
Powers and changes made by aura

Soon the person came right behind Damon tap home on the shoulder to draw his attention to them, feeling the touch Damon turns around making eye contact with the person he was waiting for all this time.

Seeing her now Damon is no longer in the mood to entertain her or anyone else for that matter using his animal speech has gotten him curious to use his other powers and thinking of how easily a normal human was able to get so close to him without him noticing it set off some alarms in his head. if that was a vampire that wanted him dead for whatever reason he would be dead for sure without any time to react or understand what had happened.

( even if I will be the strongest being in this world I am not yet I have to use my powers at least one time manually before the effects before passive so even if I have Muzuka's powers they are not activated yet)

Coming back from his thoughts Damon turns his focus back to the woman in front of him " hey sorry about this but something came up and I have to deal with it now so I can't accompany you today I'll make it up to u some other time " without waiting for a response Damon walks away leaving a confused woman and feather worshipping pigeon.

heading straight for his car the more he thinks about his decision or lack of to make activating his powers makes him feel foolish.

Stepping into his car he searches on the Internet for a park or someplace out of the way so no one could have any chance to see him while he is using his powers, starting the car he speeds off to Arizona Mills forest.

After driving for a while Damon finally arrives at his destination he parks his car and looks to see it already eight o clock and the forest is already dark and finds that the chances of anyone being out here is low but to be cautious he waits until around 11 when he is sure that no one would be in the forest, he exits his car and heads into the deeper parts of the forest walking further and further into the forest Damon hears wolves howling together from different directions but no other sounds to be heard except for the distant running of water which he figured would be a stream of some sort.

Arriving at a clearing with an approximately six-meter-wide stream dividing the rest of the forest. Damon finally stops walking, looking around to make sure he does not spot anything out of the ordinary.

Deciding that this was a good place to use his powers for the first time Damon then looks at memories related to his powers to see how to activate them, finds the information that he needs Damon does as it says

looking at the sky Damon announces out loud with a voice full of confidence " I inherit all the powers of the strongest Lord of wolves in history and using his powers I shall live free without any regrets and will never bring shame to werewolf race"

After repeating the phrase in his memories Damon waits for something to happen after standing there for 3 minutes he started to get embarrassed but then he noticed sweat dripping down his body at night it was strange right after his heart started beating faster and louder like drum echoed for miles his muscles expanded and condensed countless times each time crushing his bones to be healed each time becoming stronger and stronger while each time more painful than the last Damon didn't even have the time to scream before the pain stunned Jim unable to think or move blood flow out of his body from his eyes, ears, and nose.

finally, after what seemed like days to Damon his body grew taller, his muscles expanded not as big as before, his night-black hair grew longer his nails turned into sharp weapons that can cut anything to pieces his eyebrows grew out and upwards resembling horns and his eyes an even brighter and scarier red, he stood there stand a shocking 8ft tall in his transformation covering all the animals present in the forest in his power making all wolves present in this forest bow down and whimper and all other creatures run in fear.

unable to resist the primal instincts that compelled him Damon let out a monstrous howl uprooting the trees around him and decimating the land around him( this was just a normal howl, not Muzaka's ability sonic howl as that would cause too much damage) and sound traveling for miles.

Seeming to have regained some control of himself Damon walks to the stream and looks at himself and can't help but feel happy with his appearance and power, calming down he looks through the information he has just gained about his abilities but is pulled from his thoughts when he feels a connection with something far away and his connection is getting stronger and stronger bot knowing what to do his calms himself and returns to his fully human state but that does not help at all as he feels the connection becoming even stronger and trying to fully form unable to think of anything to stop the situation Damon becomes increasingly angry until CRACK a dreadful sound spread out from Damon's body than another then another until all his bones either cracked or moved to facilitate this new transformation.

His body grew bigger and his mouth turned into a wolf's snout as he grew it looked as if he disappeared into the night, but looking closely you would notice something amiss. then out of the night, two large red orbs appeared shining with intelligence then a huge wolf paw came taking a step forward towards the stream looking at the reflection you could see an approximately 17 feet tall pitch black wolf with shining red eyes, but within those eyes now contained confusion upon seeing its reflection, this wolf is Damon.

Upon seeing his appearance he was confused as he had Muzuka's powers he understands his first transformation as it is the same as Muzuka's the only difference is their hair color, also he could feel the connection that was forming is now complete and is pulling him to go somewhere this just confused Damon even more, as his confusion became deeper he was pulled from it as he received a message in his mind and seeing who the sender was he was surprised.

"Hello, Damon if you received this message I guess you finally used your powers, and you are surprised by the second transformation and the connection that has formed between you and another to put it simply it is a mate bond that has been created because of the massive amounts of aura you now that you have gained Muzuka's powers. you may ask yourself what does that have to do with the mate bonds well everything. in order to make you be able to use aura in that world I ingrained it in supernatural lore all the powers that vampires' werewolves etc have in that world now comes from them having aura except the extinct witches who used magic, but unlike you they have a fixed amount and use of it and can't use it for anything else like Edward uses his aura for mindreading but cant use it for anything else, now normal for a mate bond to form the persons would have to be a certain distance to each other but because of the amount you have you were able to make a bond from a very far distance the way it work is simply your aura contain traits from your personality and has it own wavelength to form a mate bond two peoples aura must be one hundred percent compatible this does not mean that they will behave the same it just mean that they would accept each other better than anyone else, as for your other transformation it happened because to make muzaka's powers easily fit in this world without cause any other changes I changed the way the world see u to a werewolf of that world just a lot stronger and having another transformation making your full wolf transformation your true form and your first transformation your hybrid form.

Sender: God

After taking in this information Damon didn't know what to do, but he was happy that not much was changed, while Damon was thinking of what to do someone else was extremely happy feeling the mate bond that formed inside her.

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