
Chapter 122 - Tournament arc (part 21)

"I should congratulate you – I did not expect you to win your previous fight – you most definitely did not deserve that win."

It was already the next day – the fifth day of the tournament for the hand of the daughter of Victureo family – and Zoemi was standing up in the arena, casually dishing a disrespect towards the brown-haired young woman from the Auequas family, in what was the closing duel for that day of competing.

"Lord Zoemi Benevi Banemor will face lady Arreta Auequas!"

One of the judges announced and the audience focused on the two opponents, knowing that their fight should be very interesting as proven by their previous encounter...

"Hmph! As if I get baited into useless chatter!"

Arreta scoffed and took a battle stance but waited for the judge to actually announce the start of the duel to activate her enchantments.
