bone off his hand before turning back to Igaram. Vivi shouted "No! Wait! You want me right? Let Igaram go!" Thirteen looked at Vivi as Igaram screamed in panic "Princess! You can't!"

Thirteen threw Igaram to the side and walked to Vivi, standing right in front of her. He raised a fist and was about to smash it into her head. She closed her eyes when Zoro clicked his tongue, saying "Took you long enough."

Thirteen looked at Zoro and saw all the bodies behind him, Zoro looked at Thirteen with one eye as he drank from a bottle of booze. Thirteen looked at Vivi as Igaram shouted "Swordsman! Please save the Princess! We're from the Kingdom of Alabasta! W-"

Zoro waved his hand and said "I already know, curly." Igaram blinked and looked at Vivi before adding "We can pay you immensely!" Nami appeared from behind a wall and grinned "Immensely!? You ARE royalty, aren't you??? So, how about a Billion Belli?" Igaram said quickly "Of course!" Nami jumped up in the air and celebrated before running over and saying "Thirteen! Let her go, you promised."

Thirteen looked at her pouting face and puffed cheeks before turning to Zoro, who rolled his eyes and shrugged. Thirteen put his hand down and walked away, jumping to the roof next to Zoro and drinking some of his wine.

Zoro said "Hey! Find your own!" as he tried to get it back.

Nami started interrogating Vivi about how much money, when 2 more people showed up and said "Oh my! Are we interrupting~?"

The group turned to them, it was a man and a woman. The woman was wearing a dress with lemon slices on it and holding an umbrella, while the man was dark skinned and wearing a trench coat with red sunglasses.

Igaram said "Mr 5! Ms Valentine! What are you doing here?!" Valentine giggled and said "To come and kill the people who found out the boss' secret of course!" Mr 5 picked his nose and said "She means you and the Princess of Alabasta."

Thirteen watched from the roof as the duo nagged on endlessly about Baroque Works. Vivi whistled and a duck came out of nowhere, picking her up and running off. Igaram pleaded "Save the Princess! Please!"

Nami turned around and Thirteen looked at her, she looked at Zoro and said "Go get her!" As Zoro shouted back, Thirteen turned his attention to Valentine and 5, both of whom ran off after Vivi.

He looked in the direction they went before turning back to the conversation with Zoro and Nami, who said "You still owe me 200,000 belli!" Zoro yelled "What?! How!? I gave you back the money on the same day!" Nami crossed her arms and said "So? Can't you keep a promise?"

Zoro grinded his teeth and got up, saying "Fucking loanshark!" before running off after Vivi. Nami giggled and gave Thirteen a thumbs up before listening to Igaram talk about Alabasta.
