
Chapter 229- Ears Suddenly Malfunctioning

“What did he say?”

Turning away from his jade slip in hand, Jun looked to Li Shen and replied.

“Master, senior disciple brother said he’ll meet us at the Celestial Academy’s valley entrance.”

Li Shen nodded before he continue to walk.

They were heading down the Sword Pavilion mountain to leave the Academy for their new mission.

The academy itself hadn’t changed much since Li Shen was here, and that was normal since the passage of time to cultivators isn’t the same as mortals. Three years was long to them, but to cultivators who could live for over a hundred years at the bare minimum, it was a small drop in the bucket.

However, even though the academy hadn’t changed, the disciples sure have.

As Li Shen took his time to walk through the Inner Academy, numerous disciples could weirdly be seen without a pair of shoes.

He also passed a few stands that had someone yelling what they were selling, and to what that is was even stranger.
