
R-18 First Time

Kotori walked down the hall of the hospital and notice the assistant standing outside of the door. She entered the patient's room. "Please tell me that my brother is okay!"

"You must be the guardian of Hideaki Haru." He took a deep breath with the clipboard in his hand and prepped himself to deliver the terrible news.

"I'm sorry to inform you but the patient Hideaki Haru 24-year-old male and the time of death is 5:46 pm—Just a few minutes before you arrived"

"W-what did you just say?" She questioned in confusion as her lips tremble," No that can't be right! He was just up a few hours ago and talking. It can't be true!"

She walked towards her brother on the hospital bed who seem to be sleeping peacefully then she shook him lightly.

"These doctors don't know what they are talking about. Come on Hideaki Get up -- Please just open your eyes for me!"

She shook her head back and forth in denial unable to see the truth in complete denial as the monitor behind her beep loudly with a flat line.

"Please save my brother, Doctor! He's everything to me and all that I have left. "She begged desperately and even kneel down in front of him. "I can't live in a world without Hideaki."

"There's nothing that could be done."

Kotori called out to the nurses to offer their assistance but was rejected. It feels like everyone in the room was against her. She turned away from the others with the priority of saving her brother's life. She had her hand on his chest with the palm on top of the other and pushed down continuously until her arms hurt the sound of bones cracking could be heard.

15 minutes passed

"I apologize for your lost Mrs. Nakamaru, but you can't stay here forever—They have to transport his body and sanitize the room for the next patient."

"What is wrong with you? Are you inhuman?" She lifted her head and looked at the assistant with a hostile glare and pursed her lip," You—This is your fault. You killed him… You killed my brother! Why didn't you tell anyone that Hideaki was heading to the hospital? How could you didn't tell me? I should've been the first person to contact!"

Kyosuke has spoken with the staff and then approached her." That's enough, Kotori."

Those weren't the words that she wanted to hear, and the most heartbreaking thing happened when reality finally sunken in without warning. It was the most intense and gut-wrenching pain that she ever felt, and it was slowly tearing her apart.

Her world turned upside down and shattered into a million pieces. There was a tightness in her chest and her heart cried out painfully with each beat.

It was difficult to breathe when the air feels like blades and became unbearable to endure.

He comforted her and allowed her to cry in his chest.

It didn't make any sense. Why did this have to happen? Why couldn't it just have been me instead?

Kotori opened her puffy eyelids, and her eyes were a bloodshot red. Her face was blotchy and flustered. It sounds like there was a lump in her throat and whenever she tried to speak her voice cracked. She cries into the pillow

"I don't how many times I woke up crying."

Her breath stuttered when she tries to take a deep breath and tears fell on the picture frame in her hands a picture of her and Hideaki with the biggest smile." Why did you leave me all alone?" She traces her hand over his face and then held the picture close to her chest.

The fondest memories became the most painful. – She loathed her life, and everything seem meaningless.

There were no more good days ahead and wanted to end the suffering as swiftly as possible. The pain was too great

There's were a sound of someone knocking then a voice followed by one of the servants." Madam,

"Madam, are you awake? I can come back at another time."

The footsteps of the servants shuffled away from the doorway.


Kyosuke entered through the large doors of the villa and let the servants his jackets and suitcase. He removed his leather honey tan shoes.

The servants took away his footwear to polish and arrange with the others on the rack in alphabet order that were stored in their own closet

"How's Kotori?" He questioned in a husky tone and was exhausted from his business trip with investors. He wanted to take a nice, steamy shower and rest in that comfortable bed of his.

The servants looked at each other and whispered indistinctly.

"Is someone going answer my questions or stand here like fools?" He asked and sounded more intimidating.

One of the servants spoke among the group of individuals and stepped forward. "Since you left to the airport Madam would not leave her room and even missed her own graduation. She locked the door and prevented any of us from entering then refused to eat a single meal—The only thing she requested in alcohol to drink with her brother."

"You're fired! She's not supposed to drink alcohol – She underaged"

He rushed upstairs and aggressively twisted the doorknob, but it wouldn't budge one bit then he called out to her many times," Kotori! Are you in there? Open the fucking door! "And banged his fist against the door.

Finally, it flung open and Kotori was in the doorway. She was completely intoxicated, swaying back and forth barely able to keep her posture with a half-full bottle in her hand." Why are you so loud? Hideaki and I are having a drinking contest." She spoke and her words slurred then stumbled into his chest.

He put his hand on her shoulders then pushed her a few steps back and notice that she didn't have anything underneath that long shirt that stopped at her thighs. He controlled his urges toward her and was concerned about her health, and well-being. "Let's get you back and bed—I will be sure to bring you a glass of water."

He escorted her to the bed and made sure that she watched her footsteps along with the way. He laid her head carefully on the pillow and his face was close to hers sharing an intensive glazed of lust.

"Kyo..." She finally said in a low voice.



He caressed her face and then brushed his lips against hers—The smell of the sweet fragrance she had been drinking then her tongue slipped into his mouth passionately. He massaged her pair of breasts as soft moans escape from her mouth and she felt someone hard between her legs.



He whispered in her ear," I want you." And place his lips against her neck leaving a hickey then left a trail of kisses on her naked body.




He moved his hips thrusting slowly then continued at a faster pace. Treating her fragilely like a delicate flower and tried not to cause her too much pain. The walls tighten up around him as he groans.



At first, it hurt and could feel like a hymen slowly breaking apart. When the thrusting increased, she began showing signs of pleasure.

"Ah! Yes more~



The sound of sweet soft moans and heavy breathing could be heard outside of the door. He thrust faster and pounded her butt cheeks harder with his hands on her hips as they slapped against his legs.
