
Chapter 171 - Momentary peace (part 1)

The murky-black shadow gate appeared on the wall of the headmaster's office in the Aspakeony Academy and a black-haired boy escorted by two androgynous youths stepped in.

His complexion was sickly pale and judging by the worried look of the other two, his condition couldn't be any good.

"Hmm...? I am pretty sure I asked you to take me back to the Banemor mansion – grandpa is probably very worried... Unless he is still in the Academy?"

Zoemi looked around and said in a hesitant voice, furrowing his brows.

"You did say that, dad – and grandpa did return home..."

"But you also said that you are really worried about Miss Miriette and the others..."

The two corpse puppet sentinels confirmed - the second one was more energetic while the first one was hesitant.

"We are just passing through here, so you wouldn't worry."

"You need to have a proper rest."

The two continued their explanation, making some fairly reasonable points.

