
Chapter 172 - Late-night chat (part 2)

Knowing the actual extent of Miriette's physical ability, Zoemi reached out his hands to catch her, or t least help her keep the balance – which was both a correct and incorrect decision at the moment.

It was indeed the right choice because the dark-haired girl has barely made it to the window sill and her body tilted back almost immediately, threatening to fall at any given moment.



...and it was the wrong choice at the same time, which was signified by the gasp of pain that thundered through the black-haired boy's body the moment he touched the girl.

He didn't let her go, and instead pulled her inside the room to safety – but he let her go and stepped back immediately, as prolonging the physical contact felt as if he was being repeatedly hit with a sledgehammer by a transcended earth magician.
