
Chapter 100: New attraction

After a very long time, Shoko Nishimiya was happy in her life. She had a new friend to hang out with, and her mother also started to smile, albeit faintly, or at least she began to get flustered whenever Seiya's father was being mentioned.

If she were lucky, she would have Seiya as a brother that she could assume.

"Hm, Hm, Hmm~!"

She was in her room doing her room and drawing something when Yuzuru approached her with her camera hanging on her neck.

"Hey, sis! Look at these photos!" Yuzuru said and showed Shoko some beautiful photos.

"Hehe, goooode!" Shoko chuckled and patted Yuzuru's head.

"You look in high spirit these days…?"


Shoko then resumed her drawing when Yuruzu spoke.

"I was with Seiya last night. It seems he has a girlfriend."


Shoko stopped whatever she was doing and tilted her head as if asking, 'What does it have to do with me?'

"Just saying… Her name is Utaha Kasumigaoka, and she is kind of beautiful too." Yuzuru spoke.

Even though she didn't want to admit it, Utaha was hella beautiful. If Seiya was not standing with Yuzuru last night, Yuzuru might have mistaken Utaha for a model.

However, Yuzuru wanted to inform her sister to read her reaction, but Shoko looked clueless to Yuzuru's little surprise.

It means that Shoko only considers Seiya, a friend. That was good for her.

"Anyway, I gotta go. Bye." Yuzuru said and left.

Shoko tilted her head, confused by this news. She hadn't seen many couples living in Tokyo prefecture, but she guessed boys like Seiya with so much kindness and skills tend to have a girlfriend, right?


She suddenly noticed that the pencil in her hand was crushed into two. Her hand clenched it with a tight grip, and veins popped out around her arm.

How did that happen?

Confused, she tilted her head with a casual smile and then decided to pick a new pencil. For some reason, the other pencil was crushed too.

So to avoid wasting pencils, she decided to read a book instead. She didn't know why her body was reacting like that.


A man with an effeminate appearance with short shaved light hair, a noticeable widow's peak, large eyes, frameless spectacles, a single ring piercing in his left ear, and noticeably small eyebrows was fuming on his desk while holding a letter.


To hell with dear! Listen up, short pie, I have already attached all the documents and evidence of how your small company, Amagi Development Project, tried to destroy Amagi Brilliant Park.

Not only that, but you also acquired the remaining shares of Amagi Entertainment illegally. Meet me on Monday at Amagi Brilliant Park Office or get ready to receive legal notice.

Don't even think about forging false evidence to defend your ass.

Yours truly:

The one who will kick your ass.]

Yoshitake Yoshiro is the President of Yoshitake Real Estate and co-director of the Amagi Development Project, and right now, he is bloody pissed.

(AN: I was confused about his real name since, even in English pronunciation, he was called Yoshitake. But since his company name starts with that name, I will call him Yoshiro.)

"That fucker! When I was about to get Nogi back, now I have to deal with these rats!"

Of course, Yoshiro was well aware of a new little runt named Seiya Kanie, who had become a new manager even though he was just a high schooler. He was the sole reason that Amagi Brilliant Park could dodge the bullet.

He didn't care about that park. They could all go and blast that park for all he cared. What he was after was the land.

His original plan was to shut the park and transform it into a commercial district.

But now, all his plans started to crumble.

He left the work of destruction of the park to Amagi Development Project since the park was bound to shut down anyways. Still, his primary employee, Takaya Kurisu, seemed to have vanished into thin air.

Takaya was the main reason that Yoshiro entrusted the Amagi Development Project to him. Takaya had an excellent ability to manipulate people, but now the guy had disappeared from the earth's surface for some unknown reason.

If that was not a huge blow, he was now presented with a pile of evidence explaining all his dirty works. If it was to go to court, then even 'that' association wouldn't be able to help him.

He had done his share of shady business as a fundamental investor and took the company to its new height. He would be done if any of this news were to spread publicly.

If Seiya could get so much information about Yoshiro, he could no longer avoid this problem.

"Is there a way to avoid this mess?" Yoshiro asked his legal lawyer standing beside him.

"I-I am afraid no, sir… It seemed the evidence was very detailed and constructive. We will likely lose the case if the court is to call us."

"Tch. Freaking annoying! Just as I was about to get that fuc*ker Nogi, I have to deal with this kind of a mess."

Against his trillion yen company, Amagi Brilliant Park held a tiny part of his plan. It was before since he had his attention on Nogi Group, and now, it would be a massive problem if he received this blow.

In either case, he can't take any chance.

His anger transformed into an evil grin as he looked at two fighters standing right in front of him.

"Fine, you leave me no choice. It's not or never."

Since the runt likes to crawl so high, Yoshiro had to take him underground and let him see a new world.


Seiya smiled as he tried to imagine the furious expression of Yoshitake Real Estate's owner. With Daru, he had already gathered enough evidence to drag Yoshitake Yoshiro to court.

Seiya knew that the person running such a vast business wasn't an idiot. If Yoshiro could even recognize Seiya's threats, it would be a win for Seiya.

Of course, Seiya had already guessed Yoshiro's deal. All that is left is to meet with the person in question.

He had to acquire all the shares as soon as possible and merge Amagi Entertainment with his own company for several reasons.

The right to use Pokémon as mascots will efficiently be executed in Amagi Park without any issue.

Two, exams will be held at the start of June, so he won't be able to invest his time elsewhere.

It's not that he had any need to prepare for exams since he had cheat level skills to top any subject, but the exams will be hosted by National Board that will issue a ranking. He also had to tutor those helping in his Pokémon game so that their grades won't drop.

It will be such an adventure.

Speaking of adventure, Seiya was standing in front of a cave, Dornell's Cave, along with Isuzu and three idiot mascots of Amagi Brilliant Park.

It was located in Secondary Park, a few meters behind Amagi Stadium.

According to reports, it was an attraction where adventurers, a.k.a guests, had to enter groups to find Ruby's treasure, battle monsters, and navigate dungeon traps.

He came here to look for 'Treasures' that were rumored to be buried here.

Another reason was that he wanted to ascertain all the attractions in Secondary Park and spend some alone time with the busty girl standing beside him.

"Why are you dressed like that?" Seiya asked.

Seiya was wearing jeans, a thick shirt, work gloves, and hiking shoes. They were all things he didn't mind getting dirty, just in case he might need to dig up soil or go crawling through narrow spaces.

Meanwhile, Isuzu wore a safari shirt, hot pants, and sturdy jungle boots. Also, her trademark white socks were there. She had a large backpack on, too; she looked more like she was on an expedition in some secluded South American or African region than scouting a commercial property.

"I am accompanying you in secretarial function," Isuzu replied straight.

Isn't she looking forward to only time with great him?

He sighed and pointed his question to Three Idiots of Amaburi, "Then why are these three idiots here?"

"We are your bodyguards-mii." It was the pink cat Tiramy.

"There is no one better than us in dungeon exploration-ron." It was a fluffy ram named Macron.

"As the eldest and wisest here, I couldn't just leave you guys alone-fumo." And the final idiot was Moffle.

They are all asshole delinquents.

"Bodyguards, my ass, I know you jerks just want to loot treasure here!" Seiya yelled.

"Don't say that- mii!!" Tiramy squealed.

"But Kanie-kun, I remember this setting requires a party of 5 members, if I am not wrong, so their presence could still serve a purpose," Isuzu spoke.

"Hmmm…" Seiya tried to think. Well, all attractions of this park before his arrival were crazy. He was not expecting this simple-looking cave as any regular attraction, so it would be better if he could sacrifice these three idiots here.

"Hey, don't tell me you are looking for us to die. I could read your face- fumo!" Moffle spoke in a haul.

Even Isuzu and the other two could read his mind. Was he that easy to read?

"Let's go."

Seiya said and kicked Tiramy to lead.

Even though terrified of the unknown, the three mascots still took the lead as their desire for treasure was more potent than their lives.

And they reached the dead end.

The end.


Sorry for late chapter. I forget to put timer. Silly me~!

New Poll!!

Who should debut first in the second half of May?

1. A blackhead with good thighs, also known as the best girl

2. A redhead, wearing a white t-shirt and jeans, known for raising her personal Fu*k boy.

500 PSs for a bonus chapter.

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